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ARTICLE doi:10.


Nomadic ecology shaped the highland

geography of Asia’s Silk Roads
Michael D. Frachetti1, C. Evan Smith1, Cynthia M. Traub2 & Tim Williams3

There are many unanswered questions about the evolution of the ancient ‘Silk Roads’ across Asia. This is especially the
case in their mountainous stretches, where harsh terrain is seen as an impediment to travel. Considering the ecology and
mobility of inner Asian mountain pastoralists, we use ‘flow accumulation’ modelling to calculate the annual routes of
nomadic societies (from 750 m to 4,000 m elevation). Aggregating 500 iterations of the model reveals a high-resolution
flow network that simulates how centuries of seasonal nomadic herding could shape discrete routes of connectivity
across the mountains of Asia. We then compare the locations of known high-elevation Silk Road sites with the geography
of these optimized herding flows, and find a significant correspondence in mountainous regions. Thus, we argue that
highland Silk Road networks (from 750 m to 4,000 m) emerged slowly in relation to long-established mobility patterns
of nomadic herders in the mountains of inner Asia.

Historians and archaeologists agree that Eurasia’s overland ‘Silk Roads’ 5,000 years ago11,12. Within a diverse spectrum of nomadic h ­ erding
were defined by a complex network of pathways linking trade centres economies that developed at this time across Eurasia, vertically
from China to the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond1–3. Whereas low- transhumant pastoralism emerged as one of the most ancient and
land oases defined the geographic setting for large towns and cities, ­successful ecological strategies to exploit the increased seasonal
the vast mountainous regions lying between regional lowlands were ­productivity of highland pastures in the mountains of inner Asia13–15.
an integral part of this transcontinental network4–6. Current scholarly From the 3rd to 2nd millennium bc, mobile pastoralists thrived across
attempts to map the pathways of the Silk Road have focused on major highland inner Asia and fostered longstanding interactive spheres that
centres, combining historical (chronological) information with spa- spanned from the Hindu Kush to the Altai Mountains and eastern Tian
tial methods to ‘connect the dots’ between known sites throughout Shan in China16–23. Mobile pastoralists are recognized as important
this lowland and highland system7,8. These renderings rely primarily agents of exchange between ancient trade centres, east and west across
on terrain-based ‘least cost’ travel algorithms to predict likely routes, Asia24–27. However, their influence in determining the geography of the
which is largely effective in lowland zones where economic networks routes and social nodes that underpinned historical Silk Road interac-
and mobility between urban centres are consistent with ease of travel7,8. tion is less explicitly documented and rarely quantified.
However, data summarized from more than 50 years of research con-
cerning nomadic adaptive strategies in Asia’s highland elevations sug- Modelling nomadic mobility and connectivity
gests that ‘ease of travel’ was probably not the dominant factor dictating Archaeological and ethnographic evidence from inner Asia shows that
mobility across the mountains9. Variables that are fundamental to high- for over 4,500 years herders have exploited highland pastures in the
land nomadic herding strategies, such as seasonal pasture quality and summer, when grass resources are rich, and returned in winter to lower
variation in annual mobility patterns, have not been reliably tested in elevations where ecological conditions are favourable during colder
relation to Silk Road geography. Thus, it remains uncertain to what months28–30. Flow accumulation modelling has been used effectively
extent mobile pastoralist ecology contributed to the high elevation to simulate seasonal nomadic migrations of Bronze Age pastoralists
pathways of the Silk Road, which were essential for the wider network between foothills and high-elevation pastures of Kazakhstan, using
to function. Our model uses variables that are relevant to mountain archaeological and environmental parameters quantified from field-
nomadism to simulate annual herding ‘flow accumulations’ across based archaeological survey data31. In an effort to understand whether
highland Asia, without using known Silk Road locations as input. nomadic ecology and mobility affected the geography of highland
Rather, we compare our simulated networks of ‘flow’ with the histor- connectivity at a continental scale, we simulated seasonal herding
ical locations of mountainous Silk Road sites, effectively testing the patterns across the mountains of inner Asia and correlated the geography
relationship between nomadic mobility and the highland geography of these pathways with the locations of historically documented high-
of Silk Road interaction. elevation Silk Road sites.
Central Asia’s geography of deserts, inland deltas, steppes, and high The ‘pastoralist participation’ model (Extended Data Fig. 1; see
mountain ranges has influenced the evolution of domestic economies also simulates the aggre-
and interaction for millennia. The first Neolithic farming societies gated seasonal mobility of domestic herd animals across a broad
in the region exploited low plains and foothills of the Kopet Dag territory straddling dominant mountain chains in Asia (Fig. 1).
mountains10, with limited expansions northward before the 3rd millen- The central mountainous regions of Asia have been described as
nium bc. The extreme aridity of the Kyzylkum and Karakum deserts the ‘inner Asian mountain corridor’, a territory of related ecology
restricted ancient agriculturalists to riverways and deltas, eventually and archaeology that linked central and east Asian pastoralists and
channelling the spread of domestic crops (and animals) northward settled communities over the past 4,500 years16,32,33. In historical times,
along the rain-fed piedmont of the inner Asian mountains, roughly this mountain corridor geographically overlapped with the highland
SAIE Laboratory, Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis, 1 Brookings Drive, CB 1114, St. Louis, Missouri 63130, USA. 2University Libraries, Washington University in St.
Louis, 1 Brookings Drive, CB 1061, St. Louis, Missouri 63130, USA. 3Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 31–34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY, UK.

