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Write a ten (10) numbered sentences feedback (1st person perspective) on the video on
the 10-principles of effective assessment. For submission in Week 14 class schedule.

1. I have learned that there are Three (3) Main Purposes of Assessment, namely, Assessment
for Learning, Assessment of Learning, and Assessment as Learning.

2. What I understood about Assessment for Learning is that it is a formative type of

assessment that is done to improve the teaching-learning process by identifying the
progress and gaps occurring in the learning sequence. This includes seatworks, diagnostic
tests, and Q&As that are ideally recorded but not graded.

3. Assessment of Learning, on the other hand, made me aware of such a summative type of
assessment that is used to determine the learnings of the students in a unit or chapter
against specified standards of goals. Mastery Tests, Periodic Tests, and the
Preliminaries/Midterms/Final Exams are examples of summative activities that are usually
given at the end of the lessons to certify the students’ competence in the subject.

4. In relation, the knowledge I’ve gained about Assessment as Learning is that it is a self-
assessment, wherein the students critically reflect their own comprehension of the topics
discussed by finding strategies to support the learning through reflective, introspective, and
insightful self-directed activities.

5. Additionally, I have learned about the Ten (10) Principles of Assessment, such as 1) Clarity
of Learning Targets, wherein learning objectives must be identified, clearly stated, and
focused on what is truly important, and 2) Balanced Assessment, which states the relevance
of setting targets in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains to cater diverse types
of learners.

6. The following principles of assessment are also newly introduced to me: 3) Valid and
Reliable Assessment, which means that the learning content is accurate, appropriate, and
useful in the given purpose, and 4) Fair Assessment, meaning that assessment tools should
open equal opportunities for students which are free from stereotypes and biased
assessment tasks and procedures.

7. To add, I have also grasped about other assessment principles, including, 5) Manageable
Assessment, assuring the practicality and efficiency in terms of available resources for the
implementation of the assessment, and 6) Transparent Assessment, deriving such tools
from curriculum standards and communicating results through feedbacks on the students’
learning progress.

8. I was as well further presented with the following assessment principles: 7) Continuous
Assessment, meaning, assessment activities shall be done before, during, and after the
instruction, as well as 8) Authentic Assessment, which means that an assessment should
demonstrate features such as meaningful tasks, clear standards, and more.

9. Lastly, I also consider these last two assessment principles relevant to my own learning
experience, specifically, 9) Positive Assessment, having positive consequences to both
student and teacher welfare, and 10) Ethical Assessment, freeing the learning environment
from negativity such as wrong teaching practices, violating students’ rights, and other
immoral procedures in the classroom setup.

10. Overall, my total introspection about Learning Assessments is that it is a relevant part of
education for it depicts the effectiveness of both the teacher and the learner, thus, is truly
vital in fulfilling to build a conducive learning environment for them.

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