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Nwankwo, Simon N. P.

Effect of Exchange rate fluctuations on the Nigeria Economy: ECM Analysis
GOUni Journal of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (11/1) 65-75
ISSN: 2550-7265


NWANKWO, Simon. N. P. production base to maximize the gains from
Department of Accountancy and Finance foreign exchange flow.
Godfrey Okoye University, Ugwuomu
Nike,Enugu, Nigeria Keywords: Exchange Rate, Interest Rate,
ECM, Inflation Rate and Monetary Policy
Abstract: Rate, Instability.
Research Purpose: The study investigated
the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on the Introduction
Nigerian economy for the period 1986-2021 The fluctuation of exchange rate has been a
employing Error correction model. Annual serious issue in sub-Saharan nations in 1980's
time series data was used and the study and the exchange rate policy was mate with
specifically sought to, determine the effect of stiff opposition to devaluation to avoid its
Monetary Policy Rate instability on the inflationary implications, among other
Nigerian Economy, ascertain the impact of reasons (Usman and Adegbite, 2013). Nigeria
Interest Rate instability on the Nigerian faces such a situation and there has been
Economy, determine the causal relationship interest, therefore, in economic performance
between Inflation Rate instability and the as a result of exchange rate volatility in the
Nigerian Economy. Gross Domestic Product process. This fluctuation is a topical issue and
is the dependent variable of this study, while it is a key determinant that is affecting price
inflation rate, interest rate monetary policy signals in a market driven economy (Nwonye
rate are the independent variables. et al, 2020). It is generally accepted that
Design/Methodology/ Approach: We exchange rate is a variable, which affect the
applied in our analysis, Phillips- Perron unit rate of economic activity and developmental
root Test, Johansen test for co-integration impact on investments, savings, production
among variables, Error Correction Model and consumption and inflation.
(ECM) was adopted to investigate the linkage
of these variables to the Nigerian economy. Nigerian economy has consistently faced
Findings: The co-integration test confirms important policy issue with respect to
that there is a long run relationship between devaluation of exchange rates and their
Exchange Rate instability and the Nigerian subsequent impact on the economy. Trade
Economy. The estimated result shows that the deficits imply choosing between exchange
exchange rate instability has no significant rate devaluation and the internal or external
and negative influence on Gross Domestic financing of the deficit, which are
Product in Nigeria during the period. challenging policy decisions to undertake,
Implication: The result therefore suggested manage or sustain, especially in the long run
that devaluation of the domestic currency for a developing country like Nigeria (Usman
does not lead to improvement in the and Adegbite 2013). There is also a general
Exchange Rate stability and hence GDP agreement that there are differences between
position of the country the short-run and long-run effects of a
Originality/Value added: It was therefore depreciating exchange rate on trade balance
recommended that measures to stabilize in that there is no specific pattern that the
exchange rate and check its continuous free trade balance follows in the short-run after
fall should be carefully considered as a policy devaluation.
option under fiscal policy measures. Both
fiscal and monetary authorities should Statement of the Problem
collectively develop the political will to Nigeria’s exchange rate fluctuation has
implement policies that will boost Nigeria affected the valuation of the Naira. It has
encouraged imports and discouraged exports

Nwankwo, Simon N. P. (2023)
Effect of Exchange rate fluctuations on the Nigeria Economy: ECM Analysis
GOUni Journal of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (11/1) 65-75
ISSN: 2550-7265

and also encourages over dependence of • Determine the effect of Monetary

Nigerians on imported goods and services. Policy Rate fluctuation on the GDP
(Owolabi and Adegbite, 2013) in Nigeria.

