Biology Scientist Sheet For Neet Exam

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Biology scientist sheet for neet exam

Biology (DAV Senior Secondary Public School)

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➢CLASS 11th Scientist name Contribution/Awards NCERT page no.

Ernst Mayr a) called as Darwin of 20th NCERT page 2 Class 11th bio
1) century
b) awarded with triple crown
of biology
Carolus Linnaeus a) gave the system of NCERT page 6 Class 11th bio
2) binomial
nomenclature NCERT page 16 Class 11th bio
b) gave the system of two
NCERT page 29 Class 11th bio
kingdom classification
c) gave artificial system of
Aristotle a) earliest to attempt a more NCERT page 16 Class 11th bio
3) scientific basis of
R.H Whittaker a) gave 5 kingdom system of NCERT page 17 Class 11th bio
in 1969
Carl Woese a) gave 6 kingdom Not in NCERT
5) classification
D.J.Iwanosky a) recognized certain NCERT page 26 Class 11th bio
6) microbes as causal
organisms of tobacco
mosaic disease
b) found that virus were
than bacteria and passed
through bacteria proof
M.W.Beijerinek a) contagium vivum fluidum NCERT page 26 Class 11th bio
7) b) gave the name virus
W.M.Stanley a) viruses could be NCERT page 26 Class 11th
8) crystallised and these bio
crystals consisted largely of
T.O.Diener a) discovered viroids in 1971 NCERT page 27 Class 11th bio

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a) gave natural system of NCERT page 30 Class 11th bio

10) Bentham and classification
a) reported that curly top NCERT page 64 Class 11th bio
11) Katherine Esau virus spreads in a plant
through phloem
b) dominated the field of
plant biology even at the
age of 99
a) discovered triple helical NCERT page 124 Class 11th
12) G.N.Ramachandran structure of collagen bio
b) gave Ramachandran plot
for conformational analysis
of proteins
13) Linus Pauling a) published models of α- NCERT page 124 Class 11th
helix and β-sheet bio
structures of proteins
a) saw first live cell NCERT page 125 Class 11th
14) Leeuwenhoek bio
a) discovered nucleus NCERT page 125 Class 11th
15) Robert Brown bio
a) observed that all plants are NCERT page 125 Class 11th
16) Matthias Schielden composed of different bio
(1838) kinds of cells
b) gave cell theory with
a) animal cells have plasma NCERT page 126 Class 11th
17) Thedore Schwann membrane bio
(1839) b) presence of cell wall is a
unique character to plane
c) gave cell theory along with
a) explained the concept of NCERT page 126 Class 11th
18) Rudolf Virchow omnis cellula-e-cellula and bio
modified cell theory
a) fluid mosaic model of cell NCERT page 132 Class 11th
19) Singer and Nicolson membrane bio
a) discovered golgi complex NCERT page 133 Class 11th
20) Camillo golgi bio

a) discovered ribosomes NCERT page 136 Class 11th

21) George Palade (palade particles) bio

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a) coined the term NCERT page 138 Class 11th

22) Flemming chromatin bio
a) put radioactivity to NCERT page 174 Class 11th
23) Melvin Calvin bio
beneficial use
b) proposed Calvin Cycle
a) discovered hydroponics NCERT page 194 Class 11th
24) Julius Von Sachs bio
(1860) b) provided evidence for
production of glucose by NCERT page 208 Class 11th
growing plants
c) found that chlorophyll is
located in chloroplasts
d) glucose is formed in green
parts of the plant and is
stored as starch
a) revealed essential role of NCERT page 207 class 11th
25) Joseph Priestley air in growth of plants bio
b) discovered oxygen in 1774
c) said that plants restore
oxygen in air
a) showed that sunlight is NCERT page 207 Class 11th
26) Jan Ingenhousz essential for photosynthesis bio
b) green parts of plants
release oxygen during
a) gave first action spectrum NCERT page 208 Class 11th
27) T.W.Engelmann of photosynthesis bio
a) showed that oxygen NCERT page 208 Class 11th
28) Cornelius Van Neil evolved in photosynthesis bio
comes from water and not
29) Blackmann a) gave Blackmann’s law of NCERT page 222 Class 11th
limiting factors bio
a) gave mechanism of NCERT page 228 Class 11th
30) Embden, Meyerhof glycolysis (EMP pathway) bio
and Parnas
31) Hans Krebs a) gave Krebs’ cycle NCERT page 231 Class 11th
a) observed that coleoptiles NCERT page 247 Class 11th
32) Charles Darwin and of canary grass bend bio
Francis Darwin towards the light source
a) isolated Auxin from tip of NCERT page 247 Class 11th
33) F.W.Went coleoptiles of oat seedlings bio
a) discovered gibberellic acid NCERT page 248 Class 11th
34) E.Kurosawa bio
a) discovered cytokinins NCERT page 248 Class 11th
35) Miller bio

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a) discovered ethylene NCERT page 248 Class 11th

36) H.H.Cousins bio
a) discovered Organ of Corti NCERT page 256 Class 11th
37) Alfonso Corti bio

