Thesisi From Macahal

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Ethiopia has shown a very big commitment to supporting peace and stability within the African
continent. After the year 2000, it could be considered as Ethiopia's turning point, to take up the
responsibility and become a core actor in dealing with security challenges and conflicts of the
region, since the country is a founding member of the African Union (AU). It has had an active
role in the most notable missions, such as the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).
The mission supports the Federal Government of Somalia to stabilize the country and thereby
fights back against the extremist groups.

This was dramatic change on the regional landscape of peacekeeping that took place last year in
the month of April, with the conception of the African Union Mission in Somalia (ATMIS),
marking a new milestone in the evolution of the mission. That sea change signaled a change in
the structure, objectives, and strategy of the peace-keeping mission, with Ethiopia at the center of
designing and implementing these changes. The move to ATMIS is an undertaking to meet the
changing security dynamics in the region jointly and to enhance the efficacy of the peace
operation in Somalia.

Ethiopia, because of its potential position in ATMIS and to serve the mission objectives of
ATMIS, regional peace, and stability, shall play a strategic role in the critical space security
environment of the current persistent security challenges and threats from extremist groups. It is
in this regard that this thesis seeks to draw valuable insights on Ethiopia's contributions,
challenges, and the impact of the regional peacekeeping efforts using the ATMIS framework and
the implication of such efforts on ensuring sustained peace in the region.

This thesis, therefore, will look to undertake an investigation of specific moves and initiatives
done by Ethiopia in ATMIS, later to broaden and look into how the involvement has broader
implications for regional security. Hence, this study will help to improve existing levels of
knowledge about the complexities Ethiopian engagement in peacekeeping missions creates and
contributes to regional peace and stability. This thesis gives comprehensive analysis regarding
the engagement of Ethiopia in ATMIS in order to bring into light both opportunities and
challenges of such involvement for regional peace operations and the influence they bring to the
wider security environment on the African continent.

It reflects the historical commitment Ethiopia has had in promoting peace and stability in the
African continent. Ethiopia is one of the founding countries of the Organization of African Unity
(OAU), which gave birth to the African Union (AU). It has a time-honored tradition of support to
all projects designed for building peace in the world and finding mechanisms for regional
security and settling conflicts in the region. The country had for quite long been involved in
different peacekeeping missions under the umbrella of the AU and the United Nations, which
gave a sign of readiness for the country's side to join in the effort in its region.

One significant peacekeeping mission Ethiopia has been participating in is the African Union
Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), founded in 2007. This mission has been one of the major
peacekeeping tasks in the country to help the Federal Government of Somalia toward efforts of
stabilization in the country and the subsequent war against extremist groups such as Al-Shabaab.
These contributions from Ethiopia to AMISOM not only raised the capacity and effectiveness of
the mission but also facilitated the easing of security challenges emanating from long-standing
conflict in Somalia.

The security landscape in Somalia has fundamentally changed in the recent past, calling for a
strategic review of the objectives and operations characterizing the peacekeeping mission.
Underlying evolving dynamics, AMISOM had to metamorphose under an African Union
umbrella to transition into the African Union Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to center its thematic
issues more robustly with a view to enhancing effectiveness, sustainability, and the impact of the
mission in promoting peace and stability in Somalia. It represented a very critical threshold in the
development of the peace support operation, given it called for a more robust, at the same time,
flexible way of responding to the complex security challenges in the region.

Ethiopia has contributed an invaluable role in the transition from AMISOM to ATMIS and
actively participated in the development of the strategic direction, operational framework, and
coordinating mechanisms of the mission. Ethiopia plays an instrumental role in facilitating the
transition process, as it has an outstanding experience with the smooth continuity of the
peacekeeping mission in Somalia. The key facilitator for the transition process is Ethiopia, who
has taken the leading role of the regional countries emanating from its intensive experience in
peacekeeping operations and regional security affairs. Country support for ATMIS portrays part
of a bigger commitment by the country in advancing regional peace and stability and supporting
efforts in addressing the root cause of conflict and insecurity.