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60° 0′ 0″ E 70° 0′ 0″ E 80° 0′ 0″ E 90° 0′ 0″ E 100° 0′ 0″ E


50° 0′ 0″ N 50° 0′ 0″ N


Taraz Talgar Turpan Hami
Uzbekistan Sayram
Kyrgyzstan Kuga Korla
Tashkent Aksu
Kokand Loulan
40° 0′ 0″ N Bukhara Kashgar China 40° 0′ 0″ N
Samarkand Shache Jiayuguan
Turkmenistan Tajikistan Qiemo
Merv Tashkurgan
Mashhad Balkh Keriya Wuwei
Gilgit N
Nishapur Bagram
Herat Kabul
Taxila Srinagar

Iran Afghanistan 0 250 500 1,000
30° 0′ 0″ N 30° 0′ 0″ N


60° 0′ 0″ E 70° 0′ 0″ E 80° 0′ 0″ E 90° 0′ 0″ E 100° 0′ 0″ E

Figure 1 | Geography of inner Asian study zone (in colour) and location of main Silk Road cities across Asia. 55° N 60° E, 30° N 60° E, and 30° N
100° E, 55° N 100° E.

stretches of Silk Road connectivity and commerce, across which a range were then compared spatially with the location of the 258 known Silk
of populations facilitated trans-continental caravan trade and local Road sites within the modelled elevation ROI. As these sites were not
interactions from antiquity to the early modern era17,34. factors in generating the flow model, they serve as an independent
Briefly setting aside the diverse social factors that influence moun- proxy to compare highland Silk Road geography with the cumulative
tain pastoralism in regional contexts, we consider broadly documented mobility patterns of seasonal pastoralists across the mountains of inner
variables that shape its expression in highland inner Asia including: Asia. To statistically validate this correspondence, we also compared
(1) seasonal geography of settlement and mobility; (2) grass (fodder) aggregate flow values at an equal number of randomly generated points
quality and distribution; (3) settlement density and population size; (n =​ 258) distributed across the elevation ROI, and iterated this process
and (4) time. Our high-resolution flow model explicitly simulates the 200 times (see Methods).
influence of natural pasture quality on flows of domesticated herd
animals between elevations of 750 m and 4,000 m, which we take as Results
our modelled elevation ‘range of interest’ (ROI). This elevation range A single iteration of the pastoralist participation model produces
effectively defines the lower and upper boundaries of mountain grass- a dendritic pattern of flow accumulations reminiscent of streams,
land ecology relevant to pastoralist mobility across highland inner Asia simulating ecologically driven trajectories of herding mobility
(Methods, Supplementary Discussion 1). Of the 618 known Silk Road throughout the modelled elevation ROI (Fig. 2a). In ArcGIS, flow
sites distributed within our broader study zone, 258 sites are located accumulation assigns increasing values to map cells where the simu-
within the modelled elevation ROI (Extended Data Fig. 2a). Lowland lated herds coalesce, similar to tributaries joining to form streams of
oasis regions, in addition to being distorted by modern industrializa- increasing magnitude (Methods). Each run of the model produces a
tion, were historically dominated by urban agricultural populations unique raster map illustrating considerable variation in the geography
for which the underlying ecology of connectivity has been shown to of flow accumulation (from run to run). A pattern of high-magnitude
be dissimilar to those at play in the mountains35,36 (Supplementary regional flow values (>​30,000) begins to emerge after mathe­matically
Discussion 1). adding ten iterations of flow accumulation (sumFA_10) across the
The pastoralist participation model simulates trajectories of posi- modelled elevation ROI (Fig. 2b, Supplementary Discussion 2).
tive ‘flow’ values that trace optimized herding pathways from highland Mathematically summing 500 flow accumulation iterations
pastures towards piedmont campsites, using classified grass quality (sumFA_500) generates an extensive network of inter-regional flows,
to direct the flows (Methods). By iterating the model 500 times, we which shape discrete pathways of connectivity across highland inner
reproduce repeated nomadic migrations with variation through time, Asia (Fig. 2c). The resulting maps reflect the network of pathways
introducing parametric changes in winter campsite distribution and the that would emerge from the long-term accumulation of transhumant
distances and directions of seasonal mobility across the ROI for each mobility, represented as raster cells with positive flow accumulation
run (Extended Data Figs 3–5). Maps of aggregated flow accumulation values in the aggregate flow maps. Raster cells with a value of zero

1 9 4 | NAT U R E | VO L 5 4 3 | 9 M A RC H 2 0 1 7
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a a 40
Flow accumulation (single run, 2_100 ) Randomized settlements (n = 5,000)
accumulation value Highland pasture zone 200 iterations Mean = 0.2837
0–30,000 of randomized points 95% confidence interval = 0.2800–0.2875