➢ Class 12th Scientist name Contribution/Awards NCERT page no.
Panchanan a) popularised use of NCERT page 2 Class 12th bio
1) embryological aspects in
Maheshwari taxonomy
Watson and Crick a) double helical model of B- NCERT page 68 Class 12th bio
2) DNA
Gregor Mendel a) performed experiments on NCERT page 70 Class 12th bio
3) garden peas and gave
(1856-1863) various laws
Reginald.C.Punnett a) british geneticist who NCERT page 71 Class 12th bio
4) developed punnett square
5) De Vries, Correns, a) rediscovered mendel’s NCERT page 81 Class 12th bio
Sutton and Boveri a) noted that behaviour of NCERT page 81 Class 12th bio
6) chromosomes is similar to
that of genes
b) gave chromosomal theory NCERT page 83 Class 12th bio
of inheritance
Thomas Morgan a) proved chromosomal NCERT page 83 Class 12th bio
7) theory of inheritance
b) called as Father of
Experimental Genetics
Alfred Sturtevant a) created the genetic map of NCERT page 83 Class 12th bio
8) drosophila
a) gave the name X-Body NCERT page 85 Class 12th bio
9) Henking
a) gave the name of acidic NCERT page 97 Class 12th bio
10) Fredrich Meischer substance found in the
nucleus as Nuclein

11) Maurice Wilkins & a) gave X-Ray diffraction data NCERT page 97 Class 12th bio
on the basis of which
Rosalind Franklin Watson and crick gave
double helix model
a) A+T/G+C=1 NCERT page 97 Class 12th bio
12) Erwin Chargaff
a) gave Central Dogma of NCERT page 98 Class 12th bio
13) Francis Crick Biology

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a) gave the transformation NCERT page 100 Class 12th

14) Fredrick Griffith principle bio
a) proved for the first time NCERT page 101 Class 12th
15) Avery, McLeod, that DNA is the genetic bio
McCarty material
a) gave the unequivocal NCERT page 101 Class 12th
16) Alfred Hershey & proof that DNA is the bio
Martha Chase genetic material
a) proved that DNA NCERT page 101 Class 12th
17) Meselson & Stahl replication is semi bio
conservative in nature
a) argued that genetic code NCERT page 111 Class 12th
18) George Gamow should be made up of 3 bio
a) developed a method NCERT page 112 Class 12th
19) Hargobind Khorana useful to from RNA bio
molecules with defined
sequence of bases
a) developed a cell free NCERT page 112 Class 12th
20) Marshall Nirenberg system for protein bio
a) explained Lac Operon NCERT page 116 Class 12th
21) Jacob & Monod bio
a) developed the technique NCERT page 122 Class 12th
22) Alec Jeffreys of DNA fingerprinting bio
a) Disproved the theory of NCERT page 127 Class 12th
23) Louis Pasteur spontaneous generation bio
a) proposed that life NCERT page 127 Class 12th
24) Oparin & Haldane originated from non-living bio
organic molecules
a) proved the theory given by NCERT page 127 Class 12th
25) S.L.Miller Oparin & Haldane (in 1953) bio
a) Natural Selection NCERT page 134 Class 12th
26) Charles Darwin bio
b) Branching Descent
a) came to similar NCERT page 129 Class 12th
27) Alfred Wallace conclusions as Charles bio
Darwin while working in
Malay Archipelago islands
a) gave the theory of use and NCERT page 135 Class 12th
28) Lamarck disuse of organs bio
a) published his work on NCERT page 135 Class 12th
29) Thomas Malthus population studies which bio
inspired Darwin
a) gave the concept of NCERT page 135 Class 12th
30) Hugo De Vries Saltation which played role bio
in evolution

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a) gave a principle according NCERT page 136 Class 12th

31) Hardy-Weinberg to which gene frequency bio
in a population remains
same across generations
a) Father of Green Revolution NCERT page 144 Class 12th
32) M.S.Swaminathan in India bio
a) discovered blood NCERT page 145 Class 12th
33) William Harvey circulation bio
b) disproved the concept of
Black Bile
a) was a cook and a carrier of NCERT page 147 Class 12th
34) Mary Mallon typhoid infection bio
a)worked at International NCERT page 173 Class 12th
35) Norman.E.Borlaug Centre for Wheat and bio
Maize Improvement in
Mexico and developed
semi dwarf variety of wheat
a) developed the first vaccine NCERT page 182 Class 12th
36) Alexander Fleming Penicillin while working bio
on staphylococcus
a) used penicillin to its full NCERT page 182 Class 12th
37) Ernst Chain & potential during WW2 to bio
Harvard Florey treat soldiers
a) studied restriction NCERT page 192 Class 12th
38) Herbert Boyer enzymes on E.Coli bio
b) with Stanley Cohen NCERT page 194 Class 12th
formed the first R-DNA bio
a) developed a method of NCERT page 192 Class 12th
39) Stanley Cohen removing plasmids form a bio
cell and inserting them
into other cells
a) Father of Ecology in India NCERT page 218 Class 12th
40) Ramdeo Misra bio
a) did elegant field NCERT page 235 Class 12th
41) Cornell experiments on barnacle bio
Balanus and Chlamathus
a) gave the principle of NCERT page 235 Class 12th
42) Gause competitive exclusion
a) did experiments on NCERT page 235 Class 12th
43) MacArthur bio
warblers to prove the
principle of Resource
44) Robert Constanza a) put price tags on nature’s NCERT page 255 Class 12th
life support services bio
and colleagues
a) popularised the term NCERT page 258 Class 12th
45) Edward Wilson Biodiversity bio

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a) gave an estimate of about NCERT page 259 Class 12th

46) Robert May 7 million species present bio
on Earth
a) gave species area NCERT page 262 Class 12th
47) Alexander Von relationship bio
a) said that the outdoor plots NCERT page 263 Class 12th
48) David Tilman with mare species show bio
less year to year variation
in total biomass
a) gave the Rivet Popper NCERT page 263 Class 12th
49) Paul Ehlrich Hypothesis bio
a) gave Embryological NCERT supplementary
50) Ernst Haeckel support for evolution material page 289 Class 12th
a) disproved the theory of NCERT supplementary
51) Karl Ernst Von Baer embryological support for Material page 289 Class 12th

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