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A typical working day / Your job

My name is Hoai An and i am working as an accountant for a restaurant company. From my

house to the company it takes about 20 minutes by motorbike. My company starts working
at 9 o’clock so i have to get up at 7:30 to prepare and have breakfast. The first job when i
arriving at the company is to check work messages and feedback. The main work i do is
make daily, weekly and monthly revenue report. Every day after lunch break we will have a
meeting with boss, my boss will assign tasks during meeting and we will complete the tasks
after work. I usually finish work at 6pm.

Your company
My name is Hoai An and i am working as an accountant for a restaurant company. My
company has 5 branches, three in HCM city, one in Quy Nhon city and one in Buon Me
Thuot city, one of the three in HCM city will be opened in May. I work at the headquarters
located in district 3. It will be divided into 2 blocks: the office and the restaurant. Because
my company is a restaurant, our main job is to provide the best experience for customers.
Every weekend we often have meeting together, share the joys and difficulties while
working. In the near future, my boss wants to open more branches in many big cities so that
people know more about our restaurant.

Your boss
My name is Hoai An and i am working as an accountant for a restaurant company. I have
worked here for 5 years, my boss has helped my a lot, since I worked as a server and now I
am the company’s accountant. I admire him very much because he was very successful at a
young age. He is very nice and willing to help new graduates looking for a job, don’t be
afraid to share everything. But at work he is a very strict person, because he wants us to do
better. He often buys milk tea, fruit or snacks for us when tasks too much. I think many
young people would love to become someone like him.

A business trip
My name is Hoai An and i am working as an accountant for a restaurant company. My
company has 5 branches, three in HCM city, one in Quy Nhon city and one in Buon Me
Thuot city. I just had a business trip to Quy Nhon city last month. We traveled from HCM
city to Quy Nhon city by bus, it take about 8 hours, we slept in the bus and arrived at 6am.
After that, we took a taxi to the hotel booked by the company to rest. After resting for about
2 hours, we prepared to have bread work according to the company schedule. Because it
was a short business trip, we only worked 2 days and we had 1 day to explore this city. And
it’s time to end this business trip, we go back to HCM city and we hope to return to this
beautiful coastal city in the near future.

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