30,001–100,000 (n = 258) P < 0.01
Silk Road sites (n = 258)
z score = 10.81 0.5736
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

b 30
25 200 iterations Mean = 0.4090
of randomized points 95% confidence

20 interval = 0.4050–0.4132
(n = 258)
15 P < 0.01
Silk Road sites
10 (n = 258)
40° 0′ 0″ N z score = 11.47 0.7442
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Percentage of sites with flow accumulation values >0
0 50 100 200
km Figure 3 | Comparative percentages of non-zero values extracted from
the pastoralist participation model using 200 cohorts of 258 randomly
b generated points (left) versus 258 actual Silk Road sites (arrow) within
10 iterations of flow Randomized settlements (n = 5,000)
accumulation value Highland pasture zone the modelled elevation ROI (750 m to 4,000 m). a, Values extracted from
0–30,000 the aggregate of 500 iterations of flow accumulations (mean percentage
30,001–1,000,000 of random points with non-zero values =​ 0.2837 versus Silk Road sites
0.5736, z score >​  10), one-sample t-test, P <​  0.01. b, Values extracted from
the statistically buffered aggregate of 500 iterations of flow accumulations
(mean percentage of random points =​ 0.4091 versus Silk Road sites 0.7442,
z score >​  10), one-sample t-test, P <​ 0.01. Arrow indicates the percentage
of non-zero values extracted at known Silk Road sites in the modelled
elevation ROI (Source Data is available in the online version of the paper).
A full statistical report is available in Supplementary Information.

represent areas where no pathways converge in 500 summed iterations

of the pastoralist participation model.
Out of the 258 Silk Road sites distributed within our modelled eleva-
40° 0′ 0″ N
tion ROI, we find that 148 (57.36%) fall on aggregate flow accumulation
N values greater than zero (Fig. 3a). When values at highland Silk Road
site locations were extracted from a statistically buffered flow accu-
0 50 100 200
mulation map (created by averaging values of neighbouring grid cells
a distance of 2 km from positive flow accumulations, see Methods),
c 192 (74.42%) highland Silk Roads sites fall on flow values greater than
Randomized settlements (n = 5,000)
500 iterations of flow
accumulation value Highland pasture zone zero (Fig. 3b). The buffered flow accumulation aggregate simulates the
likelihood of spatial variation in grassland distribution through time
and the possibility that sites might be built ‘close’ but not ‘on’ pathways
180,000,000–250,000,000 (see Methods and Supplementary Discussion 2).
350,000,000–500,000,000 When flow values were evaluated using 200 iterated cohorts of
258 randomly generated points across the modelled elevation ROI
900,000,000–1,100,000,000 (Extended Data Fig. 2b), a mean number of 73.2 (28.37%; s.d. =​  6.92)
fall on flow accumulation values greater than zero (Fig. 3a). The mean
number of random points that fall on flow accumulation values greater
than zero rises to 105.5 (40.91%; s.d. =​ 7.53) when the flow value at
points was evaluated using the statistically buffered flow accumulation
aggregate (Fig. 3b).
The z score of the counts of positive values extracted by the randomly
40° 0′ 0″ N generated point cohorts shows that the number of highland Silk Road
N sites falling on pathways simulated by our model is more than 10 s.d.
away from the mean of random points. The P values derived from a
0 50 100 200
one-sample t-test comparing the count distribution of positive flow
values extracted at randomized points against the number recorded at
highland Silk Road sites indicate there is a statistically significant differ-
70° 0′ 0″ E 80° 0′ 0″ E ence between the number of points within a randomly generated cohort
that fall on pathways generated by the pastoralist participation model
Figure 2 | Flow accumulation pathways generated by the pastoralist
and the number of highland Silk Road sites that fall on the pathways
participation model between highland pastures (green) and winter
campsite (blue) zones (750 m to 4,000 m). a, Detail of a single iteration of
(P <​ 0.01) (see Methods and Supplementary Information).
flows. b, Detail of a 10-iteration aggregate of flow accumulations. c, Detail of
a 500-iteration aggregate of flow accumulations. ‘Randomized settlements’ Discussion
refer to a single run of 5,000 randomized points used as input during each of The first conclusion we can draw from our results is that an extensive
the 500 iterations of flow accumulation in the pastoralist participation model. network of connectivity emerges as an aggregate effect of seasonal

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Flow accumulation at sites 500 iterations of flow a N

–9999 (Nodata) accumulation
0–100 0–30,000 204
101–30,000 0 37.5 75 150
1,100,000–5,000,000 335
30,001–500,000 km
7 337
180,000,000–250,000,000 142 365 25
30 13
260,000,000–340,000,000 349
50° 0′ 0″ N 210
350,000,000–500,000,000 26 23
227 219
510,000,000–730,000,000 20214
740,000,000–890,000,000 223 220 221
900,000,000–1,100,000,000 427
21 17 22
217457 12 426
a Almaty
Turpan 131 224
Korla 212
Kuga 125
Tashkent Aksu 216
Loulan Dunhuang
Bukhara Kokand 215 31
40° 0′ 0″ N Kashgar 421
Samarkand Jiayuguan 211
Qarkilik 458
Shache Qiemo
Merv Tashkurgan 28
Khotan 237 283
Balkh Keriya 40° 0′ 0″ N
c 2427 35
Kabul 83
133 199
Bamyan Taxila
Herat Srinagar 70

