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Scholarly Paper

Semantic Risk Assessment for Ad Hoc and Amended

Standard Forms of Construction Contracts
Ahmad Youssef 1; Hesham Osman 2; Maged Georgy 3; and Nabil Yehia 4
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Abstract: In spite of the widespread availability and documented advantages of using standard forms of construction contracts (SFCs),
actual practice and recent evidence suggest that owners still rely on ad hoc (bespoke) or heavily amended SFCs. This practice is problematic
to contractors who are required to submit tenders within tight time frames and hastily assess the risk allocation of these nonstandard forms of
contract. This paper presents a semantic model and quantitative assessment framework to help assess the risk allocation of these contracts and
hence allow more informed decisions to be made by contractors prior to tender submission. The model is based on 9 clause families and 41
construction clause components that were determined based on a detailed analysis of 4 major SFCs as well as several bespoke and heavily
amended SFCs, in addition to a subsequent verification by domain experts. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is further used to assign
relative weights to the clause families and components based on collaborative input from 10 construction contract experts. The model was
tested on two case studies for a residential construction and hotel retrofit projects. Results show that the contract risk rating (CRR) computed
by the model closely correlates to the contingency values allocated by contractors into their tender price. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)LA.1943-
4170.0000253. © 2018 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Construction contracts; Risk assessment; Semantics; Standard contract forms (SCF); Ad hoc contracts; Analytical
hierarchy process (AHP).

Introduction In spite of these advantages, owners are sometimes tempted to

use ad hoc (bespoke) contracts or amend the standard form to suit
The complex nature of construction projects has necessitated clear their specific project needs (Bell 2009). An ad hoc contract refers to
and balanced definitions of obligations for the contracting parties. a specially tailored construction contract that does not completely
Standard forms of construction contracts (SFCs), usually developed follow any standard form widely used and accepted in the industry.
by professional associations and construction experts, have evolved Ad hoc contracts are sometimes referred to as nonstandard forms of
to address this need. Examples of well-known standard forms of contract or bespoke contracts. Evidence suggests that such practi-
construction contracts include the International Federation of ces are on the rise (Shnookal and Charrett 2010; Chen et al. 2013).
Consulting Engineers (FIDIC), Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT), Amendments to SFCs are typically instigated by the employer in
Australian Building Industry Contracts (ABIC), and the American order to (1) modify the risk allocation structure among the con-
Institute of Architects (AIA) family of contracts. Advantages of tracting parties, typically placing more risks on the contractor,
using standard forms include: (1) contractor familiarity with con- (2) better align the contract conditions to meet the requirements
tract obligations, (2) lack of need to price hidden risks that are of new project delivery systems, and (3) address project-specific
common with bespoke or amended standard forms, (3) less need requirements that are not captured in the typically generic format
for negotiations, and (4) the fact that SFCs are typically based of SFCs. A recent study by Chen et al. (2013) in Vietnam docu-
on a fair allocation of risks among contracting parties (Davis mented numerous problems that were encountered on a power plant
1986; Rameezdeen and Rajapakse 2007; Rameezdeen and Rodrigo project because of amendments to the FIDIC Silver Book standard
2014). conditions of contracts. Problems that arise from utilizing ad hoc or
amended SFCs can be generally classified into two categories:
(1) semantic issues and (2) readability issues (Rameezdeen and
Graduate Student, Dept. of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engi-
Rajapakse 2007; Rameezdeen and Rodrigo 2014). Semantic issues
neering, Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt; Contracts Manager, Dar Al-Mimar
Group, Cairo 11757, Egypt. E-mail:
refer to the actual meaning of a contract clause (or group of clauses)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engi- as they relate to the allocation of obligations and risks to a con-
neering, Cairo Univ., Giza 12613, Egypt (corresponding author). ORCID: tracting party. These issues usually stem from the desire of the E-mail: hesham.osman@gmail owner to transfer the risks in a way that better serves his interests.
.com Readability issues on the other hand relate to the clarity and con-
Senior Lecturer, School of Property, Construction and Project Manage- sistency of a contract clause (or group of clauses). These issues
ment, RMIT Univ., GPO Box 2476, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia; usually stem from a lack of adequate legal expertise of the
Associate Professor, Dept. of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineer- individual(s) rewriting/amending the contract clauses and/or a lack
ing, Cairo Univ., Giza 12613, Egypt. E-mail: of proper review of the final document. While several studies
Professor, Dept. of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
have been undertaken to study readability issues in construction
Cairo Univ., Giza 12613, Egypt. E-mail:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on April 29, 2017; approved on contracts (Rameezdeen and Rajapakse 2007; Rameezdeen and
October 2, 2017; published online on January 4, 2018. Discussion period Rodrigo 2014), there has been little research relating to semantic
open until June 4, 2018; separate discussions must be submitted for indivi- issues in these contracts.
dual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute As such, this paper develops a model for assessing the risk
Resolution in Engineering and Construction, © ASCE, ISSN 1943-4162. allocation of ad hoc and amended SFCs based on a semantic