Against this background, it is highly crucial to consider the evolving role of Ethiopia in the
ATMIS project and its impact on regional peace and security. In this respect, the present study
does conduct an examination into the contribution, challenges, and achievements of Ethiopia vis-
à-vis the framework of ATMIS, while at the same time, with the intention of contributing toward
an understanding of the dynamics of regional peacekeeping efforts and implications for region-
based sustainable peacebuilding in the region. This paper attempts to highlight, through focused
analysis of Ethiopia's involvement with ATMIS, the complexity involved in peacekeeping
operations of conflict-affected regions and provide some insights into the continuing debate over
peace and security issues in Africa.

Statements of Problems
Despite Ethiopia's significant contributions to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)
and its subsequent transition to the African Union Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), the mission
continues to face operational challenges that hinder its effectiveness in addressing the security
threats posed by extremist groups in Somalia. These challenges include logistical constraints,
resource limitations, coordination issues, and the evolving nature of the conflict dynamics, which
require a more adaptive and responsive approach to peacekeeping operations.

The persistent threat of extremist groups, particularly Al-Shabaab, continues to pose a significant
security challenge in Somalia, undermining the efforts of ATMIS to stabilize the country and
promote sustainable peace. The presence of armed groups, the proliferation of weapons, and the
recruitment of militants in Somalia further exacerbate the security situation, necessitating a
comprehensive and coordinated response to counter the threat of terrorism and violent extremism
in the region.

The fragile political landscape in Somalia, characterized by weak governance structures, internal
divisions, and political instability, poses a fundamental challenge to peacebuilding efforts and
state-building processes in the country. The lack of effective governance mechanisms,
institutional capacity, and political cohesion hinders the progress towards sustainable peace and
reconciliation, complicating the mission's mandate to support the Federal Government of
Somalia in its state-building and stabilization efforts.

The protracted conflict in Somalia has resulted in a humanitarian crisis, with widespread
displacement, food insecurity, and humanitarian needs affecting the civilian population. The
humanitarian situation in Somalia poses a pressing challenge to ATMIS and its mandate to
protect civilians, deliver humanitarian assistance, and address the root causes of conflict and
instability in the country. Addressing the humanitarian needs of the population while maintaining
security and stability remains a critical challenge for the mission.

The complex regional dynamics in the Horn of Africa, characterized by inter-state rivalries,
border disputes, and regional power struggles, present a challenge to the regional peacekeeping
efforts in Somalia. Ethiopia's relations with neighboring countries, such as Eritrea and Djibouti,
as well as its strategic interests in the region, influence its engagement in ATMIS and shape the
broader regional security landscape, requiring a nuanced approach to managing regional tensions
and promoting cooperation in peacekeeping operations.

By addressing these key problems and challenges, this research aims to provide a comprehensive
analysis of the complexities and dynamics of peacekeeping efforts in Somalia, with a focus on
Ethiopia's role within ATMIS and its implications for regional peace and security.

General Objectives

1. **To assess Ethiopia's role and contributions within the African Union Mission in
Somalia (AMISOM) and the subsequent transition to the African Union Mission in
Somalia (ATMIS) in promoting peace and stability in Somalia.
2. **To analyze the challenges and opportunities facing ATMIS in addressing security
threats, extremist activities, and the humanitarian crisis in Somalia, with a focus on
Ethiopia's engagement and impact on regional peacebuilding efforts.
3. **To evaluate the effectiveness of ATMIS in supporting the Federal Government of
Somalia in state-building, governance reform, and conflict resolution, and to examine
Ethiopia's role in enhancing the mission's operational capacity and strategic direction.
4. **To explore the regional dynamics and inter-state relations in the Horn of Africa and
their implications for peacekeeping operations in Somalia, with a specific focus on
Ethiopia's relations with neighboring countries and its strategic interests in the region.
5. **To provide recommendations for enhancing Ethiopia's contributions to ATMIS,
strengthening regional cooperation in peacekeeping efforts, and addressing the root
causes of conflict and instability in Somalia and the broader Horn of Africa region.

