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ia Modules 1 pases etait Grammar Reference p.117 ievepaiar Verbs p.129 Vocabulary + Worde|Collocations related to computers + WordsPhieses related to commurvcation + Phrases expressing thes/dsikes + Words easly confused {Word bulla nouns ending #1 Yon, ation mer + Adjectives describing feetnas + Words used both as verbs and as + Prepostlonal phrases Grvout of) ¢ Words easily confused + Personalty adjecthos + Phrasal vero and expressions with heen + Worcs/Phrases related to shopping + Wore bulking Words easly contused 1 Phvasal verts with get ans put + Word bulking: negative adjectives beginning with ur em + Adjectives + prepostions 1 Expressions wih make and do * Words easly confused + Types of hotday 1 Geographical features + Animals + Word bxaiding: nours ending in 2, ‘ot st referring to people + Words easly confuses + Compound nouns ‘idioms * Aurport language + idioms + Verbs + prepostions + Verbs begrning with over + Word bulding: nouns ending in ines. ty + Phrasal verbs + Expressions with fake + Expressions with nature + Collective terms for animals + Bhrasal verbs weth up and down + Breposstional phrases (t) + Word butding:adlectives ending “US, 3 ve, aD ng, fu + Words reiated to tne environment + Words easily confuse + Word bulaing negative words beginning wih ams. ending in Writing Reference p.130 Exam Practice p.132 Structures + Present Simple vs Present Progressive + Stative verbs * Comparisons Past Simple + Used to + be/get usec! to + Countable and ‘uncountable nouns + Quantlies| + Definng Relative Clauses + Non Dating Retaive Clauses += Bast Simple - Past, Progressive + may/miaht /could must fant ‘must /Pave 0 /reed ()/ cant + Would rather / nad better / should ought to + Present Perfact Smmple vs Past Simple t Sole Progressive + Future wit 1 Future be going to 1 Future Perfect Simple * AII/Botn / Nether / None Ether + Both and | Either_or Nether. nor += Conditional Sentences Types 0, land 2 + Past Perfect Simple - Past Perfect Progressive + Raported Speech (Statements, Questions, formands, Request) += Reporting verbs + Passive Vore 1 Verbs vith two objects + Causes of resut oncession, purpose + Ful Bare infinite Sing tom + Exclamatory sentences + Modal verbs + have + past particple + Condeional Sentences Type = Vie / only Culture Pages p.140 Songs p.144 t CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS cofrs Functions + Dstinguisting between permanent and temporary stuations += Making comparisons + Dsscussing past habits and events ‘ressing besides Expressing enthusiasm Accepting O° refusing an vat + Defining people, places, things and eas and giving addtional information about them | + Narrating past events ¢ Sequencing past actions Desertung personality + Expressing feelings + Breressing possibilty and making deductions + Eoressing obligation, protibiion and absence of necessity ‘ + Eepress'g preference and macing Suggestions pressing threat or warning pressing opinion and giving advice {inking past and present time + Expressing opinion + Expressing hypaitieses about what : Is ikely or unleay to happen inte run + Sequencing past actions and events i Narrauing events andi past experences + Reporting 5 + Understanding recorced messages + Making offers and suggestions * Giving crections + Emphasising an action using the ; Passive Volee + Expressing resut con + Expressing views and preferences { iaing pote recast + Expressing surprse. ait an joy 5 1 Expressing entcsm.posabiy certarty and a necessity in - the past + Expressing opinion + Suggesting 3nd 9 vreseri ae Reading Listening Speaking Writing 3 2" Developing sills: Developing s Developing skills Developing skills Developing skils: Developing skills: Developing skills: . Developing sills: Developing skills: Developing skills: Developing skills: Developing sills: Developing skits: Developing skills: oo | computer + webcam and temporary situation Read @ A.Discuss, + What do you know about social networking (SN) sites? ‘Are you a member of en SN site? = Wnat do you use It for? B.Read the texts A’D. What iseach person's opinion about SN sites? Is it positive. negative or both? VOUROBINION: om sites Tanya, 16 g I spend a ct of my free time on SN tes. They're great for Keeping in touch with my mates and finding old frends. too. The other ‘day, | found a school frend from primary school | was so pleased to hear her news. SN sites are also useful for helping people out. saw on 2 friend's page that one of his fiends needed a driving Instructor. My uncle Is a driving instructor and he's on the same SN ste. | Introduced them and they were both happy. My parents complain that playing onine games with frends 's a waste of time, but | totally disagree. You see. Im really into triva games, but aso word games and chess, which I find amusing and educational, So, | cart see any drawback there, lke having too much information about t ~ myself out there on the web | mean, anyone Ccouls tind my email and start sending me oe spam or viruses. There's aiso cyberbullying ra which can be very nasty. A friend of mine had to stop using an SN site last month because someone was constantly saying horrible things about her. Also, someone COUN pretend to be you and commit crimas. Imagine that! | Adrian, 16 k A | dont think SN sites are for me. realy dont beers Ae S - a + Dont panicif you've got unknown vocabulary. You don have to know the meaning of every single word to understand the tex. “+ Decicie which words are important for understanding the text and try to guess what they mean. ee Ronnie, 15 tim not a big SN site user to be honest. can't lnderstanc why people nave to update their status all the time. | dont want to know what | someone is buying at the supermarket. o° how long they've been watting in tratfi. What do | care? But | find It useful for events, We're putting on 2 Schoo! play at the end of the year, and using an SN site makes ita lot easier. We're organising the tickets these days. It realy helps. We've got our own page to advertise the school play, and when its over well upioad photos and videos of the highiights. Ae Emma, 14 Ima member of an SN site but m thinking { about deactivating it For one thing, its taking | J up too much of my time. | play vetwal games. | Sia chat with joads of people and | have hundreds of friends. The more time | spend on SN sites. the less time | have for my real Ife | think the final straw is my mum. She Is a member of the same SN site as me and | mace the mistake of making her one of my friends, She hasnt lost touch with her old school mates and she really enjoys being online. But now she tends to follow my every move It's so embarrassing! | cart do anything, 6 ni f ee — C.Lookat thehighlighted wordsin thetexts and choose the __D. Read thettexts A-D again and answer the questions correct meaningaorb, below. Write A,B,CorD. Who mentions. tecbarteck a. csocvartage b.aovatage 1 that hefine hasbeen using SN sts abit tbo uct eat < a unten 2. helping tends trough an SN ster 2, that some personal ifomation on SN sites 3 constany —— arwey bial the time ii } 4. te dangers of using SN sts? | A.uate : : | a.give the most recent —_b. give false information EES oh HEN EO ierration 6. how a fly member might rake hiner op using ans ste? Stators eee a.the best parts of 'b. the highest parts eRe on ee something of something , 6 deactivate Rpecwee ie sv acsomay + Wat do you tink of SN ses? SnD acl ‘+ With which writer do you share the same opinion? stop working + Have you had a simiar experience? ] -" . 4 So U u Grammar (1 ul Present Simple vs Present Progressive + Tanya enjoys using SN sites and uses them every day. ‘She's playing an oniine gare at the moment + I don't understand wry Emma is always chatting on the Net with Linda. They ee each other five times a week Tomorrow they're spending te whole cay together. ® Complete with tne Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. Stative verbs (see ike, want, seem, understand, need, believe, imagine, know, cost, etc) are not usually used in the Present Progressive. g 1. A: Why are you in such a hurry? What time the train to Brighton (eavey? B: At 9pm. But | (went) to be at the train station at six otlock because | (meet) my frend Salty. 2. A: Whose surtcase Is ins? B: Its Timothy's He (tay) with us for a few days ‘A: Really? Where is he now? B: He's outside with Larry. They (wash) the car, Larry (always / wash) the cer on Sundays. 3. A: Hey, Mary. Can you expiain this text to me? | (not understand) tt 8B: Not now, Kevin. | ‘workd [As On Mary. You ____ (never / help) met 4. A: Why the kids _ ___ (yr Bs Because they can't find their cat. They think) someone took it. ‘A: Their cat is outside It __ (sleep) next to the garage. the Nocabulary ‘A. Match the verbs with the nouns to make phrases. 