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@ 1/1 Exercise 7 Question 1: For two isospin 15 partic show that 20. 1 A in the triplet state and -3/4 in the mi pl singlet (Hint 1... = + /;square both sides) Question 2: Find the ratio of cross sections for the following reactions, when the total CM energy is, 1232 Mev. a repo KOE” by rtp ok +E Question 3: What are the possible total isospins for the following reactions, a) Ke poeta by K tpodaw Find the ratio of two cross sections, assuming one or the © + isospin channel domi Question 4 (Problem 4.35) : a) Is n eigenstate of P? If so, what is its intrinsic parity b) Now that we know 7” and @” are actually both the K™, which of the decays in equation, (4.53) actually violates parity conservation. Question 5 : a)Use equation P* = /, prove that cigenvalues are of P are £1 b)Show that any funetion f(x,y.2) ean be expressed as the sum of eigenfunction f, (x,y,z) with eigenvalue +1, and eigenfunction f(x,y, 2)with eigenvalue -1.Construct the funetions f, and / in terms of f Question 1: For two isospin '% particles, show that /‘.7°) =+. in the triplet state and -3/4 in the singlet (Hint [,,,, =” +1°;square both sides) (ioe ]? _ (i 12°) 4 tte ipa) at [fel ae Lz le 44) of foe, Lit 7=0 + ZF(E +1) ges +t PAPAL te ut 22 leet ear Heese = (P'}e+ (27) 22 tye Wriolet Flehe —— ee Lig t+ LIZ A) a) lela G Y tt Zee rol eit [ GJ2 Yy Question 2: Find the ratio of cross sections for the following reactions, when the total CM energy is 1232 Mev. alan sp—> eS |f J) Jhb) 9? biaep —s kteg ON wet? e\tp —9 hte NM - > Ae? : 7 Zo Facoe = U 4+ i) 3 , SH Se ee Fle 24 Bla z) + uf - = 9 L afi ptt | May = yt jes L = US ete t dé Fo eS TPS eae a k% tags at pO= poo Vn Ng My Me a My + Mg 2 Aa 3 mye 6 eM 9 mu* = afte - Mi) AT i+p = =I rt avec arte YP 42 tag e/e ty =F |b 2) eft - 2) + Zs { Bere Hee ieeE Eee peer Eee HE my, reat GS) Wal lg Am) sinul= dy odo) TelalGic 3 (ms my 4 ly doy)”; f Agy> My FE = 4, domboses Vo Moiw= 2° t73 Bef dominote mi Y2mg Ye UE Ve = 2°07 C ) @olw Question 3: What are the possible total isospins for the following reactions, LY 2) Kempton K7 4D ss O41? C) Eo 4p 2E +e * ~ » pS ae PZ ¢ et Py bes paern Find the ratio of two cross sections, assuming one or the other isospin channel dominates. 4) An EB yl eae Neal x b CAEP EE CECT Eat ea Fane (lt ] <2 Fi Pam Pie asf Fr £L ah Coe & lt a> Lfo-ay ZAG = LDS. (1 D9 SL =0n- JZpn2le-ll 39 oe mow =Httlf =, ees de wis2 “(4 Cae OATS 2 eeuaed Me a oa et Me fists q Pag aaa i ARRORBE ASR

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