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01 ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS Meristematic and Permanent Tissues: Select the incorrect statement regarding the secondary meristems {() Develop from permanent tiseues by dedifferentiation {2) Calls possess dense cytoplasm {G) Give birth to primary permanent issues (8) Add growth in width Lateral meristem with two types of cells is involved in increasing the girth of plant by {() Formation of periderm (2) Formation of bark and lenticels (3) Development of virgin cork (4) Formation of secondary phloem and secondary xylem Apical meristem Is responsible for increasing length of stem but in... length is mainly controlled by (0) Equisetum; lateral meristem (2) Grasses; protederm (3) Grasses; intercalary meristem (4) Grasses; procambium Which of the following is not an example of lateral meristem? (1) Fasciular vascular cambium (2) Interfascicular cambium (2) Cork: cambium (4) Periderm Which of the following is an example of primary meristem? (1) Apical meristem (2) Tatercalary meristem (3) Lateral meristem (4) Both (1) and (2) Apical meristem Is present at (() Root and shoot apex (2) Place between mature tissue (3) Vascular cambium (4) cork eambium, Following features belong to {2) Gels are generally isodiametric. They may be spherical, oval, round, polygonal or elongated in shape. {(b) Cells have thin wall and are made up of cellulose (c) Cells may be closely packed or may have intercellular spaces. {@) Tissues perform various kinds of functions ike photosynthesis, storage and secretion (6) Collenchyma (2) Parenchyma (2) xylem (4) Sclerenchyma ‘are spherical, oval, cylindrical, highly thickened dead cell with very narrow cavities, (Sieve tube (2) Companion eel @) Fibres (4) Sclerelds Collenchyma tissue is characterised by {G) Elongated cells with thickness a the corners (2) lsoviametri cells with deposits of cellulose and pectin at the corners. {G) Elongated cells with deposits of cellulose and pectin al over the wall {4} Isodiametric cells with thickness allover the cell wal The chief function of sieve tube ls (2) To translocate the organic materials manufactured in the leaves {2) To conduct minerals {@) To transport water from root to leaves (4) To help the plant in forming wood Fill inthe blanks and select the correct option {a) Growth in. plants Is largely restricted to specialised regions of active cell division called ( {by The meristems which occur at the dps of roots and shoots and produce ____(il)__.. tlssue are called (ii). (0) During formation of leaves and elongation of stem some cells left behind from shoot apical meristem constitute the -- (iv). (d) The meristem which occurs between mature tissues is known as -(v). (1) (= meristems; (Ii) = lateral meristem (2) (ii secondary, (iv) = leaf primordium (3) (ill) - apical meristems; (iv) - axillary bud (4) (iv) - cauline buds; (v) - secondary meristems Which of the following is not an example of lateral meristems? (0) Fasctular vascular cambium (2) Inter-fasccular cambium {3} Cork cambium (4) Root apical meristems Collenchyma consists of cells which are much thickened at the comers due to deposition of {G) Getuiose, hemiceviose and pectin (2) Cellulose, cutin and proteins {3) Cellulose, lignin and caleerol (4) Lignin, pectin and cutin Identify the following diagram and select the incorrect statement with respect to it (1) The cells of this tissue are generally isodiametric (2) Their walls are thick and made up of cellulose (3) They may either be closely packed or have small intercellular spaces (4) It performs various functions like photosynthesis, storage and secretion Identify the wrong statement with respect to xylem parenchyma, (1) They are living and thin walled (2) Cell wails made of cellulose (3) They store food materials in the form of starch or fats. (4) In flowering plants these are the main water transporting elements. Page 1 of 15 Which of the following is possessed by aymnosperms?, (1) Sieve cells (2) Companion cells (3) Xylem vessels (4) Xylem fibres ‘The end walls of sieve tube elements are perforated in a sieve-like manner to form the (1) Metaxylem (2) Protoxylem (3) Companion cells (4) Sieve plates ‘The companion cells help in maintaining the in the sieve tubes. (1) Osmotic potential (2) Pressure gradient (8) Diffusion potential (4) Plasmolysis Which of the following is absent in most of the monocots? (1) Phloem parenchyma (2) xylem parenchyma ) Sieve tubes (4) Companion cells The meristem that occurs in the mature regions of roots and shoots of many plants, particularly those that produce woody axis and appear later than primary meristem, is called (1) intercalary meristem (2) Apical meristem {(3) Secondary or lateral meristem (4) All of these Following features belong to (a) Cells are thick at corner due to deposition of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin {(b) Cells may contain chioroplast and gets assimilated {c) Intercellular spaces are absent. (4) They provide mechanical support to growing parts of the plant such as young stem and petiole of leaf. (1) Collenchyma (2) Parenchyma (3) Xylem (4) Selerenchyma Which simple tissue is characterised by pits? (1) Collenchyma (2) Parenchyma (3) Selerenchyma (4) All of these Which tissue is usually dead and without protoplast? (1) Parenchyma (2) Collenchyma (3) Sclerenchyma (4) All of these Which of the following are simple tissues? (1) Parenchyma, xylem and phioem (2) Parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma 3) Parenchyma, xylem and collenchymas (4) Parenchyma, xylem and sclerenchyma Function of xyiem is to (1) Conduct water trom root to stem and leaves (2) Conduct mineral from root to stem and leaves. {3) Provide mechanical strength to plant. (4) All ofthese. Both vessels and companion cells are absent in (1) Angiosperms (2) Preridophyta (3) Gymnosperms (4) Both (2) and (3) The only plant cells without nuclei among the following are (1) Cambium cells (2) Celis of pericycle ) Xylem parenchyma (4) Sieve tubes Vessels differ from tracheids (1) in being derived from single cell (2) In having vertical rows of cells with cross walls dissolved {3) In being alive (4) In helping in the conduction of water Sieve tubes are better-suited for translocation because they (i) Possess broader lumen and perforated cross walls, (2) Are broader than long (3) Possess bordered pits (4) Possess no end walls The chief function of xylem is not to (1) Translocate the organic materials manufactured in the leaves (2) Conduct minerals, (3) Transport water from root to leaves. (4) Help the plant in forming wood Collenchyma generally occurs (1) in scattered dicot roots (2) In a ring in monocot roots. (3) In patches under epidermis in dicot stem (4) All ofthese. Intercalary meristem is present (1) At root and shoot apex (2) in between mature tissues (3) In vasculer cambium. (4) At the surrounding of the mid-rb of leaves Histogen theory was given by (1) Schimdt (2) Hanstein (3) Haberlandt (4) N. Grew. Newly formed cells from primary and secondary meristem, which becomes structurally and functionally specialised and lose the ability to divide, Eire known as (3) Permanent cells. (2) Mature cells. (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) None of these Which of the following types of parenchyma provides buoyancy to the aquatic plants? (1) Idioblasts| (2) Aerenghyma (@) Prosenchyma (4) Astrosclereids Which tissue is characterised by dead cells? (1) Collenchyma (2) Parenchyma (3) Sclerenchyme (4) Chlorenchyma Sclereids are present in (i) Fruit wallof nuts (2) Seed coat of legumes. (3) Leaves of tea (4) All of these Which of the following is not a modification of parenchyma? (1) Aerenchyma (2) Prosenchyma (G) Collenchyma (4) Chlorenchyma Primary plant body is made up of (1) Metistematic tissues. (2) Simple tissues. (3) Complex tissues. (4) All of these Which of the following is not the component of xylem? (1) Vessels (2) Trachieds (3) Parenchyma (4) Companion cells Gymnosperm lacks in their xylem (1) Tracheids (@) Vessels (3) Xylem fibers (4) xylem parenchyma Match Column - | with Column - I! and select the correct option Columa ‘Column = 1 (1) Tracheids (i) Elongated and tube like cells with thick and lignified wall and tapering ends (2) Vessels (ii) Tube like structure made up of many cells, each cell with lignified wall and large central cavity (3) Xylem fibre (iil) Highly thickened walls and obliterated central lumen. (4) xylem (iv) Living cell with thin cell wall parenchyma made up of cellulose. (1) = G5 (2) = (5 (3) = ids (4) = Gv) (2) (1) = (a); (2) = CB) = (HD; (4) = Go) (3) 2) =; 2) (Ws (3) = GIDE (4) = (9) 4) (1) = GaN; 2) = GB) =; =) Page 2 of 15 Select the incorrect statement from the following (1) Vessel members are interconnected through perforations in their common wall (2) Presence of vessel is a characteristic feature of angiosperms, (3) Radial conduction of water takes place by the ray parenchymatous cells. (4) Tracheids, vessel, xylem sclerenchyma and parenchyma are without protoplast, Exarch condition in xylem is found in (1) Stem (2) Leat (3) Root (4) Allof these Select the incorrect statement from the following. (1) End walls of sieve tube have sieve plates, (2) Sieve tube elements and companion cells are connected by pit field present between their common longitudinal walls, (3) Companion cells are specialised parenchymatous cells having nucleus which control function of sieve tubes. (4) Phloem parenchyma is present in most of monocots. Select the correct statement from the following (1) Companion cells help in maintaining pressure gradients in the sieve tubes. (2) Phloem parenchyma stores food material (3) Bast fibres are generally absent in the primary phloem but are found in secondary phloem. (4) All of these. Amature