4. turn on / shut down a.abattery /a mobile 2.download / upload b.the ON-OFF button / ENTER 3.charge software /an antivrus program 4 instal a document /image etc. to an ema) 5 press ea computer / laptop attach £ information (eg, must, videos) 8. Read the sentences and complete with the verbs in the box. 1. if you want to move that paragraph further down, fist you must select it Then cut it and _ fend of your document. _________up and down the website, find the information you need and can all read it 3. A:Oh nol Ive just something | need, 8: No problem, just press undo, * To open this fle, double ‘on the icon, The program | was using __ because | had them . Read the sentences below and match the phrases in bold with the definitions a |. Hello, 6 James there? He rang me earlier but | was busy so im ealling him back. 2. Ive fost touen with most of my od fiends trom school 3. A: Did you send that email to Roger? 8: Yes, but | havertt received a reply yet Dorit forget to drop mea tine when you move to Budepest 4 5. | havea lot cf cousins and | try to keep in touch with ail of them. 6. Jenny, can | have a word with you after the lesson? 2 7. Give mea call whenever youre in town. OK? a. stop communicating bi. senda short letter, ema or note speak to someone for a short time . phone someone because he/she phoned you. fe. phone someone f. continue to communicate @. get an answer itatthe Itoutso that we ___a few minutes ago so | restarted my computer. Luckily, I didnt ose any files Grammar ‘Comparisons + My cold mobile phone wes smaller than this one + The more | use the computer, the worse my headache gets. + I think ICT Is the most interesting schoo! subject. : + Uploaaing 2 video on the web isnt as aifficutt as | thought. ‘+ [tS alot faster to Sere! an e-mail than a letter ° ‘Complete with the correct form of the words inbrackets, Young people have many ways to communicate with each other, Nowadays, ts much ()) (easy) to chat and keep in touch with friends than in the past. Of course. yaung people hardly ever Send letters. And even emails aren't as (2) (lopular) as the message services provided by social networking sites. However, the (3) _ (commen) way for young people to communi te is by SMS, as text massaging 's becoming (@) and (Cheap). Recently, smartphones have started becoming © ________ (Popular, and people can even send pictures and videos from their mobiles through emails. {Al this communication has ts disadvan 185, though. The (6) (much) young people use these ‘ways to communicate with thet friends, the (7) (litle) ime they spend seeing them face-totace. Listen A.Discuss. + How often do you use a computer? Wat do you se itfor? D0 yOu know more about computers than your erent? B, Listen toa phone conversation between Wayne and his dad and answer the questions. + wnat is Wayne's dads problem? + Do they solve the problem in the end? Listen again and write T for True or F tor False, 1. Wayne is doing his homework at Paul's house 2. Wayne doesnt want his dad to send the photo to his unce. 3. Wayne's dad isin front of the computer but it isnt turned on. 4. Wayne's dad has copied the photo from the camera to the computer 5. Wayne's dad needs to scroll down the page to see the attach’ button 6. Wayne's dad forgot to write a subject for his e-mall 7. Uncle Fred replied to Wayne's dad's e-mail very quickly 8. Wayne's dad sent the email to the wrong address. om am: N ocabulary Read the sentences. Which of the phrasesin bold have. positive and which a negative meaning? Use these phrases tomake ‘your ownsentences. 1. usually buy my sister books because she is crazy about reading 2. David is keen on sports and tres to go to football match every week 3. My parents are tired of listening to me complain about doing the housework Jule is fond of cooking. That’ all she does in her fee time I'm a big fan of jazz music, s0 1m defintely getting tickets to the concert. J Emma is ted up with her old computer and she wants to get @ new one. ''m Interested in taking up a hobby, but | dor't know what y 4. 5. 6. 71. Ryan i sick of walking to school every day, He wants to learn how to drive. 8 9. Were all enthusiastic about our trp to Finland. We cant walt. 10.1 think my mum is bored with her job. Sne Goesnt seem as excited as she used to be, S peak ‘Talk in groups of four. Look atthe pictures and discuss the questions. Use some of the words and phrases in the boxes. | dangerous keep fit f cities lonely socialise equipment active relaxing entertaining teamwork theiling outdcor reative expensive Indoor artistic challenging This activity seems to be. believe / think / suppose you nterested in / crazy about People my age cant stand People my age are its an ideal activity for those who like dike to take up. because. * Speak clearly, + Don't worry it you make a mistake. Correct ‘yourself if you can, otherwise just continue speaking, + If you can't remember a word, don't stop speaking. Try fo use another word. 4 re Write Apersonal webpage A. Read the webpage and answer the questions. Hi there! My name's Kelly Watkins and this 's my webpage! rr [ve got loads of friends but my best mates are Julle and Tamsin. | find nothing more entertaining than hanging out with ther. We spend almost all our free time together, and when welt not together, we're always chatting on the phone or oniine, or even playing online games, Jule Is very sporty and wee both crazy about volleyball We play in the school volleyball team, Tamsin isnt a big sports, fen, but we do other things together. ke watching music videos and learning at dancer. | cant say that m as good as she 's but Im imoreving. -_" J ‘Apart from sports and music | ove watching fms and even goina to see plays. Im thinking of becoming an actress. you see. At the moment. Im Working part-time at a local pizza place because | want to earn money for ‘acting classes. Another thing Im fond of doing is cooking. Uniike my friends, {im quite good at it and also creative, so | often call them up and invite them ‘over to try my specialities, ee 1. Who created this webnage? 2. Why did she create it? 3. What words does the writer use to link her ideas? B.Lookattthe categories below. Choose afew and write C.Discuss the categories on theleft. Answer the questions deas/notes about what youcan include about yourselt Whichcogeary de youl awe tle casita eke about? Co + Which categories do you think would be best for 2 webpage about you? Why? + Can you think of any other categories that you would like to write about? Cd Cn .Write23 paragraphs for your own personal webpage. Ce When you want to write information to include in your my clothes + group the information in categories so that's easier to understand + ink your ideas. Use - to join similar ideas Cod tojoin two opposite ideas, toexpress result Co) to show reason. toshow alternative. Cee Read go e abies ‘ ovostarkthemd “oo ave ble Prone a0 \ 08 The evo Classified Ads The NEW Notoroia DynaTac so00x The ultimate gadget for the modern person! =| | + Talk up to 60 minutes! ‘Only 10noursto = ~ || charger * Store up to 30. invention? Why? jie phone is @ usetul ged in 7 ast tive Years? tion of the mobile phone S B. Read the text quickly. ‘Which sentence Dest Summarises the text? Choose + abcore. a. There are a lot more mobile phones in the world today A than inthe past tb. The mobile phone 15 One of the most important inventions. . Nobile phones have changed alot since the firstone was invented. 4. People are finding new ways touse mobile phones. In 1973 Martin Cooper inverted a portable motile phone. It was the DynaTAC and in 1983, was available in shops. OynaTAC phones were large and weighed about a kilo. They were also very expensive, but people used to buy them like crazy. However, people complained that you could only talk for an hour before needing to charge them again, 0 soon heavy shoulder packs with battenes in them were introduced. These gadgets became very trendy in the 80s and actors appeared in. many fms of the time. chatting to friends on ther new, nitecn device. Because of their size and shape. these early mobiles became known as ‘bricks: They seem like dinosaurs compared to the devices we are used to seeing today. The first generation (1G) of mobile phone systens had weak signals and many problems AS technology improved, mobies became smaller and offered more features. In the 905, the introduction of 26 mobile systems meant improved reception over wider areas. They also included the abilty to send small ‘amounts of data such as SMS messages. The frst SMS was sent in the UK on 3 December 1992. Today, over 2 trlion text messages are sent every year. Mobiles continued to improve, with coloured screens anc ‘a wide variety of ringtones. Another important development was the introduction of cameras on mobile phones. Camera phones became hugely popular and changed the world of journalism In 2004, the Indian Ocean earthquake was the fist event in which most of the videos on the news were provided by camera phones, Instead of professional camera crews. ‘The next development was 3G in the early 2000s. This introduced fast access to the Internet and mace it possibe for a new generation Of smartphones: These devices have large touchscreens and act as Internet browsers, media players and game consoles all in one. They have also made video calling and mobile TV a reality Companies ‘are always coming up with new ideas and exciting concept’ mobiles. ‘Some of these ideas include solar panels on the back of the phone for ‘charging, a flexible phone that can bend around your wrist. and even ‘a phone that uses cola to charge its battery, Everyone is trying to find the next big step in the evolution of mobile phones. But what wilt be? Only time wil tell 4 were that din vice. used had \ C.Look at tne highlighted words/phrases inthe ext and try to guess what they mean, Then match them with the weanings17 below. 