Wapda Consuption

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Wapda Consuption Diff

16/3/2024 6:00 17/3/2024 6:00 Diff

EMS System 6541940 6586880 44940
Cement System 221729 221807.63 78.630000000005
EMS value in Mwh 44.94
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -33.690000000005
Wapda Reverse Diff
Unit 16/3/2024 6:00 17/3/2024 6:00
Cement system time
kwh 06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 118435 120047
Mwh Cement System 695926 696196

Mwh Diff Between EMS & Cement System

se Diff
Diff Unit
1612 kwh
270 kwh

1342 kwh
Wapda Consuption Diff
17/3/2024 6:00 18/3/2024 6:00
EMS System 6586935 6665727
Cement System 221854.3 221932.36
EMS value in Mwh

Diff Between EMS & Cement System

ption Diff Wapda
Diff Unit
Cement system time
78792 kwh 06:10 to 06:10 EMS System
78.0599999999977 Mwh Cement System
0.73200000000233 Mwh Diff Between EMS & Cement S
Wapda Reverse Diff
17/3/2024 6:00 18/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
120047 120171 124 kwh
697918 698070 152 kwh

Diff Between EMS & Cement System -28 kwh

Wapda Consuption Diff
18/3/2024 6:00 19/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
EMS System 6665727 6777742 112015 kwh
Cement System 221932.36 222044.02 111.66 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 112.015
Diff Between EMS & Cement System 0.354999999997 Mwh
Wapda Reverse
18/3/2024 6:00
Cement system time 06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 120171
Cement System 698070

Diff Between EMS & Cement System

Wapda Reverse Diff
19/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
120276 105 kwh
698192 122 kwh

& Cement System -17 kwh

Wapda Consuption Diff
19/3/2024 6:00 20/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
EMS System 6777742 6893308 115566 kwh
Cement System 222044.02 222158.56 114.54 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 115.566
Diff Between EMS & Cement System 1.026 Mwh
Wapda Reverse Diff
19/3/2024 6:00 20/3/2024 6:00
Cement system time 06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 120276 120407
Cement System 698192 698331

Diff Between EMS & Cement System

rse Diff
Diff Unit
131 kwh
139 kwh

-8 kwh
Wapda Consuption Diff
20/3/2024 6:00 21/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
EMS System 6893308 6948938 55630 kwh
Cement System 222158.56 222216.5 57.94 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 55.63
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -2.31 Mwh

Wapda Consuption Diff

20/3/2024 6:00 21/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
EMS System 6893308 6948938 55630 kwh
Cement System 222158.63 222216.48 57.85 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 55.63
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -2.22 Mwh
Wapda Reverse Diff
20/3/2024 6:00 21/3/2024 6:00
Cement system time 06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 120407 122565
Cement System 698331 700563.5

Diff Between EMS & Cement System

Wapda Reverse Diff

20/3/2024 6:00 21/3/2024 6:00
Cement system time 06:12 to 06:12 EMS System 120407 122565
Cement System 698331 700602

Diff Between EMS & Cement System

rse Diff
Diff Unit
2158 kwh
2232.5 kwh

-74.5 kwh

rse Diff
Diff Unit
2158 kwh
2271 kwh

-113 kwh
Wapda Consuption Diff
21/3/2024 6:00 22/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
EMS System 6948938 6981442 32504 kwh 06:10 to 06:10
Cement System 222216.5 222255.33 38.83 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 32.504
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -6.326 Mwh

Wapda Consuption Diff

21/3/2024 6:00 22/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
EMS System 6948938 6981442 32504 kwh 06:12 to 06:12
Cement System 222216.48 222255.33 38.85 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 32.504
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -6.346 Mwh
Wapda Reverse Diff
21/3/2024 6:00 22/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 122565 125380 2815 kwh
Cement System 700563.5 703568 3004.5 kwh

Diff Between EMS & Cement System -189.5 kwh

Wapda Reverse Diff

21/3/2024 6:00 22/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
06:12 to 06:12 EMS System 122565 125380 2815 kwh
Cement System 700602 703568 2966 kwh

Diff Between EMS & Cement System -151 kwh

Wapda Consuption Diff
22/3/2024 6:00 23/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
EMS System 6981442 7024540 43098 kwh 06:10 to 06:10
Cement System 222255.33 222301.45 46.12 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 43.098
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -3.022 Mwh
Wapda Reverse Diff
22/3/2024 6:00 23/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 125380 129109 3729 kwh
Cement System 703568 707433 3865 kwh

Diff Between EMS & Cement System -136 kwh

Wapda Consuption Diff
23/3/2024 6:00 24/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
EMS System 7024540 7067681 43141 kwh 06:10 to 06:10
Cement System 222301.45 222346.64 45.19 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 43.141
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -2.049 Mwh
Wapda Reverse Diff
23/3/2024 6:00 24/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 129109 130129 1020 kwh
Cement System 707433 708661 1228 kwh

Diff Between EMS & Cement System -208 kwh

Wapda Consuption Diff
24/3/2024 6:00 25/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
EMS System 7067681 7101701 34020 kwh 06:10 to 06:10
Cement System 222346.64 222385.58 38.94 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 34.02
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -4.92 Mwh
Wapda Reverse Diff
24/3/2024 6:00 25/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 130129 135060 4931 kwh
Cement System 708661 713897 5236 kwh

Diff Between EMS & Cement System -305 kwh

Wapda Consuption Diff
25/3/2024 6:00 26/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
EMS System 7101701 7128611 26910 kwh 06:10 to 06:10
Cement System 222385.58 222419.17 33.59 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 26.91
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -6.68 Mwh
Wapda Reverse Diff
25/3/2024 6:00 26/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 135060 141093 6033 kwh
Cement System 713897 720240 6343 kwh

Diff Between EMS & Cement System -310 kwh

Wapda Consuption Diff
26/3/2024 6:00 27/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
EMS System 7128611 7169170 40559 kwh 06:10 to 06:10
Cement System 222419.17 222463.42 44.25 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 40.559
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -3.691 Mwh
Wapda Reverse Diff
26/3/2024 6:00 27/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 141093 144550 3457 kwh
Cement System 720240 723977 3737 kwh

Diff Between EMS & Cement System -280 kwh

Wapda Consuption Diff
27/3/2024 6:00 28/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
EMS System 7169170 7212508 43338 kwh 06:10 to 06:10
Cement System 222463.42 222508.81 45.39 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 43.338
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -2.052 Mwh
Wapda Reverse Diff
27/3/2024 6:00 28/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 144550 147485 2935 kwh
Cement System 723977 727273 3296 kwh

Diff Between EMS & Cement System -361 kwh

Wapda Consuption Diff
28/3/2024 6:00 29/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
EMS System 7212508 7250372 37864 kwh 06:10 to 06:10
Cement System 222508.81 222552.08 43.27 Mwh
EMS value in Mwh 37.864
Diff Between EMS & Cement System -5.406 Mwh
Wapda Reverse Diff
28/3/2024 6:00 29/3/2024 6:00 Diff Unit
Cement system time
06:10 to 06:10 EMS System 147485 151026 3541 kwh
Cement System 727273 731160 3887 kwh

Diff Between EMS & Cement System -346 kwh

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