Aptitude Practice

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DIRECTION: Choose the one that most nearly has the same meaning as the underlined
phrase or word.
1. Hawwi remained as cool as a cucumber even when she was in the pressure of the
competition against her opponent.
A) strong B) ruffle C) calm D) agitate
2. If you can’t make it to my graduation party, it’s not a big deal.
A) not tolerable C) surprising
B) not need to worry D) something I dislike
3. Taciturn by nature, Oftaha speaks very little even to his own family members.
A) quiet B) talkative C) warm D) obtrusive
4. No being aware of the legal implications of his action, an arrest was made by the police officer.
A) The police officer violated the law.
B) The arrested person was not an offended intentionally.
C) The police officer called the lawyer to arrest the offender.
D) The police officer made an arrest with no clear understanding of the consequence.
5. Being an Ethiopian, I felt like a fish out of water in the ground of Russians.
A) misplaced B) uncomfortable C) annoyed D) abandoned
6. Knowledge of another language fosters greater awareness of cultural diversity among the
people of the world.
Individuals who have foreign language skills can appreciate more readily other people’s
values and ways of life.
How are the two sentences related?
A) They establish a contrast. C) They contradict each other.
B) They repeat the same idea. D) They present problems and solutions.
DIRECTION: Each sentence below has one or two blanks. Choose the word or set of words
for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence.
7. As Mohammed and Abdi have planned to join University in the coming year by sponsoring
themselves, they are __________ and __________ a lot.
A) reading….saving C) teaching….. learning
B) applying….paying D) working….., entertaining
8. Even after long years of extensive investigation, scientists could not discover the treatment
for cancer. The treatment still remains ___________.
A) clear B) cursory C) apparent D) mysterious
9. Ifniyom was known for her ______________ personality, but when she met someone being
terrorized, she had a very _____________ reaction.
A) irritable …. friendly C) still…… calm
B) genial …….annoyed D) cheerful… angry
10. Hoping to _____________ the dispute, negotiators proposed a compromise that they felt
would be ____________ to both labor and management.
A) end…… divisive C) extend…….. satisfactory
B) overcome….unattractive D) resolve….. acceptable
DIRECTION: Read the given set of conditions and assumptions for each question. Choose
the answer that you think is most appropriate among the given alternatives.

11. If you present a yellow pass, then you must enter the compound.
If the statement above is true, which of the following must also be true?
I. If you do not present a yellow pass, then you may not enter the compound.
II. If you enter the compound, then you must present a yellow pass.
III. If you don’t enter the compound, you mustn’t present a yellow pass.
A) III only C) I only
B) II only D) I and II only
12. Given the following two premises, which one of the following conclusions can follow?
Premise I: All hasty generations are erroneous.
Premise II: No erroneous generation is acceptable.
A) No hasty generation is acceptable.
B) All hasty generations are acceptable.
C) All erroneous generations are hastily made.
D) No hastily made generation is unacceptable.

In order to conduct the work of a mail order concern it is necessary to have a minimum of three
workers each day. The staff consists of five persons who work on part-time basis. Mohammed
can work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Meaza cannot report for work on Wednesdays.
Nati can report for work on Tuesday and Wednesday only. Alemayehu cannot work on
Wednesday and Fridays. Yeshi is available any time except on Monday.

13. During which day of the week might it be possible to obtain more than minimum number of
workers needed each day?
A) Monday B) Tuesday C) Thursday D) Wednesday
14. Which three are available on any Monday?
A) Meaza, Nati, Yeshi C) Nati, Meaza, and Mohammed
B) Mohammed, Yeshi, Nati D) Mohammed, Meaza &Alemayehu,
15. Which three could you count on to report for work on Friday?
A) Meaza, Nati, Yeshi C) Mohammed, Meaza, & Alemayehu
B) Nati, Meaza, and Mohammed D) Mohammed, Meaza, and Yeshi

Group Members Name

1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
5. _______________________________
6. _______________________________

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