sieve tube differs from vessel in (1) Being nearly dead (2) Lacking cytoplasm (3) Lacking a functional nucleus (4) Absence of lignified walls Common bottle cork is the product of (1) Xylem (2) Dermatogen (3) Vascular cambium (4) Phetlogen Root cambium is derived from (1) Primaty meristem (2) Secondary meristem (3) Intercalary meristem (4) Apical meristem The sieve tube elements ‘and companion cells are connected by (1) Pit fields (2) Xylem fibres (3) Tyloses (4) Lenticels Presence of xylem vessels Is a characteristic feature of (1) Gymnosperms. (2) Angiosperms (3) Bryophytes. (4) Pteridophytes. Which one is correct about intercalary meristem? (1) It occurs between mature tissues. (2) It occurs in grasses and regenerate parts removed by grazing herbivores. (3) It is a primary meristem, (4) All of these. Apical meristems and intercalary meristem are primary meristem because they (1) Are disintegrated after primary growth of plant (2) Are disintegrated after secondary growth of plant (3) Appear early in life of a plant and contribute to the formation of the primary plant body (4) None of these (a) Forms major component within organs (b) Cell wall - thin, cellulosic (c) Shape of cells - generally Isodiametric (4) Intercellular space - present/ absent (e) Photosynthetic, storage or secretory in function The above characters are attributed to (2) Collenchyma (2) Parenchyma (2) Selerenchyma, (4) Vascular tissue Which of the following statements is incorrect about sclereids (stone cells)? (1) Variously shaped (2) Highly thickened and lignified cell wall and lumen in narrow (3) Commonly found in the fruits, wall of nuts, seed coats of legumes and le (4) Types of parenchyma Tracheids and vessel elements (1) Die before they become functional (2) Are important constituents of all plants. (3) Are found in the secondary plant body. (4) Are without lignified cell wal Tn angiosperm phloem (1) Both the sieve tube elements and companion cells have nuclei (2) Sieve tube elements have nuclei but companion cells do not. (3) The companion cells have nuclei but the sieve tube elements do not (4) Neither the companion cells nor sieve tube elements have nuclei Sleve tube members have sieve plates where they join with other sieve tube members. Which of the following best describes the sieve plates? (1) Sieve plates are necessary to allow conduction between sieve tube cells. (2) Sieve plates allow joining to cytoplasm between adjacent tube cells (3) Sieve plates are the perforated end walls of sieve tubes (4) All of these The living and non-lignified component of vascular bundle are (1) Vessel and tracheids (2) Vessel and phloem. (3) Wood fibre and phloem. (4) Wood parenchyma and sieve tube, (a) Sieve tube or sieve cell Is living but enucleate. (b) Xylem and phloem constitute the vascular bundle, (c) First formed xylem element and phloem element are called meta xylem and meta phloem, respectively. (d) Phloem fibres are generally in primary phloem. (e) Pholem parenchyma is absent in most of the monocots. Which of the above statements is/are wrong? (1) @), (b) and (e) 2 (3) (0) and (e) (4) (0) and (@) Heterogeneous tissues are (1) Vascular and cork cambia (2) Xylem and phioem elements. (3) Dermal layer and ground tissue. (4) Parenchyma and scierenchyma. Page 3 of 15 Albuminous cells of gymnosperms are equivalent to (1) Sieve tubes (2) Sieve cells (3) Companion cells. (4) Cork cambium From evolutionary point of view, tracheids and sieve cells are more primitive than tracheae and sieve tubes respectively. The angiosperms have (1) Tracheids, traceheae and sieve tubes. (2) Tracheae and sieve tubes. (3) Tracheae, sieve cells and sieve tubes. (4) Tracheids, tracheae and sieve cells. Grittiness of fruit in pears is due to (1) Presence of silica, (2) Presence of stone cells / sclereids. (3) Presence of raphides (4) Formation of eystoliths Function of companion cells is to (1) Provide energy to sieve elements for active transport (2) Provide water to phloem, (3) Load sucrose into sieve elements by passive transport, (4) Load transport aucrose into sieve elements by active (a)-. is an example of -___(b)-.. meristem that helps in the formation of woody axis in plants. The option in which alternative completes the given statement is: (1) (@)- Apical meristem; (b) ~ primary (2) (a) - Apical meristeim; (b) ~ secondary (3) (2) - Imterfascicular cambium; (b) ~ primary (4) (a) - Interfascicular cambium; (b) ~ secondary Thickening material present in wall of collenchyma is, (1) Peetin, cellulose and hemicellulose. (2) Lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. (3) Hemiceliulose, suberin and cellulose (4) Suberin, pectin and cellulose. Which of the following cells helps in maintaining the pressure gradient in the sieve tubes? (1) Phloem parenchyma (2) Bast fibre (3) Companion cell (4) Wood fibre Which component is not found in phloem of angiosperms? (1) Aluminous