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BUS 6140: Capstone - Entrepreneurial Focus

Module 1: Startup Questions Worksheet

Startup Questions Worksheet

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20 Questions Your Answer What Research is Needed for Me to
Use complete sentences. Answer the Question?
List sources that can help you develop an

1. What Kind Of Business Should I Start? I am interested in the distribution of medical

equipment business.

2. Can I Operate My Business From Home? YES! I can operate my business from home

3. How Much Money Do I Need? I will need NGN50 million

4. How Do I Pick A Location? I will consider the following in chosen a

location for my business:
 Proximity to ports for importation and
 Accessibility to healthcare facilities
 Infrastructure availability and quality
 Level of competition and
 Potential for business expansion in the
chosen location

5. Who Will My Customer Base Be? My customer base will primarily include:
 Hospitals (public/Private)
 Clinics
 Medical laboratories
 Other healthcare providers
 Diagnostic centers
BUS 6140: Capstone - Entrepreneurial Focus
Module 1: Startup Questions Worksheet

 Faith based health facilities and

 Specialized healthcare institutions

6. Should I Write My Own Business Plan? Yes, I should write my own business plan
 It provides a comprehensive
understanding of my business concept
and market dynamics.
 It allows me to outline my goals,
strategies, and operational details.
 It serves as a roadmap for my business's
 It communicates my vision and
objectives effectively to potential
investors and stakeholders.
 It encourages strategic thinking and
helps me anticipate challenges and
opportunities in advance.

7. Am I Better Off Buying A Franchise Or I am starting a new company

Starting A New Company?

8. Should I Start One Company Or Several? I am starting with one company

9. When Can I Expect To Be Profitable? I can expect to be profitable within 3 years of

starting the business

10. Where Can I Obtain Financing? I can obtain financing from various sources,
 Banks and financial institutions
 Angel investors
 Personal savings or family and friends
BUS 6140: Capstone - Entrepreneurial Focus
Module 1: Startup Questions Worksheet

11. Am I Required To Have A License To Start NO license is required to start the business.
My Business?

12. What Setbacks Should I Anticipate? I should anticipate the following setbacks:
 Regulatory hurdles and compliance
 Supply chain disruptions or delays.
 Intense competition in the market
 Fluctuations in currency exchange rates.
 Technological issues or equipment
 Difficulty in accessing financing or
investment opportunities

13. What Kind Of Competition Will I Face? I will likely face competition from various
sources, including:

 Established medical equipment

 Other distributors or channel Partners in
the healthcare industry
 Online marketplaces selling medical
 Local manufacturers offering
competitive products.
 International companies with a presence
in the market

14. Is My Product Or Service Valuable? Yes, my product as well as service is valuable,

particularly in the healthcare industry where
medical equipment plays a critical role in
patient care and treatment.

15. Who Will Help Me? All I need is financial assistance.

BUS 6140: Capstone - Entrepreneurial Focus
Module 1: Startup Questions Worksheet

16. How Soon Is Too Soon To Make Radical 8 – 12 months is too soon to make radical
Changes If I Struggle At First? changes.

17. Is It A Good Idea To Finance Out Of Pocket? Yes, financing out of pocket can be a viable
option, especially if I have sufficient personal
funds available.

18. How Should I Pay Myself? Consulting with a financial advisor or

accountant can help me determine the most
suitable payment method based on my

19. How Will I Attract Talent? By capitalizing on my experience and industry

knowledge, I can effectively position my
business as an attractive destination for top
talent in the field.

20. What If I Fail? I will start all over.

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