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Republic of the Philippines


(Formerly Botolan Community College)
Botolan Zambales

1. Based on Communication
2. Based on purpose and style
People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message
and its context choice of communication channel and the style of communicating also
affect communication.
There are variety of types of communication and these are based on the communication
channel used and the purpose and style. The 2 types of communications based on
channels are the verbal and non-verbal communication these two often work together to
convey a complete message.
Verbal communication- includes spoken or written language, the message is mostly
relayed through speech or with the use of voice. When we speak we are also using pitch
and tone as the level of formality we used to convey important subtexts to the person we
are speaking with…

• Oral communication
it has been the most convenient method of communication because it is faster and easier.
It brings quick feedback
In the face to face conversation by reading facial expression and body language, can
guess whether he or she should trust what’s being said or not.
• Written communication
Written signs or symbols are used to communicate. A written message will be printed or
hand written, it is the common form of communication being used in business so it
considered core among business skills.
An advantage of written communication is that messages can be edited and revised many
times before they are actually sent. It enables the receiver to fully understand and send
appropriate feedback, however unlike oral communication doesn’t bring instant feedback
it takes more time in composing a written message compared to word of mouth and a lot
people struggle for writing ability.
• Visual communication
I the use of graphics to represent information for the purpose of communication. It is
mainly used to add more meaning to the information communicated. Some common
types of visual communication are social media graphics, infographics, billboards,
flowcharts presentations. Visual communication helps us to communicate difficult to
understand concepts.
• Media communication
Media communication is inherently multimodal communication this means that language
in written and spoken form is one of several moods available for expressing a potential of
We live in the world of media televisions are running 24/7. Social media sites come with
memes videos, image, internet explorers a lot of multimedia platforms and advertisers
uses multimedia to sell products and ideas.
Non-verbal communication- includes facial expressions, posture, eye contact, hand
movement and touch. Your nonverbal communications cues:
The way you listen, look, move and react tell the person you’re communicating with.
Whether or not you care if you’re being truthful and how well you listening.
When your non-verbal signals match up with the word you’re saying they increase trust
clarity and rapport. When they don’t they can generate tension mistrust and confusion


1. FORMAL – Occurs in formal and official style. Professional and corporate
settings, meetings, conferences
2. INFORMAL- Casual talk, helps in building relationships. Uses slang words and
foul language is sometimes not restricted.

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