Laura Letter of Recommendation

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To whom it may concern:

I have been Laura Pham’s school counselor since June 2022. I have known her, her academic ability, her commitment to her
community, and her drive for personal excellence for a brief time, but she has left a substantial impression. Laura stands out
for her ability to take on difficult work and exceed expectations. College level Geography, Psychology, and Film and
Television classes in addition to AP and honors courses (many of which her peers have not participated in) are classes that
Laura has taken and excelled in. It has been exciting to see Laura pursue greater challenges as she has made her way through
high school. What is especially remarkable is Laura’s sincerity and integrity. Ms. Pham is very intentional with her words
and actions, and she carries herself with great poise and humility. Amongst her fellow academically driven peers, Laura
shines as an academic force and a representative for kindness and respect. Her dedication, talents and attitude are recognized
by her teachers and mentors as she has earned recognition for her academic excellence in English, U.S History, and Art and
recognition for service and character outside of the classroom as well. I am confident that she will continue to do well at the
next stop on her academic journey as she will make an excellent critical thinker, global citizen, and team player.

Out of nearly 51 seniors in her graduating class, Laura stands out as an individual dedicated to her peers and community.
Participating in our NOVA Ambassadors program, Associated Student Body, and Yearbook, she tries to create an
environment that is welcoming and engaging for all new and returning students. Since I started at NOVA, I would often see
Laura supporting events that welcomed new students to the school. She provided a warm and welcoming attitude that many
new students desperately needed as they transitioned to a new environment. Ms. Pham dedicates much of her after school and
before school time to enrollment events, group tours, weekend socials, and more to make NOVA a space that is inclusive,
diverse, and enjoyable. The major improvement I have seen in her this year manifests in the roles she plays in Yearbook. As
one of our photographers and editors, Laura has shown another side of her character and talents. Whereas I used to see Laura
as a quiet and reserved academic, I now see her as a well-rounded individual with strengths in both academic and social
setting. I look forward to her own projects and passions taking development after she graduates high school and enters higher
education and her future career opportunities.

My position requires that I assess whether a student is either college and/or career ready. I do this by comparing multiple
factors, including grades, attendance and topic retention, timeliness and organization, and personal accountability. It can be
said that Ms. Pham is beyond satisfactory in all these categories. This individual has shown, in the short time that I have
known her that she has the capacity to succeed in any environment post-high school. It is with this assessment that I give
Laura Pham high recommendation for any all endeavors and opportunities. I wish her the very best.


Paul Fernandez
NOVA Academy Early College High School

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