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Vertical interorence tost—A vericalintr- ference tost performed withthe MOT tool will show effective vortical permeability near the wolbore, Vortical permeablity can be dotor mined fom tho charge in formation pressure rmoasurod by aprossure probe, as formation fuid is pumped from the formation by a socond (sam pling probe located about 2.3 f 0.7 ml farther long the wellbore face" Shale corelations—Log correlations can demonstrate whothor extensive shale bariors xst 2278s a fold. Excollont shale corclations ftom wal o wel suggst that reservoir lyors ar isolated by impermeable rook and that erss- fowis unl Spinner survy daring shutin—A production log (spinner may dotet wellbore crssfow dur- ing woll shut, a clear sign of prossuecifior cence between isolated layers. Choke back tast—Choke-ack tests or produe- tion data can provide 2 useful diagnosis of ver cal communication through the detection of prossurediferancos. Water-Control Solutions Each problem ‘ype has solution options that range from tho simple and rolativoly inexpon- so mochanical and chomical solutions, to the ‘more complex and oxponsive roworkod complo- tion solutions. Multiple water-contl probloms ar0 common, and often a combination of sole tions may be required. Today, in addition to the ‘rational solutions described above, tore are ew, innovative and cost-ffectve solutions for \watorcontol problems. ‘Mechanical solutions—in many noar wollbore prabloms, such as easing leas, fow behind casing, rising bottom wator and watorod. ut layors without exossfow, mechanical o infatablo plugs aro ofton tho solution of choice. Tho PosiSet mocharical plugback tool can be oployed on coiled tubing or wirelino, and is a fiol-proven technology that onsures reliable \wollore shutoff in casod- and openhole onviro™ rmonts (ih Whor tho wolbore must be kept opon to lovels dooper than the point of wator entry, 2 ‘hrough-tubing patch may be the answer For example, a now coiled tubing- or wireline- oployod, nsido-casng patch eal tho Patchflox soove has boon usod successfully in many apol- cations worldwide (ar rh is parteutaty wll suited to through-ubing wator o gas shutot, injoctin-profte modifications and zonal isolation. The infatabl stoves are custom-built to match te longtn of tho pororatod intervals and can Poet pi Pug et — Weer ‘ PosiSET mechanical plugback oo! aplication. ‘The PosiET though-tubing plug is used for wellbore water shut, The wireline withstand wollore crosstow prossures. Once set, ‘the sloove bocomes a compost liner inside tho ‘easing that is millable using through-ubing tech niques if a subsoquont scueeze oporation is dosed, or it can bo reperoratod lator to allow roontry tothe zones. The only disadvantage ofthe ‘composite lino isa reduction of oss than 1 in [25 em] in tho welloor diameter. However, othor ‘mechanical patch rematis take up even mare of ‘the available casing inner diamoter ‘The PatchFex sleve.A flexible composite carbon fiber, thermosetting bul araund an infatabe seting element that attached toa runing tal and run into a well on 4 wireline When the sleeve is positioned opposite the area tobe treated, a pump within the running toolinfltes the sleeve using well. The resins ‘are then heeted unt fly polymerzed, The infla able sting elements then defiated and exacted to leave a hrs, pressue-esistant sleeve that ts ‘snugly even in damaged or corres casing, Shall UK Exploration and Production reducod wator cut in a Nort Sea Wolfram 85% to 10% by using a Patchfoxsloove to isolate to water producing intovals. The PS PLATFORM logging tool quatiiog fd contbucios fram eae pro cing ono. Two #4 [12] pororate intaals wore identtied as producing mast of tho urwanted wate The RST reaings confirmed ho Ciel Review high water saturation in the waterproducing Intorvals. In ation, the RST saturation analysis, ‘dontiod two more unporforatod oi zones bolow the other producing zones. & traditional bridge plug could shutoff tho waterprodcing zone, bt Would also block the rove oi zones bencath, Using Patclex technology, Sho shutoff the ‘water producing zones and produced the now oil 20n0s bolow thom. Chomical solutions—Chomical treatmants requir accurate uid placement. Coilod tubing with inflatable packors can help placo most oat- ‘mont fui inthe target zone without risk to oll 20n0s. Coad tubing dual njctionis a process of pumping protective ud down tho coiled tubing to tho casing annulus and