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Lesson Plan for Kindergarten Science

I. Objectives : at the end of the lesson the pupils are expected to:
a. Identify the five senses.
b. Identify the organs associated with each senses.
c. Demonstrate the uses of the senses.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic : The five senses

Reference: Science Book for Kindergarten

Materials: Chart and illustration of the five senses and its uses,
worksheet about five senses

III. Learning Procedure

Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

A. Preparation: All: (they stand up and pray)

1. Prayer Angel of God my guardian dear to
whom God’s love commits me here
Stand up and let us pray. ever this day is at my side to light and
guide to rule and guard. Amen.

-Good morning teacher , Good

2. Greetings Morning classmates !
- Thank you teacher .
-Good Morning Class!

-(pupils will check if their seatmates

-You may now take your are present)
seat .

3. Checking of attendance. -Yes teacher !

-Is everybody present? Check

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