Naira exchange rate has continued to show • Ascertain the impact of Interest Rate
some element of depreciation and instability. fluctuation on the GDP in Nigeria.
This singular action has resulted in the
declines in the standard of living of the • Examine the causal relationship
populace, increased cost of production which between Inflation Rate fluctuation
also leads to cost push inflation. Exchange and the GDP in Nigeria
rate fluctuation undermines the international Statement of Hypotheses
competitiveness of non-oil export and make
planning and projections difficult on both In line with the objectives above, the
micro and macro level of Nigerian economy following hypotheses guided this study.
(Nwobia, Ogbonnaya and Okoye, 2020)
H01: Monetary Policy Rate fluctuation has
The huge inflow of foreign exchange income no significant effect on the GDP in Nigeria
that followed the era of oil boom in Nigeria
in the 1970s diverted the attention of the H02: Interest Rate fluctuation has no
government from its traditional agriculture significant Effect on the GDP in Nigeria
commodities to crude oil exploitation
H03: There is no causal relationship between
(Onodugo, Ikpe and Anowor, 2013). A
Inflation Rate fluctuation and the GDP in
considerable number of the producers of
these commodities such as groundnut, cotton,
oil palm moved into activities aimed at
exploiting the economic opportunities Review of Related Literature
created by increased oil revenues (Onodugo
et al, 2014). This development brought about Conceptual Review
the decline of agricultural production and the
resultant drop in both volume and value of Exchange Rate: According to Ezu (2012)
traditional export commodities. The resultant Exchange rate is the price of a nation’s
effect of this is a mono-product economy currency versus another currency. It is the
with the national revenue in excess of eighty required amount of units of a currency that
percent from crude oil earnings alone. can buy another amount of units of another
currency. Powell (1993) defined exchange
Nigeria has a large population coupled with rate simply as the external price of a currency
large number of insurgency and imports expressed in terms of an artificial unit such as
virtually everything including toilet tissues weighted average of “sample” or “basket of
and tooth picks has gone up. In fact, in some leading trade currencies”. Olukole (l992)
quarters, the consumption of imported goods observed that exchange rate is numerical
has become a status symbol. expression of the value of the currency of one
country at any given time.
Objectives of the Study
Okonkwo (1991) defined exchange rate as
The broad objective of the study is to “the price of one currency in terms of the
investigate the impact of Exchange Rate other”. To him, exchange rate is the rate at
fluctuation on the Nigerian Economy for the which one currency exchanges for another.
period 1986- 2021. The Specific Objectives This view is corroborated by Usman (1991)
were to; when he said that “the exchange rate is the
value of a country’s domestic currency in
terms of a foreign, currency”. Elumelu

Nwankwo, Simon N. P. (2023)
Effect of Exchange rate fluctuations on the Nigeria Economy: ECM Analysis
GOUni Journal of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (11/1) 65-75
ISSN: 2550-7265

(2002), Anowor, Ukwueni and Ikeme (2013) determine the rate of interest at which
saw exchange rate as any other price that is facilities should be given to the firms and
determined by the forces of demand and individuals. This is the interest rate at which
supply in a perfectly competitive market and CBN lends to commercial banks. The MPR is
in a world where free international exchange the benchmark against which other lending
is the rule. Daniels et al (1976) defined rates in the economy are pegged and is
exchange rates as the number of units of usually used as an instrument to moderate
currency, at which another currency can be inflation in the economy (CBN, 2006).
bought. It is also defined as the price of the
currency in terms of another (CBN 1997) Theoretical Framework

