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Mustafa Ihsan,

Rani Timergara,
Dir Lower, KPK.

Honorable chief Minister


Subject: Request for Financial Assistance for Safia Ihsan's Bone Marrow Transplant
Respected Chief Minister of Pakistan

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to bring to your
attention a matter of great urgency and compassion that requires your consideration. It concerns
the life of my young girl, Safia Ihsan, who is battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia at the
Combined Military Hospital (CMH) Rawalpindi.
Safia Ihsan, the 14-year-old, has been courageously fighting this life-threatening disease for the
last three years, but her doctors at CMH Rawalpindi have advised that her best chance for
survival is a bone marrow transplant. Miraculously, Safia has found an HLA-matched donor in
her elder brother, Mustafa Ihsan. This presents a unique opportunity to save her life.
The total cost of the bone marrow transplant is a staggering 3.5 million rupees. The hospital has
set a deadline of 22 December 2023 for the deposit of this amount which places an immense
financial burden on my family. We are 4 siblings and all are students while my father is a labour.
We are doing everything to our power to gather the necessary funds, but the magnitude of this
expense is beyond our means.It is with a heavy heart that I write to request your assistance in
converting the cost of Safia's bone marrow transplant to government charges or, if possible,
securing financial support from government funds. This would greatly alleviate the financial
hardship that my family is currently facing and enable them to proceed with the life-saving
treatment without further delay.
Safia is a bright and promising young girl with her whole life ahead of her. My family is
dedicated and hardworking, and we have already endured tremendous emotional and financial
strain due to her illness. With your support, we can give Safia the fighting chance she deserves to
overcome this life-threatening disease and lead a healthy and productive life.
I kindly request your urgent intervention and compassionate consideration of this matter. Your
support in converting the cost to government charges would be a lifeline for Safia and my
family. I am confident that your assistance in this critical situation will not only change the life
of this young girl but also serve as an example of the compassion and care our government
provides to its citizens in times of dire need.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for considering our request. I am available to
provide any additional information or meet in person to discuss this matter further. Your support
will make a significant difference in Safia's battle against leukemia.

Mustafa Ihsan. (Brother) Email:
Cell: 0349-9258954/ 0322-1561975

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