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VOCABULARY 5 In class yesterday, I had to try / give out the books

to everyone.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct words. There

is one space for each letter.
6 My sister went through / over a difficult time when
she was ill as a child.
7 The boys in the school team used to pick / get on
1 We’re going to see a live p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of our me because I was the smallest in the team.
favourite band!
8 We haven’t brought many sandwiches for the picnic,
2 My parents usually s _ _ _ _ _ _ that I should do so we’ll just have to fill / eat up on fruit.
some homework at weekends
3 In an earthquake, buildings can sometimes
completely c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
words in capital letters.
4 To win a car race in a video game, you have to
o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all the cars in front. 1 My mum made an to talk to
my teacher tomorrow. ARRANGE
5 I don’t like books with a predictable p _ _ _ . I prefer
surprises! 2 I’ve got a lot of to do, to get
everything ready for my holiday. PREPARE
6 The main c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in this story is a really
interesting person. 3 I phoned my brother instead
of my mum! ACCIDENT
7 I need to ask for p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from my parents
to go to the concert – they can be quite strict. 4 The garden was in complete ,
and I fell over my bike lying on the path. DARK
8 My favourite singer is Adele. She’s got amazing
musical t _ _ _ _ _. 5 My grandma’s going to the hospital
for some on Monday. TREAT

2 Match the two parts of the sentences. 6 There was a long family
last night about where to go on holiday. DISCUSS
1 I’m not sure A out a new sport – I 7 Reading a lot of science fiction books
when school breaks might give skiing a go. isn’t a bad thing. NECESSARY
2 I often fall B up some food for my 8 My grandfather has an amazing
dinner tonight. of old stamps. COLLECT
3 The doctor says C out with my older sister
I need to cut and we don’t speak for GRAMMAR
4 This fish has D out how to answer this 5 Choose the correct options to complete the
gone question.
5 I’ve got to heat E out all nuts from my Sonia: Hi Alice: Where (1) do you go / are you going
diet due to my allergy. now?
6 I must remember F in my homework Alice: Hi Sonia. Tom (2) has just invited / was just
to hand tomorrow. inviting me to go round to his house. (3) Do
you want / Are you wanting to come with me?
7 I want to try G off, so don’t eat it.
Sonia: Great, thanks! Who else (4) goes / is going?
8 I really can’t H up this term.
figure Alice: I’m not sure. I (5) was studying / studied in the
library when I saw him, so I (6) have been /
3 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. was too busy to ask him.
Sonia: (7) Do we need / Did we need to take anything
1 I get / go on really well with my older brother.
with us?
2 Yesterday I had to stay on / behind to talk to
Alice: No, Tom says his mum (8) has already made /
my teacher.
was already making some food for everyone!
3 The weather’s bad, so our teacher’s put off / away
Sonia: Great!
the football match.
4 Everyone says I take / identify after my father but
I think I’m more like my mother.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2020 PREPARE SECOND EDITION LEVEL 6