delivering the roat- ‘mont fd trough th coilad tubing (ch SquoszeCRETE coment is another koy woapon in the armory of wator-contzal sol tions" Its low fu loss and capability to ponc- ‘rate mierfractros narrower than 160 miarons make it ideal for romedial treatment of tubing loaks caused by flow bohindpipo. Onee sot, this omant shows high comprossvo strongth, low permeability and high rosistanco to. chomical attack. SquoszoCRETE troatmont is often used with common coment for shutting off porfora- tions whan the problom is watorod-out yor, or rising bottom water or OWCs. Other applications Include sealing gravel cacks, casing leaks or channels bohind easing. Rigid gols are highly effective for near wollore shutoff of oxcoss wator (ih. Unlike coment, gols canbe squeezed into the target for- ration to give compote shutoff ofthat zono oto reach shale bariors. Thoy have an oporationl advantage over comont treatments because thoy can bo jottod rathor than driled out ofthe wol- boro. Typicaly based on cross-linked polymors, products ko MaraSEAL and OrganoSEAL-R systoms can be easily mixed and have along ‘working life. They can be bulleaded into tho for- ration to treat specific water prabloms such as flow behind casing and watorod-outlyors wit ut crossfion, or sloctivly placed in tho wator 20n0 using coiled tubing and a packer* Another solution is flowing gol that can be injoctod into small faults or ‘ractues, but only ponatrates formations with permeabilities greater than Sdarcos. Largo volumes (7000 to 1,000 bol) [158 to 1589 of thas inexpensive fds atten suteossfully shutoff extonsivo fracture systems surrounding waterflood injoctor or producing Spring 2000 “Colled tubing dual injection. Inwater-contel problems where led ubing-conveyed to provide wellbore isolation betwen the ol @) and watered-out(C} zones. nthis gravel-pack ‘example, a treatment uid (D) to stop unwanted water entry is pumped through the called tubing into te lower watered-out zone land a protective fd (is smuaneausly pumped through the annulus into te oi praducing zone ee aaa fe i heel a ; ee Watered-out one © cata 4 Taina Called og Pesier oaree 4 oe A>] Maite Wateredout ne D “Rigid-gel application using called tubing. Pumping a rigid gel (Al inte the watered-aut zone ean sou aff water enty trom a layer without erosfiow. called tubing iltable packer (8 isolates the olkproducing zone (Crom the watered-out one (0h. oll Like rgd gols, products such as Marcit and OrganoSEAL- systoms ar erss-inkod poly rors that aro simple to min, have along [yp to ae throo days) working time before bocoming ri, and can be pumpad through completion seresns Smart or slecivefuids in tho form of ply ‘mors and surfactants are boing developed fr fr mation matrix tveatmonts near the wollboro Those treatments, called rolative pormeabily Tees, Tamas “Nanvatos ares Fue Ssopeg Otel Ronen fh cus modifiers, produce a pormaront gotike material Rater Madeing groves Hur exer a Desir Haron nectar, Share Noch Dome “Tors USA October 6108, 6 to stop flowin watorlayors, but otain fd behav- ‘orin ol lyors to allow production to continue. In soma application, they oar th potontial of per- forming a selactive treatment simply by usinn low-cost bultheading method of placomen ‘Troatmants for water prbloms inh Wwolls aro most effective whon tho tree ano is isolated from the romaindor ofthe ve boro. In cased holes, and to some extont in ope holos, this is achioved mechanically with Iinfatablo packers. Howover, when a sereen or linor has boon run but left uncemented, such mocharical devices ar not effoctive in isolating the open annular space bohind the pipe. Developed for such situations, the Annular Chemical Packor |ACP) achioves zonal isolation using coiled tubing-coployod packors or bridge plugs (ron The objective of the ACP is to Aachiovo full circumferential eovorage over arala- tivly small length while leaving te liner free of material that might obstruct uid vs oF too! passage through the soston. A loweviscosity, ‘omen basod fluids purpod through coll tu Ing and a straddlo-packor assombly and placed through tho small slot in tho pipe. Oneo placed, the fu immodiataly dovelops high gl strength {o provent slumping and onsures complote ann lar fling and isolation. Completion solutons—Alterative comple- tions, such as multilateral wells, sidotracks, cxilod-ubing isolation and dual completions, can soe dificuk wator probloms such as rising (OWEs, coning, incomplote areal sweop