Reflection About Genesis 1

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Reflection about Genesis 1-3

The Genesis 1-3 tells the story of the creation of the world, the creation of man and a woman, and their
fall from the Garden of Eden after being deceived by a serpent. Before the Beginning the earth was
formless and empty, and there was nothing except darkness. The Spirit of God decided to fill the Earth
with life and create a perfect place for all living forms to exist. On the first day, he separated day from
night by creating light. On the second day, he created the sky as vault between waters. On the third day,
land and vegetation

it is clear that God is powerful from these stories, but He could’ve made an even bigger statement of
power by having something along the lines of “God desired the creation of the world, so he commanded
it be so, and in that moment, everything was brought into existence.” Instead, we see a different

God creates one thing/category a day (or time period). When we think about someone taking the time
to create something, it shows a certain level of care and intentionality. We read about amazing things
being made out of nothingness. Just try to imagine that. Each day, something amazing is created, and
God declares it good.

However, on the last day, mankind is created, and it is very good. God took his time creating a beautiful
world for man to have dominion. Despite all the incredible things, we as human are the pinnacle of

This intentional and paced approach can be likened to a handmade gift. There is so much time put into
that gift, each stitch or nail or ingredient is added with love.

God is love itself. Our existence hinges on that love.

Praise God for making that love so clear from creation to Christ’s death on the cross to the present and
everywhere in-between.

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