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Principles and Core Values of Social Work

Learning Activity Sheet

After studying this module, you are expected to:
1. identify the Principles of Social Work;
2. explain the Values of Social Work; and
3. express personal how social work intervenes in a society crisis.

Answer the following activities. Use 1 whole sheet of paper as your answer sheet.


Directions: Read the statements carefully. Analyze whether the statements fit to a description of Core Values and
Principles of Social Work. Please put a check mark (/) if you agree and a cross mark (x) if you disagree in each of the
statements indicated below.


Values are fundamental norms and preferred behavior patterns, shared by members of a society or a subgroup which
aim at integrating and channeling the organized activities of the members. A value specifies whether to follow or not
to follow a particular behavior. (
Mendoza (2002) cited that the Council on Social Work Education identified and described six (6) values that are
shared by the social work profession.
These values are outlined below:
1. Right to Self-Fulfillment- Each person has the right to self-fulfillment which is derived from his/her inherent
capacity and thrust toward the goal;
2. Responsibility to Common Good- Each person has the responsibility as a member of the society to seek ways of
fulfillment that contribute to common good;
3. Responsibility of the Society- The society has the responsibility to facilitate self-fulfillment of the individual and
the right to enrichment through the contribution of its individual members
4. Right to Satisfy Basic Needs- Each person requires for the harmonious development of his powers socially provided
and socially safeguarded opportunities for satisfying his/her basic needs in the physical, psychological, economic,
cultural, aesthetic, and spiritual realms.
5. Social Organizations required to facilitate individual’s effort at selfrealization – The notion that individual and
society has the responsibility to provide appropriate social resources, it is the right of the individual to promote change
in social resources that do not serve his/her need-meeting efforts
6. Self-realization and contribution to society- To permit both self-realization and contribution to society by the
individual, social organization must make available socially-provided devices for need-satisfaction as wide in range,
variety, and quality as the general welfare allows.
These values according to the Curriculum Study sponsored by the Council on Social Work Education as cited by
Mendoza (2002) comprise a minimum commitment from the social worker and the following concepts are implied in
these values:
1. Concept of human potentials and capacities- This is premised on the belief that a person is inherently endowed
with potentials and capacities.
2. Concept of social responsibility- an individual has the obligation to contribute to the common good and society.
3. Concept of equal opportunities- This is premised on the ideal of social justice, two elements of which are fairness
and equality.
4. Concept of social provision- This is based on the premise that there will always be everywhere with unmet needs
or problems which are beyond their own capacity to solve.

“The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) stated that the mission of the social work profession is rooted
in a set of core values. These values include: service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of
human relationships, integrity, and competence (Morales and Sheafor, 1983).”

Principles of Social Work

Social Work is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people and it is cultivated by altruistic and
democratic principles. Friedlander (1958) and Biestek (1957) as cited by Mendoza (2002) indicated seven principles
adhered by social workers including the following:
1. Acceptance
- Respecting clients under different circumstances
- Understanding the meaning and causes of client’s behavior
- Manifests warmth, interest and concern about the client and her/his situation
- Recognizing the individual or people’s strengths and potentials, weaknesses,
and limitations.
Sometimes, the personal experiences of the worker may come in the way of accepting the client. For example, a
worker who was abused by his alcoholic father during his/her childhood may find it difficult to accept an alcoholic
client who has come for help in restoring his/her family this case, the social worker should not be
influenced by his childhood experience of being abused by his alcoholic father whom he hated and rejected or show
hostility or indifference towards the client. Mutual acceptance is the beginning of the process of establishing a strong
professional relationship towards working out a solution to the client’s social dysfunctioning.
2. Client’s participation in problem-solving
- Client is expected to participate in the process.
- Gathers information in defining the nature of the problem
- Participates in planning ways in resolving such problems
- Identifying resources to solve
- Act through the help of different available resources
3. Self-Determination
- The idea behind this principle is that the clients-individuals, groups, or
communities) who are in need have the right to determine their needs and how
they should be met.
Every individual has the right to assess what is good for him and decide that ways and means to realize it. It
emphasizes that the social worker should not impose decisions or solutions on the client simply because the client has
come to him for help. No doubt, the client has come to social worker because he could not solve the problem by
himself. The social worker should support and guide the client to develop insights into his social situation in the
correct perspective and encourage and involve him to take decisions that are good and acceptable to him. In this way,
the client is helped not only to realize his potentialities but also to fell independent and like a person with worth and
4. Individualization
- Recognizing and understanding the client’s own unique characteristics and
using different principles and methods for each client.
- No two clients are exactly alike
- Social interventions differ for each client considering their unique qualities and
The principle reminds the social worker that while dealing with the client it is to be kept in mind that the worker is not
dealing with an inanimate object or inferior being.
( Each individual responds and reacts to the same
stimuli in a different manner and gets into or get out of different challenges, problem and trouble situations in different
5. Confidentiality
- Client should be accorded with appropriate projection, within the limits of the
law, with no any harm that might result from the information given to the social
- The client should be assured that what he or she divulges will be kept in
- Moreover, confidentiality entails privacy
6. Worker self-awareness
- Social worker is conscious about her/his role in making use of her/his
professional relationship with the client in a way that will enhance the client’s
development rather than his/her own.
- The social worker consciously examines her/his feelings, judgments, biases
and responses whether these are professionally motivated.
7. Client-worker relationship
- The purpose of client-worker relationship is to help the client in some area of
his/her social functioning in which, at the present he or she is experiencing
some difficulty, and where the worker is in the position to offer help.

Practice Task:
Which Principle of Social Work I Agree Most?
Instruction: You are directed by your Subject Teacher to make analysis of one Social Work Principle. Among the
Seven Social Work Principles which were discussed, which will you choose to discuss? Why this Principle? What
Aspect of the Principle influences you? Please explain.
Direction: Circle the letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. This involves respecting the clients as they are under any circumstances and understands the meaning and causes of
the client’s behavior.
A. Acceptance C. Individualization
B. Self-Determination D. Confidentiality
2. A client is made to understand that he or she is expected to participate in the entire process.
A. Self-determination
B. Client’s participation in problem-solving
C. Worker self-awareness
D. Confidentiality
3. _________________ stated that the mission of the social work profession is rooted
in a set of core of values
4. This is based on the premise that there will always be everywhere with unmet
needs or problems which are beyond their own capacity to solve.
A. Concept of human potentials and capacities
B. Concept of social responsibilities
C. Concept of equal opportunities
D. Concept of social provision
5. It is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people and it is
cultivated by altruistic and democratic principles.
A. Social Work C. Core Values
B. Principles D. Scope of Social Work

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