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Basic Configuration

Nur Iqbal Muliawan

Basic Configuration

Two ways to configure network:

1. Static
2. Dynamic
Basic Configuration

We have to configure a router from zero configuration to make

all node can access the internet use this topology
Final Result would be PC1 and PC2 can ping to and
Basic Configuration

Before start your configuration, you have to reset your mikrotik

with this command:

/system reset-configuration no-default=yes

Basic Configuration Static Way

Things that you have to configure:

1. Hostname ( Identity )
2. IP point to point between modem and R_1
3. IP gateway for node client
4. IP address for node client
Test to ping and
Basic Configuration Static Way

Troubleshoot your connection by Cisco’s recommendation :

1. Ping IP to test our TCP/IP
2. Ping IP that installed in our device to check your IP
3. Ping IP gateway
4. Ping Remote device
Basic Configuration Static Way

From previous slide add what you need to configure if you found
fail to ping
Things that you have to configure:
1. IP point to point between modem and R_1
2. IP gateway for node client
3. IP address for node client
4. Default route to internet
5. IP gateway in node client
Test to ping and
Basic Configuration Static Way

From previous slide add what you need to configure if you found
fail to ping
Things that you have to configure:
1. IP point to point between modem and R_1
2. IP gateway for node client
3. IP address for node client
4. Default route to internet
5. IP gateway in node client
6. Nat configuration
7. DNS in every node
8. Set Router to allow request dns from remote device
Test to ping and
Basic Configuration dynamic ways
Using same topology, let’s try to configure with dynamic ways
so we can compare both ways.
Assume that modem already configured as dhcp server
Final Result would be PC1 and PC2 can ping to and
Basic Configuration Dynamic Way

Things that you have to configure:

1. Hostname
2. R_1 request IP from modem
3. Set IP for local network in R_1
4. Node network request IP from R_1
Test to ping and
Basic Configuration Dynamic Way

Things that you have to configure:

1. R_1 request IP from modem
2. Set IP for local network in R_1
3. Node network request IP from R_1
4. NAT Configuration
Test to ping and
NTP (Network Time Protocol)

NTP protocol use to synchronize time in a network

Mikrotik, support as NTP Server and NTP Client

NTP Client already builtin in system package
Set Clock Manually

If we don’t want to connect to any NTP Server or want to make

our Router as NTP Server
Backup Config

Backup all router’s configuration including username and

Backup File listed in file menu and can be downloaded using

Backup file cannot be edited

File extension .backup
Reset Configuration

Back to default configuration

Delete all configuration and password

Only full group can do this command
Restore configuration

To load our configuration from backup file

Only use this to exact same device
Export Configuration

Use to export / save some or all router configuration to a

Result file listed in file menu witch extension .rsc and can
downloaded using FTP

File .rsc can be seen and edited using text editor
Import Configuration from script

Import script from export’s file result

Can be use on different type devices

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