30° 0′ 0″ N
60° 0′ 0″ E 70° 0′ 0″ E 80° 0′ 0″ E 90° 0′ 0″ E 100° 0′ 0″ E

b N
217457 12 c 335 47 61
144 7 337
226 79
131 224
212 125 18
216 225 210 38
0 37.5 75 150 215 34
km 421 31 20214 50 52
221222 19
458211 16 140
28 220 427 1415 196191
33 37 195 139 41
237 283
40° 0′ 0″ N 107 21 1722 200 138
426 58 76
27 35
83 24 136
133 199

117 70
92 383 86 40° 0′ 0″ N
115 82 122 90 36
88 134
103 109 368 5 78
89 749 402
113 345
112120 329 40
134 367
56 64
5 78 404
85 77
244 366 121 749
433 405
123 62
436 87 158
135 185
395 328

152 0 50 100 200

153 km

70° 0′ 0″ E 80° 0′ 0″ E

Figure 4 | Geographic correspondence between known highland at Silk Road sites located within the modelled elevation ROI (750 m to
Silk Road sites and 500 aggregated simulated flow accumulations of 4,000 m). Point numbers correspond to site names listed in the field
the pastoralist participation model. a–c, Detailed sub-regional maps ‘ObjectID_1’ found in the Silk Road dataset (Source Data is available in
illustrate the magnitude of aggregated flow accumulation values extracted the online version of the paper).

mobility amongst small and geographically sparse mobile herding (fodder, water, etc.) was probably influential in the development of
populations across the highlands of inner Asia. After 500 iterations, diverse networks37–39. Our model also highlights potential pathways
or the modelled equivalent of 20 human generations, flow aggrega- and connectivity in areas where historical Silk Road sites are less known
tions form a near-continuous geography of ‘pathways’ that discretely archaeologically, such as west of Narat in Xinjiang China (Extended
connect over 74% of highland Silk Road sites (750 m to 4,000 m) Data Fig. 6a). As such, it provides scholars the opportunity to target
(Fig. 4a–c). new regions for Silk Road research and exploration and to revise the
The results of the pastoralist participation model also offer an history and cartography of interregional interaction on the basis of
alternative to conceptualizing the geography of the highland Silk easily modelled variables (Extended Data Fig. 6b, c).
Roads on the basis of topographic ‘ease of travel’ and ‘connecting The earliest historical sources that describe overland trade networks
the dots’ between known Silk Road sites (Extended Data Fig. 6a–c). across Asia are dated to roughly 200 bc5. Yet recent archaeological
Our high-resolution aggregate flow accumulation maps illustrate the research from the region demonstrates that informal (that is, pre-
argument that the mountainous routes of the Silk Road more likely bureaucratic) relationships between mobile pastoralists and their neigh-
developed as a series of short-distance exchanges along herding routes, bours resulted in extensive and complex distributions of commodities,
with travellers rarely covering long distances7,15. Existing tracks of pas- technologies, and ideologies, already by 2,500 bc along the inner Asian
toralist movement through the mountains were rooted in local knowl- mountain corridor16,40,41. Well-documented transmissions of domes-
edge of the landscape, whereas informal or formal access to resources ticated grains, metallurgical technologies, and other materials and

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bulletin 31–54,​afficheN&cpsidt=​17748473 (2003). Author Contributions M.D.F. conceptualized the study, designed, and executed
42. Honeychurch, W. Alternative complexities: the archaeology of pastoral the spatial model, and wrote the manuscript with editing and approval from
nomadic states. J. Archaeol. Res. 22, 277–326 (2014). C.E.S., T.W. and C.M.T. C.E.S. carried out spatial modelling and script coding in
43. Rogers, J. D. The contingencies of state formation in eastern Inner Asia. Asian ArcGIS and Python. C.M.T. carried out statistical modelling and analysis of the
Perspect. 46, 249–274 (2007). results. T.W. provided the Silk Road site database and contributed to analysis
44. Brosseder, U. & Miller, B. K. Xiongnu Archaeology – Multidisciplinary Perspectives and interpretation of the results. M.D.F. carried out spatial and statistical
of the First Steppe Empire in Inner Asia in Bonn Contributions to Asian analysis and interpretation of the results with contributions and input from
Archaeology 5 (ed. Bemmann, J.) (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität C.E.S., C.M.T. and T.W.
Bonn, Bonn, 2011).
45. Chase-Dunn, C. et al. Middlemen and marcher states in central Asia and Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at
east/west empire synchrony. Soc. Evol. Hist. 9, 52–79 (2010). The authors declare no competing financial
46. Whitfield, S. Life Along the Silk Road. (Univ. California Press, 2015). interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the
paper. Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard
Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper. to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to
Acknowledgements Funding for research at the SAIE laboratory was provided M.D.F. (
by Washington University in St. Louis (M.D.F.). C. Copp and M. Webb provided
assistance with modelling and coding in the SAIE laboratory and GIS laboratory Reviewer Information Nature thanks D. Rogers and the other anonymous
of Washington University in St. Louis. C. Chady assisted in copy editing. An early reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

