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Look at Our Environment

A. Listening and Speaking
B. Reading and Viewing
C. Writing and Presenting
1. How is the environment around you?
Is it clean?
2. Describe the most natural environment for a
human being. Does your description match
the environment you live in?
3. How important is protecting the

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A. Listening and Speaking
Environment is a topic we should be talking about. People's health is profoundly
impacted by a clean and healthy environment, particularly today, when there are so
many viral illnesses that spread quickly if we are in an unclean and unhealthy
atmosphere. Although we acknowledge the value of a healthy environment for our
own and other people's lives, many people still do not know what makes a healthy
environment or how to create one.

Everyone is responsible of the environment since our daily activity affect it. Either
clean or dirty, healthy or unhealthy, our actions define it.

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Study shows that most traditional markets become a face a major problem for
the environment. It is because they manage their waste inefficient.

Is there any traditional market in your neighborhood? How was its condition?
What do you see in the traditional market? How do you feel when your are
there? Does the traditional market in your neighborhood fill with pleasant

Listen to the following monologs.

Identify the monolog that best
describe the picture of traditional
markets in Activity 1, page 38. Do Activity 1-4, page 38-40,
Bahasa Inggris 2
untuk SMA/MA/SMK/ MAK Kelas XI
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When describing a place, you need to tell it in details in order to give a vivid
image in other people’s mind. One important key to perform in order to give a
clear image is to appeal to all five senses; the sense of see, smell, taste, hear,
and touch.

Watch the following video to learn about

descriptive writing using 5 senses.
Do Activity 5 and 6, page 41 and 42,
Bahasa Inggris 2 untuk
Kelas XI Grafindo.

When making a descriptive text, either written or spoken, you need to follow
some rules related to its linguistic features.

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Linguistic Features of Descriptive Text

Participant Yogyakarta, My house, Kuta Beach, etc.

Simple Present Some stalls are structured with good displays of products.
Tense Roadside food stalls provide shoppers with hot food and cold drinks.

Action Verb People shove, elbow, and push at each other in the market.

Adjective In the market, people smell exotic-smelling aromas and sweet-smelling aromas.

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An adjective is a word that tells us more about a noun. It "describes" or "modifies" a noun.

Adjective Clause
Adjective clauses are dependent clauses that give information about nouns. They allow you to combine two
sentences into one by using relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, where, when, which, that, and why) as
connectors. Here are ways to use adjective clauses to describe a place. Study the examples.
• Noun of place + where
o The city where she comes from does not have a landfill.
o The country where she works as a researcher offers her a permanent residency.
o The market where he sees the food festival is the biggest in the city.
o The school where they learn about recycling encourages students to care about the environment.
• Noun of place + that
o The city that she comes from does not have a landfill.
o The office that she works as a researcher offers her a new job position.
o The library that has thousands of book collections is under construction.
o The park that they meet has a small pool in the middle of it.

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Adjective Phrase
An adjective phrase is a phrase that acts as an adjective by describing a noun. Look at the examples.
• I live in a beautiful small area. (The area is beautiful and small.)
• She comes from a boring old town. (The town is old and boring.)
• This awful smelly place disgust me. (The place is awful and smelly.)

Do Activity 7 page 43,

Bahasa Inggris 2
Kelas XI Grafindo.

Look at the pictures.

Describe the them by using
sensory imagery (what you
see, smell, hear, and feel).

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Word Order of Adjective
It is possible to use two or more adjectives together to describe a noun. Look at the example.
She buys a lovely small house.

Adjectives may give a general opinion, a specific opinion, and a description. Adjectives showing general
opinion can be used in almost any noun. Some examples of this type of adjective are good, bad, beautiful,
important, nice, and awful. Adjectives showing specific opinion are only used to describe particular kinds
of nouns. Some examples of adjectives to describe food are delicious, tasty, and salty. Some examples of
adjectives to describe people, and animal are clever, intelligent, and friendly. When describing something,
a general opinion is put in front of a specific opinion. Look at the examples.
• nice tasty soup
• a cute friendly dog
Descriptive adjectives describe the noun in term of its size, physical quality, shape, age, color, origin,
material, type, and purpose. To use two or more descriptive adjectives follow the order below.

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Do Activity 8 page 44, Bahasa Inggris 2 untuk SMA/MA/SMK/ MAK Kelas XI Grafindo.

Look at the pictures. In pairs, discuss what you can see, smell, hear, and feel in the place where
the picture was taken. Share your work in the classroom.

Do Activity 9 and 10, page 46,

Bahasa Inggris 2 untuk Do Quick Review 1 page 46,
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Kelas XI, Grafindo.
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B. Reading and Viewing
Most of us believe that waste operators are
responsible for waste sorting. The truth is that our
help in sorting waste at home is desperately needed.
Sorting waste can increase the amount of trash that is
later recycled and lower the amount of waste that
ends up in landfills. Thus, government facilitates some
waste bins in various colors, but some people do not
know the usage of each waste bin.

