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Chapter 3


This chapter consist of three parts: (1) Purpose of the

study and Research Design, (2) Method, and (3) Statistical

Data Analysis Procedure.

Part one, Purpose of the study and Research Design,

restates the purpose of the study, describe the research

design and the variable used in this study.

Part two, Method, describes the participants, the

instrumentation, data gathering instrument and procedure

employed in the study.

Part three, statistical data analysis procedure,

discusses the details of the steps under taken in the

conduct of the investigation, reports the procedure for

scoring and the statistical analysis employed to test the


Purpose of the Study and Research Design

The main purpose of this study was to determine the

Academic Performance of STEM Students of Tanque National

High School in terms of Economic Well-being and Mental


This quantitative descriptive research employed the

instrument is research-made to gather data about the

Economic wellbeing, Mental Health and Academic performance

of the STEM Students.

The independent variable is Economic wellbeing, Mental

Health and dependent variable is Academic performance.



To determine the profile (grade level and section) of

respondents, this study used the formula for percentage.


P= ×100

F= Frequency
N= total Number of respondents
Table1. The distribution of grade 11 and 12 STEM

according to their year levels

Grade and Population Respondents Percentage

Section (%)

12 A1 STEM 29 27 21.8%

12 A2 STEM 31 28 22.6%

11 A1 STEM 40 37 29.8%

11 A2 STEM 35 32 25.8%

TOTAL 135 124

The respondents of this study are purposely chosen from

the grade 11 and 12 STEM students of Tanque National High

School with the population of 135 STEM students.

The research instrument used in this study is the

researcher-made survey questionnaire validated, approved,

and consists of 2 parts. Part 1 is the demographic profile,

and part 2 is the list statement on economic wellbeing and

mental health.
Scoring the item for economic wellbeing and mental

health to facilitate the computation the likert scale is


Score Description

3 Better

2 Good

1 Worst

For the descriptive interpretation of score, the following

scale was employed:

Scale Interpretation

3.41-4.20 Very evident

2.61-3.40 less evident

1.00-2.60 not evident

Academic Performance was taken from the general average of

grade 11 and 12 STEM students. Academic Performance was

classified according to the table below.

Scale Interpretation

90-100 Outstanding

85-89 Very Satisfactory

80-84 Satisfactory

75-79 Fair

75 Below Poor

Data Gathering Procedure

The survey questionnaire will be distributed to the

Grade 11 and 12 senior high school students of Tanque

National High School. The respondents are the students from

2 sections from grade 11 and 2 section for grade 12 after

the respondents answer the questionnaire, the researcher

will immediately collect the results in Tabulator sheet

format. The result will be analyzed using SPSS software and

discuss the results to formulate conclusions and


Statistical Analysis Procedure

The statistical tools that were used in this study: sample

size were used and for inferential data Pearson's is used to

measure the relationship between Variables

Descriptive Data

The sample size is the sum the number of individuals or

items that are selected from a larger population of the



1+ ne

n= Sample size

N= population

E= Margin of error 0.05 or 0.03

I= constant value

Inferential Data

The Pearson's developed by Karl Pearson is used to determine

the significant relationship between Economic wellbeing

Mental Health and academic performance.

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