Cie 103

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MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Constituent College of MAHE - Deemed University) Manipal — 576 104. SECOND SEMESTER B.E. (Common) MAKE UP EXAMINATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES (CIE 103) Saturday 15th July 2006 INSPREDOYFE TIME: 3 HRS.] [MAX. MARKS: 50 Note: J. Answer FIVE FULL questions 2. Q.No.1 is compulsory. 3. All questions carry equal marks Q.No.1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (1/2 x 20= 10) (@ The amount of oxygen required to break down a certain amount of organic matter is called ---. (ii) Arsenicosis is caused due to -- -- pollution. (iii) Thorn forests are found in ---------regions of India (iv) M.S. Swaminathan is one of the India’s foremost ---scientist. (v) Less than-------------' ‘% of water is available as usable water in rivers, lakes and ground water. (vi) Food Security is closely linked to -----------. (vii) Involving local community in the forest growth and conservation is known as - (viii) Growing several varieties of crops is known as -------++--a-+-0= (ix) The energy stored within the earth is known as (x) All the rivers in India were taken up for clean up operations under —~ launched in 1995 (xi) Minimata disease is due to --. ---poisoning. (xii) Floods are mainly caused due to --~ = (xiii) The new concept in waste management includes Reduce, Recycle and --- (xiv) = -is one of the properties which make the waste Hazardous. (xv) Solar Technology that produces electricity requires ---. (xvi) The rate of dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere varies in relation to topography and ----------~ conditions. (xvii) The loss of forest cover coupled with the increasing release of CO? and other gases contributes to (xviii) HIV/AIDS reduces an individual --. -- to diseases, (xix) The main threats to Biodiversity includes -- man-wild life conflict. (xx) The concem for environment in turn makes one to ----- at their own level. Q.No.2A. Explain the different values of Biodiversity. Q.No.2B. Explain any three causes for environmental degradation. Q.No.2C. With examples define renewable and non renewable resources. -, poaching of wild life and (05) (03) (02) Q.No.3A. Explain with examples Producers, Consumers and Decomposers in an ecosystem. (05) Q.No.3B. Write a note on Air pollution control. Q.No.3C. What are the objectives of the subject Environmental Studies? Q.No.4A. Explain the causes, effects and control measures of Noise pollution. Q.No.4B. What are the functional and structural components of an ecosystem? Q.No.4C. With examples define primary and secondary air pollutants. (03) (02) (05) (03) (02) Q.No.SA. Explain Earthquake disaster with causes, effects and mitigative measures. (05) Q.No.SB. What is the role of an individual in prevention of air pollution. (03) Q.No.5C. What do you understand by ‘Value Education’? (02) Q.No.6A. What are Biogeochemical Cycles? List them and explain any one cycle in detail. (05) Q.No.6B. What are Hazardous wastes? Explain their disposal methods. (03) Q.No.6C. Explain the statement “Short term economic gains and long term ecological gains” with an example. (02) Q.No.7A. Write a note on ‘Waste land reclamation’ with its necessity. (05) Q.No.7B, Discuss the various problems with the construction of major dams, (03) Q.No.7C, What is ‘Acid Rain’? What are its effects? (02) SRK

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