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After acquiring valuable knowledge on "Beginning Your Professional Business Journey,"

we gained intense information, from establishing a business plan to improving our abilities. The
assignment applies the studied material to analyze my personal Employability Plan. This plan is
aimed at assisting individuals improve their abilities, experiences, and career prospects, allowing
them to "begin the business journey" with confidence and direction.


1.1 Foundation Skills

At their most elemental, foundation skills comprise basic literacy and mathematics. These
abilities are also required for continued education, training, and additional expert skills.
1.2 Advanced Skills
Specialized skills are required to perform specific duties. In my desired work field, these
skills range from creative storytelling to strategic marketing and distribution and proficiency in
specialized software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.
1.3 Core Work Skills
1.3.1 Willing to Learn
Being willing to learn includes learning new things, wanting to advance, and being
receptive to constructive feedback. This skill requires learning, adaptability, maintaining
information, and efficient time management. By sharpening this skill, individuals may pursue
new chances and achieve personal and professional objectives.
1.3.2 Leadership Skills
A fundamental skill is needed for every business to achieve long-term success.
Individuals should acquire these skills to work effectively, especially connecting members to
accomplish set goals. Therefore, most good leaders are trustworthy and reliable and can motivate
and deliver inspiration deeply.
1.3.3 Communication
Communication skills, including empathy, fluent listening, and observation, are essential
for working more productively and efficaciously. To master this skill, one must be competent in
problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills, thereby being able to use strategies to work
effectively with others.
1.3.4 Problem-Solving
This is a foundation of abilities in the workplace. This involves processing information
and making decisions based on critical thinking skills. It helps analyze long-period consequences
accurately and deliberate ways to approach and solve them by requiring individuals to self-
evaluate information.

1.3.5 Teamwork
This skill requires individuals to defend their perspectives, make decisions, pinpoint
goals, target and determine risks, and evaluate alternatives. In particular, communication and
collaboration skills are also included.


2.1 Weaknesses and Difficulties

These difficulties and weaknesses include a lack of motivation and fear of failure, leading to
procrastination. I also need to improve my critical thinking, leadership, and negotiation. In
today's rapidly changing world, keeping oneself updated with the latest academic and practical
knowledge changes causes many concerns.
2.2 Current Strengths
Following the personal growth process, I have several strengths that will help me pursue a
career in media and advertising. These include a creative mindset and a desire to develop.
Additionally, I am a lifelong learner with a logical mind, strong management ability, and some
basic professional skills related to this industry.
2.3 Areas for Improvement
2.3.1 Specialized Knowledge
- Research consistently to cultivate and update knowledge.
- Read career-related books to build the foundation.
2.3.2 Skills Development
Willing to Learn
- Set daily goals and practice daily.
- Learn more effective learning methods.
Leadership Skills
- Combine the above abilities and upgrade yourself.
- Cultivating confidence and discipline to build a bigger-picture framework.
- Analyse specific related skills like critical thinking, decision-making, and conflict
- Develop each skill from the easiest to create long-term development.

- Enhance social connections.
- Master new languages.
- Actively practice every chance you get.
- Seek feedback after each performance.


3.1 Skill Development

- Specific: Maximize the skills, ranging from basic to core skills, to be ready for a
career shift.
- Measurable: Spend at least 1 hour daily researching and practicing a specific skill.
Track the progress and measure improvements along the way.
- Achievable: Seek mentorship in your desired field and participate in projects to
improve life soft skills.
- Relevant: Start with core skills to develop yourself comprehensively, then focus on
related specialized skills to strengthen the advancement journey.
- Time-bound: Check your progress in each stage and maintain practice to get precise
results within 1 year.
3.2 Career Development
- Specific: Determine the position you want in the career path. I want to explore
various fields in the digital media industry, and my ambition is to assume a leadership
position as a marketing director.
- Measurable: Plan to intern for an advertising company. Research companies recruit
and submit applications thoroughly within the first two months of the second year. I
aim to receive interview invitations for at least 40% of the submitted applications.
- Achievable: Select companies that align with your abilities and qualifications. Ensure
you are ready for that position.
- Relevant: Make sure the internship is suitable for your career aspirations.
- Time-bound: Conduct research during the summer and apply for internships at the
beginning of the second year of university. Set a deadline of two months to secure the
first internship.


4.1 For Skill Development

4.1.1 Strengths Enhancement
- Increase practice and maintain a passion for the career chosen field.
- Aim for lifelong learning and want to develop further.
4.1.2 Overcoming Weaknesses
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Regularly do the self-assessment and personal improvement.
4.1.3 Learn New Skills
Daily Learn and Practice
- Attend courses related to the career path.
- Focus on reading professional books and developing core work skills.
Actively Engage and Express Yourself Confidently
- Participate in extracurricular activities and competitions in the career field in the
university's second year.

4.2 For Career Development

4.2.1 Fully Equipped with Knowledge
- Follow big companies and their unique marketing campaigns.
- Complete the portfolio and a LinkedIn social network from the end of the first year.
4.2.2 Language Certificate
- Continue to learn third languages in addition to English and Vietnamese at the end of
the second year.
4.2.3 Willing to Contribute
- Search for job opportunities from the second university year.
- Develop long-term goals for the next 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year for the right
direction on the long journey.


1. Define the detailed objectives and set specific metrics for each strategy.
2. Set a monitoring schedule.
3. Establish a data management system (Google Sheets, Planners, etc.)
4. Regularly do self-reflection.
5. Reflect on accomplishments, challenges faced, and lessons learned during the period.
- Assess your performance against the action plans.
- Use these sessions to adjust action plans and set new milestones.


6.1 Develop a Flexible Action Plan

- Maintain flexibility in plans to accommodate changes in circumstances or priorities.
- Revise schedules, identify variations from the original plan, and evaluate their
influence on goal accomplishment.
6.2 Actively Receive Feedback
- Regularly seek helpful feedback and guidance from various sources, including
coworkers, mentors, and supervisors, to improve effectiveness.
- Analyze feedback to uncover areas for improvement or possible changes.
6.3 Build a Lifelong Learning Journey
- Embrace a continuous learning and improvement mindset.
- Apply new skills and stay updated on industry trends and emerging technologies
relevant to career direction.
6.4 Always Prepare a Backup Plan
- Create contingency plans to reduce risks.
- See immediate failures as a lesson and an opportunity for growth, not as barriers to


Developing an employability plan is critical to boost career potential and begin a successful
professional journey. A strategic plan created using the valuable insights gathered from research
and analysis will assist individuals in sharpening their abilities and gaining relevant experience.
With a clear vision and direction, each person will develop into a better version with confidence
and expertise to achieve their goals and be more successful in life and future career paths.

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