cell (2) Sieve tube (3) Companion cells (4) Bast fibre What is the function of lateral meristem? (1) It gives rise to the lateral branches, (2) It increases girth of the plant axis. (3) It increases girth as well as length of the plant axis, __(4) It increases only length of the plant axis. Which among the following are absent in the collenchyma? (1) Chloroplasts (2) Vacuoles (3) Intercellular spaces (4) Pectin deposition Which of the following statements is correct? (1) Angiosperms lack vessels in their xylem (2) The presence of vessels is a characteristic feature of angiosperms. (3) The cells of the vessels are living (4) Vessel isa long cylindrical tube: like cell made up of many vessel members, Which of the following is true for endarch type of primary xylem? (1) Protoxylem lies towards the periphery of the organ. (2) Metaxylem lies towards the periphery of the organ. (3) Metaxylem lies towards the pith of the organ. (4) Protophloem lies towards the pith of the organ Collenchyma is a type of mechanical tissue but is not ag efficient ae sclerenchyma. However, they have certain advantages like (1) It offers no resistance to the growing organs (2) it has no cellulose in the cell wall (3) Its flexible (4) It has the power of growth Members of Winteraceae, Tetracentracea and Trochodendraceae (1) Do not have tracheids (2) Do not have albuminous cells. (3) Do not have vessels. (4) More than one option is correct In plants, during embryonic condition (1) All ces of the embryo divide (2) Meristematic activity is confined to single apical cell (3) Meristematic activity is not confined (4) Apical and lateral cells only divide Aerenchyma is helpful to plants by (1) Providing buoyancy in hydrophytes. (2) Promoting photosynthesis. (3) Give mechanical strength to plants. (4) Giving flexibiity to plants. Which one of the following is not a plant fibre? (1) Com (2) Flax (3) sik (4) Hemp Which types of thickenings are not found in collenchyma? (1) Angular (2) Lameliate (3) Cellulosic (4) Suberized Endodermis is present below the cortex and (a) Is called starch sheath in dicot stem. (b) Is having casparian thickenings in roots (c) 1s having passage cells also in roots (1) Only (a) is correct (2) (9), (b) and (c) are correct {3} (6) is incorrect (4) (b) and (c) are incorrect Pith, which constitutes the central core of stem, is also called (1) Bast (2) Epiblema (3) Medulla| (4) Ground tissue Which of the following families lacks vessels? (1) Winteraceae (2) Tetracentraceae (3) Trochodendraceae (4) Allof these Which of the following statements is incorrect about companion cell? (1) Itis a specialised parenchymatous cell. (2) Its nucleus controls the function of sieve tube. (3) It helps in maintaining the pressure gradient in sieve tube (4) It is present in all vascular plants having phloem Trichomes are (1) Epdiermal hair of stem (2) Either soft or stif (3) Branched or unbranched (4) Allof these Select the incorrect statement from the following (1) Trichomes help in preventing water loss due to transpiration. (2) Cuticle prevents loss of water. (3) Cuticle is absent in roots. (4) Epidermis is made up of elongated, loosely arranged cell, which forms continuous layer, Page 4 of 15 Ground tissue is made up of (1) Parenchyma (2) Collenchyma (3) Sclerenchma (4) Allof these Which of the following is termed as fundamental tissue system? (1) Epidermal tissue system (2) Conducting tissue system (3) Ground tissue system (4) Vascular tissue system Fill in the blanks and select the correct option. (1) Epidermal cells are Gn with a amount of cytoplasm lining the cell wall anda large (2) The outside of epidermal tiseue is often covered with a waxy thick layer called which prevents loss of (w-.. . This layer is absent in _ w (1) (0) collenchymatous; (i) “large; (iv) = tegme (2) (i) Sclerenchymatous; (ii) - vacuole; (v) = bleeding (3) (i) small (iv) - cuticle; (vi) - roots (4) (i) nucleus; (v) - water; (vi) « stems Give a single term for the following and select the correct option (a) Epidermal hairs on stems, (b) Later formed primary xylem (c) Outermost layer of primary plant body. (4) Ground tissue of leaves which consists of thin walled chloroplast containing cells. (a) (b) () (d) (1) Cuticle Protoxylem Dermatogen Petlole (2) Trichomes Metaxylem Epidermis Mesophyil (3) Stomate Cambium Cuticle Bundles heath (4) Rhizoids Protoxylem Pellcle Lamina Casparian strips are made up of .