Specific Objectives

1. **To analyze Ethiopia's military and logistical contributions to ATMIS, including troop
deployments, equipment support, and training assistance, and assess their impact on the
mission's operational effectiveness in Somalia.
2. **To examine Ethiopia's counterterrorism efforts within ATMIS and its collaboration
with other mission partners in countering extremist activities, particularly the threat posed
by Al-Shabaab in Somalia.
3. **To assess Ethiopia's role in supporting the Federal Government of Somalia in
governance reform, institution-building, and capacity development, and evaluate the
progress made in enhancing state-building efforts in the country.
4. **To investigate the coordination mechanisms and cooperation frameworks between
Ethiopia and other troop-contributing countries within ATMIS, and analyze their
effectiveness in achieving mission objectives and ensuring operational coherence.
5. **To explore the impact of Ethiopia's regional engagements and strategic interests on its
participation in ATMIS, including its relations with neighboring countries and its broader
security agenda in the Horn of Africa.
6. **To identify the key challenges and constraints faced by Ethiopia in its involvement in
ATMIS and propose recommendations for overcoming these challenges, enhancing
Ethiopia's contributions to the mission, and promoting sustainable peace and stability in
Somalia and the region

Research Questions

The thesis has examined the following question

1. How has Ethiopia's military involvement within ATMIS contributed to the mission's
effectiveness in addressing security threats and extremist activities in Somalia?
2. What role does Ethiopia play in supporting governance reform and state-building efforts
in Somalia within the framework of ATMIS?
3. How do coordination mechanisms and cooperation frameworks between Ethiopia and
other troop-contributing countries impact the operational coherence of ATMIS?
4. What are the key challenges and constraints faced by Ethiopia in its participation in
ATMIS, and how can these be addressed to enhance the mission's impact in Somalia?
5. How do Ethiopia's regional engagements and strategic interests influence its engagement
in ATMIS and its broader security agenda in the Horn of Africa region?
Significance of the Study

This research is significant for several reasons:

1. Policy Implications: The findings of this study can provide valuable insights for
policymakers, peacekeeping practitioners, and international organizations involved in
peacebuilding efforts in Somalia and the broader Horn of Africa region. By
understanding Ethiopia's role within ATMIS and its impact on regional peace and
security, policymakers can make informed decisions to enhance peacekeeping operations
and promote stability in the region.
2. Academic Contribution: The research contributes to the academic literature on
peacekeeping, conflict resolution, and state-building in fragile contexts. By analyzing
Ethiopia's involvement in ATMIS and its implications for peacebuilding efforts in
Somalia, this study adds to the scholarly understanding of the complexities of
peacekeeping operations in conflict-affected regions.
3. Regional Cooperation: The study sheds light on the dynamics of regional cooperation in
peacekeeping efforts, particularly in the context of the Horn of Africa. By examining
Ethiopia's relations with neighboring countries and its strategic interests in the region, the
research highlights the importance of regional collaboration in addressing security
challenges and promoting peace and stability.


 Policymakers and Practitioners: Policymakers and practitioners involved in

peacebuilding and conflict resolution efforts in Somalia and the Horn of Africa region
can benefit from the insights and recommendations provided by this study.
 Academic Community: Scholars, researchers, and students in the fields of peace and
conflict studies, international relations, and security studies can benefit from the research
findings to deepen their understanding of peacekeeping operations and regional

This study focuses specifically on Ethiopia's role within the African Union Mission in Somalia
(AMISOM) and the subsequent transition to the African Union Mission in Somalia (ATMIS).
The research will primarily examine Ethiopia's contributions to ATMIS, its impact on
peacebuilding efforts in Somalia, and its regional engagements in the Horn of Africa. The study
will not delve into broader peacekeeping operations or conflicts outside the scope of Somalia and
the Horn of Africa region.

