Lesson Plan in Physical Education

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Evolition of Philippine Politics and Governance

At the end of the discussion, the students will be able to:
a. (Cognitive): identify the impacts of reforms in politics on the improvement of
Philippine Democracy;
b. (Psychomotor): Demonstrate the evolution of Philippine politics and governance
through role play;
c. (Affective): evaluate the significance of participation on politics and its effect on


Topic: Evolution of Philippine Politics and Governance
References: Module 4: History of Philippine Politics and Module 5 Philippine
Politics and Governance
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, pictures, and laptop



 Prayer
 Greetings
 Cleanliness Checking
 Checking of Attendance
 Classroom Management

Good morning class! Today we will be having an activity called “FIX ME BABY”. I will
divide this class into 4 groups and you are going to fix the pictures and identify who is it
and provide at least 2 sentences for description. I will be giving 3 minutes for this activity

Groups that will be able to finish first will receive a reward



1. What movements did you do in the Ready Get Set Go?

2. How many reached the finish line?
3. How did you do it?
4. What body parts are used in bending and stretching?


Bending and stretching are movements that improve flexibility. The proper way of
doing these movements can prevent injury. A flexible person can do many
movements safely and assume good posture at all times.

There are 9 body conditioning exercises to be performed by the pupils, in order for
them to have a full grasp of the lesson there would be random 9 pairs of pupils
who will be leading the proper and the right way of doing it through the
teacher 8s direction and instructions.

Body conditioning (warmups exercises):

1) Head bend
2) Head twist
3) Shoulder circle
4)Trunk twist
5) Knee stretching/pushing
6) Ankle (foot) circle
7) Starting position: half knee bend
8) Long sitting position
9) Stride sitting position


The pupils will repeat the exercise with the same partner. Pupil 1 will perform the
exercise while Pupil 2 will check the box on the self-assessment portion that matches the
performance o the pupil.


Instruction: There are 9 body conditioning or exercises, choose only three among the 9
exercises and list the step-by-step procedure for doing it. Write your answer on one-half
crosswise yellow paper

 Practice the different exercises that you’ve learned

 List down five walking movements done with body shapes.

Rubrics for the Group Activity


4 3 2 1
USE OF It shows in- It shows It shows some It shows no
depth understanding of understanding understanding
understanding of required of the required of the problem,
MATHEMATICAL the required mathematical mathematical perhaps only
CONCEPTS Mathematical knowledge. knowledge. re-copying the
knowledge in given data.
100% of the Almost all (85 - 89%) Most (75-84%) More than 75%
steps and of the steps and of the steps of the steps
solutions have solutions have no and and solutions
no Mathematical Mathematical errors. solutions have have
errors. no Mathematical
Mathematical errors.
All members are Members have Only few All members do
on tasks and defined members do not know their
have defined responsibilities most the tasks. tasks and have
responsibilities of the time. no defined
at all times. responsibilities.

The group The group finishes The group The group does
finishes on time on time with does not finish not finish on
TIME with complete incomplete solution on time with time with
MANAGEMENT solution and and answer. incomplete wrong solution
answer. solution and and answer.
There is a There is a clear There is an There is no
complete, clear explanation of the incomplete explanation of
and effective solution and explanation; it the solution.
explanation of answer.Theyperform is not clearly The
the solution and their yell with some represented. explanation
answer. They energy and effort. They do not cannot be
perform their Some members are have energy understood, or
PRESENTATION yell with full of in the timing and and effort to is unrelated to
energy and have coordination perform their the task. They
effort. All and clarity of voice. yell. Some have yell but
members are in members do they did not
the timing and not cooperate present it.
coordination and and does not
they have clarity have clarity of
of voice. voice.

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