1. think of suggest 2 3, easy 4. informatio: 5. groups of people with special skits working together: KK 6. keop information 7. aadoet: ~~ x D.Read the text again and wrlte T for True, F for False or NMifor Not Mentioned. 11. DynaTAC phones werent very popular when hey frst appeared i 2. People complained about the heavy shoulder The first mobile was nicknamed ‘dinosaur . You couldrit send SMS messages before the 1990 5. Videos trom mobile phones of the Indian Ocean earthquake werer't alowed to be used on news programmes, 66. Smartphones became possible because of 3G network technology. 7, Solar-powered mobile phones willbe avaliable i aaa E. Discuss, += What wouid Ife be like without mobile phones? + What would you Iie mobile phones to be able to do inthe future? Grammar Past Simple ‘A: Where did you go yesterday? B: I went tothe shonping centre I wanted to buy @ new ‘mobile phone but | didn’t find a good one Used to When mobile phones were invent they didn’t use to be ‘small, They used to be big and heavy Delget used to | krow you aren't used to using the menu on your new ‘Bhone yet, but youl soon get used to using It Its very easy o Chooses, bore 1. Eddie and Mike bbe good friends, but they talk to each other any more. a.useto bused 10 were used to hang up on me last night? B: Because | couldn't near you The signal was very a.you b.did you e.did you use to 3. &: How can you dy while listening to such loud Bil t 2. used to bibeusedto «mused to 4. A: | almost crashed my new car again today. | cant get used it B: Dont worry, It takes time, a.driving —btodriving —&.todrive 5. A: Did you remember to call Grandma yesterday? B:No.! time to speak to anyone yesterciay ‘A: But t was her birthday! b. wasnt have a. didnt have . didnt use to have 6. A few years ago, Larry work for a compute: company, Now he works in a bank a.usedto bain . was used to a my grandparents twice a week when | was a.vssit biusetovist «visited 8. Nowadays, teenagers Used to sending text messages to thelr friends instead of caling them. age b.usvaly cae a» Nocabulary ‘A. Read, What do the verbs in bold mean? Match ther with the definitionsa-h. 1. My sister and | are always arguing about who will a. talk about something in order to come to a decision : do the washing-up. shout he where he was going? Ree eee eee eae . say that you are not pleased with something 3. Mr Smith explained the rules of the game so rales ——— ‘everyone could play, . ty understand something sa Re euler tits yatiett atin €. tak about other people and their private ives in ii essa ts pur Wa {. speak about or refer to something without using 6. | spent all morning chatting with Jenny on the phone. Sant Words 7, tim going to complain to the manager about the LAR IGTorTn TY IE SRO service Its horrible. hh. speak angrily because you disagree You shouldrit gossip about other people. Its rude, . B.Lookat nencunehelon Which verbs othey ervtron? NOTE:AJattnounsaratormed by aig ais cha iregutrtes ea TS oo introduce introduction receive reception decide = decision explain seperation : Complete with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1. Danny, try touse your_______a bt more when writing stories IMAGINE 2. Did you see the con er face when we tld her the news? She was shocked| EXPRESS 2. After the __ wth is parents, Ted stayed in is room al evening. ARGUE 4. cant come to the concert, but thanks forthe - Wwvrte 5. This cress the fashion deslane’ latest CREATE 6. Ive noticed great In your work since you started studying more IMPROVE j 2. Theteachershada_____ about what to do fr this years schol play. biscuss Listen © 4 A.Diseuss. + What is body language? + How does body language help us when communicating? + Can you thnk of eny examples of body language which show people's emations? B Listen toa radio programme with body language expert, Dr Susan Maddison, and conmplete the sentences below. 1. Understanding boay language canbe usetl for wotied } 2. Confident people usually stand 4 3. Apat rom meaning something negative, lumped body posture can mean j that someone is - { 4. Someone with their hands could be worried or bored. ! 5. Teenagers don't look adults in the eye when they havent developed i peotnceor we ttey 6. Peoole ok up and to the wen they ae vr ‘ 2 say that we should look for or more signats a we decide what the body is saying S peak ‘Talkin pairs. Look at the pictures below which show two types of computers. Talk about the differences between them. Then say what you like or dislike about each type of computer. Use the words and phrases in the boxes to help you. Listen o ‘You will hear people talking n ive different s vations For questions 15, choose the best answer, bore 1. You overhear two friends talking. Where did the gir see the video? a. Someone sent her an email b. Through an SN site conv 2. You overhear two friends talking, What's y's opinion about skateboarding? jcesrit realy have an opinion, 3. You overhear two friends talking. Why Is the boy wltin 1 the forum? a. He wants to find out some information b. He's helping somebody out La €. Hes chatting with some friends, » 4. You overhear two parents talking, What is true about their aughter? ested in fashion thar 7s fed up with gadgets, + Read the questions and options carefully before you near each extract Listen to the extracts carefully. Don't try to understand every single word or phrase: focus on the whole ‘Roose the option which best answers the question, Don't choose an option just because words or phrases s fond of gadgets, 1 overhear a conversation. What s true about the gi? 2. She's bought a new mobile ». She's changed her mobi included in the extract appear nt —————EE number, «. She's chenged her phone company, 5 White Aninformal letter/e-mail based on prompts [A Read the email and answer the questions. Whos wrting the e-mail? Why is this person writing? Wat set phrases are used to begin and end the e-mail? What makes this e-mail informal? @ Hello Mark How are things? | haven't neard trom you for ages. Anyway, I've got some great news. ‘As you know, Ive been nagging my parents to get me a laptop for @ long time. Well, guess what! great! Theyre getting me one tor my birtncay. which by the way sn two days. Ist that ncreaible news? | wort need to use my dad's ancient computer any more and Ill be able to organise all my music files and tims. — | Here's some more exciting news. I'm having a party on Saturday! Would you like to come? You know, we havent seen you since you changed scnools, And itl be @ good opportunity to see your ‘ld friends. What do you think? ‘Wall thats all for now. Write back with all our news. | hope you can make it to my party Yours, ~ ‘simon —__— Bure! tell inn 1 Read Simon's e-mail again and look at the notes Mark has macle. Match Marks notes with the points a-c which show what he should include in his reply to Simon. a. givenens '. express enthusiesm ' . accept or refuse an invitation (C.Now read the e-mail that Mark has written to Simon and underline the sentences that correspond to his notes. Then answer ! the questions, 1. Is the worcing In Mark's e-mail the same as in his notes? 