5module Review2

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Module review- Lesson 2

Module review—Getting started in

QuickBooks Online Accountant
This short, optional module review revisits some of the key points
covered in the course so far.
The purpose of this review is to reinforce what you learned. This is
not a test, so there’s no scoring and no pass or fail.
Although the review is optional, we do recommend that you
complete it, as it does count towards your course completion status
and is reflected in the progress bar.
To complete the review, simply work through the questions
presented. You must answer each question correctly to proceed to
the next.
Please note - the module review does not form any part of the
Certification exam and is for learning purposes only.

Question 2
Which of the following are features of a client’s QuickBooks Online company?
(Select all correct options.)

 A QuickBooks Online company is made up of lists and


 There are multiple entry points for finding different lists and

 As an accountant user, you have an additional drop-down

menu in your client’s company

 Settings and tools can be accessed from the Gear icon

That's right. ALL

Module review- Lesson 2

Which of the following statements about the QuickBooks Online Dashboard

are true? (Select all the correct options.)

 You can see deposits and information on unpaid and overdue


 You can select a “card” to go to the Sales or Expenses Center

 It’s where you land when you enter a client account

That's right.

Question 4
How much does it cost to add access to the QuickBooks Online mobile app?

 Nothing, it's free

Question 5
Your client wants to know if they can track their expenses using the mobile
app. What do you tell them?

 No. The mobile app is for viewing information only; they can’t
add transactions.

Module review- Lesson 2

 Yes. They can add expenses on the mobile app, which will
automatically sync them with QuickBooks Online.

 Yes. They can record expenses on the mobile app, but they
need to manually import them to QuickBooks Online when they
are back in the office.

That's right. Yes. They can add expenses on the mobile app, which
will automatically sync them with QuickBooks Online

Question 6
Your client complains they have too many expense receipts to keep track of
and they keep losing them. Which of these is the best advice?

 They shouldn’t worry. As long as they keep 75% of their

receipts, it’s fine.

 They should keep a separate wallet for their business expense


 They should take a photo of the receipt on their mobile phone

and attach it to an expense transaction via the QuickBooks
Online mobile app.

 They should take a photo of the receipt on their mobile phone

and sync with QuickBooks Online when they are back in the

Module review- Lesson 2

That's right. They should take a photo of the receipt on their

mobile phone and attach it to an expense transaction via the
QuickBooks Online mobile app.

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