1 9 8 | NAT U R E | VO L 5 4 3 | 9 M A RC H 2 0 1 7
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METHODS The clipped DEM raster was also used to create an elevation mask to delimit
Overview of modelling pastoralist mobility as flow accumulation. The ‘pastoralist summer pasture zones using the same Reclassification tool, this time reclassifying
participation’ (PastPart) model provides a quantitative simulation of the macro- elevation ranges between 750 m to 4,000 m to the value 1. The resulting output
regional footprint of transhumant (mountain) pastoralism across mountainous raster maps include a winter lowland probability mask (settle_zone) that defines
regions of inner Asia. The model was designed using the Geographic Information the area to contain winter settlements, and a summer highland mask (graze_msk)
Systems software ArcGIS (ESRI) and then executed in Python using ArcGIS’s for use in generating a vegetative cost surface (below). The territorial interface
native Python geoprocessing tools. The full programming codes and data sets between winter and summer zones is between 750 m and 1,500 m elevation.
necessary for executing the PastPart model are available for download as a unified Base data set: lowland winter settlements. On the basis of elevations of
Python script in Supplementary Information. archaeologically and historically documented pastoralist campsites in the
The PastPart model adapts the hydrological tool ‘flow accumulation’ in ArcGIS Dzhungar Mountains of southeast Kazakhstan and the Malguzar Mountains of
to simulate seasonal herding ‘flows’ between rich mountain pasture zones and Uzbekistan17,31,44, we populated the winter lowland raster (settle_zone) with 5,000
a delimited lowland winter settlement zone within a modelled elevation ‘range randomly placed points using a ‘spatially balanced’ random point generator tool
of interest’ (ROI; 750 m to 4,000 m). This ROI encompasses archetypical eleva- in ArcGIS (Extended Data Fig. 4; Supplementary Discussion 2). The randomized
tion zones of seasonal settlement and highland pastures historically documented settlement generation was iterated 500 times. The resulting point file (settle_x)
amongst inner Asian transhumant herders (Supplementary Discussion 1). Across represents hypothetical ‘winter’ lowland settlement locales, where ‘x’ refers to
the region, extreme aridity limits intensive lowland herding during the summer, the specific iteration of random points. The spatially balanced point generator
yet highland pastures become more productive and abundant as one moves up determines the location of points without any discriminating factors other than
to elevations between 1,500 m and 3,000 m, with a high-altitude limit of roughly elevation and the 50% probability mask applied to each cell. Each random point
4,000 m, beyond which vegetative growth is restricted (largely) by permafrost and was minimally separated from the next by a Euclidian distance of 1,000 m.
short snow-free periods. Base data set: vegetation cost surface using NDVI. Landcover types within the
To start, we populated the representative lowland elevation zone with 5,000 elevation ROI were derived from a 250 m resolution, global normalized difference
randomized points to simulate winter nomadic campsites across the whole study vegetation index (NDVI) image. This data set is a 7-day average of NDVI values
territory. We then generated seasonal herding flows from rich highland pastures calculated from multispectral eMODIS imagery taken in the month of August
towards these lowland points using the relative productivity of mountain grassland 2008 (ref. 47). August was selected as late summer is the time of maximum pasture
types (in terms of pasture fodder quality) as the determining factor for direction productivity across most of the study zone (Supplementary Discussion 1). The
and distance from the highlands towards the randomly generated points. We iter- geographic extent of the NDVI image (NDVI_08) was clipped to our study zone
ated this process 500 times, each time using a newly randomized distribution of boundaries making it smaller, more manageable, and relevant to our model ROI.
lowland points to recalculate the parameters of flow accumulation from 4,000 m We used the highland ‘graze_msk’ raster to select those NDVI value ranges that fall
to the highland–lowland boundary of 750 m, effectively simulating 500 years of within the modelled elevation ROI and the resulting values were classified using
herding mobility across the ROI. ‘geometric interval sampling’ of the clipped eMODIS NDVI image, with heads-up
Next, the iterations of simulated flow accumulation were summed mathemat- correction of value-ranges based on botanical cohorts at known elevation bounda-
ically, resulting in aggregated flow maps that amplify the predominant geography ries and corresponding field documentation of grassland composition in test areas
of high-magnitude segments of herding flows through time. Aggregate flow maps across the study zone48 (Supplementary Discussion 1). The NDVI value ranges
were calculated using 10 summed iterations (sumFA_10) and 500 summed itera- within the ROI were reclassified in ArcGIS and assigned relative values of 1, 3, 12,
tions (sumFA_500) for comparison and analysis. 25, 100, or 200 according to relative fodder quality and range productivity of high-
Using an independent database of all known Silk Road sites (n =​ 618) that fall land grassland mosaics (such as mountain meadows, alpine meadows, arid steppe
within the wider study zone, we mapped the actual site locations over the aggre- etc.) at various elevations recorded across inner Asia37 (Extended Data Fig. 5,
gate of 500 flow maps (sumFA_500). Values were extracted from the aggregated Supplementary Table 1). The reclassified landcover weight raster (veg_priority) was
flow accumulation pathways at each point that fell within the modelled elevation then exported and used as a constant data set in subsequent steps of the PastPart
ROI (n =​ 258, Extended Data Fig. 2), allowing us to test the geographic overlap model.
between the simulated herding flow accumulations and actual locations of the Modelling flow accumulation. The ‘flow accumulation’ algorithm in ArcGIS uses
known highland Silk Road sites within the modelled ROI. To account for variation a recursive calculation to add values to grid cells based on a ‘flow direction’ raster,
through time, the overlay and value extraction process at highland Silk Road sites which is typically derived from a cost surface or Digital Elevation Model. In
was repeated using a ‘buffered’ aggregate flow accumulation map as well, for which hydrological modelling, it is typical to use reclassified topographic factors (that is,
flow values were averaged at a distance of two grid cells around the positive flow elevation, slope, etc.) as a cost surface to derive flow direction. In modelling a cost
accumulations (below). surface for hydrological flows high elevation would be classified as more costly
Finally, we generated 200 iterations of spatially balanced random points using than low elevation, so water would flow downslope. Conceptually, of course, the
the same geographic extent of the modelled elevation ROI and same number of cost surface and flow direction can be derived from any set of weight parameters
points as the known highland Silk Road sites (n =​ 258, Extended Data Fig. 2). Each or values.
run of random points was sequentially draped over the aggregate flow accumu- Iterating cost distance, flow direction, flow accumulation. The first step in calcu-
lation map and the buffered flow accumulation map, and flow values were again lating flow accumulation is to generate a cost distance map, using the ‘cost distance’
extracted at each point. We then tabulated the number of sites with extracted tool in ArcGIS. The Cost Distance tool calculates a weighted travel coefficient
values greater than zero (and those equal to zero) for each run of the 258 random for each grid cell between selected points. For each iteration of the model (x), we
test points. The range of percentages of random sites distributed across the used the lowland settlement points (settle_x) along with weighted vegetation raster
elevation ROI that intersect with zero and non-zero values was calculated for all (veg_priority) to quantify a corresponding cost distance of travel (CD_x) across
200 runs and statistically compared with the observed percentage of hits using the elevation ROI (Extended Data Fig. 4).
actual highland Silk Road sites. The cost distance raster (CD_x) is subsequently used as an input for the flow
Base data sets: generating lowland and highland mask rasters. The first step in direction tool in ArcGIS. This step generates a flow director raster (FD_x) with
mapping seasonal territories across the modelled ROI is to define discrete zones of direction values assigned for each grid cell, which define the likelihood of one of
winter lowland settlement and highland summer pastures (Extended Data Fig. 3). eight possible directions that a given cell can flow towards the next cell, according
The lowland settlement area was calculated using four Global Multi-Resolution to the least cost.
Terrain Elevation Data (GMTED2010) with a pixel resolution of 30 arcseconds The flow direction raster (FD_x) is then used as input for the Flow Accumulation
(roughly 1 km). These four raster data sets were joined using the Mosaic tool in tool in ArcGIS, along with an optional ‘weight raster’ that loads source grid cells
ArcGIS and then the map extent was constrained to the boundaries of the study with a constant value. In our case, we calculated a weight raster (sheep_100) by
zone, reducing file size and operative efficiency (Fig. 1). The elevation values of assigning a value of 100 to pixels from the two best classes of highland pasture
the clipped digital elevation model (DEM) were reclassified in ArcGIS using the (values 1 and 3 in veg_priority). Conceptually this assigns 16 units (of figurative herd
Reclassify tool. Cell elevation values from 600 m to 1,500 m were reclassified to a animals) per hectare (grid cell size is 250 ×​ 250 m, or 6.25 ha)—a value consistent
value of 1 and all other elevations to ‘Nodata’. The positive values of this raster were with a (low) average range capacity for inner Asian highland grasslands48. Using the
then reclassified again to a value of 0.5 for use as a ‘probability mask’ for random constant weight raster (sheep_100) and the flow direction raster (FD_x) as input
point generation. This mask raster dictates that each pixel has a 50/50 likelihood to the flow accumulation tool, a hypothetical count of ‘animals’ flowing from the
to receive a random point per iteration of the model (see ‘creating random lowland best pastures into each cell across the ROI. As distance was calculated in reference
settlements’ below). to the 5,000 low elevation settlements (settle_x), the resulting flow accumulation