2. What extra comments or information does he add to his notes? Hi Simon, i Sorry | havent wrtten for so jong, but ve been quite busy with schoolwork. Thanks for the invitation, mate! You know | wouldnt miss your party for the world, so count me int Im really glad you're finaly getting a laptop. Now itll be easter to keep in touch and we can maybe play some oniine ‘games. Let me know if you need any more songs for the party. friends vet. There's this one guy. though, from my Science ciass who seems quite interesting and is absolutely hilarious. | Hes Into hip nop like me and actually raps quite wel so we'e thinking of creating a hand together. By the way, do you mind if bring him along to your party? We can perform If you Ike. helo to everyone. ; Now jet me fl you in with my news. My new schoo! is OK anc fm doing quite well However, | havent mace many new ' Read the expressions/phrases in the table, the situations 1-4and the notes made. How would you reply? Wout Thats greatwonderfulfantatic news! | arwas happylaladipleased to hear that. {couldnt believe it when | ead that. Sounds briiantipertect Sure! “Thanks for inviting me to_Jaskng me to jin you How could | say no? [countmein tim sorry but Ihave to. Maybe somecothertime. | Tim afraid | cant make It because. It was nice of you to invite me, but Ive already made other plans, Unfortunately have to let you down, “Let me fil you in You wont belleve what happened to me the other dayl You asked me to tell ou about .. so here goes. | Heres an update of whats happening in my life | e 1. My friends and | are going camping this weekend. Do YOUN IIOIUS? cat / have Rs 2. es wht sed my cs : Pees aN ORS fantastic: mw ~ SSa how wes the PEA? not good / left early 4. My cousin from Wales is visiting and we're thinking of ‘going bowling tonight. How about coming along? Imagine that Simon isa friend of yours and has sent you the e-mail inactivity A. Writean e-mail responding ‘to Simon, but refusing his invitation. You can use Mark’s e-mail asa model, but you must use your own ideasand other expressions/phrases. When writing an informal letter/e-mail, follow the plan below. GREETING © Greet the person you're writing to. ‘Hello Frank! +Hi Mum, + Dearest Jane, + Dear Uncle Greg, + Bear brother/ivendicousin OPENING PARAGRAPH @ Begin your letter/e-mail and say why you're writing. Use phrases lke: + How are you (keeping)? + How are things? | hope everything's OK. + Thanks for your letterfermail. + Sorry | havent written for so long, but. +t taken me ages to reply, but +Tve been meaning to get back to you, but + It was great to hear from you again. +m waiting to tell you /let you know. MAIN PART (2-3 PARAGRAPHS) @ Mention everything you want to include in your letter/e-mail. Don’t forget to refer to the notes, itany. CLOSING PARAGRAPH @ State anything you want to emphi ‘your letter/e-mail. Use phrases like: +I must go now. + Well, that’ all for now. + Write back soon. + Waiting for your letter/e-maitreply. +1im tooking forward to hearing from you. + Say hello to. + Give my lovertegards to everyone. + Keep in touch, ise and end SIGNING OFF @ Use a signature ending and your first name below that. Yours, — + Hugs and kisses, + All the best + Bye for now, + Best wishes, +Love, + Take care, ‘When writingan informal leter/e-mail based on prompts, + use the appropriate layout (see page 130). + use informal language and expressions (e.g. well of course, ‘anyway, you know, you see, actually, by the way) + use short forms eg, 'm, didn. ‘use exclamations (eg. That's great news). + use direct questions (e.g. What are you up to?) “use standard grammar and spelling conventions. Avoid forms such as wanna, cu I8r, etc. + read the prompts carefully and include all the points in the rotes in your answer. + don’ just copy the notes. Try to rephrase them and add any comments and/or Information that is relevant. + use appropriate expressions/phrases to express enthusiasm, acceptor refuse an invitation, give news, etc. (see activity D) —————— cs} | y 1 A.Choosea, bore. 1. Im sick _ doing housework every weekend. awith b.to cof 2. ve got a_signal in here, so | cant call Jerry a. weak b.nasty .challenging 3. You shouldnt about your friends, a. gossip b. discuss ‘-mention 4. Im fed with Mike's behaviour. He's so rude! a.olt bu cout 5. Andy ___to talk to anyone about his problem because he was embarrassed, a. refused b.accepted c.argued 6. Fay's jokes are | can't stop laughing, a.powerful hilarious cuflexibie 7. (need to {an antivirus program on my new ‘computer. a. install b. charge estore 8 Let me fil you ‘on what happened yesterday. aout b.up oh Score /8 1B. Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets. LAT (thing of going to the cinema on. Saturday. you —_ (come)? Br! (not think) so. My brother (need help with his Maths, so | have to stay at home 2. My sister (always / talk) on the phone! When she's at home, | chance to use the phone! 2 eee _Peter cay? B: Usually, but these days he __ (never / get) the (study) for {an exam, so he hasnt been to the gym much, 4, Ethan (receive) e-mails from his cousins in Australia every day, At the moment, he (send) a reply to one of them, [Score 10 Circle the correct words. stil can't get used to wake / waking up early in the moming, 2. Did you downloaded / download any new songs vesterday? 3. Linda isnt used to live / living alone, so sometimes she feels lonely, 4. Monica come / came across some old pictures as she was tidying her desk 5. My father didht use to walk / walking to work, but now ne does [Score 5 D.Choosea, bore. 1. Alice Is_ creative person | know. athe most b.more cas 2. The journey was _ than expected. along bias long longer 3, The _we leave for the train station, the better. aeary bearer c.carlest 4, Postcards are nat popular as ema aas bimore much 5, Betty is getting taller and _every day. a. taller botallest 6. | think Science is ditficut than History, a.much more b.a lot the most Score: /6 E, Choose the correct response. There are two extra, responses which you donot need to use. 1. Give me a call on Monday so we can chat. 2, What are you going to tell your brother now that you broke his mobile phone? 2. | need to have a word with Tom. 41st touch wth Jack ater he got marred 5. Im visting Sam next weekend 6. Are you coming to my foatball match on saturday? a. Absolutely. | Wout mis for the wold b. Sure. Whats your shone number? «. You can bring him along 4. That’ too bad. You were such good frien You can count hin in {. Really? Give my regards to him 4. Why? fs he ta trouble again? hil come up wth something : = z Score: /6 —_ TOTALSCORE: —_/35 1 talk about various aspects of communication 0 distinguish between permanent and temporary situations o ‘make comparisons iS talk about what | lke or disike write a personal webpage refer to past habits and events vite an informal tetterle-mail based on prompts ‘express enthusiasm, ac and ave news c Do you think that taking risks is exciting, scary or Just dangerous? ® Look at the pictures below. How would you describe the activities shown? Use the words in the box. senjoyable + terrifying stempting «risky «stressful + unforgettable + monotonous ® How do you think the people in the pictures are feeling? How would you feel? Use the words/phrases In the box sterrfied + fearless + thrilled «uneasy + anxious bull riding ‘an extract from a novel talk about extreme activities and taking risks a radio interview with a Harry Potter ® learn to use quantifiers fan ® learn to define people, places, things and ideas unusual ideas for raising money and give adaitional information about them a story about an encounter with wild @ learn to describe a person animals © learn to narrate past events ‘a newspaper article about an accident learn to describe your feelings a short text about a man in the ® learn to use linking woris/phrases emergency services ® learn to wilt a story S A.Discuss. B. Read the text quickly. What doall the people . ‘= What charities are there in your country? Do they do a good job? -~=«smentioned in the text have in common? + Have you ever done anything for charity? RT netiningsspeone There are thousands of charities and non-profit organisations, ‘around the world that help those in need. Competition is fierce and they have to think of imaginative ways to raise money. A popular trend recently has been for charities to attract the helo of members | of society who do all sorts of weird and wonderful activities to raise money on their behalf People are prepared to do unusual and even ‘extreme things for this cause. David Hunt, who is 2 firefighter, did something of the kind in 2010, He spent 48 hours without any food locked in a glass box which was hanging 30 feet in the air from a crane above central London. His Unusual challenge was certainly not easy, but it successfully gained alot of attention. With a litte help from another firefighter who was con the ground, they managed to persuade the public to support thelr cause by making donations that added up to over tive thousand pounds. Thelr chosen charities were The Fire Fighters Charity and Cancer Research UK, Itis not just the young who have gone up high to raise money for charity. In 2008, Kay Matthews, who was 90 at the time, went to Norfolk, UK, to skydive from a plane 13000 feet above the ground for ‘a war-victims charity, She raised about £3000. Few people are brave ‘enough to go skydiving let alone an elderly woman, but she loved ‘every minute of it (Others prefer to stay firmly on the ground, but sti no further, away from danger, ke Nick Le Souet, a 67-year-old businessman who lives in Melbourne, Australia. In 2010, he decided to spend 3 weeks living in a shop window with 400 deadly spiders to raise money for ‘a children’s charty. The reabife spiderman wasrit at all nervous as he slept among his eightegged friends, and survived the experience Unharmed, raising fy thousand dollars. The spiders, however, weren't 50 lucky, as by the end of the challenge, a few of them had started eating each other. Raising money for charity is also popular with students. Alison Bishop, from Middleton Schoo! in Peterborough, UK, decided to do her bit for charity by doing a sponsored silence in March 20M She spent a whole school day without saying a word. She had to write things down In class and she wore a sign saying ‘Please dor't speak to me, fm doing a sponsored silence for the National Deaf Children’s Association. twas quite dificult but she managed to ralse £874 .Read the text again and complete the table below. .Look atthe highlighted words in the textand try to gue ‘what they mean, Then match them withthe meanings 18 below. 