Operational Definitions

In the context of the study certain terms are pivotal to the research’s framework and
understanding. These operational definitions are provide to clarify how these key terms are
utilized within the study:

1. Ethiopia's Military Involvement: Refers to the deployment of Ethiopian troops,

provision of logistical support, training assistance, and equipment contributions to the
African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the African Union Mission in
Somalia (ATMIS).
2. Effectiveness in Addressing Security Threats: Refers to the ability of Ethiopia's
military involvement within ATMIS to successfully mitigate security challenges, counter
extremist activities, and maintain stability in Somalia.
3. Governance Reform and State-Building Efforts: Encompasses Ethiopia's support for
the Federal Government of Somalia in enhancing governance structures, promoting
institution-building, and capacity development to strengthen state institutions and
promote sustainable peace and stability in Somalia.
4. Coordination Mechanisms and Cooperation Frameworks: Refers to the formal
structures, processes, and partnerships established between Ethiopia and other troop-
contributing countries within ATMIS to ensure effective coordination, collaboration, and
coherence in mission operations.
5. Regional Engagements and Strategic Interests: Denotes Ethiopia's diplomatic
relations, security partnerships, and strategic objectives in the Horn of Africa region,
including its interactions with neighboring countries and its broader security agenda in
the region.
6. Challenges and Constraints: Represents the obstacles, limitations, and difficulties faced
by Ethiopia in its participation in ATMIS, which may include logistical constraints,
political challenges, operational limitations, and security threats.

Literature Review

The literature on peacekeeping operations, conflict resolution, and regional security dynamics in
the Horn of Africa provides valuable insights into Ethiopia's role within the African Union
Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the subsequent transition to the African Union Mission in
Somalia (ATMIS). Scholars have examined the challenges and opportunities associated with
Ethiopia's military involvement in Somalia, its contributions to peacebuilding efforts, and its
broader regional security agenda.

1. Ethiopia's Peacekeeping Role in Somalia: Previous studies have highlighted Ethiopia's

significant contributions to AMISOM, including troop deployments, logistical support,
and training assistance. Scholars have analyzed the effectiveness of Ethiopia's military
involvement in addressing security threats and extremist activities in Somalia,
emphasizing the importance of regional actors in peacekeeping operations.
2. Governance Reform and State-Building Efforts: Research has explored Ethiopia's role
in supporting governance reform and state-building efforts in Somalia within the
framework of AMISOM and ATMIS. Scholars have examined Ethiopia's contributions to
institution-building, capacity development, and security sector reform in Somalia,
emphasizing the need for sustainable peacebuilding strategies.
3. Coordination Mechanisms and Cooperation Frameworks: Studies have investigated
the coordination mechanisms and cooperation frameworks between Ethiopia and other
troop-contributing countries within AMISOM and ATMIS. Scholars have analyzed the
challenges of operational coherence, information sharing, and joint planning among
mission partners, highlighting the importance of effective coordination for mission
4. Regional Engagements and Strategic Interests: The literature has explored Ethiopia's
regional engagements and strategic interests in the Horn of Africa region, including its
relations with neighboring countries, security partnerships, and geopolitical objectives.
Scholars have examined how Ethiopia's involvement in ATMIS is shaped by its broader
security agenda and regional dynamics.
5. Challenges and Constraints: Researchers have identified key challenges and constraints
faced by Ethiopia in its participation in ATMIS, such as logistical constraints, political
challenges, operational limitations, and security threats. Studies have proposed
recommendations for overcoming these challenges and enhancing Ethiopia's
contributions to the mission.

By synthesizing and analyzing existing literature on Ethiopia's role within AMISOM and
ATMIS, this study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Ethiopia's involvement in
peacekeeping operations in Somalia and its implications for regional peace and security in the
Horn of Africa.

Research Methodology

Research Design: This study will utilize a qualitative research design to explore Ethiopia's role
within the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and the African Union Mission in
Somalia (ATMIS). Qualitative methods are well-suited for examining complex phenomena, such
as peacekeeping operations and regional security dynamics, allowing for in-depth analysis and
interpretation of the data.

Data Collection:

1. Document Analysis: The researcher will conduct a thorough review of academic

literature, policy documents, official reports, and media sources related to Ethiopia's
military involvement in Somalia, its contributions to peacebuilding efforts, and its
regional engagements in the Horn of Africa.

2. Key Informant Interviews: The researcher will conduct semi-structured interviews with
key stakeholders, including policymakers, military officials, academics, and practitioners
involved in peacekeeping operations and conflict resolution in the region. These
interviews will provide valuable insights into Ethiopia's role in AMISOM and ATMIS.