__.. and found as depositions in the, (1) Cutin; epidermis (2) Lignin; hypodermis (3) Pectin; exodermis (4) Suberin; endodermis Read the following functions carefully (a) Helps in secretion by plants (b) Initiation of lateral roots (c) To store food material as starch (4) Provide mechanical support to organs (e) Initiation of vascular cambium (1) Radial conduction of water Which of the given functions is performed by pericycle? (1) (0) and (e) (2) (b) and (a) (3) (9) and () (4) (2) and (b) All tissues on the inner side of the endodermis such as pericycle, vascular bundles and pith constitute the (1) Central hub (2) Ground tissue (3) Lumen (4) Stele All tissues on the inner side of the endodermis such as pericycle, vascular bundles and pith constitute the (1) Central hub (2) Ground tissue (3) Lumen (4) Stele. Identify the type of vascular bundle shown below. (1) Radial vascular bundle (2) Concentric vascular bundle (3) Conjoint closed vascular bundle (4) Conjoint open vascular bundle Which of the following is true about stomata? (1) Formed by guard cells (2) Regulate process of transpiration and gaseous exchange (3) Mainly present on epidermis of leaves (4) Allof these Which of the following is true about guard cells? (1) Outer wall is thin (2) Inner wall (towards stomatal pore) Is thick {(3) Bean shaped in dicots and dumb- bell shaped in grasses, (4) Allof these Which of the following cells possess chloroplast? (1) Mesophyll cells of leat (2) Guard cells (4) Sometimes in celle of collenheyma (4) Allof these ‘Stomatal apparatus consists of (1) Subsidiary cells (2) Guard cells, (3) Stomatal aperture (4) Allof these Which of the following statements is wrong regarding a trichome? (1) The trichomes in the shoot system are usually multicellular (2) They may be branched or unbranched (3) The trichomes help in preventing water loss due to transpiration (4) On the roots, the epidermal hairs are called trichomes. Ina plant organ covered by periderm, the stomata are absent. Gaseous exchange occurs through the (1) Bast (2) Ground tissue (3) Medulla (4) Epiblema Ground tissue does not contain (1) Cortex and endodermis, (2) Pith and pith rays (3) Pericycle and hypodermis (4) Xylem and phloem Parenchymatous cells are usually present in (1) Cortex and perieycle (2) Pith and medullary rays (3) Primary stem and roots (4) Allof these Arroat hair is formed by (1) Epidermal cell (2) Endodermal cell (3) Cortical cell (4) Perieycte cell Vascular bundles having xylem and phloem lying at the same radius are termed as (1) Concentric (2) Radial (3) Collateral (4) Amphicribral Page S of 15 Root hairs are (1) Acellular (2) Uniceltular (3) Muttcellular (4) Multicellular and unicellular When xylem and phloem are separated by a strip of cambium it is called (1) Collateral and open (2) Collateral and closed (3) Bicollateral and open (4) Concentric and closed Vascular bundle is closed when (1) Cambium is present (2) Cambium is absent (3) Pericycle is absent (4) None of these Lateral roots arise from (1) Pericycie (2) Pith (3) stem (4) Root Which of the following is an epidermal appendage? (1) Trichome (2) Guard cell (3) Sclereid (4) Subsidiary cell State the following statements as T/F (True/ False) and select the correct option. (A) Epidermis is uaually single-layered (8) Epidermal cells are parenchymatous cell with abundant cytoplasm (C) Vessel members of xylem are interconnected through perforation in thei common walle () Sclerenchyma provides mechanical support to organs, () TTT (2) TFT (3) TIT (4) FFT The epidermis is generally covered with a waxy thick layer called the — which prevents the loss of water. (1) Suberin (2) Tunicin (3) Cuticle (4) Chitin Which of the following is true about stomata? (1) All C3 plants have sunken stomata (2) 4-6 guard cells are found surrounding the stomata (3) They are meant for absorbing moisture (4) They contain prominent chloroplasts Which of the following is not a part of epidermal tisaue system? (1) Trichomes (2) Companion cells (3) Root hairs (4) Guard cells Select the incorrect statement from the following with respect to Hinica-Corpus theory (1) The cells of tunica undergo anticiinal divisions (2) Corpus cells undergo pericinal divisions. (3) According to this theory the shoot apicai meristem is surrounded by tunica (4) The tunica gives rise to ground tissues and vascular tissues Conjoint vascular bundle is present in (1) Monocotstem (2) Dicotstem (3) Leat (4) Allof these When xylem and phloem are not separated by a strip of cambium it Is called (1) Collateral and open (2) Collateral and closed {3) Bicoliateral and open (4) Concentric and closed Following features belong to (A) Epidermis may bear trichomes and few stomata (B) Cortex is divided into three sub-zones (©) Hypodermis is made up of collenchymatous starch sheath (0) Peticyele above phloem in form of semilunar patches of sclerenchyma (1) Dicotroot (2) Dicotstem (3) Monocotroot (4) Monocotstem Guard cells differ from epidermal cells in having (1) Specific shape (2) Chloroplast (3) Heterogeneous nature of cell wall (4) All of these Which one is wrong about the guard cell? (1) They are modified ground tissue (2) They are chlorophyllous (3) Its outer wall is thin and inner wall is highly thickened (4) They regulate stomatal movement for transpiration and gaseous exchange Ground tissue includes, (1) Cortex and pericycle (2) pth (3) Medullary