1. acdificutttaske t When trying to guess the meaning of an unknown: Word, always look for clues in the context (the words before and atter it as well asthe previous and following sentences). Also look for clues in the word itself. See if itis similar to any other words that you know and try to analyse it int its parts - root, ending prefix, suffix. Then try to determine: + what part of speech itis (verb, noun, adjective, ete) + ifithasa positive, negative or neutral meaning + what general topic tis related to + what it means approximately 2. not injured k 3. able or likely to cause death: 4. help. 5. great interest people show in sbisth 6. strange, unusua: 7. the surface of the Earth 8. fearless o) — \ + Would you do any of these activities for charity? Why/ Why not? MIE ‘Countable and uncountable nouns ‘There's not enough light inthis room. Turn on the lights, please. Quantifiers some / any + Ihaven't got any money, | need to get some from the bank. much / many / lot of /Iots of / plenty of +A: [ve looked at alot of /lots of / plenty of websites, but | cant find much Useful information B: There are so many ways to find what you need. Let me show you (a)few sa iittie + A:|Just want f0 spend a itle te with Steve before he goes. 2B: He has very Ite time left before he has to leave. +A: Im going to the supermarket fo get a few oranges. Have we got enough apples? BME RE VEN Fem So et some (Circle the correct words. 1. Rodney always gives a little / lot money to charity organisations. | want to give much / some money too, but there are so a lot / many that | dont know which organisation to choose 2. A: Have you got some / much homework to do? B: Not really, just few /a few Maths exercises that | need to finish. How about you? ‘A: Well ve finished most oft Ive got very litte / much, 3. A:|'m going camping in the wood / woods with my friends, B: Are you going to buy some / any equipment for your trip? ‘A: No, 'm going to borrow everything from my cousins. 44, A: Hey, Uncle Chale, you've been skydiving plenty of / few times. I it lificult? B: Well not really, but you need to do some / many ground training before your first jump. And you need to be over eighteen. so youl have to wait a little / few more years. 2» “2 ‘A. Read the sentences below and look at the word in bold. What do you notice? . Thanks for your help. ‘a. We should all help raise money for charity. NOTE: Some words can be both verbs and ‘nouns. Thelr meanings could be quite similar (eg. dance) or quite different My (€9-waten ‘Now complete the sentences with the correct form of the words: the box. Use the same word for each pair of sentences. 1. a This organisation b. My family have given mea lot of 2. a. The dog looks flerce, but he wouldn't do you any the homeless. b.Pollution ___the environment. 3.a.Jil________ new trainers, Her old ones, are torn 'b. Were raising money for children with special 4, a.Did you enjoy your in Berlng b.Areyou for lunch? rve made pasta, 5. a. We had some amazing ___at the ‘adventure camp last summer. bb. When | went skydiving. |___ a ‘moment of fear just before jumping out of the plane. salt raining at 6am. b. The party was a disaster from the B. Lookat the prepositional phrases in the table and circle the correct words in the sentences 17 1. Danny loves adventure sports, bungee jumping in general / particular, 2. Fay is out of breath / control because she was running. 3. Te only got €10 left. so going to a restaurant for lunch is ut of the question / ordinary. 4. Always have your mobite with you, in trouble / case of ‘an emergency. 5. We watched the plane until it flew in / out of sight 6. Dorit use this map. its out of date / use. danger ahurry work a good/bad mood breath contro ‘common the question sight case of ‘one’s mind trouble particular date order general the ordinary use need (one's) reach shape 7. Children's tives were in / out of danger whenever they wanted to cross the street. That's why the footbridge was built. .Complete with the words in the boxes. ground 1. After three days at sea, the sallors were glad to see land 2. The camp leader told us alto sit on the _ while he showed us how to put up a tent. manage succeed 3. Did you to find tickets for the concert? 4. Henry dict ____in passing al his exams fee tip donation 5. Did you leave afm) 6. Nowadays, many museums dont have an entrance for the walter? «but they ask you to make a small 7. Teachers do a lot of hard work but dont ‘much money, 8. Allthemoneywe will goto local charities 9. Itsnot a great job, but atleast yout ‘some work experience old elderty ancient mature 10.My sister is very __ for a sixteen-year-old ___ Olympic Games took place in iyi, Greece trom the 8° century BC tothe 5® century AD. 12. My neighbour looks after her 13. My grandmother is quite stil very active The __ parents. _. but she’s rola, vAD. rents. Defining Relative Clauses + The guy (who / that) | was just taking to Isa ski instructor + UNICEF is an organisation which/that helps take care ofthe health and eduication of children around the world + Thope the campsite where were staying has gota restaurant because Im hungry. Non-Defining Relative Clauses + My father, who isa successful Businessman, started working at the age of fifteen + If you lke taking risks. come to Adventure World, where you can try a variety of extreme activities. ‘S] Circle the correct words and add commas wherenecessary. 1. Zorbing which / that is an activity from New Zealand is popular around the world nowadays. @ + Do you ike films with action and adventure? + Who's your favourite action fm character? + What do you lke about him/her? 'B You will hear part of an interview with Helen Partridge, irl that has recently been in the news. Listen and answer the questions. Choose a,bor. 1. Why was Helen Partridge In the news? a. She made a pot with Harry Potter on it bb. She won a quiz about Harry Potter, «She appeared in a Harry Potter fl, 2, Where did JK. Rowling reveal Harry Potter's date of birth? a.m the first Harry Potter book b.in an interview. . In the last book 3. What is Harry Potters date of birth? 31/7/1980 b. 23/7/1980 31/7/1965 4. What does Helen Partridge want to do in the future? a. See all the Harry Potter films. ». Make her own Harry Potter website, . Visit a Harry Potter theme park 5. Which sentence best describes Harry Potter's personality? a. Hes very clever but he doesrit consider himself a good role model. ». You can rely on him but he doesnt change his opinion easly c.HeS got a fot of courage but often he cant support you. This isthe website which / where | found the information about skyciving, Mr Charles who J that lives next door had a car accident yesterday. | want to buy the mobile phone which / whose I showed you last week Dave who / whose mum works at the supermarket is one of my best friends. . The security guards caught the fans which / who were trying to get in the concert without tickets 7. Venezuela where / which Maria was born is a beautiful country, ‘Don't be in a hurry to answer a question Immeciately. Listen carefully til the end and check al the options before your final decision. ‘Try to justify why the answer you have chosen is. correct and the other options incorrect. Lh ypp Lette aw zm 1. Mrs Smith isa dedicated teacher She always prepares fun activites for her students Oo 2. Lary isso ambitious He'ido anything to achieve what he wants Oo 3. Kevin was very courageous. He jumped into the water to save the boy. 4, You need to be responsible if you want people to rely on you. 5. Whenever | have a problem, | go to my friend Jack He's very reliable. 6. Our teacher is very strict. If we are late, she doesn't allow us to enter the classroom, 7. My mother is patient with us, She hardly ever ' yells at us. 18, Sandra is a sociable child who wil tak to anyone. 