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values in each cell illustrates the likely convergence of flow into each cell towards longitude coordinates, but without ground-truthing each site, we take the reported
the lowlands with preference towards quality pasture, until flow is limited by uni- coordinates a priori.
formly high cost (reverse flow is not allowed). To account for such potential errors, temporal variation, as well as the fact that
Modelling flows through time. The binary division of seasonal occupation into relevant sites might be located ‘near’ but not directly ‘on’ a modelled flow pathway,
two discrete elevation ranges generates a condition whereby each run of the model we calculated focal statistics at a distance of two grid cells (~​2 km) around each cell
reflects the potential flows of herds within a theoretical year (that is, one seasonal in the sumFA_500 raster with a non-zero flow value (Supplementary Discussion 2).
migration of highland to lowland travel or vice versa). The PastPart model was We used the ‘focal statistics’ tool in ArcGIS to calculate the mean value of each cell
iterated 500 times to reflect 500 unique yearly flow patterns of seasonal migration. within the search radius and then generated a new raster (FocStat). The result-
For each iteration, a new distribution of randomized settlements (settle_x) was ing map of illustrates the geographic effect of 2 km buffer zone of positive values
generated for use along with the vegetative weight raster (veg_priority) as input to around the original courses of non-zero flow accumulations. Using the extract to
calculate iterations of the cost distance (CD_x), flow direction (FD_x), and flow points tool we repeated the process of extracting flow values from this ‘buffered’
accumulation (FA_x) rasters. A Python script was then used to access the project focal statistics raster (FocStat), again using the 258 Silk Road sites and each of the
geodatabase and sum the individual runs of the model, producing aggregated flow 200 iterations of 258 randomized test points within the modelled elevation ROI.
rasters (for code, see Supplementary Information). Examples of 10 (sumFA_10) Comparing model performance between known Silk Road sites and
and 500 (sumFA_500) mathematical aggregates were produced for analytical pur- randomized locations. We calculated the percentages of positive flow values
poses (Fig. 2, Extended Data Fig. 5). extracted from both highland Silk Road sites and from each of the 200 runs of
Statistics: Silk Road locations versus random points. To quantify the spatial randomized points (Fig. 3a, b, Supplementary Information). Each iteration cohort
correspondence between independently documented Silk Road sites and simulated contained 258 randomized points, which matches the number of known Silk Road
flows from the PastPart model, we compiled a database of all known georefer- sites that fall within our modelled elevation ROI. Thus, statistically, the points in
enced Silk Road site locations from the Old World trade routes and the ICOMOS each data set have a theoretically equal potential to be located on (or off) a path
(International Council on Monuments and Sites) thematic study archives7,8. Silk in the (same) analysed area. In both cases, sites with positive values represent
Road sites located outside the extent of our general study zone (see Fig. 1) were the locations that geographically intersect with the aggregated flow accumulation
removed from the data set, leaving a total of 618 known locations in the func- map (sumFA_500) or the buffered aggregated flow accumulation raster (FocStat
tional database (the table of Silk Road sites is available for download online in of sumFA_500), respectively.
Supplementary Information). We then draped these sites over the sumFA_500 Using these data, we calculated the mean counts and percentages of non-zero
flow accumulation raster map and extracted flow magnitude values at each site flow accumulation values from the 200 runs of randomized sites. For example,
using the ‘extract values to points’ function in ArcGIS (using the interpolate at random run 7 had 77 observations with flow accumulation values greater than zero
point option). Given that the PastPart model only generates flow accumulations (out of 258 randomized points) or 29.84% direct hits on the aggregated flow accumu-
within the modelled elevation ROI (between 750 m and 4,000 m), we discarded lation map (sumFA_500). The same randomized point run 7 had 109 observations
from analysis those sites that lie outside the possible range of the simulated flows, with values greater than zero out of 258 randomized points, or 42.25% hits on the
leaving a total of 258 sites within the modelled elevation ROI as representative of buffered aggregated flow accumulation raster (FocStat of sumFA_500).
‘highland’ Silk Road geography. We then used the distribution of positive values from the randomized points to
Next we generated 200 unique iterations each consisting of 258 random points compare with count and percentages of positive flow accumulation values recorded
using the ‘create spatially balanced random points’ function in ArcGIS, defined at the highland Silk Road data set, and computed a z score. As an additional com-
by a spatial probability mask equal to the extents of the modelled elevation ROI parison, we performed a one-sample t-test using both counts and percentages of
(roi_prob, value =​ 0.5) (Extended Data Fig. 5). We then extracted flow accumu- non-zero values from the 200 runs of randomized point in the ROI and the actual
lation values for each iteration of random points (n =​ 258) from the sumFA_500 percentage of non-zero values from the Silk Road data set (for full statistical report,
flow map using the extract to point function, described above. For each cohort see Supplementary Information).
of random points within the ROI, we again tabulated the percentage of points Code availability. The full Python script of the PastPart model and all necessary
with no flow correspondence (value =​ 0), and those with positive correspondence input and output files are provided in the Supplementary Information.
(value >​ 0). Non-zero flow values reflect cells where at least two cells flow together, Data availability. The full PastPart model ArcPython script as well as all required
thus even small positive values represent the furthest extent of flow pathways—or data sets and statistical output tables are available in the Supplementary Files,
in terms of the model—the first convergence of otherwise uniformly distributed online. Any additional output data are freely available upon request from the SAIE
herd animals (Supplementary Discussion 2). laboratory server at Washington University in St. Louis, with permission from the
Calculating a statistically ‘buffered’ map of aggregated flow accumulations. Our corresponding author.
methodology also aims to accurately represent the effect of variation in the model
parameters—such as shifts in pasture resources and changing mobility strategies 47. Jenkerson, C. B., Maiersperger, T. & Schmidt, G. eMODIS: A user-friendly data
through time—on the geography of flow accumulations, as well as the fact that the source. Open-file Rep. (U.S. Geol. Surv.) 2010–1055 (2010).
48. Frachetti, M. D. Bronze Age Pastoral Landscapes of Eurasia and the Nature
Silk Road site database has inherent geo-positional error that cannot be assessed of Social Interaction in the Mountain Steppe Zone of Eastern Kazakhstan.
statistically owing to the diversity of the data sources. Many sites in the database PhD thesis, University of Pennsylvania,
have a qualitative ‘reliability rating’ that assesses the accuracy of their latitude and dissertations/AAI3138010/ (2004).