and gravity segregation * For example, coprocucing Water is 2 proterad strategy for caning in hig value wells involves perforating the water log and using dual completions {bolo rial paca ‘Annular Chemical Packer. ACP technology involves placement ofa cement. based fli into the annular space between an uncemented sleted liner and ‘the formation, The uid is eonveyed tothe veatment zone using called tubing and injected berwe ‘an nfltable packer assemly to filthe annulus ov selected interval. is designed ta set inthis postion forming « permanent, impermeable high-strength plug, fully seating the volume ofthe annulus. Injector Problems Injactors ean induce problems if tho injection ater is not propery fltored, because it may contain particles large enough to caus matrix lugging. Or if itis not treated properly with Production chomicals such as bactorcido and ‘rygen scavengers, damage can buildup. Both of those ean increase injection prossure until afac {ueo is initiated. Initially short, those fractures ll grow in ongth and hoight to maintain rjc: tivity as the fracture faces become pluggod.” ‘Whon induced fractures oxtond vertically over several ayors, tho oporator no lango has contol over the vertical sweep. It is difiul to regain contol ofthe inaction profilo. Thormal fracturing, often ensountorad off shoro, is eaused by the stoss roduction in tho Injoction zone from cool-down. The zone with ‘the highost injctvty cools down frst and then fracturos—taking oven more injection fuid and causing poor vertical swoop (bolow) In those casos, its dificult to avoid thormal facturing, ‘Tra bostsratogy may be to ensure that all zones ‘aro fractured, ether thermally or hydraulically, to {ensure a mare even injstion profile. Sometimes if high-pormeability Layer is adjacont to alow. permeability layer, the thormal fracture can break Into the high-permeabiliy zoro, taking all tho Injoction water and leaving th low-pormeabilty zon0 unswopt ‘Fighting water with dual drains. One solution to wate-coning prablems (esto perforate the water log ofthe formation and copreduce mide the water to eiinate the water cone. This low-cost approach may increase the water cut butinproves the sweep ieieney and longterm reserve potential, ‘Akeratively, the water and ol canbe produces seperately through the tubing and ann (right = nm yen a = ‘Thermal fracturing in an injector wal Fractures canbe inkiated in injector nelle through pressure and thermal stress induced by cold-water entry. Asa result, ‘the verical sweep profile is compromised. Ciel Review Evaluating Risk usiieaton of a treatment inany wollis based on he value ofthe increased hytrocarbon pau tion expoctd. Tho toy word hore is “expoctod which inicato a dogo of uncor tainty in th analisis. Some wator.contol treat. monts can guarantoo. substantial. production incoaso. sich circumstances, the primary oe- ‘mont of unetainty isthe ob success its. When tno inromental production is relatively small fr was basod on sovral assumptions) not onl does Jobsisk come ito play, but also tho predcton sot bocomes ako sk. Therefore, the val ofa wator contol reaent tthe operator neds tobe quan- tied. An anabsis incorporating the multifaceted comgenets of rsk can be undertaken using be methods of quantitative risk analysis (ORAL Spring 2000 of eho Decision ‘rows are valuablo tools to visuaizo and ‘quantify al the options avail able to a decsionmakor and tho probability oftheir outcomes. As an ils ProcisionToo, provided by Palisado tration, Corporation, is a decision-analysis program wsod with the Excolsproadshoot program The software «ean be coupled to Monte Carlo methods, urishing a ‘risked docision trae" to analzo wator-contl options for spocife wll (abo). itt a tere 6 2. wy amen thw mut eu an be pumped ete Decision wee fr well it see The decision tree presents erent possible scale eatment outcomes ented by Tosses or profits Is independent of any other node, and the probabilty of each branch is deserved by ‘unimodal probably distioutin (green) computed fram Monte Carlo simulations ‘Square nages (blue represent decisions ‘nwhich the branch sl with no element chance. The branch endings represent revenues—callod value maxinizaton, These help compare “erent scenarios in an optimal allocation ‘of scarce resources, edi a mat Fiold-Wide Water Control Watorcontal probloms, clagnostic techniques and solutions havo boon dscussod in tho context of thoir application to individual wells within a