Acceptability of Banana Cheese Balls For Students in Colegio de Los Banos

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Ventura, Rouel T.
Rosario, Jhared C.


Background of the study

In the past few years, there has been a lot of development that has taken place with the creation
and consumption of the fusion mockup, which entails a mixture of numerous flavors and ingredients
that is meant to attract a broad consumer base. Banana Cheese Balls symbolize one such case of
imaginative snack that connects the cleanliness and cheesy surprise from cheese and banana.
Acceptance of such snacks by the college students is of great importance to be determined as this
demographic group being wonderfully experimental and adventurous in food and willingly to try
different food experiences. The Banana Cheese Balls acceptance study was done at the Colegio de
Los Baños, a school known for its diverse middle school student population that offered an ideal
place for me to explore the different views. It has been shown by previous researches that the
significance of food acceptability; it also affects the patterns of consumption and choices of diet
among individuals (Smith et al., 2018). In addition, a study showed that many college students
express the need for experimenting with uncommon foodstuffs which manifests as a diversity of
eating behaviors (Kauer et al., 2016). The trend of food explorations among these young consumers
shows that the expediency of indigenous support is needed in assessing the reception of out-of-the-
box snacks for example the Banana Cheese Balls among them.

B. Statement of the Problem

This research aims to determine the Acceptability of Banana Cheese Balls for Sinior
High School Grade 12 Student in Colegio De Los Banos this study also aims to answer
the following question:

1. What is the acceptability of Banana cheese ball in term of:

 High Acceptable
 Acceptable
 Unacceptable
 High Unacceptable

2. What is the preference of respondents in terms of the price of the product?

3. Is the proposed product highly recommendable?

C. Objective
The main objective of this study is to identify the Acceptability of Banana Cheese Balls
for Sinior High School Grade 12 Student in Colegio De Los Banos this study also aims
to answer the following question.

Specially, the study aimed to:

1. Identify the acceptability in terms of: general preference of respondents in terms

of the price of the product

 High Acceptable
 Acceptable
 Unacceptable
 High Unacceptable

2. To determine the preference of respondents in terms of the price of the product?

3. To determine Is the proposed product highly recommendable?

D. Hypothesis:

The banana cheese balls is significant acceptable in terms of price and acceptability of
the product

E. Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitations of the Study
Conceptual Framework
Definition of Terms

The chapter present the description of the resign.
Description of respondents. Research procedure, and statistical produce used.

Research Design
The researcher used quantitive design which involed the collection numeric data in
order to measure the acceptability of the product. It also involed the statictical method to
evaluate the data gathered.

Research material
Distribution of survey questioner was one of the main sources of data. The primary data
includes practical information that impacts the products price, budles and others
elements the datas findings include information that might be used by reseachers to
discover futher pertinent data that could aid in establishing a business.

Research Methods
Data gathered from the 100 percent and shown in the form of graphs and tables to
determine the researchers to conduct the banana cheese ball in Colegio De Los Banos.
This information was summarized to determine the respondents reaction to cost banana
cheese ball business.

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