Interest Rate The Study was anchored on the Monetary

Interest rate is a macroeconomic concept that Model of exchange rates, to this, Anowor and
is defined as the amount that a bank charges Okorie (2016) posits that it assumes that
on the amount it lends. It is the rate at which changes in the supply of money affect the
commercial banks make funds available to exchange rate either directly or indirectly.
customers (Ochinanwata et al, 2020). Interest The model tries to explain the changes in
rate is an important economic price; which exchange rates in terms of changes in the
can either be seen as a cost of capital or as an demand for and supply of money between
opportunity cost of funds. Also, interest rate two currencies (Olisadebe, 1991).
can be viewed as the price paid for the use of Conceptually, an increase in real income
money. It is the opportunity cost of given a fixed nominal money supply, leads to
borrowing money from a lender. It can also a fall in prices, thus making exchange rates to
be seen as the return being paid to the appreciate (Anowor et al, 2022). Conversely,
provider of financial resources (Bosco and an increase in money demand, leads to
Emerence, 2016) increase in prices, which eventually leads to
exchange rates depreciation.
Inflation Rate
Inflation refers to an overall increase in the Empirical Review
Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is a
weighted average of prices for different Babtunde, Abuh, Ekpenyong and Ehinomen
goods. The set of goods that make up the (2016) focused their study on the nexus
index depends on which are considered between exchange rates and economic
representative of a common consumption growth in Nigeria over the period of 1978 to
basket. Therefore, depending on the country 2014. Data from Nigeria were analyzed using
and the consumption habits of the majority of Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method and it
the population, the index will comprise was discovered that Exchange Rates
different goods. Some goods might record a positively and significantly influences
drop in prices, whereas others may increase, Economic Growth. The study revealed the
thus the overall value of the CPI will depend non-spuriousness of our regression via the
on the weight of each of the goods with stationarity of the residuals. Cointegration
respect to the whole basket. Annual inflation, technique employed also showed the long-
refers to the percent change of the CPI run equilibrium among the series used.
compared to the same month of the previous Danladi, Akomolafe, Bablola and Akpan
year (Faraji, 2014) (2016) evaluated the impact of exchange rate
volatility on international trade in Nigeria on
Monetary policy rate the basis of annual data from 1980 to 2013,
MPR is the formal and authorized interest which was obtained from World Bank
rate of the CBN, which helps all other Development Indicators (WDI). Exchange
financial institutions in the country to rate volatility was used to capture the long-

Nwankwo, Simon N. P. (2023)
Effect of Exchange rate fluctuations on the Nigeria Economy: ECM Analysis
GOUni Journal of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (11/1) 65-75
ISSN: 2550-7265

run and short-run relationship between estimated using annual data on some macro-
exchange rate volatility and international economic indicators, which includes: Gross
trade. The co-integration test indicated that Domestic Products (GDP); Interest Rate
the variables are co-integrated which implies (INTR), Inflation Rate (INFR) and Monetary
that a long-run relationship exist between the Policy Rate (MPR) for the period 1986 -
variables while the granger causality test 2021. Error Correction Model (ECM) was the
showed that a causal relationship exist technique employed in this study to
between international trade and exchange rate determine the degree of adjustment of the
volatility. It was observed form the ECM dependent variable to changes in the
analysis that exchange rate volatility independent variables. This is to preserve the
negatively affects international trade. The long-run relationship of the model
study therefore recommend that the
government should put in place exchange rate Model Specification
and trade policies that will promote greater
exchange rate stability and trade conditions This study attempts to ascertain the impact of
that will promote domestic production in the exchange rate fluctuation on Nigerian
economy. In other to achieve this, the Economy covering the period between 1986
government should provide efficient and 2021, using Nigerian data. For this
infrastructural services like energy resources. purpose, the model adopted by Onwe (2014)
that carried out similar study in Nigeria for
Nwobia, Ogbonnaya and Okoye (2020) the period from1970 to 2013 was employed
examined the effect of exchange rate as our models with little modifications which
fluctuation on Nigeria external trade from include INFR, INTR, MPR and EXCR.
2000 to 2019. The study made use of Therefore the mathematical specification of
secondary data sourced from central bank of the model for this study is as shown thus;
Nigeria statistical bulletin of various issues
Yt = f(Xt1,Xt2,Xt3,Xt4, Xt5) + μt. - - - - - - - - -
from 2000 being the year of monetary
authority regime of flexible exchange rate to - - - - - - - - - - - -Equ.3.2.1
2019. The correlation and regression analysis Rewriting the above econometric models to
of the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) were regression models, we have;
used to analyze the data. The result shows
that the three variables; have significant GDPt = βo + β1 INTRt + β2MPRt + β3INFRt
effect on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). + μt - - - - - - - - (equ 3.2.2)
Exchange rate has a negative effect on the Where
GDP because as it increases, the external
GDPt = Gross Domestic Product
trade is negatively affected.
INTRt = Interest Rate -- Control
Methodology Variable
MPRt = Monetary Policy Rate
Research Design INFRt = Inflation Rate
t = Time Series
The type of research design used in this study
is ex-post facto research design which is the μt = Error or Disturbance Term
type of research involving events that have
already taken place and for which data The variables in the model were log-
already exists, and the researchers are merely transformed so as to keep them at the same
involved in data gathering. level of measurement and make provision for
easy interpretation. Hence, log-transforming
Data used in this study were sourced from the the variables in equation 3.2.2 to log form
Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin of their real terms is given:
various issues. The models of study are

