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Public Health Education is fulfilling a need and finding purpose in teaching the public

about better health choices. Autism has always been an interest in understanding why early

childhood vaccinations and the development of autism produce neurological or other medical

problems. Life has guided me in the direction of helping others to better themselves and to gain

knowledge on how to fill in those missing puzzle pieces.

Growing up there were many questions that concerned me about many different issues.

My grandmother raised me in the Christian faith and would tell me not to be so critical of others

and things were the way they were because that’s simply how things were supposed to be. Never

accepting any answer or situation, I would ask the question why. Why are people the way they

are and why should I simply settle with the okey-doke.

My experience as a special education assistant in the public education sector has

equipped me in finding the connection between my fascination of understanding the why in

autism that is so prevalent, which sparked my interest in research to get a better understanding on

how and why immunization affects so many individuals with ASD. My strength and ability is

continued growth in education.

As a public health professional and leader, the 6 Tenets of Being a Public Health

Ambassador hold significant meaning to me. They include:

 Christian-worldview- This is significant to me because integrating my Christian faith into

my work, I strive to approach public health with compassion, empathy, and a

commitment to serving other people.

 Honesty- By upholding this tenet, I ensure transparency, integrity, and trustworthiness,

essential for effective communication and collaboration in public health initiatives.


 Resiliency is crucial as it turns challenges into growth opportunities, helping me navigate

complexities within public health.

 Integrity is vital as it upholds ethical principles, such as honesty and moral values,

including compassion, guiding accountable and credible decision-making in my actions.

 Guided by a servant-leadership mindset, I am dedicated to serving the needs of

communities and empowering individuals to improve their health and well-being.

 Transformation is crucial to me because it catalyzes positive change in public health

policies for equitable outcomes and sustainable impact.



Nair, L., & Adetayo, O. A. (2019). Cultural competence and ethnic diversity in healthcare.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, 7(5).

United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC). (2022). Diversity and cultural competency in the

workplace | UNSSC | United Nations System Staff College.

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