9. Olivia Is the most unselfish person | know. She never thinks about hersett. O : 10.John fs quite intelligent. Whenever the teacher asks 2 question, he isthe fist to answer. ‘What do the adjectives in bold mean? Match them with the definitions a, 1. able to make good decisions and therefore be trusted 'b. demanding that rules, especially about behaviour, are followed ‘enjoying meeting and talking with other people; outgoing 4. spending time doing something because it is important toyou «. really wanting to become successful f. brave: showing courage 4. able to stay calm for along te h. can be trusted when needed for help or support |. caring more about other people's needs and wishes than your own |. clever; good at thinking and learning ‘Talkin groups. Look atthe pictures. What characteristics do you need to have for these professions? Why? You can use some of the phrases in the boxes and some of the personality adjectives in the vocabulary activity above. perform well under pressure eal with emergencies be passionate work well in 2 team be organised be encouraging have goad communication skills like helping other peopie be hardworking bea role model To become att, People who want to become. In my opinion, you need to be able to. belleve/tnink/suppose you must have the ability to. You definitely need to.. because. disagree, /| don't think so, because * Think of as many ideas. as you can, + Express your opinion and give reasons. Remember, no answer is right or wrong as long as it's justified. Adescription of a person A.Discuss. ‘Think of a person you admire. + What is helshe lke? + Why do you admire hinvher? B.Read the writing task below and underline the key words. Your teacher has asked you to write a description of person you admire, Write why you admire him/her in the writing task? | and how he/she has influenced you. D. What examples an you think of to support the following? 1. My mother Is dedicated to her job. She 2. No teacher is as calm and patient as my English teacher For instance, whenever 3. Susan Is quite sociable. In fac, she E.Writea description of aperson you admire. Write why ‘a. My uncle Is the most courageous person | know. b. Few people are as kind and unsetfish as he is. .. his great sense of humour. The person | admire the most is my uncle Tony. He is a firefighter and he has performed some extremely heroic acts. My uncle is the most courageous person | know. He risks his life every day to save others. He really loves his job and wouldn't change it for anything. Few people are as kind and unselfish as he is. in fact, he always offers to help others even when he isn’t working. Another quality that really stands out is his great sense of humour. Whenever we're together, he makes me laugh a lot. As for myself, my uncle Tony has been a huge influence on me. He's shown me how important it is to help others who are in need. | believe he’s the reason why I've decided to become a doctor. | really like my uncle Tony and so does everyone in the community. Nobody ever has a bad word to say about him. | hope | can gain that kind of respect from people in the future, too, ‘When writing a description of a person you admire, follow the plan below. INTRODUCTION ® Give some general information about the person (e.g. name, relationship to you, job). MAIN PART (2 PARAGRAPHS) 1 Describe the person's personality and give examples to support your opinion. 2 Say what influence the person has had on — you/other people. CONCLUSION © Make a general comment about the person and. say how you feel about him/her. ‘you admire this person and how he/she has influenced you. Before you start: Ideas, + read the writing task carefully and underline the key words. + think about who you are going to write about and try to come up with +s make notes and plan your paragraphs carefully using the plan above Don't forget to: + refer to all the points that you undertined in the writing task. + give examples to support your opinion ‘about the person's personality. 250i a = A.Discuss. + Do you enjoy detective stories? += What do you know about Sherlock Holmes? + Have you ever read 2 book (seen a film with Sherlock Holmes? FB Lookatthe picture. Who a do you think the peopleare and what do you thinkis happening? Read the extract froma Sherlock Holmes story and find out The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone by Artinur Conan Doyle Chapter Teas pleasant for Watson to find himself once tore in the untidy room of the first floor in Baker Street which bad been the starting point of so many remarkable adventures. He looked around him at the scientific charts, the bench of chemicals and the violin-case leaning in the comer. Finally, is eves met the smiling face of Billy, the great detcetive's young servant Hello Billy. [was visiting a friend nearby when T decided to come and see Holmes. Is he in. Billy glanced at the closed door of the bedroom, “T think he’s in bed andl asleep,” he said twas seven in the evening ofa lovely summer's day, bout Watson was sufficiently familiar with the irregularity of his old friend’s hours to feel no surprise atthe idea. ‘That means a ease, I suppose?” 'Yes, sir. He spent the day following someone. Yesterday, he went out dressed aya workman looking for 2 job. Today; he was at old woman, ‘But what is it all about, Billy?” Billy lowered bis voice Watson frowned T don't mind telling you, sir, Dut keep it co yourself. I’ this ease of the Crown diamond *You mean the hundred-housand pound burglary?” “Yes. sin. They must get it back, sir. We had the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary both sitting on sat so Holmes was very nice to them, He soon put then at their ease and promised he would over there, Mr dovall he could” While Billy was talking, Watson urned to look at the win say, Billy, what is chat curtain for across the winds?” ‘Mr Holmes put it up there three days ago. We've ot something fan: bebitel it.” As soon as Billy pulled bck the curtain, Watson sasped in anuvement, Berseen the window and the ‘curtain way a wax figure of Sherlock Holmes sittin 1 chair. ‘The face was turned towards the window and. donnvard, as i reading & book. “We put ic at ifferent angles so dhat it may seem more lifelike,” Billy explained as he was rearranging the head. “T wouldn't dare touch it ifthe blinds were not shut. You see, there are people who watch us from over there. Have a look for yourself" said Billy as he opened the blinds Suddenly, Holmes emerged from his bedroom and That will do, Billy!” he said. “You were in danger of your life, boy. Is good to see you again, Watson, you've come at a critical moment.” So T gather.” said Watson, Pin expecting something this evening,” said Holmes, Expecting what Holmes paused for & moment. * Watson, To be tii he said Seon Read the text again and answer the questions. Choose a, bore. 1. What did the first floor room in Baker Street remind Watson of? a. How untidy Holmes was, b. The many adventures he had been on with Holmes. Some equipment that they had used in a case \What was Watson's reaction to Holmes belng asleep? a. He was surprised because it was early in the evening, bb, He was used to Holmes sleeping at strange times in the doy ¢.He wanted to wake him up and discuss the case What did Holmes promise the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary? ‘a. That he would find a hundred-thousand pounds, ‘That he would not tell anyone about the case ‘That he would find the stolen diamond. ¥y does Billy open the blinds? To allow Watson to see the wax figure better b. To show Watson something «. To let some people see the wax figure of Holmes. What does Holmes believe? ‘a That the blinds should be shut at all times, b. That Billy will be murdered. . That the wax figure will be attacked. Past Simple - Past Progressive + Ale the detective was looking around the room, he noticed 2 footprint on the carpet. +e were driving down Pershing Street when the police stopped us. ® Complete using the Past Simple or the Past Progressive ofthe verbs in brackets. mmer | (0) ‘vend Jennifer. As we (2) 3 (Gee) on the map that we (4) (follow) the map until we (6) __ 7 (buy) some tickets and (8) 8 ______ (be) a fascinating piace with lots of objects from the $k Holmes stories. Then something remarkable (10) _ ” ool) out of the famous fist floor roo onto the street, she (12) 213) ily, the old man (15) 1 as the pickpocket (17)_ (go) on a trip to London with my (walld around, we ~) 2b Baker Street. Today there is a Sherlock Holmes museum there. so we (ey) to pick an old maris pocket. She (14) (notice) the pickpocket at work He (16) (cur) down the street, a policeman (18) _ (Cot be) exactly a Sherlock Holmes case, but a least the criminal (20) D.Lookat the highlighted wordsin the text and try to guess what they mean. Then match them with the meanings I~ below. 1. looking exactly lke a real person or thing 2, serious, very important: 3. kil someone on purpose: —_ 4. incredible, extraordinary: — 5. something investigated by the police: 6. look quickly 7. make a short stop before continuing: 8. take a quick, deep breath, especialy when surprised E.Discuss. + What did you lea about Sherlock Holmes from the extract? + Would you lke to read the rest of the story? + What do you think wll happen? (enter. (happen). While Jennifer (see) someone (star banging on the window (scream) for (cate hie. not get away. 2 Complete the blanks with the words/phrases in the box to form phrasal verbs / expressions with keep. 1. Yesterday we stayed at my grandmother's house and kept ner _ 2. Hey, youl Keep allowed to play football herel 3. Stop walking so fast | cantt keep __the grass! You're not you. 4, Jack, keep shopping, will you? the kids while | go 5. Dont jump around. Keep __ fora minute. | want to take your picture. @ A.Discuss. 