Nwankwo, Simon N. P. (2023)
Effect of Exchange rate fluctuations on the Nigeria Economy: ECM Analysis
GOUni Journal of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (11/1) 65-75
ISSN: 2550-7265

GDPt = β0Log+β1 20 3,779. 14.31 18.87 111.

LogINTR)t+β2Log(MPR)+β3 Log(INFR)+ µ 01 13 94
- (equ.3.2.3) 20 4,111. 19.00 12.88 120.97
02 64
Equation 3.2.2 implies that (GDP) in Nigeria 20 4,588. 15.75 14.03 129.36
depends on Monetary Policy Rate, Interest 03 99
Rate, and Inflation Rate. Since the study 20 5,307. 15.00 15 133.50
among other things is interested in 04 36
investigating relationship between Exchange 20 6,897. 13.00 17.86 132.15
Rate and the GDP. 05 48
Data Presentation and Analysis 20 8,134. 12.25 8.24 128.65
Table 4.1. Data for the Study consists of 06 14
inflation rate, GDP, Monetary Policy Rate, 20 11,33 10.00 5.38 125.83
Exchange Rate and Interest Rate from 1986 - 07 2.25
2020 20 13,30 10.00 11.58 118.57
08 1.56
Ye LNG LNM LNIN LNIN 20 17,32 13.00 11.54 148.
ar DP PR FR TR 09 1.30 88
19 144.8 10 5.72 2.02 20 22,26 13.00 13.72 150.
86 3 10 9.98 30
19 154.9 12.75 7.46 4.02 20 28,66 13.00 10.84 153.86
87 8 11 2.47
19 163.0 12.75 6.83 4.54 20 32,99 13.00 12.22 157.
88 0 12 5.38 50
19 170.3 18.50 8.15 7.39 20 39,15 13.00 8.48 157.
89 8 13 7.88 31
19 192.2 18.50 7.36 8.04 20 44,28 13.00 8.06 158.55
90 7 14 5.56
19 202.4 14.50 13.01 99.9 20 54,61 11.00 9.01 195.52
91 4 1 15 2.26
19 249.4 17.50 44.59 17.3 20 62,98 14.00 15.7 305.00
92 4 0 16 0.40
19 320.3 26.00 57.17 22.05 20 71,71 14.00 15.3 305.79
93 3 17 3.94
19 419.2 13.50 57.03 21.89 20 36,47 14.00 16.90 306.08
94 0 18 7
19 499.6 13.50 72.84 21.89 20 57,98 15.00 17.00 306.10
95 8 19 0 306.10
19 596.0 13.50 29.27 21.89 20 45,87 16.00 17.05
96 4 20 6
19 909.8 13.50 8.53 21.89 20 23315 16.5 18.5 17.5
97 0 21 .08
19 1,259. 14.31 10 21.89
98 07 Source: CBN Statistical Bulletin various
19 1,762. 18.00 6.62 92.69 issues, 2022
99 81
20 2,895. 13.50 6.93 102. Descriptive Statistics
00 20 11
Table 4.2

Nwankwo, Simon N. P. (2023)
Effect of Exchange rate fluctuations on the Nigeria Economy: ECM Analysis
GOUni Journal of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (11/1) 65-75
ISSN: 2550-7265

