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Topic: Relationship/ Reading completion task

● Skimming practice
Exercise 1: Read this passage in 3 minutes, then write 1 sentence about the text, but
don’t look back at the text

● Scanning practice

Exercise 2: Unchangeable words

In 3 minutes, identify the following words:
Exercise 3: Content words
Work in groups. Read these questions in 3 minutes before reading the text, try to think
of the words that can be used as an answer

Fill in the gap with NO MORE THAN ONE WORD

● In Verity Allen’s show, ‘Colour me healthy’, she discovers how the colours can
____________ our daily life choices.
● For certain reasons, we think that the color blue and white is ____________
● Meanwhile, our brain also thinks that products with the color green is __________
● We __________ brands and companies that write their name in blue or black


Content words Unchangeable words Extreme words

Nouns, verbs, and Tên riêng, con số nổi bật, comparison, superlatives,
adjectives. Dễ bị paraphrase hầu như không bao giờ bị and adverbs
thay thế trong bài đọc Từ biểu thị lên nội dung của
câu/ câu hỏi

● Paraphrase practice

Exercise 4:
Fill in the gap with NO MORE THAN FIVE WORD, try to find the paraphrased words

1. The earliest _____________ is amongst one of the most anticipated thing in fall
2. During fall, the weather can be very rough, _________ the vegetables, or making
them enter great hibernation
3. For some destinations nearby the Canadian border and in the higher parts of the
West, the freeze would come around ___________
4. Only until November could destinations located at the ________ be able to see the
5. International Falls, Minnesota and Grand Forks are located at _________, where a
freeze occurs monthly.

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