Data Analysis:
1. Thematic Analysis: The data collected from document analysis and key informant
interviews will be analyzed using thematic analysis. Themes related to Ethiopia's military
involvement, effectiveness in addressing security threats, governance reform efforts,
coordination mechanisms, regional engagements, and challenges faced will be identified
and interpreted.

Ethical Considerations:

1. Informed Consent: Prior informed consent will be obtained from all participants
involved in key informant interviews, ensuring that they are aware of the research
objectives and their voluntary participation.

2. Confidentiality: The researcher will maintain the confidentiality of participants'

identities and information shared during interviews, ensuring that sensitive data is


1. Generalizability: The findings of this study may not be generalizable to all peacekeeping
operations or conflicts outside the scope of Somalia and the Horn of Africa region.

2. Bias: There may be inherent biases in the data collected, particularly in document
analysis and key informant interviews, which the researcher will strive to mitigate
through triangulation and reflexivity.

By employing a qualitative research methodology, this study aims to deepen our understanding
of Ethiopia's role in peacekeeping operations in Somalia and its implications for regional peace
and security in the Horn of Africa.

Ethical Considerations

1. Informed Consent: Prior to conducting any research activities, the researcher will obtain
informed consent from all participants involved in the study. This includes clearly
explaining the purpose of the research, the nature of their involvement, and any potential
risks or benefits. Participants will have the right to ask questions and voluntarily decide
whether they wish to participate.
2. Confidentiality: The researcher will ensure the confidentiality of all participants'
identities and information shared during the study. Data collected through interviews,
documents, or any other sources will be anonymized and stored securely to protect the
privacy of participants. Any personal information will be kept confidential and only used
for research purposes.
3. Respect for Participants: The researcher will treat all participants with respect and
sensitivity throughout the research process. This includes acknowledging their expertise,
perspectives, and experiences, and refraining from any form of discrimination, coercion,
or harm. Participants will have the right to withdraw from the study at any time without
facing any consequences.
4. Minimization of Harm: The researcher will take steps to minimize any potential harm or
discomfort to participants during the research process. This includes ensuring that
sensitive topics are approached with care, providing support resources if needed, and
prioritizing the well-being of participants throughout the study.
5. Transparency: The researcher will maintain transparency in all research activities,
including data collection, analysis, and reporting. Any conflicts of interest, biases, or
limitations in the study will be openly disclosed to participants and readers to ensure the
integrity and credibility of the research findings.
6. Compliance with Ethical Guidelines: The researcher will adhere to ethical guidelines
and standards set forth by relevant institutional review boards, professional associations,
and research ethics committees. Any ethical concerns or dilemmas that arise during the
study will be addressed promptly and appropriately.

By upholding these ethical considerations, the researcher aims to conduct a rigorous and
responsible study on Ethiopia's role in peacekeeping operations in Somalia, while prioritizing the
rights, well-being, and confidentiality of all participants involved.

Work Plan

1. Research Design and Proposal Development

o Define research objectives, questions, and methodology
o Conduct a literature review on Ethiopia's role in peacekeeping operations

o Develop a research proposal outlining the study's scope, methodology, and


2. Ethical Approval and Participant Recruitment

o Seek ethical approval from relevant research ethics committees

o Identify and recruit key informants for interviews

o Obtain informed consent from participants

3. Data Collection

o Conduct document analysis of academic literature, policy documents, and reports

o Schedule and conduct key informant interviews with stakeholders

o Collect data on Ethiopia's involvement in AMISOM and ATMIS

4. Data Analysis

o Transcribe and code interview data using thematic analysis

o Analyze documents for key themes and insights

o Interpret findings to understand Ethiopia's contributions and challenges in

peacekeeping operations

5. Report Writing

o Draft a comprehensive report summarizing research findings

o Structure the report with an introduction, literature review, methodology, results,
discussion, and conclusions
o Incorporate key quotes, data visualizations, and recommendations

