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The line graph represents the CFC emissions in four countries between 1989 and 2021.

Overall CFC Emissions in Malaysia, Egypt, and Poland reduced over the period. Whereas the emissions of
CFC in Ukraine dropped and increased gradually in the end of the period.

In 1989 the CFC emissions in Poland was the highest emission with a produced of about 5000 metric tons
and dramatic declined to 2800 metric tons in 1992. It then declined gradually to 1900 metric tons in 1995.
Over the next three years, the emissions fall sharply to 300 metric tons. Finally in 2001 the line graph
showed CFC emissions dip slightly to low point of 100 metric tons.

The figure for Ukraine was initially almost as high as Poland (around 4700 metric tons). In 1989 and
gradually decreased to 3200. Metric tons in 1992 and falling dramatically to 900 metric tons in 1995 before
raising again to 100 in 1998. Finally in 2001 it raised slightly to 200 at the same level that Egypt ended.

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