LNGD LNINF LNINT LNMP is, 1.545356, 3.413692, 2.360299 and

P R R R 4.419331 respectively.
8.1737 2.6071 4.0944 2.6452
Mean 07 69 97 68 Data Analysis
8.4314 2.5556 4.7955 2.6026
Median 15 76 43 90 Analysis of Unit Root Test
11.180 4.2882 5.7239 3.2580 The unit root test was performed to ascertain
Maximum 44 65 12 97
the stationrity of the time series data under
4.9755 1.6826 0.7030 2.3025 study so as to avoid running a spurious
Minimum 61 88 98 85 regression. Phillps-Perron method was used
2.1858 0.6707 1.4539 0.1983 in the process. In considering the levels the
Std. Dev. 11 06 17 63 data could be integrated of, Phillps-Perron
- - test statistics was compared with the critical
0.16166 0.9969 0.77738 0.7409 values at 5% and 10% level of significance.
Skewness 7 85 8 53 A situation whereby the (PP) test statistics is
1.5453 3.4136 2.3602 4.4193 greater than the critical values with
Kurtosis 56 92 99 31 consideration on the absolute values, the data
at the tested order will be said to be stationary
Jarque- 3.0532 5.7022 3.8865 5.7894
Bera 34 04 02 96 Summary of Unit Root Test
Probabilit 0.2172 0.0577 0.1432 0.0553
y 69 81 38 13 Table 4.3: Unit Root Test using Phillips-
Perron Test
269.73 86.036 135.11 87.293 Vari PPT 5% 10 p- Orde
Sum 23 59 84 84 able C.V %C Va r of
Sum Sq. 152.88 14.395 67.643 1.2591 s .V lue integ
Dev. 86 09 98 33 ratio
Observati LNG - - - 0.0
ons 33 33 33 33 DP 5.82 2.96 2.62 00 1(1)
Source: E-view 9 output 2022 759 776 298 0
6 7 9
Table 4.2 The descriptive characteristics of LNI - - - 0.0
the variables are presented in table 4.2 above. NFR 4.60 2.96 2.62 01 1(1)
The mean values are LNINTR 4.094497, 039 776 298 0
LNMPR 2.645268, and LNINFR 2.607169 8 7 9
and LNGDP 8.173707. The median variables LNI - - - 0.0
which measure the centrality of variables are NTR 4.76 2.98 2.62 00 1(1)
distributed in the following pattern; LNINFR 858 103 990 8
(2.555676), LNINTR (4.795543), LNMPR 2 8 6
(2.602690) and LNGPD (8.431415) LN - - - 0.0
respectively. The probability corresponding MPR 8.08 2.98 2.62 00 1(1)
to Jarque-Berra (JB) shows that all the 265 103 990 0
variables were normally distributed. The p- 8 8 6
values of the variables are significantly
greater than 0.05. LNINTR and LNGDP are Source: Author’s Compilation, 2022
positively signed while LNINFR and
Table 4.3 report the test for stationarity
LNMPR. The kurtosis that measured the
properties of the series following the PPT
peakdness of the distribution of each variable
statistics. It indicates that all the variables

Nwankwo, Simon N. P. (2023)
Effect of Exchange rate fluctuations on the Nigeria Economy: ECM Analysis
GOUni Journal of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (11/1) 65-75
ISSN: 2550-7265