© ASCE 04518002-1 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(2): 04518002

assessment of 9 families of clauses and 41 clause components. The principles were further used by Ameyaw and Chan (2015) to
model is based on a review of four common SFCs, several ad hoc appropriately allocate risks in PPP contracts.
contracts, and input from subject matter experts. The model allows Clauses and provisions of construction contracts generally ad-
contractors bidding on projects with ad hoc or amended SFCs dress a big portion of the risk causes. Terms and conditions of
to rapidly assess the risk allocation using a predetermined check- contracts that are concerned with risks, their causes as well as
list and weighted scoring based on the analytical hierarchy pro- effects, determine whether the contract or its clauses are risky,
cess (AHP). or not, to either party of the contract. Murdoch and Hughes
(2008) emphasized the importance of conducting a thorough re-
view of a contractor’s rights and obligations as described in the
construction contract as part of the risk assessment during project
Background tendering. One of the earliest studies on risk in relation to contract
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The construction industry is prone to a large number of risks that obligations is that by Ibbs and Ashley (1987) that mapped 96
affect the intended outcomes of construction projects. In addition, clauses to 6 measures of project performance (cost, schedule,
the size and complexity of construction projects are increasing, quality, safety, owner satisfaction, and contractor satisfaction).
which adds to the frequency and severity of risks typically encoun- Khazaeni et al. (2012) developed a quantitative model to deter-
mine the optimal risk sharing in a construction contract among
tered in these projects. Any construction project by its very
contracting parties. Their model, which integrates fuzzy logic
nature involves certain unavoidable risks. One of the earlier studies
and the technique for order of preference by similarity to the ideal
in this area was undertaken by Bunni (1985), in which a compre-
solution (TOPSIS), can be used during contract negotiations. The
hensive list of risks particular to construction projects was devel-
model, however, did not include clear reference to specific clauses
oped along with their underlying causes. The main risk groups
in a construction contract. Similar work by Lam et al. (2007) de-
were (1) physical works, (2) delays and disputes, (3) direction and
veloped a model to determine the risk rating of a project based on
supervision, (4) damage and injury, (5) external factors, (6) pay-
a linguistic assessment (e.g., extremely likely to occur, likely to
ment, and (7) law and arbitration. Recent studies (e.g., Goh and
occur, somewhat likely to occur, unlikely to occur, extremely
Abdul-Rahman 2013; Mbachu and Taylor 2014) only reinforce
unlikely to occur) of probability and consequence of failure. Their
the same. Indeed, the literature relating to risk and risk management
work also did not focus on contractual obligations and their effect
on construction projects is ample, and hence the rest of this back-
on project risks.
ground review will focus on research relating to risk allocation/
Additionally, Bunni (2005) proposed a classification for risks
sharing among the contracting parties as per the provisions of allocated under construction contracts between employers and con-
the construction contract itself. tractors, based on their effects. The classification recognized two
Equitable risk allocation between contracting parties is widely types of risks. The first type incorporated risks that could lead
emphasized (Peckiene et al. 2013). Risk allocation and sharing in to damage, physical loss, or injury, whereas the second type in-
contracts have been examined by researchers in different sectors cluded risks that could lead to economic and/or time losses. Bunni
of the construction industry, e.g., underground rail (Hwang et al. (2005) further added that the treatment of these two types of risks in
2016), road infrastructure (Albalate et al. 2015), water supply construction contracts is different. The first type encompasses risks
(Ameyaw and Chan 2015), and others. that might be insurable, and they are governed usually by insurance
Risk allocation and sharing were also investigated in particular clauses in the construction contract. On the other hand, the second
contract forms. Balanced risk sharing in target cost contracts was type, which is the area this research focuses on, in principle in-
studied by Chapman and Ward (2008). Chan et al. (2011) identified volves uninsurable risks and is typically controlled by the remain-
the party most preferred to take the risks associated with target cost ing clauses. Apparently, if this type of risk is not understood and
and guaranteed maximum price contracts in Hong Kong and re- properly addressed in the contractual context, many problems
vealed that, in general terms, risks on tender documentation and could arise.
project design are better borne by clients, whereas construction- The readability of construction contracts has also been investi-
related risks are perceived to be taken by contractors. Bing et al. gated by researchers such as Rameezdeen and Rajapakse (2007),
(2005) investigated the same for public-private partnerships (PPPs) Rameezdeen and Rodrigo (2014), and Chong and Zin (2010). This
and private finance initiative (PFI) procurements. line of work has focused on assessing the clarity of construction
To help with balanced risk allocation in construction contracts, contracts by employing various text analysis algorithms. The aim
Hanna et al. (2013) developed worksheets, as well as supporting is to determine how well a construction contract overall, and its
flowcharts, legal advice, and risk allocation principles, to identify individual clauses, are readable and hence less prone to misinter-
construction risks that have a high potential for conflict and to help pretation during contract implementation.
allocate these risks to the appropriate parties of the contract. To A thorough review of the risk literature related to the semantic
improve the risk allocation among the contracting parties, Lam et al. and readability aspects of a construction contract has revealed the
(2007) presented a decision model that transforms the linguistic following:
principles and experiential knowledge expressed by construction 1. The vast majority of research has focused on risks pertinent to
experts into a more usable and systematic quantitative-based analy- project conditions while less than sufficient attention has been
sis by using fuzzy logic. Also, multiagent systems were used by given to how these conditions relate to the contractual obliga-
Karakas et al. (2013) to simulate the negotiation process between tions in a construction contract.
parties (mainly contractors and clients) about risk allocation and 2. A lack of quantitative models that can be used to assess the ex-
sharing of cost overruns in construction projects. Moreover, the tent of risk allocation/sharing among contracting parties and its
optimal risk sharing ratio in target cost contracts using ideas effect on contract contingency.
from principal-agent theory was examined by Hosseinian and 3. Quantitative models that have been developed in the past have
Carmichael (2014). To account for situational uncertainties, mostly focused on contract readability with little examination of
Nasirzadeh et al. (2014) incorporated fuzzy principles into sys- the semantics (i.e., true meaning) of contract clauses and its
tem dynamics to quantitatively allocate contractual risks. Fuzzy effect on contract management.

