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Ablution facilities have to be provided for workers as per the Environmental Regulations for Workplaces and the

National Building Regulations. One toilet needs to be supplied per 17 workers for males and the same ratio for females.

Ablution Facilities should identify which are for males and Which are for Females.

Ablution Facilities should be private i.e. have a lockable door and walls or partitions which create a private cubicle.

For males, urinals count as an ablution facility, but they cannot be the only facility provided.

Sufficient hand washing facilities with clean running water and soap shall be provided.

Make use of hand towel for drying hands or air dryers (preferably hand towel) as material towels harbor germs and dirt.

No person may urinate or defecate in the bushes or veld. Only make use of Ablution facilities provided.

Ablution Facilities should be kept clean.

Ablution Facilities should have adequate toilet paper.

Ablution Facilities for women should have “SHE Bins” for Biological waste / sanitary waste. Never flush Sanitary waste
down chemical Toilets or plumbed in toilets.

Sanitary Waste should be disposed of by a registered Sanitary Waste Service Provider like Bidvest or Sanitech.

Chemical toilets should be serviced regularly and be kept clean at all times.

Waste records for Ablution Facilities should be kept and be available for Audit.

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