DLP in Eed Sci 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University


Capas Campus, Capas Tarlac

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 3


At the end of a forty-five-minute lesson, the students will be able to:

A. Explain how living things depend on the environment to meet their basic needs.

B. Value the importance of basic needs of living things.

C. Re-arrange the following images of basic needs.


A. Topic: Ecosystem; Basic Needs of Animals, Plants & Humans

B. Materials: letter cards, printed images, realia, cartolina, pentlepen, cardboard, sticks

and glue

C. Reference:

• Fried, E. (2021, November 13). Living organisms: Basic needs - Video &

lesson transcript | Study.com. study.com.



• Needs OS living things. What five basic things do living things need to

survive? (2021, September 27). Eschooltoday | Learn something new today.






A. Preliminary Activity

1, Prayer

Before we start our discussion let’s pray first

Fidel: lets bow our head and let us

Fidel led the prayer. pray.

Heavenly Father, we come to you

today asking for your guidance,

wisdom, and support as we begin

this meeting. Help us engage in

meaningful discussion; allow us to

grow closer as a group and nurture

the bonds of community.

2. Greetings

Magandang (18x)

magandang umaga sa ating lahat!!! Magandang umaga po!

Handa naba kayo?

Handa napo kami

(Kay ganda 3x)

( gndang umaga )2x

(Kay ganda 3x)

(Gandang umaga )2x

Magandang 4x umaga 2x

Magandang 4x umaga 4x

Now let’s do the good morning song are you ready?

Ma’am yes ma’am

Good morning
Good morning

Good morning
Good morning Good morning

Good morning
Good morning

Good morning
Good morning morning 2x

Good morning good morning 2x

Good,Good !good !

Good morning morning 2x (The students will follow the

Good morning good morning 2x

Good,! good !good!

Good morning

good good morning morning

Good morning

good good morning morning

Good morning

good good morning morning

Good morning
good good morning morning

Good morning

good good morning morning

Good morning

good good morning morning

Good morning

good good morning morning

Good morning

good good morning morning

let us say shalalalala

Shalala in the morning! Good morning

Shalalala, shalalala in the sunshine

Shalala Shalala in the morning! Good morning

Shalalala shalalala just for you

3. Checking of Attendance
Good morning, class!

Answer: Good morning teacher!

How are you today?
Good morning, classmates!

Answer: We’re good teacher, how

Do you feel happy or sad? Show your mood today with
about you.
the use of an emoji that you're holding and give me one

reason why you're feeling that way today

(The pupils will raise the emoticon

and they will share the reason

behind it)
B. Review

As I say bio say diversity!


Answer: diversity

bio? Answer: diversity

Answer: diversity

Answer: diversity
I have shuffled words here; can you guess our activity?

Answer: are we going to arrange the

shuffled words teacher?

Yes! you’re going to arrange these words. to make it easy

I’m going to define it. these word where tackled last

meeting, so are you ready to arrange the letters?

Answer: Yes, we are ready

Group yourself into two groups, the first group to finish

the arrangement will be the winner.


-The disappearance of species from Earth is ongoing, and

rates have varied over time. (The pupils will stick the letter in

the board)


- long-term changes in temperatures and weather patterns.

(The pupils will stick the letter in

the board)

-a living thing that has an organized structure, can react to (The pupils will stick the letter in

stimuli, reproduce, grow, adapt, and maintain homeostasis the board)


-to produce again (The pupils will stick the letter in

the board)


-a biological community of interacting organisms and

their physical environment. (The pupils will stick the letter in

the board)

C. Motivation

if the object has life- it's a living thing (Living things)

if the object eats and breath - it's living thing (living thing) (The pupils will dance and sing

together with the teacher)

if the object can grow, can react, and reproduce

if the object has life- it's living thing (living thing)

If the object has no life- it's a non-living thing (Non-

Living things)

if it doesn’t eat and breath - it's a non-living thing (Non-

living thing)

if the object doesn’t grow, nor react nor reproduce

if the object has no life - it's non-living thing (nonliving


now you know the difference of the two

the living thing and non-living thing

living things like humans, plants and animals too Don't

forget this song and sing

D. Lesson Proper

I have here a picture of things that we can see in our

surroundings. (Show pictures)

When I ask a question raised the thumbs up card if you

agree and if not raised the thumbs down.