Name Class Date

/ be able / will be able to find lots of information easily

6 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
on the internet. Of course, some disasters were a
good deal more damaging (4) that / as / than others.
as never since such Vesuvius, (5) which / that / where is the one I chose, was
the used wasn’t who (6) such / too / so big that there are pages and pages of
research about it. So probably (7) the smaller / small
1 It’s at least six years our neighbours / the smallest the topic, the less reading you’ll have to
came to live next door do! Yesterday I (8) could / managed / was managing to
2 I don’t play football now, but I to play write two whole pages, so I’m quite proud of myself!
a lot when I was a child. Good luck, anyway!
3 My brother isn’t quite as tall our dad. Billy
4 I’ve had a busy day that I’m really
tired now.
5 Barry able to meet us in town
yesterday. He had to stay at home and study.
6 I’ve been to California, but it sounds
01 9 Listen to two friends called Jess and Charlie
talking about a music festival. Complete the
fantastic! sentences with one or two words.
7 My cousin Paul, lives in the next
1 Jess tells Charlie that the concert tickets cost
street, plays video games all the time.
£ for students.
8 This laptop is most expensive thing
2 Jess explains that she got her ticket from a
I’ve ever bought!
in town.
3 Jess says that her favourite kind of music is
7 Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 Who you are waiting for / are you waiting for / do you 4 Jess particularly likes the
wait for now? in a local band that’s
2 I study / am studying / was studying maths this term. playing.
It’s quite difficult! 5 Jess tells Charlie that the name of the band’s new
3 We just have got back / have just got back / just album is .
getting back from our holiday in the US.
4 I saw John while I have cycled / cycled / was cycling READING
5 We live / lived / have lived in London for two years
before we came here.
10 Read the article. Decide if the sentences are true (T)
or false (F).
6 Don’t take the main road into town today. They
The joy of writing
repair / are repairing / repaired the road.
By Sally Ramsden
7 My brother could / was able to / might be able to find
a job in a bank last year. I’ve been writing stories for about three years now, and
I want to become a professional writer in the future.
8 Sorry, but I can’t / wasn’t able / won’t be able to
Since I started, I’ve found that more and more people
come to the concert with you tomorrow.
are writing their own stories and poems. Many attend
classes, too, led by established writers, to learn how
8 Read the email and choose the correct word for each
to improve their techniques. I’ve certainly found the
ones I’ve attended were a useful way to make progress.
To: Josh There’s an increasingly wide range of courses available
now, too. Some of them charge a considerable amount
From: Billy of money to attend, although many others are more
Hi Josh, reasonably priced.
Just to let you know about the homework for next I’ve also found some excellent websites that writers
week. I know you (1) are / were / have been away from with not much experience can go to for help. They
school yesterday when the teacher (2) has told / tells / explain how to plan your story and develop your
told us all about it. characters, and also tell you how not to end up with
You have to do some research about an ancient natural very boring stories where everyone can guess the
disaster like a volcano or an earthquake, for example, ending – the hardest thing for many new writers to
and then write about 500 words about it. You (3) able

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2020 PREPARE SECOND EDITION LEVEL 6

Name Class Date

learn. Anyway, it’s important to keep practising, and

make a note of ideas.
More people publish their own writing directly
on the internet, too, rather than trying to get it
12 A Write the words in the correct order to make
questions. Then think about your answers to the
published in printed book form. However, it does have questions.
disadvantages. For example, less experienced authors
usually need a friend or family member to check their 1 know / good / in / town / places / eat / to / Do /
work and suggest improvements before it’s uploaded. your / any / you / ?
I remember when I first started, I was so keen to share
my work that there were spelling and punctuation
errors in a piece I published, which I should have
noticed. I must admit that I have difficulty spotting 2 healthily / best / What’s / way / the / to / eat / ?
errors in the texts I write, so I have them thoroughly
So if you’re keen to publish your work, look for
websites that publish the kind of writing you do. Look 3 country / recommend / you / any / from / food /
at other writers’ work – and what people are saying Can / your / ?
about it. Then, when you feel brave enough, upload
your own work and invite people to give their opinions.
You’ll find, as I have, that people won’t always like
what you’ve written, but that doesn’t matter to me. 4 cook / how / best / learn / to / way / the / What’s / to
What’s important is getting their suggestions on how to /?
improve, and acting on them. Take it from me – it’ll be
worth it. So – what are you waiting for? Go for it!

1 Sally thinks the creative writing classes she

attended were helpful. 5 good / Do / shows / any / about / know / cooking /
you / TV / ?
2 Sally says most writing courses cost more or less the
same price.
3 Sally thinks the biggest problem is creating
interesting characters.
4 Sally doesn’t always notice mistakes in her own B Ask and answer the questions with a partner.
5 Sally gets upset by negative online comments about
her writing.

11 Your friend Jo had a party last Saturday, but you
couldn’t go. Write an email ...

• apologising to Jo
• explaining why you couldn’t go
• asking about the party
• suggesting something you could both do together
Now write your email. Write about 100 words.

PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and Cambridge Assessment 2020 PREPARE SECOND EDITION LEVEL 6

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