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UNSW Sydney

CVEN2101 Engineering Construction

Term 3- 2022

Mid-term Examination Part B – 17 marks

Q1: 5.5 marks
Q2: 4.5 marks
Q3: 4 marks
Q4: 3 marks

Question 1

In a road construction site, the earthwork volume is determined relative to the road profile at 12
stations by the engineering surveyor as per Table 1. The stations are (50 + the last digit of your
zID) meters apart as per Diagram 1. The geotechnical engineer has determined that the soil
shrinkage in this part of the site is 25%.

a. (4 marks) With a method of choice, calculate the hauling distances for cutting and filling
along this section of the road.
b. (1 mark) Justify and explain your method of choice.
c. (0.5 mark) Which is the longest hauling distance?

Table 1

Station Cut (m3) Fill (m3)

1 0
2 23
3 34
4 18
5 10
6 35
7 30
8 25
9 18
10 10
11 25
12 30

Diagram 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Question 2

The concreting of an on-ground car park slab in an open space is planned to be undertaken on
Wednesday. Today is Monday, and it is predicted that, on Wednesday, the air temperature,
humidity and wind speed will be (26 + the last digit of your zID) °C, 40% and (55 – the last digit
of your zID) km/h, respectively. The design specification has suggested 25°C for the concrete

a. (1.5 mark) As the site engineer, do you need to take precautionary measures? What is
the engineering basis for your answer?

b. (2 marks) Provide a discussion on the precautionary measures to cover all options.

c. (1 mark) In taking these measures, with whom would you need to consult?

Question 3

Concrete is to be placed into prepared formwork of 4m in height to construct walls for an industrial
building at a remote location. The concrete will require a retarding admixture to be added to
facilitate the transport and handling of the concrete into the formwork.

You are informed that the maximum lateral design pressure the formwork can withstand is 80kPa.
You are to assume that the concrete temperature is 27˚C and the concrete density is 2,400 kg/m3.

(4 marks) Using the above information and the data specific to your zID listed in Table 2,
determine what cementitious material should be used to construct the walls.

Table 2

Last digit of zID Maximum vertical placement rate (m/h) Wall width (m)
0-3 0.55 0.5m
4-6 0.40 1m
7-9 0.50 2m

Question 4

(1.5 marks) Identify three construction risks in Figure 1 and (1.5 marks) discuss how the risks you
have identified could have been mitigated.

Figure 1

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