ray (4) Allof these Vascular bundle having cambium between the xylem and phloem is called (1) Close vascular bundle (2) Open vascular bundle (3) Conjoint vascular bundle (4) Radial vascular bundle Which one is not the part of stele? (1) Pericycie (2) Pith (3) Vascular bundle (4) Cortex Epidermis is the surface covering of a plant body. Which of the following functions is not performed by the epidermis? (1) Protecting the plant from mechanical injury (2) Protecting the plant from invasion by pathogens (3) Preventing the loss of water from the plant, along with the cuticle (4) Preventing the exchange of gasses between the plant and environment Root hairs are the (1) Multicellular elongations of epidermal cells, (2) Acellular elongations of epidermal cells (3) Unicellular elongations of epidermal cells (4) Multicellular elongations of endodermal cells When a meristermatic tissue intrafascicular cambium is present inside a vascular bundle, the vascular bundle is called (1) Conjoint (2) Open (3) Closed (4) Radial The term Leptome refers to (1) Conducting part of the phicem (2) Non-conducting part of phloem (3) Conducting part of xylem (4) Non-conducting part of xylem ‘A concentric amphivasal vascular bundle is that in which (1) Centrally located xylem is surrounded by phloem (2) Centrally located phloem is surrounded by xylem (3) Phloem is flanked by xylem on interior side only (4) Xylem is flanked by phloem on exterior side only Page 6 of 15 127 Dumb-bell shaped guard cells are found in the stomata of (1) Pulses (2) Gymnosperms (3) Grasses (4) Preridophytes Anatomy of Root: 128 Given diagram is showing transverse section of an old typical dicot root. Choose the correct labels for ay) (1) (1) - Primary phloem; (2) - Vascular cambium; (3) - Secondary phloem; (4) - Primary xylem (2) (1) - Secondary phloem; (2) Vascular cambium; (3) - Primary phloem: (4) - Primary xylem (3) (1) - Primary phloem; (2) - Primary xylem; (3) - Secondary phloem; (4) - Vascular cambium (4) (1) - Secondary phloem; (2) - Primary xylem; (3) - Primary phloem; (4) - Vaseular eambium Pith is developed in (1) Dicot stem and dicot root (2) Dicot root and monocot root (2) Monocet stem and monocot root (4) Dicot stem and monocot root Which is not true for quiescent centre found in root tip of maize? (1) Low mitotic activity (2) High DNA and RNA concentration (3) Cap like or hemispherical region (4) Reservoir of cells In the transverse section of stele of dicot root, the different parts have been indicated by alphabets. Choose the correct combination (1) (a) pericycle; (b) - conjunctive tissue; (c) - metaxylem; (d) protoxylem; (e) - phloem: (9) - pith (2) (a) - endodermis; (b) - conjunctive tissue; (c) - protoxylem; (d) - metaxylem; (e) - phloem; f pith {(3) (a) - endodermis: (b) - conjunctive tissue: (c) - (metaxylem; (d) - protoxylem:; (e) - phloem; (f)- pith (4) (a) ~ endodermis; (b) -pith; (c) - protoxylem; (d) - metaxylem; (e) - phloem; (f) - conjunctive tissue Which is true for quiescent centre found in root tip of wheat? (1) High mitotie activity (2) Low DNA and RNA concentration {3) Cubical or thimble-like region (4) Region with very less cells, Outside to inside the sequence of layer of monocot root is, (1) Endodermis - Epidermis - Cortex - Pith - Vascular bundle - Pericycle (2) Pith - Epidermis - Endodermis - Cortex - Perieycle -Vascular bundle (3) Epidermis - Cortex - Endodermis - Pericycle - Vascular bundle-Pith (4) Pericycle -Vascular bundle - Cortex- Pith - Epidermis - Endodermis In dicot root (1) Vascular bundles are scattered and with cambium (2) Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring and have cambium (3) Xylem and phloem are radially arranged (4) Xylem is always endarch Which of the following is not @ characteristic feature of the anatomy of dicotyledonous root? (1) Rodial vascular bundles (2) Secondary growth (3) Pith litte or absent (4) Vascular bundles In dicot roots, cells of which region showcasparian strips? (1) Cambium (2) Endodermis (3) Pericycle (4) Hypodermis In the stele of dicot root, which of the following structures are not present? (1) Pith (2) Pericycle (3) Xylem and Phioem (4) Cortex In root, (1) Endarch arrangement is present (2) Exarch arrangement is present {3) Protoxylem lies towards the centre (4) Metaxylem lies towards the periphery In which of the following characters, a monocot root differs from a dicot root? (1) Radial vascular bundles (2) Large pith {3) Conjunctive tissue in between xylem and phloem (4) Single layered endodermis Root cap in monocots is formed by (1) Dermatogen (2) Calyptrogens (3) Vascular cambium (4) Wound cambium In a dicot root, the pericycle gives rise to (1) Lateral roots (2) Cork cambium (3) A portion of vascular cambium (4) All of these Page 7 of 15 142 In the transverse section of a dicot root (1) The protoxylem vessels are present towards the centre and metaxylem vessels are present