© ASCE 04518002-2 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(2): 04518002

As such, this research attempts to bridge this gap by developing the component addresses certain risks. Components can be in the
a quantitative model for assessing the risks introduced by amending form of rights, obligations, or procedures. Finally, the component
SFC or using ad hoc contracts. option is considered the form at which a clause component can be
found in a construction contract. The component options were
identified based on a review of various types of SFCs, amended
Approach SFCs, and ad hoc contracts. The defined options of each compo-
nent are mutually exclusive.
The research was conducted in five main steps: For example, in the clause family of employer’s entitlement
1. Data collection: This step involved a review of literature relating to termination (EET), there is a clause component relating to
to construction contract risks; a review of four common SFCs employer obligation to issue the sums due to the contractor if the
(FIDIC 87, FIDIC 99, AIA-A201 2007, and JCT 2005); a employer terminated the contract for convenience. For this clause
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review of three ad hoc and three heavily amended FIDIC con- component, three distinct options in increasing order of preference
tracts; and a review of a tender risk analysis template used by a to the contractor are possible:
large Egyptian contractor. • Sums include the value of executed works and costs
2. Framework development: Based on the aforementioned review, • Sums include the value of executed works, costs, and profit loss
a model comprising 9 clause families, 41 clause components, • No entitlement for termination for convenience is defined
and various clause options was developed. The clause families
were developed through a bottom-up exploration of common
clauses in the data set being studied. Once the clause compo- Contract Model Framework
nents were initially identified, the researchers commenced a
grouping process to cluster clauses into a family that addresses This section presents the clause families forming the model frame-
a common issue of the contractual obligations of the construc- work and examples of the resulted clause components and options.
tion contract. The three levels of hierarchy forming the model framework are pre-
3. Framework verification: The model was verified and refined sented in Fig. 1. The figure shows that each clause family consists
through interviews with six construction contract experts. of some clause components, and each component has more than
The profile of these experts is listed in Table 1. The process one option. The model framework consists of 9 clause families
of refinement involved reviewing to identify (1) clause compo- and a total of 41 clause components. The clause families and their
nents that were deemed irrelevant, (2) clause components that associated abbreviations are
were redundant, and (3) clause components that were missing • DD—Delayed drawings or instructions
from the model. The review also included the merging of two • UPC—Unforeseeable physical conditions
families of contract clauses. The end result was a more compact • DSW—Delays and suspension of work
model that included 9 clause families and 41 clause components. • ETO—Employer’s taking over
4. Quantitative model development: The framework was extended • VA—Variations, adjustments, and evaluations
to include weights for each clause family/component/option • IP—Interim payments
using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) via interviews with • EET—Employer’s entitlement to termination
10 construction contract experts. • STC—Suspension and termination by contractor
5. Model validation: The model was implemented on two case stu- • CD—Claims and disputes
dies for large-scale construction projects. Quantitative results of
the model were compared to contingency sums allocated by the
Delayed Drawings or Instructions
contractor as a proxy for risk allocation.
The cornerstone of this research is the identification and defi- Contractual risks under this family are attributed to the failure by
nition of the clause family, clause component, and clause option the engineer or employer’s representative to issue the required
(Fig. 1). The clause family is considered a group of contract clauses drawings, instructions, or inputs, as requested by the contractor
that address a certain risk or homogeneous group of risks. A clause within a timely manner. This family comprises two clause compo-
family consists of one or more clause components. Clause compo- nents. The first component entitles the contractor to an extension of
nents are semantic components extracted from the subclauses of time (EOT) if he or she suffers delays as a result of said failure. The
standard contracts, which can be in different forms under construc- second component entitles the contractor to additional sums if he or
tion contracts. Contractors should assess each component, along she incurs costs as a result of the occurrence of said failure by the
with its applicable options, prior to entering into contracts, as engineer.

Table 1. Profile of Domain Experts

Years of Model AHP weight
Expert Title experience Organization verification determination
E1 Contracts director (head of project management and contract department) 25 Consultant — +
E2 Contracts, claims, and arbitration consultant 20 Consultant + +
E3 Contracts, claims, and arbitration consultant 17 Consultant + +
E4 Contracts manager 40 Contractor — +
E5 Contracts manager 20 Contractor — +
E6 Contracts director 14 Employer — +
E7 Contracts manager 14 Employer + +
E8 Contracts manager 14 Contractor + +
E9 Contracts manager 14 Contractor + +
E10 Contracts manager 10 Contractor + +
Note: — = did not participate; + = participated in survey.

