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CRITERION B: Inquiry and design


The objective of this experiment is to determine experimentally the type of motion

made by a ball falling down an inclined plane. One of the most progitable

The motion of a moving body is rectilinear and uniform (ULM) if, following a
rectilinear path, it travels equal distances in equal times. In other words, the velocity
of the moving body is constant, which implies that the space traveled by the mobile
will be directly proportional to the time taken to travel it.
The position-time and velocity-time graphs of the ULM are:

The position-time graph of an ULM is a straight line where the slope is the velocity of the

The motion of a moving body is rectilinear and uniformly accelerated (UAM) if,
following a rectilinear path, the magnitude of its velocity varies constantly. In this motion
there is a constant acceleration.

Velocity is directly proportional to time and distance traveled is directly proportional to

the square of time.

The position-time and velocity-time graphs of the UAM are:

The velocity-time graph of an UAM is a straight line where the slope is the acceleration
of the movement.

The inquiry question for this experiment is, can we determine a type of movement by
letting an object fall in an inclined plane?

If time (independent variable) increases, then, velocity (dependent variable) increases,

because both variables have a proportional relationship, and will form an UAM.


● Name and define the variables involved, as well as the manipulation needed to obtain
the data of interest.

● Independent: It is the variable that, as a researcher, we manipulate or modify to

determine its effect on the phenomenon we are observing. (TIME)

● Dependent: It is the variable that we measure to know what effect the changes in
the independent variable have on it. (VELOCITY)

● Controlled: These are the variables that are not being examined; they are held
constant throughout the experiment so that they do not affect the result.

● Qualitative: These are the ones which are measure with qualities, such us colours,
properties of materials,... (TYPE OF BALL, TYPE OF SURFACE,...)

● Quantitative: These are the ones which are measured with numbers, there are
completely objective and cannot be debatable. (VELOCITY, TIME, INCLINATION,

B-C test criterions. Physics & Chemistry. MYP5

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4.1. Materials:

● 1 ball
● 1 tape measure
● 1 stopwatch
● 1 chalk
● 1 inclined slope

4.2. Process:

● Throw the ball from the beginning of the slope and measure the time it takes to travel till
0,5;1;1,5;2 (m)
● Repeat 3 times
● Calculate velocity
● Plot the chart of position/time and velocity/time in a dispersion graph, then add the
tendency line.

CRITERION C: Processing and Evaluation


● Present and interpret the data and results obtained.

5.1. Data processing:

● Organize the data obtained in the laboratory to present them in the form of tables and
● If necessary, a transformation of the data can be performed using formulas to calculate
● In the tables, the quantities with their corresponding units should appear in the first
● The graphs should show the quantities on each axis with the corresponding units.
5.2. Interpretation of the data:

● Extract conclusions describing the results obtained.

Based on the data, we can observe that as the drop height increases, the average bounce height also
increases. This suggests that there is a positive relationship between the drop height and the bounce
height of the tennis ball. The experiment demonstrates that the effect of the ball falling and then
bouncing is the result of potential and kinetic energy

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● Evaluate the validity of the hypothesis and of the process according to the results of
the investigation.

6.1. Validity of the hypothesis:

● Re-read the hypothesis considering the results to discuss its validity (the data support or
refute the hypothesis).

The hypothesis states that if the drop height of the tennis ball is increased, the resulting bounce height will also
increase, to validate this hypothesis we decided to drop the tennis ball from different heights and measure the
corresponding bounce heights. The experiment was conducted multiple times, and the results were recorded and
analyzed. In a way validating the results of our investigation that confirms the conclusion that the tennis ball
bounces higher with increased drop height
6.2. Validity of the process:

● Evaluate whether the experimental procedure performed allows confirming the

relationship between the dependent and independent variables.

The experimental procedure performed to investigate the relationship between the drop height of a tennis ball
and its corresponding bounce height provides different results.On one hand we support the hypothesis that
increasing the drop height leads to a higher bounce, however there exists many variables that may alter such
result, such limitations may include the use of old tennis ball, or not having professional equipment, may have
influenced the results. This shows that more experimentation and research are needed in order to draw up a
definite answer.

6.3. Process improvement proposals:

● Identify the improvable points of the experimental process in order to improve or

extend it.

To improve our investigation and experimentation there are several points which we can implement a different
method to extract more accurate results such as:

Controlling the state of the materials used to ensure that the materials used in the experiment provide consistent
results to its use, for example the tennis balls conditions must be supervised since the air pressure inside the balls
diminish over time

changing the size of the tennis ball: Experimenting with different sizes of tennis balls can provide different results
which can affect our investigation on how different sizes affect its efficiency

Conducting several different attempts: Performing multiple experiments can help ensure the reliability of the
results. By repeating the experiment with different variables or under different conditions, you can identify
patterns that may not be noticeable from a single test

Considering attempts from others: Reviewing and taking into account other researchers or experiments can
provide a broader perspective and enhance the understanding of the topic. This can involve studying related
studies, analyzing their methods, and comparing their results with your own.
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