towards the periphery (2) The protoxylem vessels are present towards the periphery and metaxylem vessels are present towards the centre (3) Protoxylem is completely surrounded by the metaxylem vessels (4) Metaxylem is completely surrounded by protoxylem Anatomy of Stem 143, The diagram below shows a longitudinal section through a shoot apex Young leaf Lateral bud ‘ Leaf primordium. Which of the diagram below shows the correct appearance of this shoot apex at the formation of the next leaf primordium? Select the incorrect statement with respect to anatomical feature of monocot stem (1) Ground tissue with concentric arrangement of vascular tissues (2) Absence of medullary rays (3) Phloem parenchyma is absent (4) Metaxylem vessels are fewin number with V-shaped arrangement Observe the given diagram carefully and select the corresponding part whose functions are given below (A) The cells of this layer are rich in starch grains and the layer is also called starch sheath (B) It bears stomata and trichomes (C) Present above the phloem in the form of semi-lunar patches of sclerenchyma (D) Central portion of the stem which is formed by parenchymatons cells with large intercellular spaces, A 8 c D AB c D QQ vt 2 v i vi oxi ii ik viv @ ov ne) Select the incorrect statement among the following (1) Ring arrangement of vascular bundle Is a characteristic of dicot stem (2) Phloem parenchyma is absent in monocot stem (3) Monocots have sclerenchymatous hypodermis (4) In monocots, peripheral vascular bundle, which are generally large and centrally located, are small and water: containing cavities are present with the vascular bundle Endodermis of dicot stem is also called (1) Bundle sheath (2) Starch sheath (3) Mesophyi (4) Pith The vascular bundles in the stem of monocots are typically (1) Collateral (2) Bicollateral (3) Concentric (4) Radial Which of the following is not correct regarding the vascular bundles of dicot stem? (1) Conjoint (2) Open (3) Exarch protoxylem (4) Endarch protoxylem Page 8 of 15 Which one is/are false about monocot stem (1) Vascular bundles ~ scattered, conjoint, close, surrounded by sclerenchymatous bundle sheath and with water cavity (11) Hypodermis is sclerenchymatous (111) Peripheral vascular bundles - smaller than centrally placed ones (IV) Ground tissue is differentiated into cortex, pericycle, pith, ete (¥) Homogeneous parenchymatrous ground tissues () 1, IM andv (2) il and iv @iv ay ‘Stem of barley shows (1) Presence of collenchyma in hypodermis (2) Scattered vascular bundles (3) Presence of parenchymatous perleycle (4) Presence of wedge shaped vascular bundles Match Column | with Column ~ || and select the correct option ‘Columa - 1 it A) Hypodermis in dicot stem 1) Absent 8) Pericycle in dicot stem 11) Parenchymatous ©) Ground tissue in monocot stem 111) Collenchymatous D) Phloem parenchyma in monocot stem IV) Selerenchymatous AB c D a8 c D MQ owt moot 2 1 n veo gm ow ou 1 @ on om ot Iv The vascular bundles in the stems of most of dicots are conjoint, collateral and open. In each of these bundles (1) Xylem and phioem are on the same radius with phloem towards the pith and xylem towards the pericycle without 2 strip of cambium between them (2) Xylem and phloem are on the same radius with xylem situated towards the pith and phloem situated towards the pericycle and a strip of cambium separates the two (3) Xylem completely surrounds the phloem on all sides but the two are separated by the cambium (4) Phloem completely surrounds the xylem and a strip of cambium separates the two Select the incorrect statement regarding the anatomy of a typical monocotyledonous stem (1) Phloem parenchyma is absent (2) Vascular bundles are scattered, conjoint, collateral and closed (3) Each vascular bundle is surrounded by a bundle sheath (4) Ground tissue is differentiated into cortex, endodermis, pericycle and pith Match Column ~| with Columa - I! and select the correct option Columa — | column (1) Leaf is hypostomatic (1) Dicotyledonous/ dorsiventral leat (2) Mesophyil ig differentiated into palisade and (11) Monocotyledonous/ monocot leat spongy parendchyma (3) Leaf is amphistomatic (4) Vasuclar bundies are conjoint and close (5) Mesophyil consists of only spongy parenchyma (6) Epidermis is cuticularised (7) Vascular bundies of different sizes (8) Vascular bundles of similar size 1 i 1 1 ()1.4,5,6.7 2,3, 4,68 (2)1,2,4,6,7 3, 4,5, 6, (3) 3, 4,5, 6,8 1.2, 4.6.8 @ 45.8 23,4 Bulliform or motor cell in’epidermis of some leaves help in (1) Seed dispersal (2) Leaf rolling (3) Transpiration (4) Photosynthesis Sclerenchymatous bundle sheath is a characteristic of (1) Zea (2) Boerhaavia (3) Ipomoea (4) Betula Identify the wrong statement with respect to anatomy of dicotyledonous leaf (1) The abaxial epidermis generally bears more stomata than the adaxial epidermis, (2) The tissue between the upper and the lower epidermis is also called