© ASCE 04518002-3 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(2): 04518002

Contract Risk Suspension and Termination by Contractor
This clause family addresses some risks related to defaults by the
employer and engineer. In principal, it addresses risks associated
with delays in payment and prolonged suspension. The selected
Clause Clause
components present remedies to the contractor to control the effects
Family 1 Family 9 in case of the occurrence of such events, as they give the contractor
the right to suspend the works and to terminate the contract as a
consequence. This family consists of eight clause components.

Clause Clause
Component 1.1 Component 1.2 Claims and Disputes
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This clause family addresses the contractual risks related to con-

tractor’s claims and the dispute resolution method provided in
the contract. The relevant components concern high-risk areas in
Option (i) Option (ii) Option (iii) construction contracts. The components under this family further
exhibit different forms; some represent rights for contractors, while
others represent obligations of contractors. Therefore, sometimes it
Fig. 1. Contract risk model framework is not favorable for the contractor to have these components defined
in the contract. This family consists of seven clause components.

Unforeseeable Physical Conditions

Quantitative Model
Contractual risks under this family are attributed to encountering
unforeseeable physical conditions by the contractor during the ex-
Weights for Clause Families and Components
ecution of the works. This family comprises three components.
The research applies the AHP to determine the weights between the
clause families and clause components. AHP is based on capturing
Delays and Suspension of Works expert judgment through a pairwise comparison of alternatives.
Contractual risks under this family comprise delays attributed to the This approach has been proven to reduce the subjectivity of deci-
following: force majeure, exceptionally adverse climatic condi- sion making when dealing with a large number of alternatives or
tions, delay in giving possession of site, and interference by public decision criteria (Saaty 1980). The structure of the developed
authorities, as well as suspension of the works (i.e., the whole model that is comprised of 9 clause families and 41 clause com-
works of the project) by the engineer. Components forming this ponents lends itself well to AHP because (1) the model structure
clause family give the contractor entitlement to EOT if he or is hierarchical as shown in Fig. 1, (2) the relatively large number of
she suffers delays as a result of any of the previously mentioned families and components will likely lead to a subjective assessment
events, as well as a remedy if the contractor incurs costs as a result using traditional weighting methods, and (3) the method is able to
of suspension of works. reconcile differences of opinion among different experts. For full
details of the AHP technique, the reader is advised to refer to re-
lated publications such as those of Brunelli (2014), Saaty (1980),
Employer’s Taking-Over and Saaty and Vargas (2012).
Contractual risks under this family are attributed to the following: A total of 10 domain experts with a minimum of 10 years of
delay in taking over the works and a partial takeover by the experience in construction contract management were interviewed
employer prior to substantial completion of the whole project. This and asked to conduct a bilevel pairwise comparison using AHP.
family consists of three clause components. The first level was used to determine the weights of the clause fam-
ilies, while the second level was used to determine the weights of
clause components within each family. Feedback from each expert
Variations, Adjustments, and Evaluation was checked for consistency using the consistency ratio (Saaty
1980; Saaty and Vargas 2012). A sample of one of the pairwise
Contractual risks addressed under this family include the following:
comparison matrices compiled from one domain expert relating
variations to scope, legislative changes, increase in the cost of
to the delays and suspension of works clause family is shown in
works, and changes in executed quantities. This family consists of
Table 2. The 8 × 8 matrix is filled by the expert via a pairwise score
eight clause components.
aij , which represents the relative importance of clause i to clause j.
For example, in this table the domain expert believes that the clause
Interim Payments relating to DSW-6 (“Contractor entitlement to additional payment
if the works were suspended by the engineer because of a reason for
This clause family addresses contractual risks related to delay in which the contractor is not responsible”) is five times as important
certifying and issuing the interim payments. The two most signifi- as DSW-1 (“Contractor entitlement to EOT as a result of the occur-
cant components in the model belong to this family. This family rence of force majeure”). The weight of each clause i is calculated
comprises three components. using the nth root method as follows:
Employer’s Entitlement to Termination uY n
vi ¼ t wi;j
This family comprises one component, which addresses the risk ð1Þ
attributed to contract termination by employer for convenience.

© ASCE 04518002-4 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(2): 04518002

Table 2. Sample Pairwise Comparison Matrix for the “Delays and Suspension of Works” Clause Family and Corresponding Weights Calculated for One of
the Domain Experts
Clause component (pairwise comparison)
Clause Weight
code Clause component DSW-1 DSW-2 DSW-3 DSW-4 DSW-5 DSW-6 DSW-7 DSW-8 (%)
DSW-1 Contractor entitlement to EOT as a result of the 1.00 1.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.20 0.33 0.50 5
occurrence of force majeure
DSW-2 Contractor entitlement to EOT as a result of the 1.00 1.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.20 0.33 0.50 5
occurrence of exceptionally adverse climatic
DSW-3 Contractor entitlement to EOT if he or she suffer 3.00 3.00 1.00 0.33 1.00 0.17 0.33 0.50 8
delays attributed to the public authorities
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DSW-4 Contractor entitlement to EOT if he or she suffer 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 0.33 1.00 2.00 2.00 17
delays as a result of failure by employer to give him
or her possession of the site
DSW-5 Contractor entitlement to EOT if the works were 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 18
suspended by the engineer because of a reason for
which the contractor is not responsible
DSW-6 Contractor entitlement to additional payment if the 5.00 5.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 2.00 20
works were suspended by the engineer because of a
reason for which the contractor is not responsible
DSW-7 The contract defines milestone(s) at which delay 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.50 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 18
damages may be applied by the employer in case of
delay by the contractor beyond the corresponding
completion date(s)
DSW-8 Contractor entitlement to treat part of the works as 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 10
an omitted part if such was suspended for a period
defined in the contract