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Extended Data Figure 1 | Flowchart of the PastPart model workflow files to processing geodatabase; (3) mosaic DEM files and clip images
yielding a summed aggregate of 500 runs of flow accumulation within to study area; (4) create model inputs: (a) classify study area DEM using
the modelled elevation ROI (750–4,000 m). Inputs: (1) model source settlement_class.txt to create probability surface, (b) classify NDVI using
directory; (2) NDVI data; (3–6) DEM images; (7–10) model parameter vegetation_class.txt create vegetation priority raster, (c) classify DEM
files: settlement_class.txt, sheep_class.txt, pasture_class.txt, vegetation_ using sheep_class.txt to create highland flow weight raster; (5) generate
class.txt. Outputs: (1) processing geodatabase; (2) results geodatabase; spatially balanced random settlements (n =​ 5,000); (6) calculate cost
(3) NDVI converted to GRID format; (4–7) DEM images converted to distance; (7) calculate flow direction; (8) calculate flow accumulation;
GRID format; (8) study area DEM; (9) study area NDVI; (10) probablity (9) sum flow accumulation rasters. Variables: (1) number of iterations;
surface; (11) cost surface; (12) weight raster; (13) 5,000 random spatially (2) current iteration value; (3) number of output points. Unused data:
balanced points; (14) cost distance raster; (15) flow direction raster; (1) output backlink raster; (2) output drop raster.
(16) flow accumulation raster. Processes: (1) create geodatabases; (2) load