Can they move?

Can they grow?

Can they reproduce?

Do they have a life? (The students raised a card)

This thing that can grow, move, reproduce, and have a life

are called “LIVING THINGS”

The things that need food, water, and air are called.?

Every living organism on earth needs some basic things to Student: living things!


These are the basic needs that all living things have. They



This is probably the most important need for all living

organisms because it is the source of all energy. It also

provides heat for plants and animals.

Student: the plant A will not have

any nutrients. If left for so long the

leaves will eventually dry and fall

off the plant.

Student: the plant B begins to grow

upward and stretch their stems to

reach for the sunlight.


Water is the medium in which living cells and tissue work.

Water is also a living environment for living things.

(Will elaborate)


Air is made up of several gases, but the two most

important gases are Oxygen and Carbon dioxide. Without

oxygen, animals will die, and without carbon dioxide,

plants cannot survive.

Food (nutrients):

Living things need energy for function. Energy is needed

to grow, reproduce, move, and to work. Think of what

would happen if you stayed for three days without food.

Space to Grow

All living things need space. A plant’s roots need space so

that they can spread out and absorb water and nutrients. Its

leaves need space so that they access light. When plants

grow too close together, they must compete for these


Student: If carrots are spaced too

close together, there isn't enough

room to develop large healthy roots

and they may become stunted or

Student: letter A

A Habitat with the Right Temperature:

Too cold or too hot? Every living organism needs the

ideal temperature to survive either on land or in water.

Now, we shall take a close look at what each need really

means and why it is extremely important that they get

their living needs.

Many species relocate themselves once the winter comes,

like birds, and some of them burn and get cancer if they

have too much of Sun, like humans.


An organism’s shelter protects it from predators and

weather. Shelter also provides a space for eating, sleeping,

hunting, and raising a family. Shelters come in many

forms. A single tree, for example, can provide sheltered

habitats for many different organisms. For a caterpillar,

shelter might be the underside of a leaf. For a mushroom

fungus, shelter might be the cool, damp area near tree

roots. For a bald eagle, shelter may be a high perch to

make a nest and watch for food.

Can you classify again basic needs of living things?

Clara: Sunlight, water, food, space,

air, and temperature teacher.

Since you already know the basic needs of the

environment, can someone tell me what are the seven

basic needs of plants, animals, and humans?

Thea: Sunlight, Air, Water,

Living things have certain basic needs. If any one of these Temperature, Food, Space to grow,

basic needs is not met, then living things cannot survive. Shelter

I guess the classification of the basic needs of a Living

thing was clear and the importance on how the Living

things will survive.

F. Application

I will group you into three groups to arrange the pictures,

then paste them in a cartolina. After you arrange them, put

them in the corresponding box.

(The pupils will start to arrange the


IV. Evaluation

Directions: I want to know if you learn something about our lesson today, I prepare an

activity to test your knowledge.

Read the words in the word box and read each sentence.

Fill in the blank choose the correct answer in the word box.

Water Air

Temperature Sunlight

Shelter Food Living things

_____________1. It is the medium in which living cells and tissue work.

_____________2. It is made up of several gases, but the two most important gases are Oxygen

and Carbon dioxide.

_____________3. This probably the most important need for all living organisms because it is

the source of all energy.

_____________4. It provides space for eating, sleeping, hunting, and raising a family.

______________5. This thing that can grow, move, reproduce, and have a life are called.

Part II: Matching Type

Direction: match column A with the corresponding item in column B. write the letter of your

answer for each number

Column A Column B

__1. Ocean A. Energy is needed to grow, reproduce

move, and work.
__2. Dessert
B. Without __both human and animals will die.
__3. Foods
C. Very hot and dry with little vegetation.
__4. Oxygen
D. provides a space for eating, sleeping,
__5. Shelter hunting, and raising a family.

E.A huge body of water salt.

f. Source of all energy

V. Assignment

Choose one of your family members and conduct an interview about the basic needs of living

things. Answer the following questions:

1. What do you think will happen if we do not lessen human activities that can have

negative effects on the environment?

2. What will be the possible solution that you think will help reduce its effects?

3. Why is it important that all living thin

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