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Nikhil Trivedi

Dr. Vishal Saxena sir

Business statistics

Class timing:-10:00-10:45

-:Revision class:-


X Frequency C.f |d|=x-median F•|d|

5 2 2 15 30

10 4 6 10 40

15 8 14 5 40

18 10 24 2 20

20 12 36 0 0

22 6 42 2 12

27 5 47 7 35

29 3 50 9 27

£f=50 £f•|d|=204

1-) Median-
Value of (n+½)th term
Value of (51/2)th term
Value of (25.5)th term

Hence the median is (20)

2-) Mean deviation -


3-) Coefficient of mean deviation


Q-2) Calculate the value of mode , if Median is 50 and mean is 62?

Mode= 3 median -2 mean
=3×50 - 2×62
=150 -124

Q-3) Briefly explain the limitations of statistics?

1. Study of numerical facts only
2. Study of aggregate only
3. Not the only method
4. Homogeneity of data
5. Results are true only on an average
6. Misuse of statistics is possible
7. Can be used only by experts
8. Only means and not solutions
9. Statistical methods are best applicable to quantitative data.
10. Statistics cannot be applied to heterogeneous data.
11.Only a person who has an expert knowledge of statistics can handle
statistical data efficiently.

Q-4) Various tools of measures of dispersion?

Ans- In the words of Bowley
"Dispersion is the measure of the variation of the items."

There are ways of showing dispersion:-

● Mean deviation
● Quartile deviation
● Standard deviation
● Range
● Variance
● Coefficient of mean deviation
● Coefficient of standard deviation
● Coefficient of quartile deviation
● Inter quartile range
● Coefficient of variation

Class interval Frequency C.f

0-15 4 4

15-30 7 11

30-45 20 31

45-60 25 56

60-75 18 74

75-90 10 84

90-105 7 91

1-) Median -
Value of (n/2)th term
Value of (91/2) th term
Value of (45.5)th term


2-) Q1-
Value of (n/4)th term
Value of (91/4)th term
Value of (22.75)th term


Value of (3n/4)th term
Value of (3×91/4)th term
Value of (68.25)th term

Q3 =L1+{3n/4-cfp/f1×i}

4-) Quartile deviation


5-) Coefficient of quartile deviation


6-) Inter quartile range

Q-6) What are various methods of sampling?
Ans- The method of collecting data from a population, regarding a sample on a
group of items and examining it to draw out some conclusion, is known as the
Sample Method.

Various methods:-
1-) Random sampling
● Lottery method
● Table of random numbers
2-) purposive or deliberate sampling
3-) Stratified sampling
4-) Systematic sampling
5-) Quota sampling
6-) Convenience sampling

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