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It takes a village to raise a child, but what does it take for the village to keep going?

Trust. Support. Camaraderie.

That’s what we believe is the key to moving forward and being your best self, at Allen Career Institute Pvt. Ltd. We
enable each other’s strengths and extend support in times of weakness. That’s how our leave policy is shaped, too.

To help you manage your professional and personal life, you have access to leaves that can be availed from time to

What Do We Aim to Achieve?

Our leave policy is setup to help you achieve work-life satisfaction (because work-life balance is an old concept) and
for that, we have detailed several leaves you can avail.

Does This Concern You?

Yes, and no. Yes, this document is for you if you are an ALLEN employee. But no, it’s not a ‘concern’.

Your Leaves At A Glance (Effective from 01st April 2024)

All employees are entitled to the leaves mentioned below.

No. Type of Leave Duration Leaves for the times when

1 Privilege Leave 24 Days You’ve worked hard, and you deserve rest.

2 Management Leave 6 Days You get additional leaves!

3 Special Medical Leave On Management’s You need time to recover from a critical illness.

4 Marriage Leave 6 Days The wedding bells are ringing for you.

5 Maternity Leave 182 Days You’re nurturing a new life.

6 Paternity Leave 6 Days You’re welcoming a new life.

7 Bereavement Leave 6 Days You must grieve the loss of your family.

8 Compensatory Leave No Credit You have worked on weekends or public holidays.

9 Transfer Leave 3 Days You move from one city to another.

10 Leave Without Pay No Credit You have exhausted all other leaves.

11 Festival Holidays 12 You celebrate festivals with joy & fervour!

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Type Of Leaves

Privilege Leaves

You’ve worked hard, and you deserve rest! Use your earned leaves throughout the financial year.


● Confirmed employees of ACIPL have 24 earned leaves in a financial year.

● Employees on probation will earn one leave at the beginning of each month.
● When the probationary period is over, you earn 18 leaves if your date of joining is April 1st.
● If you join later than April 1st, your leaves will be prorated.
● Any unused leaves from your probationary period will be carried forward upon confirmation of

Key Features:

● All leaves, calculated pro-rata, will be credited to you on April 1st (if you are an existing employee), or upon
Probation confirmation (if you are a new joiner).
● Out of all the unused Privilege leaves, you can carry forward a maximum of 15 leaves to the following year.
● However, you can only accrue up to 60 Privilege leaves.
● You can take earned leave for at least half a day.

PS: All your leave (Except Bereavement leave) must be approved before you go on leave.

Management Leaves

In addition to your Privilege leave, here are another 6 days when you need to take time off from work.


● Management Leave can be availed up to 6 days (Maximum) in a year.

● After the completion of your probation period, management leaves will be credited to you on a pro-rata
● If your months worked for the year is 12 months, you earn 6 management leaves.
● If your months worked for the year is 6 months, you earn 3 management leaves.
● If your months worked for the year is less than 6 months, you do not earn any management leaves.

Key Features:

● Management leaves will be credited to you on April 1st (if you are an existing employee) or upon probation
confirmation as applicable on a pro-rata basis.
● Management leaves cannot be carried forward.
● Management leaves shall be released at the manager/function head’s discretion only.

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Special Medical Leave

Need time to heal from critical illnesses? Take a step back and claim your sick leave to rest and recover.


● You may apply for special medical leaves when a prolonged leave is required to recover from illnesses.
● In cases of minor health issues, you must use your privilege leaves.
● When applying for Special Medical Leave it is mandatory to have an attachment of a doctor’s certificate or
consultation copy.
● Special Medical Leave can be availed only when you have exhausted all your other leaves.

Key Features:

● At ACIPL, your special medical leaves are not numbered because we trust you when you ask for time to
● Sickness may not announce its entry. However, we request that you let your team know as soon as possible.
● Whenever applying, it is required to avail a minimum of 6 days of special medical leave.
● The first 30 days of your special medical leave will be paid for fully.
● For leaves ranging between 31 and 90 days, your special medical leave will be paid for half the day.
● When you are required to take special medical leave for more than 90 days (cumulative in the same leave
calendar), it will be considered leave without pay.

PS: Special Medical Leaves are only for times when you suffer from a critical illness. To take care of others close to
you, please avail your Earned Leaves.

Marriage Leave

Are the wedding bells ringing for you? Be in the moment and make the most of your milestone!


● A scanned copy of the wedding invitation must be uploaded to the system to apply for marriage leave.
● Please ensure your date of wedding is included in the period of your marriage leave application.

Key Features:

● You can take 6 days of leave when you get married.

● Ensure your manager approves your leave before the date of leave.
● You can also club this with other leaves to extend the period of your leave.

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Maternity Leave

You are embracing motherhood and we’re elated for you. We’re here to support you in every way we can. This leave
is designed to support you per the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (amended 2017).


● All married women can take this leave.

● Women employees who do not fall under the ESIC bracket are eligible for this leave.
● To avail of maternity leave, you must upload the ultrasound sonography report as proof.