6. | think were going to win this game. Keep your 7. Keep Dortt be late that the train leaves at four. 8. Tina said she wouldnt le to me again, but she falled to Ce 9. Please keep this information __ __Itstop secret! 10. you keep __eating tke that, yout gain weight + Do you know any stories of criminals being stopped by everyday people? + Do you think its a good idea for people to try to stop a criminal? Why/Why not? B. Lookat the pictures below. Then listen toa TV news broadcast about a crime and tick what happened. Cie a ae ce ay Ps ee cane ee AAGGUpxcCe Gcac| GHiocclew vane coy Mae yu toad Be vata fre vauyie| pl Eureueloapeicne Listen again and write Tfor True or F for False. 1. Only the robber was hurt during the bank robbery. 2. The TV channel was the first to show the video of the bank robbery. 3. The old lady attacked the robber after he had taken the money, acrime scene investigation 4. The old lady hit the bank robber with a frozen. chicken, 5. The police arrested the bank robber on Tuesday, 6. The police found the money near the robber’s house. ) ROLEPLAY Read the news article below and talk in palrs. P Passengers walting at Leyton Train Station yesterday ‘morning got quite a shock when the 814 train came off the tracks as It was approaching the station. Within unutes, there was a small explosion and the two ‘ont carriages caught fre. Station workers, along sith bystanders, were quick to react and were able 0 get everybody off the train. Fortunately, only a few ‘people were injured in the accident, and none of them seriously Police are looking into what could have ‘caused the accident. Student A: Imagine that you are a reporter. Interview Student B, an eye witness, about the train accident. Use the prompts below. 4 /'be / and f what f you | do? at exactly / happen? vou / think f when / you / first / see / accident? == people / rescue? rE: body / trap? you / do / =23/ you! feel? at: at / you / think / cause / the f accident? Student B: Imagine that you were an eye witness to the traln accident, Student A is a reporter, Answer hisfher questions using the information in the ‘news article, your Imagination and some of the words/phrases in the box. slow down br unbe platform net panic A ee ambulance jency services @ ‘You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1-5, choose the picture which answers the question correctly. Before you start lok atthe three pictures carefully toget a general idea of what you are going to hear. + Listen carefully and focus on the question. All three pictures may be referred to in the dialogue. However, only one of them correctly answers the question 1. Who does the detective think committed the crime? ‘3. What have the people got with thern? 4, Where are the people? ie. Oo -< 3. What happened at the end of the film? 29>» Eee ienriee enenn ett riaag Seeneernerer eee te esi terrorist sachets ition and you hay ‘An international magazine has organised a short stary competition a 11 international magazi .d with the following words to enter The competition rules say that the story must end with the follow 1s They were lucky to be alive. It was cold, dark and quiet, for now. Terry and his brother, Phil, were sitting in the cabin shaking with fear. It had been Ternys idea to spend New Year's in the mountains. However, it was turning out to be a very bad one. Surely it wouldn't be long before the 400-kilo beast would break into the cabin. Terry got up quietly and glanced outside. When he looked at Phil again, he was 20 terrified he could barely speak. He held up two fingers and whispered, ‘There are two of them! There was no hope left. Two polar bears would easily find a way Suddenly, Terry had an idea. He searched through his bag and removed a emall box. Phil immediately understood. Terry had some fireworks which he wanted to set off at midnight, but now was probably a better time. So, he lit one and threw it outside. They held their breath. A moment later, there were loud bangs and flashes of light, which scared the polar bears away. ‘They're gone! cried Phil. The boys were 60 relieved! The Fireworks attracted some locals who took the boys to safety. They were lucky to be alive. Te ae a Ud Pee rg Pee Te Pat ee .Lookat the able below. Then the correct words/phrases, read the story and circle D.Read the writing task below and writea story. | ‘An international magazine has organised a short story | so competition and you have decided to enter. The ‘before: WherL'és 5000 ad While ns. dhvingy aa tet competion rules say thatthe story must begin or end after a while, later, soon, then, at fist. in the beginning, with the following words: finally. by the time, at that moment, since, just as. Susan will never forget what happened that day. UL In the meantime, tiVuntl, immediately RESULT - CONSEQUENCE: that, such. that, $0, therefore, tor this reason, a consequence, as a result CAUSE - REASON: ; yecause, because of + noun, as EMPHASIS: ‘When writing » story, narrate events according to the plan below. > Describe the setting of the story (time, place, ‘weather, etc.) and introduce the main character(s). ® Mention what happened, what the character(s) id, saw, heard, said, ete. and how they felt. Describe what happened in the end and make a short comment. ‘When writing, + always keep the given sentence n mind and! plan your story around it. Do not change the given sentence, n experience she warts + use Past tenses (Past Simple, Past Progressive. Past Pertect) + use linking words/phrases to indicate time and the sequence of events, to express result, consequence, cause, reason and to ive emphasis (see activity }autful colours in the sky and @)as / because of this, + se Dicect Speech, to makes situation seem real laces on her mountain bike ver, last month she hag get. She was riding through the woods (D while / during the sun was going down, She was admiring t + use questions or exclamation marks, to make the story more exciting worst of all her arm was caught between two rocks + use expressions/phrases lke Itwas too good to be true & | couldn't believe my eyes! | was in/out of luck. (Umiluckiy Iwas areal shock Allof a sudden/Sucdenly. The next thing I knew, Tomy surprise Unifortunately. Without thinking, Within minutes. "held my breath There was no hope let sion’ notice the deep hole in the ground and fel! into 2y nere (3) so / such heavy that she couldn't move ™ (4) Asa result / Because ot, she cou iit get ou nole (5) While / So she started calling for help, but nas no answer. (6) tn fact | For this reason, there body around for miles Night came and Joanne ‘errifed, cold and ina lot of pain. She was exhausted decided to get some sleep. But (7) just as / at that ‘moment she was closing her eves, she heard a car nearby 8) Later /Then an idea came to her She reached her veith her other hand, tured on the light and moved it zround. Fortunately, the driver of the car saw the light and see what it was. Joanne was saved! A Chrelethecorrect words. 1. Aloe ‘was anxious / relieved about visting the doctor She hates hospitals 2. Mr Smith made / did a big donation to our school. 12. The shop assistant tried to persuade / influence Tom to buy the most expensive jacket. 4, This bow is made of wood / woods 5, | found two hale /halrs in my food. That's disgusting! 6. Uniortunately, Mark didn’t succeed / manage in winning, the competition 7. Will you keep am eye / amindon cur house while were away? 8, |e approached / searched everynnere for my glasses but | cant find them S Score 18 B.Complete with the correct prepositions. 4. Hurry uo. rm a hurry, 2.You can always rely your parents for good aavice 3.Siow cant keep with you. 4.l love hanging out wth Tina, She's got a great sense humour. 5. You cant use tnat phone it's of order. 6.Try to become more sociable. instance. ring up your friends more often and ask them to hang out, together, 7. Are you familiar the way this machine works? Score: 18 .Complete the blanks with quantifiers. 1. Doyouhave__idea vihere my sunglasses are? 2. Im almost done with my homework. | only have a more activities to do, 3. There are cof wax figures of celebrities at Madame Tussauds, 4.1 cant go snopping because | have very money left. 5. | have reac. ‘of books, but none were as {good as the one Im reading now. 6. Whenever Peters got______ free ume, he plays basketball. 7. Ihave so) chores to do that | dont know where to begin 8. We alant have ime to dscuss the problem, Score: /8 Join the sentences using relative pronouns/adverbs andadding commas where necessary. Make any other necessary changes. ught a new book It was written by J 2. That boy is Jack His father is my teacher. 3. Look at that cid school | used to go there. 4, Ms Robinson lives next door She got four cats 5, These earrings are lovely. My sister bought them for me Score, /10, E. Complete tne sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbsinbrackets. 