2016 - African Leadership Academy Peer OR Community Member Recommendation....

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Campus Address

1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190

Dear Finalist,
Please clearly write or type your name and school below. Please then give this form to a teacher of your choice who
knows you well. He or she should return email it directly to admissions@africanleadershipacademy.org (this
is the preferred option). Your recommender can also submit this form via fax to +27 11 252 6190 or via certified
courier to African Leadership Academy, 1050 Printech Avenue, Honeydew, 2040, South Africa. Please list “ALA
Admissions Manager” as the receiver & write +27 11 699 3000 for the receiver’s phone number. Alternatively the
recommender may hand this form to you in a sealed envelope and sign the envelope across the seal.
Applicant Name:
Signature: Date:

Dear Recommender,
The student listed above is a Finalist for admission to African Leadership Academy, a world-class pan-African
boarding school that aims to develop future generations of African leaders. He or she has asked you to write a letter
of reference on behalf of your student. Your letter of reference is an extremely important tool for our Admissions
committee – we deeply value the thoughts and insights shared by educators who know our applicants well. To get a
fuller picture of the candidate, we are interested in your perspectives on the applicant’s personal and academic

Below are some of our thoughts on how recommenders can be most helpful to our Admissions committee. We
request that you fill in this form honestly and completely, using as many specific examples as possible. The more
descriptive and clear you can be, the more we will understand your experience with the applicant and his/her
specific qualities.

An example of a less helpful statement:

This student is impacting his community, especially at the Christian Church. He is very involved and everyone
knows that we can count on him.

An example of a more helpful statement:

This student is very involved at his church (Christian Church, Rivonia, Johannesburg) where he leads the choir and
organizes fundraising activities. His involvement at church has allowed him to interact with different members of
the community, who are all very grateful for the role he plays. Each week, the choir practices for 2 hours and the
student is always present. He organized fundraising activities twice a year over the last 4 years. The last initiative
was a great success, where they managed to raise $2000 for a local orphanage.

Please email this form to admissions@africanleadershipacademy.org (this is the preferred option). You may also
fax or courier the form as per instructions above. Alternatively you may hand it to the Finalist in a sealed envelope
and sign the envelope across the seal. African Leadership Academy may contact you to verify the information
included in this document. Thank you for your time and assistance!

Gender: Male Female Age:
Position/Title (eg. Pastor, fellow student):
Mobile Phone: Other Phone:

Developing the next generation of African leaders

Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190

Fax: Other:
What is the best way to contact you regarding the student’s application to African Leadership
Mobile Phone Other Phone Email Fax Other
How long have you known the student? Years Months
1. Please tell us how you know this person.

2. What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this candidate?

3. Do you believe that this person has potential to be a transformative leader? Please describe a
time when he/she made a contribution in his/her school or community—big or small--that
exemplifies their potential.

4. What is unique about this candidate?

5. If admitted, in which areas would the candidate need the most support? (could be personal,
academic, or social)

Developing the next generation of African leaders

Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190


At African Leadership Academy we have a set of core values that guide our decision-making and leadership
development model. Below are the 6 values of the Academy along with a brief description of each:

 Excellence – We set high standards for our own achievement and celebrate the achievement of others.
 Diversity - We respect all people and believe that difference should be celebrated.
 Humility - We are thankful for our opportunities and are aware of our limitations.
 Compassion - We empathize with and care for those around us.
 Integrity - We are people of our word, with the courage to do what is right.
 Curiosity - We challenge the status quo and take the initiative to pursue new ideas.
Please rate the student’s modelling of each of our values by choosing the answer that best describes
them and marking it in the space below. Please note that our scale is quite demanding; earning a “5” is

0= never 1= rarely 2= sometimes 3= frequently 4= almost always 5=always and role model in this area

Please enter your score for each of the questions on the right hand side of the table below.
Curiosity 1. This person likes doing something new or hard, even if it is not guaranteed to
be successful. This person often delves into new studies or projects out of pure
intellectual interest.
Compassion 2. This person tries to help when he/she sees other people in need or hurting.
Integrity 3. If this person makes a promise, they keep it. This person has strong morals
and exercises them in their daily life.
Humility 4. This person is aware of his/her limitations (weaknesses) and tries to improve
on them.
Diversity 5. This person appreciates the views of others who think differently. This person
asks questions often and tries to understand other ways of thinking.
Excellence 6. Even when going through difficult times, this person still manages to do good

Overall, I recommend this student for admission to African Leadership Academy:

Not recommended Recommended with reservations Positively Enthusiastically Very highest
recommendation (exceptional fit for ALA)

I certify that the information provided on this form is accurate to my knowledge and reflects my true
opinion of the student whose name appears at the top.

Developing the next generation of African leaders

Campus Address
1050 Printech Ave, Honeydew 2040 South Africa

Postal Address
Postnet Suite 413, Private Bag X1
Northcliff 2115 South Africa

Phone: +27 11 699 3000 Fax: +27 11 252 6190


Signature: Date:

REMINDER: Please email this form to admissions@africanleadershipacademy.org. Thank you!

Developing the next generation of African leaders

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