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Example #1:

Determine the magnitude of the Vector

A=6i - 9j + 4k
Ans: 11.53 units

Example #2:

Determine a vector whose coordinate of

head is (3, 9, -1) and tail of (-3, 8, 9)

V= <6 1 -10>

Example #3:

Given the following Vectors

A= < 1 1 -8 >
B= < 2 9 -5 >
C= < 3 -4 1 >
a.) What is the Resultant of the Vectors? Ans: R= <6 6 -12 >

b.) Determine the magnitude of the resultant Ans: 14.697 units

Example #4:

Given the two Vectors A and B

A= < 1 -1 1 >
B= < 1 -8 1 >
Determine the following:

a.) A B Ans: 10

b.) B A Ans: 10
c.) A2 Ans: 3
d.) Determine the angle 𝜃 between Vectors A and B Ans: 𝜽 =44.71°

Example #4:

Given the two Vectors A and B

A= < 3 5 -9 >
B= < 2 3 1>
Determine the following:
a.) A X B < 32 -21 -1 >
a.) B X A < -32 21 1 >

Example #1:

An L-shaped reinforced concrete slab 12 ft x

12 ft (but with a 6ft x 6 ft cutout) and
thikcness t=9.0 in. is lifted by three cables
attached at O, B and D, as shown in the figure.
The cables are combined at point Q, which is
7.0 ft above the top of the slab and directly
above the center of mass at C. Each cable has
an effective cross-sectional area of A=0.012

1.Find the stress on Cable

a.) OQ
b.) BQ
c.) DQ

Example #2:

A hot air balloon is supported by three ropes

AB, AC, and AD as shown in the figure. If
each one of the ropes will break when it is
subjected to a tensile force of 450 N,

a.) Which one of the three ropes will break

b.) Determine the maximum uplift force F (in
N) the balloon can have before one of the
ropes breaks.

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