mesophyll (3) Mesophyll which posses chioroplasts and carry out photosynthesis is made up of sclerenchyma (4) The vascular bundles are surrounded by a layer of thick walled bundle sheath cells Identify the correct labelling for parts of the following diagram (1) - (g) and select the cortect option a 8 6, (1) (1) ~ Abaxial epidermis, (3) ~ Palisade mesohyll; (f) - Adaxial epidermis (2) (2) ~ Phloem, (4) = Sub stomatal cavity, (f) - plasmodesmata (3) () ~ Cortex, (e) ~ Adaxial epidermis, (f) - Stoma (4) (1) ~ Adaxial epidermis, (2) ~ Xylem, (g) ~ Phloem In grasses, certain adaxial epidermal cells along the veins modify themselves into large empty. colourless cells called (1) Palisade mesophyll (2) Spongy mesophy!l (3) stoma (4) Buliform cells, Page 9 of 15 Axillary bud is (1) Present in axil of leat (2) Capable of forming mature branch (3) Capable of forming flower (4) Allof these Which of the following is correct about dorsiventral leaf? (1) The veins vary in thickenss in the reticulate venation (2) Palisade parenchyma is abaxially palced (3) Abaxial surface bears no stomata (4) The size of vascular bundles are independent on the size of veins Which of the following is incorrect about isobilateral leat? (1) Stomata is present on both surfaces (2) They have undifferentiated mesophyll (3) Nearly same size vascular bundles are present all over the leaf (4) It is monocot leat In monocot leat (1) Bbullform cells are absent from the epidermis (2) Veins form a network (3) Mesophyll is well-differentiated into three parts (4) Mesophyll is not differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma In a dorsiventral leaf, location of palisade tissue and phloem are respectively known as (1) Abaxial and abaxial (2) Adaxial and abaxial (3) Adaxial and adaxial (4) Abaxial and adaxial In grasses, (1) Certain adaxial epidermal cells along the veins modify themselves into large, empty, colourless cells. These are called buliform cells, (2) When the bulliform celle in the leaves absorb water and the turgid, the leaf surface is exposed (3) When buliform cells are flaccid due to water stress, they make the leaves curl inwards to minimise water loss (4) All of these Which of the following is not correct about spongy parenchyma present in dorsiventral leaf? (1) They are oval or round and loosely arranged (2) They are situated above the palisade cells, (3) They extend to the lower epidermis (4) There are numerous large spaces and air cavities between these cells, Bulliform or motor cells are present in (1) Dicotstem (2) Upper epidermis of dicot leaves (3) Lower epidermis of monocot leaves (4) Upper epidermis of monocot leaves Which of the following is not the characteristic feature of a dicot leat? (1) Bullform cells are present in the epidermis (2) Veins form a network (3) Vascular bundles are surrounded by a layer of thick walled bundle sheath cells (4) Mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma cell In leaves, the size of the vascular bundies are dependent on the (1) Thickness of the cortex (2) Types of secondary metabolites present (3) Thickness of the endodermis (4) size of veins, In leaves, protoxylem elements (1) Face towards adaxial side (2) Face towards abaxial surface (3) Are surrounded by metaxylem (4) Are scattered in the middle Which one of the following statement is correct? (1) In dorsiventral leaf, stomata are on lower (abaxial) surface (2) Protoxylem disintegrates to produce lacula (Iysigenous) in monocot stem (3) Reticulate venation in dicot leaf, parallel ventation (4) All of these Multilayered epidermis is found in the leaves of (1) Nerium and picus (2) Ficus and vanda (3) Equisetum and Grasses (4) Vanda and Nerium The epidermis in a dorsiventral leaf (1) Covers both adaxial and abaxial surface (11) 1s not covered by cuticle (111) Bears more stomata on the upper side (IV) May even lack stomata on the upper side Which of the above statements are correct? (1) (0) and (111) (2) (i!) and (1v) (3) (1) and (iy) (4) (4 ana (uit) Choose correct option with respect to spongy mesophyll in dicot leat (1) Numeorous large space and air cavities between its cells (2) Alarge number of chloroplasts (3) Present on the adaxial surface (4) Vertieal and parallel arrangement of cells. During water stress, the bulliform cells (1) Become turgid (11) Become flaccid (111) Make the leaves curl inwards (1V) Make the leaf surface exposed (@) Land 1 (2) tN and iv (3) | anaiv (4) 11 and ttt Plastochron is (1) Period between initiation of two successive leaf primordial (2) Distance between two successive leaf primordial (3) Region of origin of root branch (4) Region of origin of stem branch Secondary Growth and Types of Wood 178. Softwood is (1) Non: porous and heteroxylous wood (2) Porous and homoxylous wood (3) Non-porous and homoxylous wood (4) Prous and heteroxylous wood Page 10 of 15

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