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April 7, 2024

KCR remarks: PRRD

News from

04 dept in action mode BRS stages protests in
support of farmers
STATE BUREAU Any minor snags in pump
Hyderabad sets, pipeline leakages, and
disruption in power supply
In Brief Days after BRS chief K Chan- can affect water supply to
drashekhar Rao found fault habitations, Sultania said to
HYDERABAD with State government for ne- officials.
glecting Mission Bhagiratha, All the repairs in pump sets
Voter Panchayat Raj and Rural De- should be completed by Fri- Cadre slams government for its delay in supporting agrarian community
awareness velopment department day. To this effect, the O&M
swung into action and di- agencies should chalk out an
rected the Operation and action plan and share the STATE BUREAU
Mall-goers at GVK Maintenance (O&M) agen- same with Chief Engineers. ADILABAD
were treated with in- cies to complete the pump The agencies should also
teractions and cultural sets’ repair works by Friday. arrange spares in advance, he BRS district president and
programmes that PR and RD Secretary said, adding that O&M agen- former Minister Ramanna
aimed to increase Sandeep Kumar Sultania held cies should fix pipeline leak- said that the State govern-
awareness about vot- a review meeting with offi- ages within 12 hours. ment utterly failed in the
ing. The programme cials and O&M agencies rep- The department officials implementation of Rythu
was conducted as a resentatives here on Satur- were instructed to identify Bandhu scheme introduced
part of SVEEP under day. Citing the current water habitations that were prone by the former BRS govern-
the Jubilee Hills Circle. issues at many places in the for more drinking water prob- ment, which extended a
Meanwhile, enforce- State, the O&M agencies were lems. They were asked to ini- slew of initiatives for the
ment teams on Friday directed to accord top prior- tiate measures to ensure welfare of agrarian commu-
seized Rs 6.53 crore, ity for ensuring sufficient drinking water was supplied nity. He was speaking at a
the highest in a day. water supply to households. daily in such habitations. protest staged by the party
at the Roads and Building
Department’s guest house

Not a single farmer died

here on Saturday.
Ramanna launched a
scathing attack against the
Congress government. He

by suicide: Congress demanded that the govern-

ment should immediately
resolve the challenges
faced by the farmers if it
STATE BUREAU who said the details of 209 tions fear, he argued. He said was committed to keeping
Hyderabad farmers, who died by suicide, people had taught a fitting its electoral promises. He
were submitted to Chief Sec- lesson by defeating the party regretted that the farmers
Three senior Ministers of the retary Santhi Kumari. The in the Assembly elections. Of were struggling to raise
Congress government have BRS chief had inspected the the 39 BRS MLAs, about 20 to crops due to delay in realis-
argued that not a single withered crops at Jangoan, 25 MLAs were ready to join ing promises by the Con-
farmer ended his life after Suryapet and other places the Congress, he said. gress on which it won the BRS district president Jogu Ramanna, along with party leaders, stages a sit-in, in Adilabad on Saturday.
their party came to power last week and demanded that Tourism Minister Jupally Kr- elections.
and pooh-poohed the BRS the government release ishna Rao said it was due to The BRS district presi- to the farmers. He wanted it to distressed farmers. He delay in supporting farm- of the farmers. She stated
charge that 200 farmers had water to the fields for saving improper administration and dent stated that crops being to extend an interest-free along with the party’s can- ers. that farmers had nothing
died by suicide in the first 100 the standing crops. Subse- poor planning by the BRS grown on 20,000 acres loan of Rs 3 lakh to the didate for the Peddapalli Meanwhile, Asifabad but tears in ruling of Con-
days of Congress rule. quently, water was released government that Telangana were being affected due to a farmers as assured at time Parliament segment Kop- MLA Kova Laxmi said that gress. She said that the
At a joint press conference from the Nagarjunasagar left was facing drought like situa- lack of water supply. He of elections. pula Eshwar took part in a 200 farmers died in the agrarian community was
on Saturday, Ministers N canal. However, at the Satur- tion. Alleging there was ram- flayed the Congress for fail- Mancherial BRS district protest meeting at the MRO regime of the Congress. She reeling under severe crisis
Uttam Kumar Reddy (Irriga- day’s press meet, Uttam pant corruption in Mission ing to link MNREGA with president Balka Suman de- office in Chennur on Satur- found fault with the gov- due to negligence of gov-
tion), Jupally Krishna Rao Kumar Reddy said the Con- Bhagiratha, he said the BRS the agriculture sector and manded that the govern- day. Eshwar too criticised ernment for failing to con- ernment in fulfilling its poll
(Tourism ) and Ponnam gress government was releas- was getting jittery as the Con- to offer crop loan waivers ment pay Rs 25,000 per acre the government for its sole the bereaved families promises.
Prabhakar (Transport) ing water as per their plan gress was fulfilling all prom-
charged: “It is a blatant lie. and schedule. ises made to the people. He
Just like during the Telan- Efforts were being made to also found fault with opposi-
gana movement how people
were instigated to commit
suicides, the BRS is now in-
save maximum crops with
minimum water supply. Na-
garjunasagar water was re-
tion parties for trying to
politicise Chief Minister A
Revanth Reddy’s frequent
‘CM more focused on defections’ CBI busts child
citing farmers to take ex-
treme steps,”
The press conference was
leased as Palair reservoir was
dried up and only to ensure
drinking water supply to
visits to New Delhi. “Not just
12 times, the CM will visit 32
times, why are opposition
Hyderabad Kishan Reddy says trafficking racket nor focusing on the issues
related to the State,”he
to rebut the statement of BRS Khammam and Suryapet but leaders so upset,” Jupally State BJP president G Kis- CM neither imple- Coming down heavily STATE BUREAU cused persons were also
chief K Chandrashekara Rao not out of BRS chief’s inspec- asked. han Reddy said Chief Min- menting guaran- on Congress, the Union Hyderabad nabbed.
ister A Revanth Reddy was tees nor focusing Minister said the downfall A bureau press release
more focused on engineer- on issues related of Congress had begun in The CBI has busted a net- said a criminal case under
ing defections from rival the State as it had failed to work of infant traffickers al- provisions of the IPC and
parties rather than imple- to the State fulfill promises made to legedly involved in buying Juvenile Justice Act 2015
menting the Six Guaran- the people. “Congress has and selling of infants across was registered against ten
tees promised to the peo- thrown all its promises to India. accused persons. Investiga-
ple of Telangana. and leaders from rival par- the winds,” he alleged. As part of the operation, tion revealed that the ac-
Addressing party work- ties than implementing the Stating that the BJP was CBI sleuths conducted cused persons through so-
ers on the occasion of BJP guarantees. “There are a gaining strength in Telan- searches at seven locations cial media platforms like
foundation day at the party lot of issues in the State, gana, he expressed confi- across Delhi and Haryana. Facebook and WhatsApp
State office, Kishan Reddy but the CM was more fo- dence that the party would The officials rescued two get connected with the
alleged that the Chief Min- cused on engineering de- win more than ten seats in male infants and one female childless couples across the
ister was giving more pri- fections. He is neither im- the State in the ensuing child of one month during country, who desire to
ority to poaching MLAs plementing the guarantees Lok Sabha polls. the operation. Seven ac- adopt babies.