fold. Howover, if diagnostic tochniques aro mod fied and extended to largo number of well in a fol, thon thoro is groatorrodutin in total fold ‘ator hardin and, in many cases, signif cant onancoment in total fil hyo: carbon production. By combining tho correct diagnosis with tho application of proven solutions, wator control canbe an ofeciveresorvir managomont tool Ie is possible to apply individual well \watorcontolstratogios to 2 numbor of wolls within a fla; howover, in large fla, this can become time-consuming and inficiont. Tho first objective ina fold-wide watercontal program is to scroon wolls with tho folowing charactrists: ‘Tho walls accossible for ntorontion ‘Tho completion is robust enough ta tolorato intervention ‘Thor is economic valu to aducing water pro Action from that wol ‘Tho woll has a wator-ontrolprablom that ean bo treated economically with accoptabl risk. Fiold.wide watercontrol satogies often aro ditforont from those apoted on 2 wolLby-woll basis. For example, complotion designs that havo ‘worked offctvaly on singlo wolls may need to bo ‘modifid for old-wide improvements. Ione cas, a South American operator was producing fom a layered rsorsir with distinct fow units soparatod "7 8 * Streamline simulation. History-matched FrontSim waterfow streamline simulations ean be sed to show wellintersctone and detalthe frac ration of water that flows between the injector and producer wel. Inthe example with producers red cles) and injacters btu Cirle) the model helps visualize wher injection water's going at, 25 and 10 years. Urswopt regions (lu) ar clearly visible rear te centr ofthe reservoir, by shales. The operator perforated all layers and ignored the variable prossures across the diferant Iayors. Eventually, water appoared at soveal ly ors in diforon wel, andthe subsequent prossure Aopltion caused decroaed oil producticn in the remaining layers. Originally, the operator simply shut off water in th offending ayers where the local goology was favorable, but fold production continued to decline because of increased occu rance of water breakthrough and possible cose ‘low through discontinuities in th shale barns Using 2 fildwide watar-sontal strategy, ho opr stor mavad avay from commingled to sngle-layor production n each wel so that tho crosslow could rot occut and full effective dravazwn on te low cilpressur layore was achioved. This moans ‘ower wols wore draining each layer, but the Fld ‘was boing swopt moe efficient, Fioldwide considerations also include the collective intuence of inflow performance of many wells. Local and ragional_ geotogy—in terms of structure and hoterogoneity—infuonce ‘uid movement. For example, the hydraui la tionships between producers and aquifers or injoctor wols should bo considered le. Curent and futue completion strategies alo aro imoor tant factors in tho analysis. Clerk, a longihy coping of sereening, stud isnot required every ‘imo 2 feldswide water-contol proj ‘akon. Nor should a scoping study simply bo a sting mechanism for Fring veatablo well The study must ft the prblem, andthe operator's extensive knowledge can often help augment and exoedit the stud. Evory water-contral scoping study uses engi rooting diagnostic tals to entity whieh well havo high value and can be effectively weated at low risk The scoping study consists of wo phases, the diagnostic phase and tho solutions phase. The diagnostic phase uses tho operators rogional expert knowledge and experience cou plod with Sehlumborgor engineering and sot ‘ware to profile the nature and cause of the prob. Well aro intially seroened to solect a focus aea within the fol, thon again identity ‘well that might benef ram some type of inte: vention, and finaly to choose wells that aro of suffciont value to justify treatment. WaterCASE software-based methodology seroans candidate wels on the basis of existing data such as production historos, existing pro Alueton logs, reso-vor characterization from Bath numerical and analytical models and offs reat rant data and exparinee {rox pagel.One recent study provided by Schlumberger inthe North Soa ilustraces the sults of tho scrooning process. Hero a fold contained nearly 100 wills with water cuts ranging from 20% to 80%, and a fk average of 60%. The scoping study made te fol Towing determinations ‘15 wells ate subsea, requiing a rg for inter vention, and 6 have production tre or “ih hole problems, making intervention dif. ‘Of he romaining 85 wells, 20 have corroded ‘oul, inctoasing intervention rk ‘Of the remaining walls, 25 havo significant potential for additional productivity if the water cutis reduced “Of theso 25 walls, 15 havo solvable problems consisting of casing leaks, law behind pipe, bottom water, high-permeabilty layers without ‘rasstlow or fractures fom injactor to producer. Tho results identify primany candidate wells to take through tothe second phase of te intr. ‘vontionprocess—doveloping a solutions plan. In this phaso, a specttum of solutions includ ing mechanical, id and completion ootion is evoloped. The solutions spectrum is ranked by “sk, cost and bona using Schlumberger quant tative risk analysis {ORA\. Solations range from “quick hit and rapid pay’ to longor duration, “highor cost with higher pay’ solutions Schlumberger works jointly with the operator’ assot team to idontily the most cost-effective Towast risk and highest value treatment option for each well. The chosen solution for each can idato woll is fully enginoaed for ‘inal submis sion and poor roview prior to exceution. To maximize fold-wide cost raductons, sur face-olatod water-conial services fpage 50) should be included in tho overall screening pro cess, An intograted solution is often a combina tion of borchole, resonoirscale and surface systoms. Su ities may conte up to 25% reduction in overall wator-handling costs, jeld-Wide Problems Eventually most ol fields ao undor a waterdrivo cither ftom waterfood ot a natural aquifer. Any attompt to signifeantyinrease tho recovery fac tor must incrase at last ane ofthe components of tho recovery factor, displacement efficiency, arwal-swoop effcioney or vortcal-sweop off cioney. Tho fist, displacement ffciancy, can bo improved only by reducing the residual oil sa ration with 2 surfactant, miscible food or wat altating-gas scheme. Water control improves ‘a1eal- of vertialswoap offioney. Any analysis of water sweep ata fold scale roquiras an understanding of the geology and proper reservoir charactorization Reservoir char actoriztion, particularly heterogeneity, is poorly undorstoad carly inthe lif of tho old, but grad vally improves as dynamic. production data become available Ciel Review In calm depositional environments such as shallow marino, continuous shales are often pro- sont, providing good vertical isolation betwoon layors, and making vertical swoop improvement practical Any problom with watoredout lyors without rosso i eas eorrctod at the woll- bore, and inthis environment, ths problem dom- inates the more cifeut problem of watorocout layors with rossiow, Eolian sands, oft thick with good vertical permeability, pose iforent probloms for water control They can exhibit gravity fluid sogre- gation, causing unwanted wator entry into pro- cing wells Spring 2000 ‘ypes the Fluvial and deltaic dopositional environments typicaly creato sand channos. Those may vary from woll-stactod sands with good horizontal ‘and vertical continuity to isolated channels with poor communication. Since various problom ‘typos can occur inthis setting, good sand cha. actorization is important Carbonate rosonirs havo their own chal longs, incluing frequent natural fractures lea ing to watorontry from a water ayo, or trough fractures connecting injectors and producing lls. Adcitonally, largo dissolution chanrols ‘rom undorground wator flow, somotimes sovoral moter across, can creat suporhighways to ow, ofton with premature water breakthrough. Those ‘ WaterCASE screen. Here atypical wer interface asks spe tific questions (lef about symptoms and diagnostic test results that help process anelysis of the wat lem. Once & suicient set of answers is completed, problem identified and ranked by score (right according to likelihood of incidence. The WaterCASE logical structure i shown superimposed. anol 9b: we the sereen dleplay may bo considerod subsots of fracture-inducod ‘ator probloms. Shuting off this typo af channel is extomoWy dificult. Many oporators aro reluctant to proactively control wator prior to breakthrough, s0 most action is remota Proactive wator contol would includ choking back zones with higher permeabi ity to create a more wriform swoop, but tis would roan sacrificing early cashflow for an uncertain return duo to incomplete knowodge of hetero gonoity. Howover, the production {and injstion) rofl can bo improved through selective stimula tion of zones with lower permeability This is a 8

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