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Degree: MCA Department: MCA Branch: MCA

Semester: V Subject Name: Java Technologies
Subject Code: 14CAPM0 Staff In charge: E.Vinoth Kumar Staff Dept: MCA

Objectives: One of the roles of the IT professional is to design and build systems and integrate
them into an organization. The role of the IT professional is to select, deploy, integrate and
administer platforms or components to support the organization's IT infrastructure. This course
covers the skills in the fundamentals of hardware and software and how they integrate to form
essential components of IT systems. It also enables the students to develop components of IT

Module Topic No. of Methodology

No Lectures
1 Java Platform
1.1 Java virtual Machine : Structure 2 BB
1.2 Class file formats 2 BB
1.3 Types : Server VM and Client VM 1 BB
1.4 JDK Tools: Basic Tools, Security 2 BB
Tools, Java Deployment Tools,
Java Plug-in Tools, Java Profiler,
Java ANT
2 Libraries
2.1 Base Libraries
2.1.1 Collections Framework, Reflection, 2 BB
Java Archive (JAR) Files
2.1.2 Logging, Monitoring and 1 BB
2.1.3 Package Version Identification 1 BB
2.2 Integration Libraries
2.2.1 Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 1 BB
2.2.2 Java Naming and Directory 1 BB
Interface (JNDI) API
2. 3 User Interface Libraries
2.3.1 Springs 1 BB
2.3.2 Java 2D Graphics and Imaging 1 BB
2.3.3 Sound , Accessibility 1 BB
3 Android Application
Development Environment
3.1 Architecture 1 BB
3.2 Application Development 1 BB
3.3 Android Tools: DDMS, Emulator, 2 BB
3.4 Android APIs 2 BB
4 Android Components
4.1 Creation of User Interfaces 1 BB
4.2 Services
4.2.1 Creation, registration 1 BB
4.2.2 Invocation of services 1 BB
4.2.3 Exploration of Service Lifecycle 1
4.2.4 Accessing data 1 BB
4.2.5 Case Study: Location Based BB
4.3 Content Providers
4.3.1 Creating and registering a content 1 BB
4.3.2 Accessing data from content 1 BB
4.4 Broadcast Receivers
4.4.1 Creating and registering broadcast 1 BB
4.4.2 Invocation of broadcast receivers 1 BB
4.4.3 Exploration of broadcast receivers 1 BB
Lifecycle methods
5 Data Storage Mechanisms
5.1 Files 2 BB
5.2 Shared Preferences 2 BB
5.3 SQLite database
5.3.1 Creating SQLite Database 2 BB
5.3.2 Using databases in Android 2 BB
Total 40

*(BB-Black Board, OHP-OverHead Projector, PP-Power Point)

Text Books:
1. The JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification”, Tim Lindholm, Frank Yellin, second edition,
Sun Microsystems Press 2001

2. Professional Android Application Development, Reto Meier, Wrox, November 2008

Reference books:

1. “Java: The Complete Reference, Seventh Edition”, Herbert Schildt, McGraw-Hill

Publications 2004

2. Beginning Android, Mark Murphy, Apress, June 2009

3. Pro Android, Sayed Y Hashimi, Apress, June 2009

4. Android – Application Development, Rick Rogers, O’Reilly, May 2009

5. “Hello, Android”, Introducing Google’s Mobile Development Platform, Ed Burnette, The

Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2008

Staff In-Charge HODCA

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