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09:34 15 Aralik Cum a Kilit Agila @¢ 4100 8 oyeistanbuledusr Exercises 08 & Tam Ekran Exercise 8 19) Use equation P* =/, prove that eigenvalues ae of Pare +1 1») Show that any function fy) canbe expsso asthe sum of eigenfunction f,(x,)\2) ‘sit ienvahe +1, and eigentncion f(x, fa fiwwomsot wih eigenvalue -1.Constt the netons 2) Using he information in Table 4.6, determine the G pity ofthe fllowing mesons (140), (770), e783) 11549), (1020) 3) Thedominan decays ofthe preson ae, 278%), HBx(S6Y) m5) nd itis casted asa stable particle so evidently none of these prey ston iteration, ‘Ofthand his seems ed sines at $49 Mevie and 7 has mass plenty oft decay stony into 2r on 3 3) Expliin why’ the 2 mode is forbidden, or both song an clstomagneticintrstons, 1) Explain why the Sir mode is forbidden as strong interaction, but allowed as an testromagnetic dey. 44) Fortwo pices to interconvert A = B, itis neessry that they have the same mass [which in practice means that they must be antiparicls of one another) the sume charge, the same baryon and lepton number. nthe Standard model with the wa hes eneations show that and B would have tobe neual mesons, and deity their Possible quirk coatents. Which ofthese particles have been found ,50 fa? Why dos not ‘he neutron mix withthe antneuton inthe same way asthe K" and Kix to produce ining ofthe neal strange ange vector mesons. K°™ PAIN P? =} Pitas f(PE) = Pl Ad) A() =~ prt = a(ey Ply) =-V epee oes era Atel AzH da PL( xi ya) = flew -y, 3) b) Flxiyia) = Fl-r) -Y)-~2) od | F=f, +E fe Cxiy, d)< L (#lege) f &(--ya] PFale| | dt fae ery, 2) f Fly yaljette Tt “L [et far gal - Pf [-« -gy-a) f theta cash p. le-l eS Peer + Pp (-x, ee L Ole ee dice Fecnsyn gtd 7 ea bor beye~ Lepeo ls bor seste Table 46 Quantum numbers of some meson nonets Observed Nonet Orbital Net —————__wrerage angular momentum — spin 1=0 mass (MeV/c?) Peed (Oren RE | Ia 400 sel rp bo 300 ts! see a iat ley Nth 1200 sel Ot a KE fanfo 1200 sar oa ok fh 1300 ot fen) PE 1400 It seemed peculiar that two otherwise identical particles should carry different parity. The alternative, suggested by Lee and Yang in 1956 was that x and @ are really the same particle (now known asthe K*), and parity is simply notconserved in one ofthe decays. This idea prompted their search for evidence of parity invariance in the weak interactions and, when they found none, to their proposal for an experimental test. fp $707 t= 0 G=1 aS oul) 020 C4455 6 1 > Ge-sl E <0, ont, 1) feo, 6rd, -f.ce tl |4 & =H >|-E =9. Stel, 20 ,C=~4 => G=-| (Megerlor Fl noms potas CP ictn +ablo vellic yi mol wn Gir xy PiBo2r0n) = | Rodan Pim gon) —- | Myon i AIA | = I Ind Pid UY 24 So. Ha ave ty 6 SEyL WY 1 don tN plgt pin? (1) Y fae ant oe furs) =1 7 +P ' () Gu =4 @

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