v X
n X
n 0.5
wi ¼ P n i ð2Þ ED ¼ ðai;j − wi =wj Þ 2
i¼1 vi
i¼1 j¼1

where n = number of clause components or families being com-

pared. The resulting weights (wi ) that represent the importance where n = number of attributes in the pairwise comparison
of each clause component are shown in Table 2 based on the matrix; aij = priority given for attribute (i) over attribute (j);
opinion of one of the domain experts. Each matrix was checked and wi = weight of attribute i.
for consistency of expert feedback using the well-known consis- According to Srdevic et al. (2011), the procedures to derive
tency ratio (CR). The CR for the pairwise comparisons shown in weights of the group decision making are
Table 2 was calculated to be 6.9%, which is below the typical 1. Compute CR and ED values for all comparison matrices for
10% threshold of acceptance. This implies that the pairwise com- each DM.
parison by the experts does not exhibit unacceptable inconsisten- 2. Sum the CR values for all matrices separately for each DM; do
ces. More information on the CR calculations is given by Saaty the same for ED values.
(1980). 3. Compute reciprocals of sums obtained in Step 2 for each DM.
For each expert, one matrix for the relative importance of clause 4. Perform additive normalization in a way that the individual re-
families and eight matrices for the relative importance of the clause ciprocals from Step 3 are divided by the sum of all reciprocals
components within each clause family were compiled. No matrix obtained in Step 3; perform normalization separately for CR
was required for the employer entitlement to termination family, as and ED.
it contained only one clause component. 5. Adopt the averages of the normalized values for CR and ED
In order to compile the results from the 10 experts, a group obtained in Step 4 as the final weights of the DMs.
decision-making technique called the weighted geometric mean The previous procedures were conducted to derive the impor-
(WGM) was used. The WGM is a popular method that has pre- tance ratio of each expert and subsequently derive the concluding
viously been used in several application domains to combine input weights of the clause families and components. The resulting
from different respondents to an AHP exercise (Cortés-Aldana weights for clause components and options are shown in Table 3.
et al. 2009; de Luca 2014; Srdjevic et al. 2013; Groselj et al.
2015). The WGM relies on two main measures of consistency.
Contract Risk Rating
The first is the well-known CR. The other consistency measure
is the Euclidean distance (ED). In the ED measure, the error The model and its constituent weights can be used to compute an
criterion takes into consideration the entries of the comparison overall contract risk rating (CRR) for any ad hoc or amended SFC.
matrix (aij ), as entered by the decision maker (DM), and related The CRR ranges from 100% (least favorable to the contractor) to
ratios wi =wj of the computed weights. In a perfectly consistent 0% (most favorable to the contractor). In order to implement the
situation, aij ¼ wi =wj . model, the contract in question is examined to determine the appli-
The ED measures the total distance between all judgment ele- cable clause option for each of the 41 clause components listed in
ments in the comparison matrix and the related ratios of the weights Table 3. Because of space limitations, this paper cannot present
contained in the derived column vector. Therefore, according to options for all clause components. Illustrative samples for clause
Srdevic et al. (2011), the ED is calculated as follows: options are presented in Table 4. Model use relies on selecting

© ASCE 04518002-5 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(2): 04518002

Table 3. Clause Family and Clause Component Weights
Clause family Clause Clause component
Clause family weight (fw) (%) code Clause component weight (cw) (%)
Delayed 7.00 DD-1 Contractor entitlement to EOT if he or she suffers delays as a result of failure by the 50
drawings engineer to issue the required drawings or instructions
or instructions DD-2 Contractor entitlement to additional payment if he or she incurs costs because of failure by 50
the engineer to issue the required drawings or instructions
Unforeseeable 7.20 UPC-1 Employer obligation to make available to contractor all site data obtained by him or her 8
physical UPC-2 Contractor entitlement to EOT if he or she suffers delays from encountering unforeseeable 45
conditions physical conditions
UPC-3 Contractor entitlement to additional cost if he or she incurs costs because of encountering 47
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unforeseeable physical conditions