Key Features:

● Under this act, you are entitled to 26 weeks (182 days) of paid leave up to 2 Kids.
● From 3rd pregnancy onwards, you are entitled to 84 days (12 weeks)
● You can choose to avail of these leaves at most 8 weeks (56 days) before your expected date of delivery.

Child Adoption Leave

Bringing home a new member should be no less than a celebration! Take the time you need to help your child
acclimatise to the new environment.


● You can apply for this leave only if the child you are adopting is under the age of 12.
● Proof of adoption must be submitted with your application.
● single parents (male or female) or married couples choosing to adopt a child are eligible for this leave type.

Key Features:

● You get 84 days of paid leave to help settle in with the new member of your family.
● During your tenure, you can avail of child adoption leave every time you choose to adopt a child.

PS: If you and your spouse are employees of ACIPL, you can both avail this leave separately.

Miscarriage Leave

Certain losses cannot be expressed or measured. If you’ve had a miscarriage, we extend our deepest condolences
to you at this unfortunate time.


● To apply for miscarriage leave, attach a copy of your medical termination of pregnancy when submitting
your application.
● All women employees who are not covered under ESIC are eligible for this leave.

Key Features:

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● You can choose to take up to 45 days to heal and return to conquer work.
● If you were on maternity leave, you would need to close it and apply for miscarriage leave.

Paternity Leave

Parenthood isn’t an experience worth missing! We want you to be present for your child and assist your partner in
this journey.


● Married men with up to 2 kids

● To avail of paternity leave, a discharge certificate or letter from the hospital must be submitted as proof.

Key Features:

● You can avail 6 days of paternity leave within 180 days (6 months) after childbirth.
● You must take these leaves together in a single instance.

Bereavement Leave

The loss of a loved one is inevitable yet extremely sorrowful. It’s better to grieve when it happens than to bottle up
your emotions.


● This is applicable in the event of the demise of your parent (s), parent-in-law (s), sibling(s), spouse, or

Key Features:

● You can avail 6 days of bereavement leave at once.

Compensatory Leave

Sometimes, work extends beyond working hours. And for that, you deserve time off. Simple as that.


● You can avail a maximum of one day with each application.

● If you work for 4 hours on your week off or a holiday, you are eligible for half a day of compensatory leave.
● If you work for 6 hours on such a day, you are entitled to take a day off.

Key Features:

● This leave must be taken within 60 days of the day when additional work was done.
● Discuss and inform your manager when you choose to avail of compensatory leave. (They might even give
you a long weekend!)

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Transfer Leave

If you are being transferred from one city to another, you can transition with ease by using your transfer leaves. Use
the 3 days to move, settle, and reset.

Leave Without Pay

When an emergency strikes and you have exhausted all your leaves, you can choose to take a leave without pay.


● You can apply for ‘Leave Without Pay’ only if you have exhausted all other leaves.
● This also applies to half-day leaves.

Key Features:

● Your LWP will be valid only upon approval from the Head HR Operations subject to prior recommendation from
the reporting manager and HRBP
● Any holidays and weekly off during your LWP will be unpaid.

PS: If you miss marking your attendance, it will be counted as Loss of pay.
Leave Application Process

We’ll keep it simple.

● We have a portal for leave applications. It’s called the HfactoR portal.
● You apply for your leave through the HfactoR portal. Your manager gets a notification. They approve the leave.
Quite easily done.
● A heavy workload may mean that sometimes your manager may miss out on a notification. Please reach out to
them after you apply for your leave, because if the leave is unapproved, it will be considered ‘Leave Without
● Plan ahead and ensure your teams are made aware of your leaves well in advance to align work priorities &
● While you are entitled to various leaves, the approvals will be contingent on your manager’s discretion.
● All leaves (except Bereavement leaves) must be taken only after receiving the manager’s approval.
● Whenever required, speak to your manager to discuss your leave application.

Did you forget to make use of your leaves? This is for you!

The leaves are meant to help you strike the right work-life balance. We hope you make use of them. In the unlikely
event that you end up accumulating leaves, here’s what you can do!

● Use your leaves!

● At the end of each financial year, you can carry forward a maximum of 15 days of privilege leave.
● If you have accrued more than 60 days of privilege leaves, they will lapse. For staff this limit is 90 days
● If we part ways or you retire, you can encash your leaves.
● Leave encashment will be calculated only on the last drawn basic pay.

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Still have questions?

Q. In case of queries about leaves, who do I contact?

The HRBP/Centre HR should be contacted for any leave-related queries. They’ll extend all the support you need.

Q. How can I access the Hfactor portal?

Please follow the link:

Q. Are verbal, textual, or email approvals on leaves by the reporting manager sufficient?
The process for applying on the HfactoR portal is fairly easy and ensures that there are no hassles for you to avail
your leave or for the team to align their work. Hence, all leaves can only be sanctioned through the portal.
Exceptions, if any, are mentioned in the policy above.

Q. I don’t need a day off. Can I apply only for a half day?
For some types of leave, you can apply for a half-day leave. Please read the category to understand if you can avail
half-day leave.