attained stationarity at the same order as relationship between Inflation Rate

reported; the PPT statistics for the respective fluctuation and GDP and therefore we are not
variables were more negative than the critical accepting the null hypothesis of no
values at 5% and 10% level of significance. cointegrating relationships among the
The reported p-value is all less than 0.05 for variables. Thus, we are advised to use VECM
which cause the null hypotheses with the regression analysis to test our hypotheses
presence of unit root in all the variables
rejected. Based on the fact that the variables Table 4. 5 VECM regression analyses
attained stationarity at first level first Dependent Variable: D(GDP)
Method: Least Squares
intercept I(1) it is advisable to test for
Date: 08/12/21 Time: 17:14
cointegration using Johensen cointegration Sample (adjusted): 1986 2020
test. Included observations: 29 after adjustments
Table 4.4: Johensen Co-integration test.
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
Date: 08/12/21 Time: 17:30
Sample (adjusted): 1986 2020 C 755.4428 1511.238 0.499884 0.6221
Included observations: 27 after adjustments D(GDP(-1)) -0.775701 0.153544 -5.051987 0.0000
Trend assumption: Linear deterministic D(INTR(-1)) 178.6100 59.93799 2.979914 0.0069
D(INFR(-1)) -40.87953 105.9217 -0.385941 0.7032
Series: GDP EXCR INFR INTR D(MPR(-1)) -210.3695 344.3029 -0.611001 0.5475
MPR ECM(-1) 5410.804 1751.607 3.089051 0.0054
Lags interval (in first differences): 1 to 1
Mean dependent
Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test R-squared 0.583810 var 987.2590
(Trace) Adjusted R- S.D. dependent
Hypothesize squared 0.470303 var 8715.500
d Trace 0.05 S.E. of Akaike info
Eigenvalu Critical Prob.* regression 6343.164 criterion 20.55465
No. of CE(s) e Statistic Value * Sum squared
resid 8.85E+08 Schwarz criterion 20.88469
99.1915 69.8188
Log Hannan-Quinn
None * 0.815286 9 9 0.0000 likelihood -291.0424 criter. 20.65801
53.5900 47.8561 Durbin-Watson
At most 1 * 0.583464 6 3 0.0131 F-statistic 5.143407 stat 1.866545
29.9439 29.7970 Prob(F-
At most 2 * 0.508805 4 7 0.0481 statistic) 0.001941
10.7492 15.4947
At most 3 0.322320 7 1 0.2274 Source: Author’s Compilation, 2022
0.24410 3.84146
At most 4 0.009000 6 6 0.6213 Table 4.5 shows the dynamic model of the
impact of Exchange Rate fluctuation on
Trace test indicates 3 cointegrating eqn(s) at the Nigerian Economy using ECM. Every
0.05 level variable was set at lag 1 in accordance with
* denotes rejection of the hypothesis at the 0.05
level the lag selection. According to the result, the
**MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p- ECM (-1) has the correct sign of negative
values meaning that about 54.10% of the errors are
corrected yearly. Precisely, this speed of
Table 4.4 above test identifies the number of adjustment shows that about 54.10% of errors
long-run relationship that exists among the
generated in each period is automatically
sets of integrated variables. The above trace
corrected by the system in the subsequent
result on Johensen cointegration test indicates period and is statistically significant at 0.005
3 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 0.05 level,
having three (3) equations that have a p-value The adjusted coefficient of determination
less than 0.05. The implication of the analysis (R2) value of 0.470303 shows that all the
is that there is a long-run equilibrium

Nwankwo, Simon N. P. (2023)
Effect of Exchange rate fluctuations on the Nigeria Economy: ECM Analysis
GOUni Journal of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (11/1) 65-75
ISSN: 2550-7265

variables are jointly fitted as explained by Step 4:- Decision

47% of GDP output. The Durbin-Watson
value of 1.86 implies that the model does not A decision criterion is to reject H0 if the t-
suffer from autocorrelation problem. The statistics is > 2.0 and if the probability of the
overall models are seen to be statistically t- statistics is < 0.05. The coefficient MPR
significant at 5% level giving the f-stat of is negatively signed with p-value
5.14 0.5475>0.05. Thus, we reject the null
hypothesis that MPR has negative and no
Equation Model significant effect on Gross domestic product
D(GDP) = 755.442826483 - (GDP) in Nigeria
0.77570078543*D (GDP (-1)) +
178.610028467*D(INTR(-1)) - Test of Hypothesis Two
40.8795266874*D(INFR(-1)) -
8.76812872757*D(EXCR(-1)) - Step One: Restating Hypothesis Two in
210.369546233*D(MPR(-1)) + Null and Alternate Forms
5410.80364689*ECM(-1) H01: Inflation Rate fluctuations has no
significant effect on the GDP in Nigeria
Test of Hypothesis
Ha2: Inflation Rate fluctuations has
This section tested the hypotheses stated in significant effect on the GDP in Nigeria
chapter one and modeled in chapter three.
Three steps were utilized in interpreting the Step 2: Statement of decision criteria
(ECM) results. The steps involved are:
Reject the null hypothesis if the t- statistics is
Test of hypothesis was carried out as follows; greater than 2.0 and p-value is less than 5%
otherwise accept the null hypothesis
Step 1: - Re- statement of the hypothesis in
null and alternative form Step 3:- Presentation of test result