Do Activity 11 and 15, page 47-52,

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Kelas XI Grafindo.
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When you are talking about waste, you must talk
about the waste management. Each country has
its own regulation to manage their waste.
Singapore is an example of a country that has
excellent waste management. This country has
used its garbage dump into a tourist spot.
Pulau Semakau,
Singapore’s ecological offshore landfill
Can you compare Singapore's waste management
of other countries’?

Do Activity 16 and 17, page 53-57, Do Quick Review 2 page 57,

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Kelas XI Grafindo. Kelas XI, Grafindo.

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C. Writing and Presenting
Do Activity 7 page 43, Bahasa Inggris 2
untuk SMA/MA/SMK/ MAK Kelas XI Grafindo.

Look at the pictures.

1. Where do you think it is located?
2. What are three things that describe the
3. Do you think there is a waste problem in
this place? Why do you think so?

Do Activity 18 and 19, page 57-59,

Bahasa Inggris 2 untuk
Look at Our Environment Kelas XI Grafindo. 13/22
The final step in the editing process is proofreading, which focuses on minor issues including typos
and grammatical and punctuation mistakes. Only after you have completed all other editing
modifications should you proofread.

Proofreading is checking your work for mistakes in spelling,

Proofreading grammar, and punctuation.

You should always use a dictionary to check your spelling if:
• The word you have written doesn’t look right.
• You are using a difficult word that you do not normally use..

It is often helpful to read aloud what you have written. You can often “hear” when your grammar
is incorrect.

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Always check that you have the following aspects.
• Put in capital letter and full stops. For example: Our fiscal policy is not well defined. It
confuses many people.
• Used commas in list. For example: Sharks eat squid, shrimp, crabs, and fish.
• Finished questions with a questions mark.
• Used apostrophes in constructions. For example: the car is lying on its side in the ditch. It's
a white 1986 Buick.
• Used apostrophes to show ownership. For example: Both drivers' cars were damaged in the
• Used speech marks for direct speech.

Do Activity 20-23, page 60-63, Do Quick Review 3 page 63,

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Kelas XI Grafindo. Kelas XI, Grafindo.
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Individual Project

Do the following tasks individually. You are going to do a project ‘Show Your Love’.
1. Look at the environment around your house.
2. Research how the domestic waste in your neighborhood is managed. You may
conduct an interview with a reliable source.
3. Write a summary based on the data you have collected.
4. Make a graph explaining the flow of domestic waste in your neighborhood.
5. Present your work in front of the class. Share your work on your Instagram account.

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Group Project

Work in a group of four. You are going to do a project on a place that is ruined by
human-caused disasters.
1. Answer these questions as guidelines.
a. What is the name of the area?
b. Where is it located?
c. In what ways is it ruined?
d. What can you see, smell, see, smell, hear, and feel in the area?
e. How does it impact the people surrounding the area?
f. What can the people do to recover the area?
2. To ease the writing process, collect information about the area from various
3. Now, elaborate your answer and the information collected into a descriptive text.
You may add pictures and graphs to support your writing. Type your work or write
it down on a piece of paper.
4. Present your work in a form of a short video and publish it on a YouTube channel.

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A descriptive text describes an object, person, event, or
place. It gives a description so the readers can imagine the
object vividly. A good descriptive text engaged all five of
the reader’s senses (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and
feel). Descriptive texts consist of an identification part and
a description part. Some features of a descriptive text
include focusing on a specific participant, using the simple
present tense, and using adjective.

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Chapter 2

1. What is a healthy environment?

2. Why does descriptive texts appeal to all five senses?

3. What is the purpose of proofreading process?

4. What do you need to check when proofreading a text?

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AKM Practice Questions
Read the following dialog and answer the questions.
Ina : Hi, Aria. What’s up? Question 1
Aria : Oh. Hi, Ina. I’m so worried about the waste Tick () the correct statements based on the dialog.
management in my neighborhood, it does not well arrange.  Aria feels comfortable and enjoy living in her
Ina : What do you mean? neighborhoods.
Aria : Most of my neighbors do not separate their domestic  Waste management in the neighborhood
wastes and they throw them here and there without concerns Aria greatly.
using dustbin. They do not think about the  Aria and Ina are talking about the waste
consequences of their action. management in Aria’s neighborhood.
Ina : What do you mean by bad consequences?  Ina refuses to help Aria to solve the waste
Aria : The smell from the wastes cause discomfort. The problem in the neighborhood.
wastes also attract disease bearing creatures. Question 2
Ina : So, what would you do? Discomfort smell and source of disease are the
Aria : I’m going to make a poster raising awareness about consequences of ___________________________
the waste management. I hope it makes them conscious of using
dustbin to keep waste and keeping the environment clean. Question 3
Ina : You are right. I also agree with you. I will help you. What does Aria think about her neighbors and
Aria : Thank you very much. neighborhood?
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Asariastika, Windi. 2023. Bahasa Inggris untuk
SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas XI. Bandung:
Grafindo Media Pratama

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