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Extended Data Figure 2 | Distribution of Silk Road sites versus randomized test points (n =​ 258) generated in relation to the modelled
randomized points across the modelled elevation ROI. Top, distribution elevation ROI (in grey). 200 runs of random test point cohorts were
of known Silk Road Sites (n =​ 258) in relation to the modelled elevation calculated in the modelled elevation ROI.
ROI (750–4,000 m, in grey). Bottom, distribution of a single run of

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Extended Data Figure 3 | Detailed view of the seasonal highland–lowland division of the elevation ROI (750–4,000 m). Highland ‘summer’ zones
(green) are defined from 1,500 m to 4,000 m above sea level, and ‘winter’ campsite zones (blue) are defined from 600 m to 1,500 m above sea level.
Prominent Silk Road cities are mapped for geographic reference.

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Extended Data Figure 4 | Detailed view of one run of spatially balanced (from 600 m to 1,500 m) across the entire study zone (map inset). Each
random points distributed throughout in the winter campsite elevation. iteration of sites recalculates (along with the reclassified vegetative weight
In total, 5,000 points were generated (for each of the 500 runs the raster) the ‘cost distance’ map across the modelled elevation ROI
PastPart model) in the winter campsite settlement elevation range (750–4,000 m).

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Extended Data Figure 5 | Input data classes for the pastoralist points and the vegetative weight raster. Each of the 500 iterations of
participation model. Top, detail of reclassified vegetative weight raster new points changes the geographic distribution of ‘low cost’ travel
(veg_priority) overlaid with one run of randomized foothill points between weighted pasture zones (750 m to 4,000 m) and the lower
(n =​ 5,000) simulating winter campsites. Bottom, detail of the cost distance elevations—effectively causing variations in the flow accumulations from
raster (CD_x) calculated using 5,000 randomized ‘winter settlement’ pastures to hypothetical settlements in the foothills with each iteration.

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Extended Data Figure 6 | Comparative geography of proposed Silk pathways illustrate highland Silk Road routes between Narat (61) and
Road corridors. Calculated using least-cost (ease-of-travel) algorithms Karkara (18) and alternative highland passes to the east of the Turugart
(black and blue lines) to connect known archaeological/historical sites7 Pass (31) towards Kashgar (133). b, A potentially undocumented corridor
and the simulated herding flow pathways from 500 aggregate runs of the of the Silk Road into the Tibetan Plateau to the south of Dunhuang (406)
PastPart model (yellow and red ‘flow’ network). Source Data is available (China). c, A number of alternative networks of connectivity across the
in the online version of this paper. Notable differences between modelled western Himalaya and Pamir Mountains, for example diverse routes from
‘ease-of-travel’ corridors and ecologically derived flow accumulation Kashgar (133) to Tashkurgan (345).
pathways are visible in the inset detail maps. a, PastPart flow accumulation

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