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Topic: Listening lesson 3

Time: 15 minutes
Student’s Name:____________________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________________________________________________________
Total: _____/9

Exercise 1:

What does the speaker say about the following items?

Write the correct letter, A, B or C next to questions 1-4.

A. They are provided in all tents.

B. They are found in central areas of the campsite.
C. They are available on request.

1. barbecues

2. toys

3. cool boxes

4. mops and buckets

Exercise 2:

What does the man say about the play on each of the following days?

Choose FIVE answers from options given below.

List of Findings

A The playwright will be present

B The play was written to celebrate an anniversary

C The play will be performed inside historic building

D The play will be accompanied by live music

E The play will be performed outdoors

F The play will be performed for the first time

G The performance will be attended by officials from the town

5. Wednesday ………………………
6. Thursday ………………………
7. Friday ………………………
8. Saturday ………………………
9. Monday ………………………

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