Delays and 14.80 DSW-1 Contractor entitlement to EOT as a result of the occurrence of force majeure 7
suspension of DSW-2 Contractor entitlement to EOT as a result of the occurrence of exceptionally adverse 7
works climatic conditions
DSW-3 Contractor entitlement to EOT if he or she suffers delays attributed to the public 9
DSW-4 Contractor entitlement to EOT if he or she suffers delays as a result of failure by employer 16
to give him or her possession of the site
DSW-5 Contractor entitlement to EOT if the works were suspended by the engineer because of a 16
reason for which the contractor is not responsible
DSW-6 Contractor entitlement to additional payment if the works were suspended by the engineer 19
because of a reason for which the contractor is not responsible
DSW-7 The contract defines milestone(s) at which delay damages may be applied by the employer 18
in the case of delays by the contractor beyond the corresponding completion date(s)
DSW-8 Contractor entitlement to treat part of the works as an omitted part if such was suspended 8
for a period defined in the contract
Employer 7.40 ETO-1 Engineer obligation to issue the taking-over certificate for part of the works, if such part 32
taking-over was used by the employer before project completion.
ETO-2 Engineer obligation to issue his or her decision/determination pertaining to works’ 42
substantial completion within a defined period from contractor request.
ETO-3 Contractor entitlement to receive payment if he or she incurs additional costs as a result of 26
using part of the works by the employer prior to completion
Variations, 17.80 VA-1 The contract includes an approach for evaluating variation orders in which no rates under 6
adjustments, the contract are applicable
and evaluation VA-2 Contractor entitlement to EOT in connection with the variation order 8
VA-3 Contractor entitlement to EOT if he or she suffers delays attributed to legislation changes 8
announced after contract award
VA-4 Contractor entitlement to additional costs if he or she incurs costs attributed to legislation 11
changes announced after contract award
VA-5 Contractor entitlement to additional costs because of the rise of cost of work inputs 21
VA-6 The unit rate of work item shall be revisited by the engineer in case the measured quantity 20
changed by a certain limit beyond the bill of quantity (BOQ) amount
VA-7 Contractor’s entitlement to on account payment if the rate of varied work executed by the 9
contractor was not evaluated by invoice submission
VA-8 Engineer shall not be entitled to omit a work and give it to another contractor 17
Interim 12.00 IP-1 Engineer obligation to certify the interim payment within a defined period 24
payments IP-2 Employer obligation to issue the interim payment within a certain period defined from 39
invoice submission
IP-3 Contractor entitlement to finance charges if he or she did not receive the interim payment 37
after the due date for payment
Employer 2.70 EET-1 Employer obligation to issue the sums due to the contractor if the employer terminated the 100
entitlement to contract for convenience
Suspension and 13.70 STC-1 Contractor entitlement to suspend works if he or she did not receive interim payment after 16
termination by the due date for payment
contractor STC-2 Contractor entitlement to additional payment if he or she has suspended the works 20
because of not receiving the interim payment
STC-3 Contractor entitlement to terminate the contract if he or she did not receive interim 21
payment after the due date for payment
STC-4 Contractor entitlement to terminate the contract if the employer has become bankrupt 11
STC-5 Contractor entitlement to terminate the contract if the works were suspended for a certain 14
period defined in the contract
STC-6 Contractor entitlement to profit loss for remaining works if he or she has terminated the 18
contract because of the employer’s default (prolonged suspension and failure to issue the
interim payment)

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Table 3. (Continued.)
Clause family Clause Clause component
Clause family weight (fw) (%) code Clause component weight (cw) (%)
Claims and 17.40 CD-1 Contractor obligation to give notice about his or her intention to claim additional time/ 14
disputes payment within a defined period
CD-2 Contractor obligation to submit the claim particulars within a certain period after the event 16
has arisen
CD-3 Contractor entitlement to additional payment as a result of failure by the employer to give 14
him or her possession of the site
CD-4 Contractor entitlement to additional payment as a consequence of the incorrect reference 12
points given for setting out
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CD-5 Engineer obligation to issue his or her decision pertaining to a submitted claim within a 10
certain period after receiving the particulars
CD-6 Contractor entitlement to additional cost if he or she suffers delays attributed to the public 12
CD-7 Arbitration is the dispute resolution method under the contract 22

the applicable option for each component, under the contract in X

hand, from the defined options for this component in the model. Family Risk ScoreðZi Þ ¼ cwj  yj ð5Þ
The CRR is the summation of the risk rating of all clause fam- j¼1
ilies, as shown in the following equation:
where mi = number of clause components under clause family i;
CRR ¼ fwi  Zi ð4Þ cwj = weight of clause component j under clause family i;
i¼1 yj = score of selected option of clause component j; and yj is
determined based on two- and three-point scales assumed by the
where n = number of clause families (n ¼ 9 in the existing model); researchers ranging from 0–100%. For components with two op-
fwi = weight of clause family i; and Zi = risk score for family i tions, one of these two options represents an entitlement, an obli-
calculated based on Eq. (5). gation, or some other form, whereas the other one represents the
Components under each family are linked to each other by the complete opposite position. Accordingly, a two-point scale was
sum of products of the weight of a component and the option score assumed so that the score of one option is equivalent to 0, while
for this component as detailed below the score of the other option is equivalent to 1. The risky option to

Table 4. Sample Clause Options and Scores

Clause Option
code Clause component Clause option score (y)
DD-2 Contractor entitlement to additional payment Not defined 1
if he or she incurs costs because of a failure by Cost 0.5
the engineer to issue the required drawings or Cost + profit 0
ETO-2 Engineer obligation to issue his or her Not defined 1
decision/determination pertaining to works’ Period is defined, and engineer shall issue such decision during this period 0.5
substantial completion within a defined period Period is defined, and if engineer fails to issue such decision and the works are 0
from contractor request completed, they shall be deemed completed
VA-8 Engineer is not entitled to omit a work and Defined 0
give it to another contractor Entitled to omit work and give to another one; however, the contractor shall be entitled 0.5
to profit loss
Not defined 1
IP-2 Employer obligation to issue the interim Not defined 1
payment within a certain period defined from Issuing payment by employer is within defined period defined from date of engineer’s 0.5
invoice submission certification, not directly from invoice submission date
Issuing payment by employer is within period defined directly from invoice 0
STC-2 Contractor entitlement to terminate the Not defined 1
contract if he or she did not receive the interim To terminate for delay that starts after period defined directly from invoice submission 0.5
payment after the due date for payment To terminate for delay that starts after period defined from date of engineer’s 0
certification, not defined directly from invoice submission date
CD-1 Contractor obligation to give notice about his Shall submit notice and will lose right to claim if he or she fails to submit notice within 1
intention to claim additional time/payment this period
within a defined period Defined 0.5
Not defined 0

