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Example 1 (Essential Question):

The example became coherent and entails unified thoughts through the use of
illustration technique in writing. This illustration strategy shows the actual scene being
pointed out by the essay. Other than that, the example wrote supporting sentences by
answering the question, “Who is BenCab?” and “What is he famous for?” With that, the
essay will have a content-wise structure.
Example 2 (Essential Question):
Knowing the structures will make it easier for the reader to visualize the order of
the topic of each paragraph in the essay. Moreover, it will be easier for the reader to
understand the flow of the paragraph. Text structure connects the need of a reader to
have subjective learning and knowledge about the content. Therefore, having proper
knowledge about the structure of essay with help in improving the reading
comprehension of readers.

Essential Question:
Visual representations of the results of the IMRaD study will make it easier for
the reader to understand the results without needing to read the whole results in
paragraph form. In this way, the results will be a lot more comprehensible for the

Activity 1
Influence of the Current Foreign Fashion Trends in the Changing Cultural Norms
in the Philippines
Philippines, like the other Asian countries, have its own cultural norms about
fashion with connection to how a person should dress up. The country is known for
being conservative which means the way Filipinos dress up shows less skin and covers
areas below the chest, and legs. These norms dictates what is appropriate and not in
terms of clothing.
However, looking at the current fashion trends in the Philippines, we can see a
glimpse of foreign influence from countries like America, and South Korea. With that
fact, people, especially generation Z and millennials, at some point wear clothes beyond
the cultural fashion norms in the Philippines. For example, wearing over-cut “V” neck-
styled shirts that might show cleavage area or sometimes the short skirts that exposes
the legs.
Therefore, a study about the effects of foreign influence in fashion to the
changing cultural fashion norms in the Philippines should be conducted. This could be
done by conducting surveys and observations. In this way, all the factors that influence
this change would be determined and it would help in preserving positive norms while
voiding away the unnecessary and negative ones.


1. What technique did you utilize to compose your paragraph?

The paragraph used the illustration technique through describing the fashion
norms as well as the specific clothing styles being pointed out. The essay was divided
into three parts as well to maintain the cohesion of ideas.
2. Why is it recommended to use transitional sentences in between paragraphs for
the 3-part essay?
Transitional sentences and devices in a three-part essay helps in maintaining a
clear view of the ideas which are presented in a text by providing chronological order of
its context. First, the reader will be able to determine the subject of the text or essay.
Next to it, they could understand the supporting details vividly since the ideas are
placed in order.
3. Why should an introduction in IMRaD give a background of the study?
Introduction should state the background about the given topic. This is because
the introduction serves as the basis of knowledge that guides the readers about the
details that needed to be discussed in the study especially the main variables of the
study. This part should give details about the focus of the study.
4. What are the different ways to identify cohesion in any kind of written text?

In order to identify cohesion, the unity of ideas should be observed. For example,
the ideas should have one main focus which should pertain to the main topic.
Moreover, it could be identified by observing the flow of the supporting details. If the
supporting details are arranged chronologically and its end points out the main topic, the
essay is cohesive.

Graph Summary
The structures of academic text could be classified into two – the 3-part essay
and the IMRaD style. Three-part essay, as its name implies, is composed of 3 parts.
The introduction brings up the background of the topic being discussed. The body gives
the supporting details about the thesis sentence. While, the conclusions summarized
the ideas as well as the answer to a gap if there is.
On the other hand, IMRaD structure is a more detailed structure. Its introduction
also gives the details about the topic. Next to it is the methodologies needed to be done
to accumulate results. The results, then, shows the answers to the questions which are
needed to be answered in order to come up with a conclusion. Furthermore, the
discussion interprets the results and provides conclusions that answer the general
question of a study.

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