1. While the passengers (et on the train ate (Greak out) in one of the carriages, 2. The burglar (break inte) the museum and (Gteal) the most expensive painting. {3 As soon as the receptionist (turn) on her computer (arrive). she 4. The cetective investigate) the crime ‘scene when he (notice) some blood on the curtains 5. The police officer (top) me becouse | (tal) on my mobile while | (arve, Score: /11 F. Choose the correct response. There are twoextra responses which you donot need touse. 44. What's wrong with Fay? 22. Wow Look at what Jane did to her hair 3. Mum, can | go to the cinema tonight? 4, Please, keep t to yourset. 5. [nope we manage to raise a lot of money for the homeless, a. Let's keep our promise. b. That's out of the question You've got schoo! tomorron. . Let's keep our fingers crossed, 4. Are you out of your mind? That's dangerous. €e. | guess she’s in a bad mood again ‘i. She really kes to stand out. 9. Don't worry, | wont tell anyone. =< tak about extrome actives use quantiiers D define people, places, things and idoas and gve ‘ditional information about them describe a person narrate past events describe my feetings 0) use inking words/ohrases ® write a story Sa a) /5 50 Il € Buy tu 7 afin EEE ie to shop around before | ies tek ts OL | [1went on a shopping spree last Saturday and be forall my think | need some shopping therapy 9, we can just go window-shopping Can you bring in the shopping from the car? | Online shopping maxes buying things st Teant go int something. think fm a shopaholic TEL is of necessity to link the past with the present hopping ‘and informal a wage A. Discuss. B.Lookat ve pictures of the three items in the advertisements wer te Intern below. What do you think they are? And how would you use them? Then read and check your answers. + How often do you bu + What's your opinion about buying things onli OU hed online |shoppinig ee a La) eee iat eal ee turn on and off). You ight even see the occasional shooting star. With 3 different displays, created from powerfll green laser and er eee cd ee ue ee Features eee pea eee ee) Shoes with builtin spr antigravity effects. Adjustable, ea: shoe size 9, Easy t full instruct C.Read the advertisements again and the statements below. Which advertisomentis)co they refer to? Write Lfor Laser Cosmos, Mifor Moon + When matching questions with short texts, scan each text and look forthe specific information mentioned in each question. + Find the part ofthe text which correctly answers the question. + Be carefull Don't choose a text just because the vocabulary or phrasing inthe texts similar to that ofthe question. Shoescr N for Nappak. 1. You don't have to be a certain age to use this tem, D.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the wordsin 2. You will pay less for this item if you capitals. Allthe missing wordsareiin the text. der over the internet. 1. Polly doesrit want to share a room with her sister so she can have a bit of PRIVATE 3. This Item comes with information about ieieust 2. Before we assemble this table | think we should read the INSTRUCT 4, You can arrange to receive this Item the 3. Do you think this sart is for ajo Jay after you order It interview? suit 44, My sister Ives in aly So | make 5. This item makes you feel like you are somewhere else. visits there, OCCASION 5. ln the wild, this fish can reach a ___ot 6. Ths items for indoor use only. A kilos, WEIGH 6. The pizza boy forgot to bring us our 7. This tem suits different needs | eae beuiver 6; You can oat your money backiyoudart Danie! fell from a great and broke his ke this tem, leg HIGH E.Diseuss. + Which of the iterns would you most ike to buy? Why? you find any of these items useless? may / might / could + Tanya may / might / could stil be at home. Ring and see, + may not /might not come to your sleepover on Sunday, but Il et you kriow tomorrow. must can't + Danny hasrit eaten al day. He must be very hungry. + Helen can't be at voleyball practice. She's got a broken leg. must /have to/ need (to) /ean't + Ifyou wart to assemble those shelves correctly, you must /have to read the instructions fist. + Ineed to borrow your jacket because mine is dirty. + You mustn't / can't touch anything in here. Look atthe sign, + You dant have to /domt need t0 / needn't go to the shopping centre to buy a mobile phone You can order It online. Choosea, bore. 1. We pay anything The concert fs free 5. We buy tickets forthe football match a.mustnt ba didn'tneed_¢. dorit need to a. must b.need have 2. No way! That be Mr Roberts, Hes not old 6A sleep on the floor last time my cousins enough sept over a.musint —bameynot—e. cant B: Next time get @ Nappek 3. What are you doing? Don’t you know that you a.nesdedto b.hadto ——_¢. must wrte on the desks? 7. My parents are thinking of getting me a computer a.donthaveto b.mustrt — c.needrit ‘game for my birthday, but they gettin the 4, Wenay come over tomorrow. Shell call and et end. They tend to change their minds easly. us know. a.might not b.couldnt —_¢, nasa a.needs b. may c.must 35h NX ocabulary Ncw yy 1. Andy/s motorbike wasntt exactly cheap. In fact, he paid _— for it, 2. Iavertt got any fon me. Can | pay by 3. Weneedto_____some euros into dollars. 4, Shella canit to buy a new game console because shes 5. are much lighter than _ therefore they are a more convenient form of money. 6. Here are your shoes and 560 Yours inthe bag, 7. wanted to get some money from the but | didnt have my cash card. 8. Students and people over 65 can enter the museum free of _ B. Complete the sentences with the wordsin the boxes. 1. She sold her car at a really reasonable 2. The total __ of the holiday was €3000. 43, This hotel is lovely and cheap too, so its great____ for money. 44. lentered a competition online and won two hundred euros’ _ _ of computer games. My uncle gets Con flights because he works at the airport 6. A: | bought this jacket for €50. B:What a Al the dresses at The Dressmaker are on ___this week. We should go. 3. Do you like my trainers? | got them in the ex You should get down to Style Store I's got some great special 2 Read the dialogues and find phrases which mean the following: shop assistant: Can |help you? 1. ms veryexpensve irs Waynes No thas. rm ust 2. | haven't got enough money. - —— 3. Imlooking around, _ Brad: Hey, Terry! Check out these 4. tts open all day and night every da ee dias a a ry day, ——— DVDs. Two for the price of 5. Its not worth that much money. see eee one. 6. You buy one and you get one free. aie eee Brandon: Excuse me. How much is this tracksuit? There's no price tag Jennifer: Hello, could you tell me about this daital onit picture frame? Shop assistant: {ts £100. Shop assistant: Well Its 14 Inches and Its the latest technology. Brandon: ‘Thank you ‘And it comes with a year’s quarantee. cindy: That's @ ripoff | hope youre Jennifer: Great. How much is it? rot thinking of getting it tt Shop assistant: 120 euros. costs a fortune! Jennifer: (Oh dear. Im a bit short. Are you open Brandon: {try iton first. Where are the tomorrow? fitting rooms? Shop assistant: Of course. We'te open 24/7, Except on bank Ginay: ‘Over there, near the cash desk. holidays, Grammar would rather + I would rather pay in cash than use my credit card + Id rather not go shopping with you this Saturday if that’s OK? had better + Weld better go now: Were going to be late for the fim. + You had better not spend ail your money on computer games, Your parents will get angry. should- ought to + You should buy / ought to buy this jumper. Its a great bargain and t suits you. + You shouldn't take / ought not to take your sister things without asking. Rewrite the sentences using the words given, You _ You You Monica 1s gout ero ester dung ees shout 2. Yousboutin your dds cre card tout an hoa beter 3. Its a better idea to walk than go by bus. ae i would rather 4. sa goaded oar coo ven yu buysomhing. oushtio 5. Moric doesnt ay arto goto tetreave wouldater ; - - should 6. You ought to check this out! You Listen AA Listen to part of aradio programme. What isthe purpose of the programme? Choose a, bor c. 2. To warn listeners of shops they should avoid ’. To inform Iisteners about good bargains . To ask listeners for their opinions about good places to shop. B Listen again and answer the questions. Choose, orc 1. What can you buy haltprice at Sportstime? a. Sports clothes. b. Footwear. c.Everything 2. When does the sale at Sportstime end? a.at the weekend b.on Friday next week 3. How can you get furniture home from Big Roy's? 2. Big Roy’s delivers It if you pay extra b. You have to take it in your cat . Big Roy’ delivers it free of charge. When answering questions that focus on gist, don't focus on details. Try to understand the general meaning of what is being said 4. What happens if you change your mind about the furniture you buy at Big Roy’? ‘You can get your money back You can exchange It for something else . You cant do anything about It 5. What is true about Eye Style? 1. There's a 50% discount on all sunglasses. b. Last year’s designs are half-price. lf you buy a pair of children’s sunglasses, you get one free a7

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