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the contractor takes a score of 1 and the favorable option takes a Case Study (1): Ad Hoc Contract
score of 0. The contract comprises the carrying out and completion of the civil,
To exemplify, if the component that entitles the contractor to electromechanical, and finishing works of nine residential build-
EOT as a result of the occurrence of force majeure is defined under ings at a gated compound. The employer is a major Egyptian
the concerned contract, the option score in this case is equivalent to real estate developer that builds luxurious residential and tourism
0 and the risk rating of the clause family—comprising this compo- compounds. For confidentiality, the parties will not be named as
nent—will be computed based on this score. If this right is not de- requested by the employer and the contractor.
fined under the contract, the family rating is computed based on the The contract used was the FIDIC’s Conditions of Contract for
component option score equivalent to 1. For components with three construction for building and engineering works designed by the
options, the assumed point scale comprises the following scores: employer, 1999, with particular conditions prepared by the em-
0, 0.5, and 1. The risky option for a contractor takes a score of ployer. Based on said conditions, the contractor submitted his offer
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1, the favorable option takes a score of 0, and the intermediate for the execution of these buildings with limited commercial
or less favorable option takes a score of 0.5. qualification.
Thereafter, the employer proposed a new ad hoc contract to be
used that was not balanced like the previously mentioned SFC.
Model Application After this major change in the conditions of the contract, the con-
tractor submitted extensive contractual qualifications. During the
Model Application on FIDIC Form of Contract negotiation meetings, the employer accepted some of the above
contractual qualifications while rejecting others. Based on the ac-
The contract risk model was implemented based on the General cepted contractual qualifications, the contractor’s pricing was set at
conditions of contract, for construction for building and engineer- 51,043,820 EGP (US$6.7 million).
ing works designed by the employer, First Edition 1999, issued by Contractor’s Qualification and Significance of Clause
the International Federation of Consulting Engineers. Components. Only about one-fourth of the clause components
When the contract model was implemented in the General of said ad hoc contract were favorable to the contractor. This is
conditions of FIDIC 1999, the contract risk rating was computed based on the fact that one-fourth of the contract clauses’ compo-
to be equal to 14% as per Eq. (4). Although said form of the con- nents being analyzed had the clause option that most favors the
tract is distinguished by a risk-sharing concept, the risk score for contractor. An example of favorable versus unfavorable options
its conditions is 14%, not 0%, which means no risk, as it com- can be found in Table 5, with the most favorable option from
prises some components not counted as favorable to contractors. the perspective of the contractor having a score of zero. Meanwhile,
Among these are the time-barred component for serving the the remaining components were either not defined in the contract or
notice of claim (CD-1), the component concerning the employer’s were defined in their risky options. Hence, the contractor submitted
entitlement to terminate the contract for convenience (EET1), an extensive basis of proposal (qualification) to negotiate the terms
and finally the component that entitles the contractor to additional and conditions of the ad hoc contract.
cost only, without profit, as a result of suspension of works The points forming such a qualification that affect the clause
(DSW-5). components, based on their original wording, and the affected
For the previously mentioned components, Table 5 presents the clause families are presented below:
favorable options in the model framework versus ones presented in 1. In order to meet the time for completion, the contractor’s
said form of the contract. time schedule is based on technical documents issued by the
contractor for approval, or comments shall be returned within
(3) calendar days from the receipt date and (2) calendar days
Model Application on Selected Case Studies
from the resubmittal date for reapproval, and in response to in-
This section presents a study of two cases for construction projects spection requests placed by the contractor no later than 24 h
in Egypt. This study is based on discussing the contractual quali- from the date of submission. (Impacted Family: DD)
fication (or exception) to the conditions of tender submitted by the 2. The contractor’s bid is based on biweekly invoices to be paid
contractors at the precontract stage. It is primarily based on a com- within 15 days maximum from days of submission. (Impacted
parison between the presented contractual qualification/exception Family: IP)
and the clause components in the form of different options. 3. In case the employer delays paying the contractor invoices more
Additionally, for each case, two trials were implemented using than 15 days from the date of invoice submission, then the con-
the model based on two different sets of contract conditions, and tractor shall be entitled to an extension of time for the contract
the differences in risk ratings were calculated. equivalent to the days of delay. Also, the contractor shall be

Table 5. Options in FIDIC 99 versus Favorable Options in Contract Model

Clause component Option in FIDIC 1999 Favorable option in model
CD-1 Contractor obligation to give notice about his or her intention Time barred (contractor shall lose No obligation to submit notice
to claim additional time/payment within defined period entitlement if he or she fails to within defined period
submit notice within such period)
EET-1 Employer obligation to issue sums due to the contractor if Sums include value of executed No entitlement to termination
employer terminated the contract for convenience works and costs for convenience
DSW-6 Contractor entitlement to additional payment if the works Cost Cost plus profit
were suspended by the engineer because of a reason for which the
contractor is not responsible