Rogue elephant Big brands at NT-TT auto show

returns to Maha STATE BUREAU

SANTOSH PADALA cials of Maharashtra con- Chairman of the Telangana

Kumram Bheem Asifabad firmed the arrival of the Legislative Council, Gutha
pachyderm into their Sukhender Reddy on Satur-
The rogue elephant has fi- area, the statement read. day appreciated Namasthe
nally returned to Maha- The officials met near Telangana and Telangana
rashtra from where it Pranahita and exchanged Today for not only creating
strayed into Telangana information about the awareness among citizens
and panicked locals after movement of the animal. with their news but also or-
trampling two farmers to The lone male tusker ganising an auto show with
death in the Kagaznagar drifted towards Telan- two and four-wheeler com-
forest division in a gap of gana after getting sepa- panies to cater to the needs
24 hours. The develop- rated from its herd mov- of people.
ment brought relief to the ing in Gadchiroli district Participating as the chief
Forest officials and the of the neighboring state in guest at the Namasthe
public as well. search of water and food Telangana and Telangana Chairman of the Telangana Legislative Council Gutha Sukhender
Forest officials, in a on Wednesday afternoon. Today Auto Show at NG Reddy at the NT and TT auto show, in Nalgonda on Saturday.
statement, said that the Its entry created a flutter College Ground, Nalgonda,
wild tusker entered the in the district which saw he said it was good to organ- casion, Namasthe Telan- count offers and the facility
forests of the Aheri range the sighting of the ele- ise a mega auto show of this gana GM (Advt), N Suren- of loan. The progamme was
in neighbouring Maha- phant for the first time. kind in Nalgonda and hav- dra Rao said similar auto attended by Manager, Cha-
rashtra after crossing the However, it wreaked ing the participation of shows were being organised ran, Namasthe Telangana
Pranahita River at Jilleda havoc in this region as it Benz, Volvo, and Audi was in all the district centres branch manager, T Mahen-
village in Penchikalpet trampled two farmers to cherry on the top. across the State. der, Bureau Incharge, Marri
mandal on Saturday death in two separate in- “After the formation of He urged the people of Mahender Reddy, Edition
morning. The forest offi- cidents. Telangana State, the eco- Nalgonda to avail the bene- Incharge, M Narender, Advt
nomic status of people has fits of the auto show which Manager, K Shiva Kumar,
improved and so their buy- has various two and four- Circulation Manager, Mal-
ing power for luxury cars,” wheeler companies on a sin- sur Goud, AGM Raji Reddy

GHMC food safety he said. Speaking on the oc- gle platform apart from dis- and others.

teams on alert Coast Guard rescues 9 fishermen

CITY BUREAU called a Banana Cake, and
Hyderabad wrote, “Beware All!
Bought a Banana cake STATE BUREAU The ICGS Veera had re- sulting in explosion of a gas
Following a complaint on from Pista house Uppal, Hyderabad ceived a radio message from cylinder on board. All nine
micro-blogging platform yesterday (5th) evening. nearby fishing boat about a fishermen jumped into the
X which alleged the bad Saw the below scenario In a swift operation, the In- raging fire onboard Indian water to escape but some
quality of cake sold by morning and how could dian Coast Guard ship fishing boat (IFB) Durga suffered severe burn in-
Pista House in the city, this be acceptable. Expiry Veera, which was on patrol Bhavani at location around juries in the process.
the GHMC has alerted the Date is till 10th Apr. Food off the Andhra Pradesh 65 Nm from Visakhapatnam The fishing boat, dam-
food safety teams in the safety has become a joke coast saved nine fishermen harbour. IFB Durga Bha- aged due to explosion, sank
zone. in Hyderabad, even from who had suffered severe vani, an Andhra registered within minutes. The infor-
A user who goes by well known outlets (sic),” burn injuries after their boat boat, had sailed from Kaki- mation regarding fire and
Karvendhan on the plat- He went on to attach the caught fire and sunk at sea nada harbour with nine explosion was relayed to
form has tweeted videos bill for the purchased on Friday, a Coast Guard crew on March 26. On Fri- Coast Guard by a nearby
and a picture of what he item. spokesman said. day, the boat caught fire re- boat.

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