Abhirup Guha Niyogi DM252003 8

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Q1) Please describe the plan of action for today’s field visit. (Date and time, Objectives,
Goals, Purpose of your visit)
• Date & time of visit – 24th March 2024 at 8:45 AM
• Place of Visit – Kunnathur
• Objectives – Meet as many villagers as possible and ask them about the feedback from
our visits and how they felt about the activities we conducted.
• Goals – To help better understand the things that we did right and the areas of
improvement which we can work upon.
• Purpose of Visit – A farewell visit
Q2) Please describe the activities done to complete the action plan. (Work done in the field)
We went door to door, meeting villagers and gathering feedback on how they felt about our visit,
whether they were able to benefit from it, and what else they suggested we could do to create
value for them.
Q3) What did you observe today and would like to implement in your next field visit? (Next
level of action)
We observed a strong sense of satisfaction among the villagers about our visit. They were
especially pleased with the personal finance workshop we provided, as well as our efforts to
teach the children and organize a sports tournament for them.
Q4) What is the learning outcome from this field visit? (Lessons learned.)
In our busy lives, we rarely have the opportunity to do something good for society. During my
visits to Kunnathur, I was able to contribute to the community. It made me happy and satisfied to
be able to help them. The blessings we received from the people, as well as the energy they
exuded, filled us with hope and motivation. The lessons I've learned include being eternally
grateful to God for what I have and ensuring that I help people in whatever capacity I can to
improve their lives.

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