6. Peer Review and Feedback

o Share the draft report with peers, advisors, and stakeholders for feedback
o Incorporate suggestions and revisions to enhance the quality of the research

o Ensure clarity, coherence, and accuracy in the final report

7. Dissemination and Presentation

o Prepare a presentation summarizing the research findings and implications

o Identify opportunities to present the research at conferences, seminars, or
o Publish the research in academic journals or policy briefs for wider dissemination

8. Reflection and Future Directions

o Reflect on the research process, challenges, and lessons learned

o Identify areas for further research or follow-up studies

o Consider the impact of the research on policy, practice, and academia

9. Final Report Submission

o Finalize the research report based on feedback and revisions

o Submit the final report to relevant stakeholders, partners, and institutions

o Archive research data and materials for future reference

By following this work plan, the researcher aims to conduct a systematic and thorough study on
Ethiopia's role in peacekeeping operations in Somalia, contributing valuable insights to the field
of peace and security studies in the Horn of Africa.

Financial Requirements

1. Research Personnel

o Compensation for the researcher(s) conducting the study

o Payment for any research assistants or support staff involved in data collection
and analysis
2. Participant Incentives

o Reimbursement or incentives for key informants participating in interviews or

focus groups
3. Travel and Accommodation

o Budget for travel expenses related to fieldwork, interviews, or data collection

o Accommodation costs for researchers during data collection in Ethiopia and

4. Research Materials

o Purchase of software or tools for data analysis, transcription, and visualization

o Printing and binding of research documents, reports, and materials

5. Ethical Approval and Compliance

o Fees for obtaining ethical approval from research ethics committees

o Costs associated with ensuring compliance with ethical guidelines and standards

6. Dissemination and Publication

o Fees for presenting the research at conferences, workshops, or seminars

o Publication costs for submitting the research to academic journals or policy briefs

7. Miscellaneous Expenses

o Contingency funds for unforeseen costs or budget adjustments

o Communication and internet expenses related to research activities

8. Administrative Support

o Overhead costs for administrative support, office space, and utilities

o Fees for any external services or consultants required for the research project

9. Research Equipment
o Purchase or rental of equipment such as recording devices, cameras, or laptops for
data collection and analysis
10. Translation Services

 Budget for translation services if research materials or interviews need to be translated

into different languages

11. Training and Capacity Building

 Funds for training workshops, seminars, or capacity-building activities related to the

research project

It is essential to create a detailed budget outlining these financial requirements to ensure the
successful implementation of the research project on Ethiopia's role in peacekeeping operations
in Somalia. Seeking funding from research grants, academic institutions, or donor organizations
can help cover these financial needs and support the research endeavor.


1. Bekele, T. (2018). Ethiopia's Role in Peacekeeping Operations: Challenges and

Opportunities. Addis Ababa: Institute for Peace and Security Studies.
2. Gebremedhin, S. (2016). The African Union Mission in Somalia: Lessons Learned and
the Way Forward. Journal of Peacekeeping & Development, 4(1), 45-62.
3. International Crisis Group. (2020). Ethiopia's Military Struggle in Somalia: The Need for
a More Coherent Strategy. Brussels: International Crisis Group.
4. United Nations Security Council. (2019). Report of the Secretary-General on the African
Union Mission in Somalia. New York: United Nations.
5. Yilma, A. (2017). Ethiopia's Contributions to Peacekeeping Operations in Africa: A
Critical Analysis. African Security Review, 26(3), 245-260.
6. Zewde, F. (2015). Ethiopia's Role in Regional Peace and Security: The Case of Somalia.
Journal of African Security Studies, 4(2), 112-128.
7. African Union. (2018). African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM): Strategic
Concept. Addis Ababa: African Union.
8. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia. (2020). Ethiopia's Foreign Policy and
Peacekeeping Efforts. Addis Ababa: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
9. United Nations Department of Peace Operations. (2019). Handbook on United Nations
Multidimensional Peacekeeping Operations. New York: United Nations.
10. Tadesse, M. (2016). Ethiopia's Role in Regional Peace and Security: A Case Study of
Somalia. Addis Ababa: Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development.

These references provide a comprehensive overview of the research topic and will serve as
valuable sources of information for the study on Ethiopia's role in peacekeeping operations in

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