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Name: Alexis Kyla Costales Yr.

& Sec: ISM-Android


1. What is Database Management System (DBMS)?

Database Management System is a software application utilized for creating and

managing databases. It allows the user to create, read, update and delete the data
inputs included in a database.

2. What is Relational DBMS (RDBMS)?

Relational DBMS is a type of DBMS which stores data in row-based structure. It uses a
structure that allows the user to identify and retrieve data interlinked to another set of
data inside the database.

3. Difference between DBMS and RDBMS?

The DBMS and RDBMS have several distinct features such as:


Data stored is in table format. Data stored is in file format.

Access to multiple data. Individual access to data elements.

Data in a table are linked together. Data have no connection.

Stored in large amounts. Stored in a small quantity.

4. What is Relational Model in Database?

Relational Model in Database is the representation of how data is stored in relational


5. Define the following:

Primary Key is a column or set that uniquely identifies every row in databases.
Foreign Key is generally used to build a relationship between the two tables.

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