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Republic of the Philippines


University Town, Northern Samar


FIRST SEMESTER, S.Y. 2020-2021

Prepared and compiled by:

CAC, Part Time Lecturers


COURSE & YEAR: __BEED 1-A_________________________________________
PROFESSOR: _KRISTEL ADESAS______________________________________


Are you ready to test what you have learned? LET’S DO THIS!

Create an organized table discussing the differences of the constitutions in the Philippines discussed in this module. Jot down the
improvements, amendments, changes that happened from the 1897 Constitution until the 1987 Constitution. Your answers should
include the following areas:
type of government system
political positions
powers in different branches of government
preamble of the constitution
different articles included in the constitution
cite at least five provisions, amendments, changes in the constitution


Constitution Historical Type of preamble of the powers in different articles included provisions,
Period governm constitution branches of in the constitution amendments,
ent government changes in the
system constitution
1897: Republic De The separation of * The Supreme * *
Constitution of of Biak-na- facto Con the Philippines from Council, entrusted
Biak-na-Bato Bato stitutiona the Spanish with Republic
l Republic monarchy and their power, was led by
formation into an the president and
independent state four department
with its own secretaries:
interior, foreign
government called
affairs, treasury,
the Philippine and war;
Republic has been
the end sought by * Consejo Supremo
the Revolution in the de Gracia y Justicia
existing war, begun (Supreme Council
on the 24th of of Grace and
August, 1896; and , Justice), which was
therefore, in its granted the
name and by the authority to issue
power delegated by decisions, confirm
or overturn the
the Filipino people,
sentences of other
interpreting courts, and to
faithfully their establish
desires and regulations for the
ambitions, we the administration of
representatives of justice; and
the Revolution, in a
meeting at Biak-na- * Asamblea de
bato, November 1, Representantes
1897, unanimously (Assembly of
adopted the Representatives),
following articles for which was to be
the constitution of assembled after the
the State. revolution to draft
a new Constitution
and elect a new
People's Council.
1899: Malolos First Unitary p We, the *President Known as "The * Title IV's 27
Constitution Philippine arliament Representatives of * Assembly of Political provisions outline
Republic ary consti the Filipino people, Representatives- Constitution of natural rights and
tutional lawfully convened, members of which 1899," it was popular
republic in order to establish are elected for written in sovereignty, whose
justice, provide for terms of four years. Spanish. enumeration does
the common * Secretaries of the not imply the ban of
government were any other rights not
defense, promote
given seats in the clearly expressed.
the general welfare, assembly, which *Article 4 is to be
and to secure for meant annually for popular, *Title III, Article V
ourselves the a period of at least representative, further states that
blessings of liberty, three months. alternative, and the state recognizes
imploring the aid of * Cabinet members accountable, and religious freedom
the Supreme * Chief justice of the to have three and equality, as well
Legislator of the Supreme Court different powers: as the separation of
Universe to help us * Solicitor-general legislative, religion and state.
attain these executive, and
objectives, have
voted, decreed, and
sanctioned the
following political

1935: The Common President The Filipino people,  President * On February 8, 1940
Commonwealth wealth of the ial comm imploring the aid of  Vice President 1935, the Amendment (Establ
Constitution Philippines onwealth Divine Providence,  Senate constitutional ishment of
in order to establish  House of convention passed the Bicameral
a government that Representatives the constitution, Philippine
shall embody their  independent which was ratified Congress)
ideals, conserve and electoral by then-US
commission President Franklin
develop the
D. Roosevelt on
patrimony of the March 25, 1935.
nation, promote the
general welfare, and *In September
secure to themselves 1935, elections
and their posterity were held, and
the blessings of Manuel L. Quezon
independence under was elected
a regime of justice, President of the
liberty, and Commonwealth
democracy, do
ordain and *The
promulgate this Commonwealth
was momentarily
constitution. disrupted by
World War II
events, with the
conquering the
On July 4, 1946,
the Philippines
was declared an
republic following
its liberation.
1973: Fourth Unitary d We, the sovereign  President On January 17, *To maintain the
Constitutional Philippine ominant- Filipino people,  Vice President 1973, the legislation, the 1976
Authoritarianis Republic party parl imploring the aid of  Senate President issued a Amendment was
m iamentar Divine Providence,  House of proclamation enacted, which
y totalitar in order to establish Representatives announcing that maintained martial
ian repub a Government that  independent the proposed law and replaced
lic under shall embody our electoral constitution had the regular
dictators commission been ratified by an Batasang Pambansa
ideals, promote the
hip overwhelming with the Interim
general welfare, vote of the Batasang Pambansa.
conserve and members of the
develop the highly irregular
patrimony of our Citizen *1981 Amendment
Nation, and secure Assemblies. (Power Delegation
to ourselves and our to the President,
posterity the Establishment of an
blessings of Executive
democracy under a Committee, and
regime of justice, Establishment of a
peace, liberty, and Modified
equality, do ordain Parliamentary
and promulgate this System)
*The formation of
the Vice President's
Office and the
abolition of the
Committee were
two of the reforms
enacted in 1984.

amendments to the
constitution have
been made.
In 1976, Citizen
Assemblies decided
to allow the
continuation of
Martial Law and
approved the
amendments: an
Interim Batasang
Pambansa to
replace the Interim
National Assembly;
the President to also
become Prime
Minister and
continue to exercise
legislative powers
until Martial Law
was lifted; and the
President to
legislate on his own
on an emergency
The 1987 Republic Unitary p We, the sovereign  President - * On February 8,
Philippine of the residenti Filipino people, president is the 1935, the
Constitution Philippines al constit imploring the aid of head of the constitutional Proposed
utional Almighty God, in state and the convention passed amendments to the
republic order to build a just chief executive, the constitution, 1987 Constitution
and humane society, but his power is which was ratified
and establish a limited by by then-US
significant President Franklin
Government that
checks from the D. Roosevelt on
shall embody our March 25, 1935.
two other co-
ideals and equal branches
aspirations, promote of government, *In September
the common good, especially 1935, elections
conserve and during times of were held, and
develop our emergency. Manuel L. Quezon
patrimony, and  Vice president was elected
secure to ourselves  Cabinet President of the
and our posterity,  Congress Commonwealth
the blessings of (Senate and
independence and House of *The
democracy under Representatives Commonwealth
the rule of law and a ) was momentarily
 Supreme Court disrupted by
regime of truth,
 24 senators World War II
justice, freedom,
events, with the
love, equality, and Japanese
peace, do ordain and conquering the
promulgate this Philippines.
Constitution. On July 4, 1946,
the Philippines
was declared an
republic following
its liberation.
 On January 17,
1973, the
President issued a
announcing that
the proposed
constitution had
been ratified by an
vote of the
members of the
highly irregular

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