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T a b l e o f
C o n t e n t s

Exeutive Summary i

Evaluation Project

Sales Performance 1

Conditional Formatting 2

Statistics Graphic 3

Financial Analysis 4

Project Cost Evaluation 5


Conclusion and recomendation
Executive Summary

ABE Store is a HUAWEI Smartphone company retailer

located in North Sulawesi and has 3 stores located in
Manado, Bitung and Tomohon.

This report provides information to HUAWEI

smartphone distributors regarding sales for 2 years
that have been carried out by us, ABE Store.

Through this report, information is presented that has

been analyzed and evaluated. The analysis and
evaluation tools used in this project are BEP,
conditional formating, descriptive statistics, financial
performance analysis, and sales statistics for 2 years.

This report contains a summary of sales data,

conclusions, analysis and recommendations.
Appendices are also provided to provide more detailed

ABE Store

Evaluation Project

Sales Performance
Descriptive Statistics

From the results of the analysis using descriptive statistics, the

report states that the average sales of the three stores increase
every year. Average sales of Huawei cellphones from shops in
Manado increased from 2018-2019 by 9.86%. Stores in Bitung
average sales increased by 7.8%. And sales at stores in Bitung
increased by 13.17%. The average total of the three stores in
2018 and 2019 experienced an increase of 11 smartphone units
or an increase of 3.80%.

The standard deviation showed a decrease in 2019. The

spread or stability in sales increased because the
standard deviation for each store decreased. This
means that the sales strategy from 2018-2019
experienced good changes and progress, resulting in
sales numbers becoming more stable and consistent.

Minimum sales from 2018-2019 also improved and

increased efficiently. Maximum sales from ABE stores
have also increased, there are more buyers compared
to 2018. Because sellers are getting better at finding
new customers, marketing is getting better, incentive
offers to convince customers to buy are getting better,
the launch of the latest models of Huawei smartphones
is becoming popular. Meanwhile, the total sales of
Huawei smartphones in these 3 cities increased by
10.25% from 2018 to 2019.

The conclusion from the results of the descriptive

statistical data obtained is: Huawei smartphone sales
increased significantly in 2019.

Evaluation Project

C o n d i t i o n a l
F o r m a t t i n g

By using conditional formatting tools

on sales data in the city of Manado,
we can see that the red column
represents the month with the lowest
sales. Like in the first 3 months of
2018 and 2019. And the brighter the
color in each column represents
better sales.

In the sales results column for

Huawei smartphone units in the city
of Tomohon. The white column
represents low sales results. So, the
greener the column, the more sales
results in Tomohon city will increase.

Meanwhile, the use of conditional

formatting in the Bitung column
illustrates that the dark green color
is the result of low smartphone unit
sales and the increasingly yellow
column indicates good sales results.

Conclusions from the results of

grouping months with low sales
and months with good sales using
conditional formatting tools. In the
city of Manado, sales of Huawei
smartphone units in the first 1-3
months of 2018 and 2019 were the
lowest, after the first 3 months,
sales results increased over time.
There are several factors that
influence low sales at the
beginning of the year, such as
consumer spending at the end of
the year (Christmas, New Year and
holidays), as well as the people of
Manado city whose hobby is
spending a lot of money to
celebrate Christmas and New Year.
Evaluation Project

G r a p h i c

Sales trends go up and down with quite large
The highest peak occurred in the 24th month with 124
units sold.
The lowest peak occurred in the 3rd month with 82
units sold.

Sales trends are relatively stable with little fluctuation
S t a t i s t i c

The highest peak occurred in the 12th month with 112

units sold.
The lowest peak occurred in the 7th month with 82
units sold.

Sales trends show a significant increase.
Unit sales increased from 83 units in January to 120
units in December 2018.

In total every month, smartphone sales increased steadily,
although in the first 3 months of 2019 there was a significant
decline. However, after that smartphone sales increased

Evaluation Project

F i n a n c i a l A n a l y s i s

· Total sales of Huawei smartphones increased from
3,319 units in 2018 to 3,698 units in 2019, indicating
that sales in all three stores were more than the
required BEP for 1 year and experienced growth of
10.25% compared to 2018.

· The total net profit for two years was $ 11,046,000·
The month with the highest profit was December 2019
$ 33,400, while the month with the highest loss was
March 2018 $ 24,500

· ABE Store needs to focus on increasing sales at the
Tomohon Store.
· ABE store may consider changing to a cheaper
rental space or may try to reduce the store rental
price. So if the sales results are less than
expectations, the ABE store will not lose too much.

Evaluation Project

Project Cost Evaluation

This evaluation includes fixed costs, variable costs, salaries, rent,

loan interest, smartphone selling price, and sales break-even point

Selling price: All three sales locations have the same price, namely $
100. Variable costs: Variable costs per unit are the same in all three
sales locations, namely $ 80. Consists of the smartphone purchase
price, commission fees, and operating costs.

Fixed costs: The highest fixed costs are in Manado ($ 2,030),

followed by Bitung ($ 1,630), and the last is in Tomohon ($ 1,530).
BEP: The highest BEP is in Manado (102 units), followed by Bitung
(82 units ), and Tomohon (77). Total monthly sales from the 3 stores
are 260 and annually 3114 units are sold.

Based on this data, Manado has the highest total costs, however,
high costs also have a high BEP in order to adjust to the costs
incurred. Bitung has lower total costs than Manado, so the break-
even point for Bitung is not as high as Manado. Meanwhile, Tomohon
has the lowest total costs compared to the three existing shops, so
the break-even point required is also lower compared to Manado and


Conclusion and

The three ABE Store branches recorded quite good performance

over the 2 periods. Even though the ABE store in Manado recorded
a loss in the 2018 period, sales performance in the following year
increased. In terms of total smartphone sales per month, it has
increased, although sometimes there have been several sales
declines, but it has not decreased significantly. The sales growth
trend that always increases steadily is the ABE Store in Tomohon.
The highest total sales from the three stores occurred in the 12th
month of 2019 with 334 smartphone units sold. And the lowest total
sales of the three stores occurred in the 2nd month of 2018.

The recommendation I can give is that ABE Store needs to focus on

increasing sales at the Tomohon Store because it provides a stable
increase compared to the other two stores. However, shops in
Manado also need to be further developed because they are in the
city center which can provide high profits. And ABE store can
consider changing to a cheaper rental place or can try to reduce
the store rental price. So if sales results are less than expectations,
ABE Store will not lose too much. ABE Store can also increase
promotions and discounts on certain holidays to attract more
customer attention so that it can further increase sales. Further
optimize digital marketing such as Tiktok, Instagram, and Tokopedia
so that ABE Store can be better known and easier for customers to

Based on the results of careful analysis and consideration, it can

be concluded that ABE Store has the potential and sufficient
qualifications to become an Official Huawei Agent.

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