Step 2:- Statement of decision criteria Table 4.5 was used to test hypothesis Two
Step 3:- Decision
Step 4:- Decision
Test of Hypothesis One
A decision criterion is to reject H0 if the t-
Step One: Restating Hypothesis One in statistics is > 2.0 and if the probability of the
Null and Alternate Forms t- statistics is < 0.05. The coefficient INFR
H01: MPR fluctuations has no significant is negatively signed with p-value
effect on the GDP in Nigeria 0.7032>0.05. Thus, we accept the null
hypothesis that Inflation Rate has negative
Ha1: MPR fluctuations has significant effect and no significant effect on Gross domestic
on the GDP in Nigeria product (GDP) in Nigeria

Step 2:- Statement of decision criteria 4.2.3 Test of Hypothesis Three

Reject the null hypothesis if the t- statistics is
greater than 2.0 and p-value is less than 5% Step One: Restating Hypothesis Two in
otherwise accept the null hypothesis Null and Alternate Forms

H01: There is no causal relationship between

Step 3:- Presentation of Test Result
Interest Rate fluctuations and the GDP in
Table 4.5 was used to test Hypothesis One Nigeria

Nwankwo, Simon N. P. (2023)
Effect of Exchange rate fluctuations on the Nigeria Economy: ECM Analysis
GOUni Journal of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (11/1) 65-75
ISSN: 2550-7265

Ha2: There is causal relationship between • Objective Two: To ascertain the

Interest Rate fluctuations and the GDP in impact of Interest Rate fluctuations
Nigeria on the GDP in Nigeria

Step 2: Statement of decision criteria The results of our estimation revealed that
Interest Rate fluctuation has significant
Reject the null hypothesis if the t- statistics is impact on Gross domestic product in Nigeria.
greater than 2.0 and p-value is less than 5% This was explained by the positive coefficient
otherwise accept the null hypothesis value (178.6100) of INTR and its
corresponding probability value (0.0069),
Step 3:- Presentation of test result which is less than 0.05 significant levels
Table 4.4 Johensen Co-integration test was • Objective Three: To examine the
used to test hypothesis three causal relationship between Inflation
Rate fluctuations and the GDP in
Step 4:- Decision Nigeria
From the above table, the Johansen co The result from the Johansen Co-integration
integration tests revealed that the maximal Test showed that there is no long-run
Eigen value statistics and rank test show no relationship among the explanatory variables
existence of co integration equations for in our various models. So we accept the null
GDP, INFR, MPR, and EXCR all at the p hypothesis which states that Inflation Rate
values greater than 5% level of significance fluctuation has no causal long-run
while INTR has p value less than 5% relationship with GDP.
significance level

The conclusion drawn from this result is that

there is no long-run relationship among the Summary of the Findings, Conclusion and
explanatory variables in our various models. Recommendations
So we reject the null hypothesis which states
that Interest Rate has no causal long-run 5.1 Summary of the Findings
relationship with the Gross Domestic Product
in Nigeria • Monetary Policy Rate has negative
and no significant effect on GDP in
4.2 Discussion of Result Nigeria within the year under
The following results were generated from
the analysis of the study. • Interest Rate has positive and
significant impact on GDP in
• Objective One: To determine the Nigeria
effect of Monetary Policy Rate
fluctuations on the GDP in Nigeria. • There is no long-run relationship
between inflation rate fluctuation
The results of our estimation revealed that and gross domestic product in
Monetary Policy has no significant effect on Nigeria.
Gross domestic product in Nigeria. This was
explained by the negative coefficient value Conclusion
(0-210.3695) of MPR and its corresponding
probability value (0.5475), which is greater This paper examines the impact of exchange
than 0.05 significant levels rate fluctuation on gross domestic product in
Nigeria within the year 1986-2021, while the

Nwankwo, Simon N. P. (2023)
Effect of Exchange rate fluctuations on the Nigeria Economy: ECM Analysis
GOUni Journal of Faculty of Management and Social Sciences (11/1) 65-75
ISSN: 2550-7265

study applied the Error Correction Model University/Business and Finance.

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