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Q1) Please describe the plan of action for today’s field visit. (Date and time, Objectives,
Goals, Purpose of your visit)
 Date & time of visit – 17th March 2024 at 8:30 AM
 Place of Visit – Kunnathur
 Objectives - Conducting a workshop in the village on Personal Finance and the Digital
Banking environment to provide the villagers with the fundamental skills required.
 Goals - Help them become more financially capable and knowledgeable about the digital
 Purpose of the visit - To equip them with tomorrow's capabilities.

Q2) Please describe the activities done to complete the action plan. (Work done in the field)
We were supposed to hold the workshop at the nearby tuition center, but there was a
government-led literacy class going on, and the space was already taken. We then took up the
mantle and went door to door, educating people about the content. We went to households and.
The goal was simple: we wanted them to benefit from our knowledge. We also became involved
in enabling the government-led initiative of teaching the elderly, working alongside the
government official who had visited the village.

Q3) What did you observe today and would like to implement in your next field visit? (Next
level of action)


We observed a deep sense of satisfaction among the villagers after learning something new and

Q4) What is the learning outcome from this field visit? (Lessons learned.)


Banking is the most basic source of empowerment available to the general public. It allows them
to be part of mainstream development. Going digital is essential in today's world, and it is
especially important in banking. I'm hoping that by taking this initiative, we can help the people
in some small way.

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