Q. If I have queries related to the HfactoR portal, who should I reach out to?
The portal is designed to make the process simple for you. However, should a doubt arise, reach out to

Q. Can I avail of maternity or paternity leave in tranches?

Sorry, that’s not possible. Make the most of your parenthood by spending time with the new member of your family
at a stretch.

Q. Can I avail of Bereavement leave in tranches?

Sorry, that’s not possible.

Q. How will my leaves be credited during and after the probationary period?
During your probationary period, 1 leave will be credited to you at the beginning of each month. After the completion
of your probationary period, the remaining number of earned leaves you are eligible for will be calculated on a pro-
rata basis. Unused leaves from the probationary period are also carried forward. Additionally, upon confirmation of
employment, you are eligible for 6 days of management leave. These will be credited to you on a pro-rata basis from
your date of joining.

Q. Will I get privilege leave if I join during the last week of the month?
One full day of Privilege leave will be credited if you have joined on or before the 15 th of a month. Else, it is not

Q. How are management leaves credited and availed?

At Allen, all employees are eligible for an additional 6 days of management leave in a financial year. These leaves are
credited to the employee after their probationary period is completed, calculated on a pro-rata basis from their date
of joining. Here’s an example to simplify the calculation. According to the pro-rata calculation, if you join on April
1st, you will receive 6 days of management leave. If you will be working for 6 months in the financial year, you will
receive 3 days of management leave. If it is less than 6 months, you will not be eligible for any management leave.

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To avail of your management leaves, discuss them with your manager as only they can release your management

Q. Can management leaves be taken in tranches?

Yes, but the maximum number of management leaves in a year cannot exceed 6 in total

Q. Can management leaves be encashed?

No management leaves can not be encashed.

Q. I lost members of my family in a short period. Can I avail of bereavement leave again?
Dealing with the loss of a family member never gets easy. At Allen, we empathise with you and encourage you to
avail bereavement leave each time you grieve the loss of a family member, including parent(s), parent-in-law (s),
sibling(s), spouse, and children.

Q. I have discussed my leaves and have applied for them as well. However, I have not received a confirmation yet.
Can I still go ahead and take the leave?
If you have applied for leave, please ensure your manager approves your leave before you go for the leave. If your
leave remains unapproved on the system, it will be considered leave without pay.

Q. When exactly can I take ‘Leave Without Pay’?

We sincerely hope that you do not have to take leave without pay. To facilitate this, there are several leave categories
made available to you. However, in a financial year, if you end up exhausting all the leaves credited to you, you will
be required to take leave without pay if necessary.

Q. When “Loss of Pay” is applied?

Failing to mark your presence on a workday and if it is not applied for regularisation on before 24 th of any month,
will result in loss of pay.

Q. Is it mandatory to take maternity leave 8 weeks before the date of delivery?

While this is advised, it is not mandatory. You can choose to take your maternity leave anytime before the date of
delivery. As per the Maternity Act, you can avail of your maternity leave a maximum 8 weeks before your date of
delivery. However, depending on your choice you may start the maternity leave anytime between 8 weeks before
the delivery date or later.

Q. Now that we are moving from the Calendar year to the financial year to credit leaves, What would happen to
my annual leaves/session end leaves eligible from January to March of 2024?

For Non-Academic groups of employees and Staff:

. Annual Leave (AL) pro-rated till March end (6) will be added to the new leave balance from 1 st April, if not
consumed already.
. If more than 6 ALs have been consumed by March end, the excess ALs beyond 6 days will be deducted from
the Privilege Leaves opening leave balance from 1st April.
For Academic group of employees:
. Annual Leave (AL) pro-rated till March end (3) will be added to the new leave balance from 1 st April, if not
consumed already.

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. If more than 3 ALs have been consumed by March end, the excess ALs beyond 3 will be deducted from the
Privilege Leaves opening leave balance from 1st April.
. No deduction of consumed SELs till March end, from the 1 st April opening leave balance.
. Session End Leave (SEL) pro-rated till March end (3) will be added to the new leave balance from 1st April if
there is 0 consumption.
. All outstanding SELs (post consumption till March end) will lapse from 1 st April as new leaves shall be

Q. How can I apply for special medical leave?

You can apply for special medical leave when it is really necessary to support you during prolonged illness. That too,
when you have exhausted all your leave balances. This leave type must be approved by your manager and Corporate
HR once applied.
Note that, Special Medical leave taken for more than 90 days will be considered as Leave Without Pay

Q. Is special medical leave considered for the performance appraisal period?

No, performance will be evaluated and rated only for the period during which you have actively contributed to the

Q. When can I encash my leave?

Privilege leaves accumulated up to 60 days can be encashed at the time of retirement or separation. The encashment
will happen at the rate of the last drawn basic pay.


Year after year, we will revisit this policy to modify, amend, or alter clauses and ensure that the necessary time off
is allotted to you and business requirements are met at the same time. In case of any doubt about understanding
the terms of this policy, reach out to the HR Operations Head.

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