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Table 6. Different Options for Affected Components in the VA Family
Option presented Option based on
Affected clause component in ad hoc contract requested amendment
Engineer is not entitled to omit work and to give it to another contractor Not defined Defined
The contract includes an approach for evaluating variations in which no rates under the Based on engineer’s Based on contractual percentage
contract are applicable rates determination for overhead and profit
Contractor entitlement to additional cost if he or she incurs costs attributed to legislation Not defined Defined
changes announced after contract award
Contractor entitlement to EOT if he or she suffers delays attributed to legislation changes Not defined Defined
announced after contract award
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Contractor entitlement to additional costs because of the rise of cost of work inputs Not defined/shall Defined
not be entitled

entitled to a time-related cost to cover his or her indirect costs Case Study (2): FIDIC RED BOOK 1987/92 with Particular
during the extended period. (Impacted Family: STC) Conditions
4. No omission of contract work shall be deducted from the con- The project involves the retrofit of a major hotel in Cairo, Egypt.
tract and assigned to others. In the case of any variation to the The work comprises several construction packages and is executed
contract that causes variation to items that are not included in by an international contractor that works in Egypt and the Middle
bill of quantity (BOQ) the evaluation of the variation to the East at large. For confidentiality, the parties to the contract and the
contractor shall be based on 20% overhead and profit over project manager will not be named.
the built-up rate. (Impacted Family: VA) The contract is based on the Conditions of contract for works
5. Should changes in legislation from the date of tender submission of civil engineering construction (FIDIC RED BOOK 87,
result in unforeseeable additional costs or time being incurred reprinted 1992), with the particular conditions prepared by the
by the contractor, then in such case the contractor shall notify employer.
the employer with such additional costs for reimbursement, and Contractor’s Qualification and Significance of Clause
to receive a time extension. (Impacted Family: VA) Components. The contractor submitted the financial offer accom-
6. The contractor’s prices are based on the current rates of con- panied with contractual qualification with value of 552,954,309
struction materials and equipment announced at the date of sub- EGP. After submitting the offer, some negotiation meetings were
mission as listed in this qualification. At any time if there is a conducted at the precontract stage between the parties involved
price increase that would exceed the specified prices, the calcu- to discuss some contractual and technical details.
lation references in the escalation formula will take effect. The Discussions between the parties during negotiation meetings
escalation formula will be applied starting with the next invoice resulted in waiving the contractual qualifications submitted by
after the price increase takes place. (Impacted Family: VA) the contractor and other technical ones. An additional sum of
7. In the case that the contractor encounters adverse physical con- 5,050,000 EGP was agreed to be added to the contractor’s submit-
ditions, especially related to the soil conditions, which are un- ted offer against waving the said qualifications.
foreseeable, and suffers delays and/or additional costs, then the The contractor’s submission of the contractual qualification
contractor shall be entitled to an extension of time for any delay prior to signing the contract was simply an attempt to change
and an equitable adjustment in payment of any such cost. (Im- certain clauses under the contract. The concerned points of such
pacted Family: UPC) qualification as per the original wording are presented below:
Contract Model Application. Following the extensive reference to 1. “Monthly payment application to be certified and paid within
the contractual qualification and corresponding clause families, the 42 days from submission.” (Impacted Family: IP)
contract model was used to evaluate two different scenarios, each 2. “Although the contract conditions Sub-clause 60.10 entitle the
depicting a distinct set of conditions, and to calculate the corre- contractor for interest on late payment, a considerable delay in
sponding CRR for each. The two scenarios are (1) rejecting all sub- payment may not be remedied through this provision. Due to
mitted qualifications and (2) accepting all submitted qualifications. maximum finance facilities of any contractor, the Contractor
Additionally, the contractor has provided an estimated pricing for will have no choice, in case of delay in payment for more than
each of the two scenarios in consideration. 4 weeks, but to slow down the progress of the works and then to
Trial 1 involved calculating the CRR for Scenario (1), which completely stop the work if the period of delay reaches 8 week
concerns rejecting all points under qualification prior to contract in addition to Contractor’s entitlement to associated costs.”
signing. For this scenario, the calculated CRR was 73%, with pric- (Impacted Family: STC)
ing equivalent to 52,524,090 EGP. Trial 2, on the other hand, in- 3. “With reference to item 11 of the tender clarifications approx-
volved calculating the CRR for Scenario (2), which concerns imate dates for the Contractor’s possession of Sections of the
accepting all points under qualification, prior to contract signing. Site and access will be issued in a tender addendum which
In this scenario, the calculated CRR was 45%, with pricing equiv- was not received till now therefore the Contractor assumed dates
alent to 50,022,943 EGP. of milestones for possession of Sections in the submitted time
The variance in these risk ratings is due to changes in the com- schedule. Any change to these milestones dates will entitle the
ponents’ options, which correspond to a difference in the contrac- contractor for EOT along with associated costs.” (Impacted
tor’s pricing values in the amount of 2,501,147 EGP. Examples of Family: DSW)
differences between components of the VA Family based on con- 4. “With reference to item 23 of the tender clarifications regarding
ditions of the ad hoc contract and the submitted qualification are the movable furniture and fixtures contractor package. In all
presented in Table 6. cases, prior to the start of any works by other contractors in

© ASCE 04518002-9 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

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